Royal Rumble Becomes A Bloodbath.

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The next morning, I woke up to Sasha and Becky's smiling faces. "Morning, ladies."
"Morning baby." Sasha kissed me.
"Morning, Daniel." Becky grinned as she kissed my cheek.
"Becky, we know you said no to moving in with us. But we really would like for you to move in with us. We know that you can take care of yourself. That's not up for debate." Sasha grinned
"Yeah, we just want you to have some sort of backup. Cause you and I both know Becks, that Rollins' huge ass ego can't accept a breakup from the Raw Women's Champion." Becky chuckled at my statement.
"Okay, okay guys. I'll consider moving in with you two." She grinned.
"That's all we ask." Sasha smiled. I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for the day.

While I was in the shower, Sasha leaned over to Becky and said, "And another reason is I would like you to move in, is if our night with Daniel. Has the results we expect it to. We'll have each other for support. Besides, don't you think that Daniel would like to have us living together instead of being in different states. " Sasha said.
"Your right Mercedes. And I'm sure that if what you, me and Daniel did last night has the expected results. He would like us to be living together and not in different states." Becky agreed. She then smiled as she said, "Do you think we could convince my mom to stay if we do become pregnant? I just don't want Daniel to be extremely exhausted because we ran him ragged."
"Hmm, I think we could. But what would she do until then?" Sasha said.
"Hmm see your point." Becky agreed. "But I'm sure mom would stay with us if we did get pregnant."
"Well, okay, if your sure." Sasha smiled.
The girls went put on some clothes and headed downstairs only to find Mary cooking up a storm. Becky and Sasha explained their plan to her and how they hoped that she would come back to the States if their little plan worked. Mary smiled and said she would. Making the girls smile.

Over the next few days, Erick and Isabella went headed back to their home along with Calvin. But Ashley, Andrade and Mary spent the rest of the Christmas/New Years break at me and Mercedes' home.
A few days before New Year's, I was in the study and Mercedes came up and hugged me from behind and I turned in her arms and kissed her. She grinned as she looked into my eyes, "I have some good news baby."
"And what might that be?" I asked.
"Well, I convinced Becky to move in with us." She giggled as I had a shocked expression on my face.
"How did you accomplish that?" I asked.
"I just told her that we wanted her to be safe and that you wanted to make sure she would be safe from Rollins, in case he wanted to retaliate for what happened at TLC."
I looked at her, with a questioning glare, "I don't think that's the whole story but I'll accept it." I grinned as I kissed her.

After a moment or two, Becky came into the study and up to us with her phone out. And I noticed that the screen had the caller ID and Hunter was calling. "What does he want?" I asked making Becky and Sasha laugh.
"Should I answer?" Becky asked. Sasha and I nodded.
"If you don't then he'll call us." Sasha said.
"Okay." Becky grinned. She answered the call. "Hey, Hunter."
'Hey. Are Daniel and Sasha with you?' He asked.
"Yes they are." Becky answered.
'Okay. I decided to have Daniel will be an interbrand superstar for Smackdown and Raw.' He told us. Sasha and I could hardly believe our ears.
"Say that again?" I asked making Sasha and Becky giggle.
'You, Daniel will be an interbrand superstar. So you'llbewith Becky and Sasha.' He repeated.
"Why the change of heart. Weren't you chewing Sasha and I out for ruining your Power Couple or 'It' Couple of Raw." I reminded him.
'I thought I'd give, you, a chance to be with Sasha and Becky. As it seemed at the end of TLC that you and Becky had mended fences.'
"We have." Becky grinned.
"She's got us there." I said as Sasha kissed my cheek.
'And Daniel, you will be in the Royal Rumble this year.' He told me. 'And if you win the Rumble. You will have your choice of being Universal Champion or WWE Champion. Also, Sasha has a match against Bayley for the Smackdown Women's Championship. Bayley has been notified so the next few weeks, we will be building up your rivalry with Bayley, Sasha.'
"Alright. Thanks, Hunter." I said as Becky hung up.
"Well, that was interesting." I said "I'll be an interbrand superstar and be on both Raw and Smackdown. Sasha will have a shot at the Smackdown Women's Championship, I'll be in the Rumble I would guess as a Smackdown superstar. And I'm almost certain that Rollins would be in it too. So there's that." Becky and Sasha grinned as they hugged me.
"Your going to win the Royal Rumble, baby." Sasha smiled.
"I agree. You have gotten stronger and tougher while you were away." Becky grinned.
"Okay, okay ladies. You can remove your lips from my ass now." I said making the girls feign shock and surprise. "But, I do appreciate the confidence boost." I kissed Becky's forehead and Sasha's lips. Making both of them smile.

The day after New Year's Day, me, Sasha and Becky took Mary, Ashley and Andrade to the airport to catch their flight to Dublin and Charlotte, North Carolina. After saying goodbye to Ashley and Andrade as they rushed to their flight.  We arrived at her Dublin flights gate, "Bye mum." Becky smiled.
"Bye, dear." Mary smiled.
"Bye, Mary." I hugged her and she grinned as we pulled away from each other.
"Bye, Daniel." She kissed my cheek. "You take care of my daughter and your lovely girl, Mercedes. And it was lovely to meet you, dear." Mary said as she hugged and kissed Sasha's cheek.
"Same here, Mary." Sasha grinned.
I laughed and said, "You know I will, Mary." I grinned. She waved goodbye and picked up her carry on as she headed up the terminal for her flight. We watched her plane takeoff from the gate.

We returned to me and Sasha's home and the moment we walked in, I told Becky to choose a room for her to stay in when she moves in with Sasha and I. And she did as she chose a room right next to the Sasha and I's bedroom. Then Mercy and I took her shopping for some temporary clothes and supplies. When we got home. She called a moving company, made arrangements for them to pack her stuff and ship it all to Boston, to my address.

That night we headed to the airport and boarded a flight to Memphis, Tennessee for the following nights Smackdown. I sat between Sasha and Becky and grinned as both of them fell asleep right off the bat. I loved both my girls,  my best friend and my girlfriend. They leaned into me and I could hardly take the beauty overload as I looked to Sasha and Becky, then closed my eyes myself.

When the plane landed in Memphis, we were woken up by the flight attendants, grabbed our carry on luggage from the overhead bin and deplaned, got the rest of our bags from baggage claim, rented a car and headed to the hotel. And we checked in and went up to the two bedroom suite. Which we were sure Hunter arranged.
Becky grabbed a bed and went to sleep, as did Sasha and me. Of course I set an alarm for two hours later so we could wake up in time for Smackdown. When the alarm went off, waking me and Sasha. We headed to the bathroom and splashed some water in our faces.  And just packed our arena bags after Becky woke up. And we soon headed to the arena.

Once we arrived, Rollins came up to us. I gently moved Becky behind me. "What do you want, Rollins?" I asked.
"Word is your gonna be in the Royal Rumble this year." He said.
"That's right." I replied. "But that still doesn't answer my question as to what do you want, Rollins?"
"My fiancee back, and you gone." He said.
"Yeah. That would be impossible. As she would not take you back at any rate and as for me to be gone. Double bad luck as I can't leave until I see fit. And since I want to at least have a title or two. I don't see that happening anytime soon." I told him, which made Rollins extremely angry. He soon left as Hunter came up to us.
"Problems?" He asked.
"One. What the hell is Rollins doing here, tonight?" I asked Hunter.
"He's not supposed to be here."
Hunter replied.
"And yet, he is." I growled. Causing Becky and Sasha to rub either side of my back. Which calmed me down.
"Look tonight, you have a match for a spot in the Royal Rumble. Against Dolph Ziggler." He said. "And I'll have extra security watch over Sasha and Becky, just as a precaution."
"No, that won't be necessary, thanks though Hunter." I said as Sasha, Becky and I went to our locker room and I got ready for my match and Sasha got ready for her match with Bayley in her corner against Dana Brooke. Her match was first I walked her to the gorilla as Dana was already out in the ring and I gave her a hug and kiss. "Good luck out there. Sasha honey." Baylay approached us after a moment or two.
"Thanks, baby." She headed out with Bayley as Becky and I just went to catering and just watched her match.

Towards the end, Dana was tossed to the outside and the ref was dealing with Sasha. However the ref caught a glimpse of Bayley leveling Dana with the Smackdown Women's Championship and called for the bell. Making Dana the winner by disqualification. And Sasha wasn't happy with the results of losing the match. Bayley tried to explain away what happened. But Sasha was having none of it. As she kicked her best friend in the gut and set her up for an Impaler DDT and performed the move to perfection. She rolled out ot the ring and headed to the back. Where Charly Caruso was waiting with a camera crew, "Sasha, why did you attack Bayley?"
"Why? I have been carrying this team since I came back and whenever I would get close to a shot at her title which she should have known was inevitable. She sabotages me. Like she thinks I don't notice that she's doing it on purpose. She's scared of me. Well at Royal Rumble. I want a shot at the Smackdown Women's Championship. And I better get it." She walked away to catering. I smiled as I stood up as she kissed me.
"Outstanding, honey." I told her.
"I was that good?" She asked.
"Better than Ashley." Becky grinned. "And if you tell her I said that, I'll end you Boyce." I chuckled at her statement.
"Oh, I know. Becks."
Then my match was up at the bottom of the second hour. And I was more than ready for my match for a spot in the Rumble.

I headed to the gorilla and noticed that Ziggler was already out in the ring and put my cowboy hat on along with my duster trench coat which I wore around Rumble time as I prepared for my cue. When my theme hit I made my way to the ring and slapped hands of fans as I went along down the ramp, and I climbed the steel steps and got in the ring. Dolph smirked as he thought I was was going to be an easy win. He found out fast that I wasn't as I threw him to the ropes and leveled him with a straight boxing punch. I laughed as he got up slowly and he walked around dizzily from the punch and leaned against the corner trying to get his bearings back.

45 minutes into the match, I was on the ground and was slowly pulling myself up from the mat. Only for Rollins to come out and distract me long enough for Ziggler to hit Zig Zag on me and go for the cover. I kicked out at two and a half.
Even Rollins couldn't believe it. I pulled myself to my feet and rested agaisnt the ropes and when Ziggler got up, I delivered a teeth shattering Superkick that made him spin around and fall to the canvas. I went for the cover and got the three count victory over Ziggler. Sealing my spot in the Royal Rumble. But apparently, Rollins wanted to make sure I didn't make it to Rumble. As he grabbed a chair and hit me in the back of the head and just wailed on my right knee with the end if it. Security came out and tackled him to the floor as Becky and Sasha ran out as I rolled out of the ring and sat on the ring apron. They helped me to the back where we went directly to the trainers office. After a minute or two. He gave me some good news and bad news. Good news was that I'd be good to go in time for the Royal Rumble. But the bad news was I had to stay off my right leg until then. Which didn't really sit well with me. When Hunter came into the trainers office, he was briefed on the damage and prognosis. He told me that he would allow me backstage and just to sit in the locker room. Then he said, "Seth will still get a match for a spot in Rumble."
"You kidding me?" I nearly screamed.
"He won't win the match, Daniel." Hunter said.
"Yeah, right." I said as Sasha came in with crutches. As Becky helped me up and onto them, Sasha could tell that I was less than pleased with what Hunter told me.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Hunter here is still going to give Rollins at a match for a spot in the Rumble." I growled as Becky and Sasha stared at Hunter. "You go ahead and give Rollins a shot at a spot in the Rumble. And if he does win. Everyone that participates in the Rumble. Their blood will be on your hands." I leaned on the crutches and made my way out of the trainers office, went to the locker room and got changed as best I could and packed my arena bag and with Becky and Sasha. Headed to the hotel.

Over the next couple weeks, Hunter did make sure Rollins lost his match for a spot in the Rumble only for him to win the last chance match.
As for Becky and Sasha. They built up their matches for Royal Rumble perfectly. And even though I was unable to be at ringside courtesy of my knee. I was still there for my girls. We also learned my number in the Rumble. I was to be the number one entrant

The day before Rumble,  I left the crutches in the living area of the hotel room. And walked into the bedroom where Becky and Sasha were getting their arena bags packed for tomorrow night. Sasha noticed and smiled. "Hey, how does your knee feel?" She asked.
"It feels okay. How about you girls?" I told her.
"We're ready to bust some heads tomorrow night." Becky answered.
"Good." I kissed Becky's forehead and Sasha's lips as I wrapped an arm around their shoulders.
"You know, Becky, if you and I wanted to,we could've taken advantage of Daniel's weakened state." Sasha grinned deviously as Becky chuckled as she knew what Sasha was referring to.
"Yeah. We could have. But I want to be sure he would enjoy it along with us. And I think it would mean more if we had our fun after tomorrow night." Becky smiled as did I.
"Ohh, boy. I'm in for a long night tomorrow.  Ha, ha." I laughed.
"Don't worry, baby. If you hurt your knee again, we'll figure a way around it." Sasha said.
"Yeah. We'll just be careful not to aggravate your knee too bad, if you injure it again." Becky agreed.
"Thanks ladies." I grinned as I kissed their foreheads. We went out to a bar and grill, and had a burger each. Even downed a couple shots of whiskey. Once we paid the bill, we headed to the hotel and went to our hotel room.

The night of Royal Rumble arrived and Sasha, Becky and I headed to our locker room and got ready for the night. Everyone was excited about Sasha's match for the Smackdown Women's Championship. But everyone was really excited to see Becky's Raw Women's Championship match against Asuka. Everyone was to be honest, betting against me. So I knew I had to prove people wrong. The line up was, Sasha vs. Bayley for The Smackdown Women's Championship, Becky vs. Asuka for the Raw Women's Championship. Then the 30 Man Royal Rumble which would follow the 30 Women's Royal Rumble.

Sasha's match was one of the first Championship matches of the night. When she was ready and in her entrance attire. Sasha and I headed to the gorilla. And Bayley smiled as she hugged us before heading out to the ring first. "Your going to do fine, honey. Just remember, don't lose your cool." I smiled
"Will do, baby." She kissed me as her song started to play and she headed out to the ring.

And her match was a real barm burner. 35 minutes into the match. Sasha performed Bankrupt even performed my Reverse Impaler DDT. When she picked up Bayley once more and performed her Bank Statement. Bayley tapped after trying to move to the ropes only for Sasha to drag her to the center of the ring. Sasha celebrated in the ring and when she got her new Women's Championship belt. She walked to thr back. Where Becky and I greeted her with hugs and I kissed her forehead and lips. She held up her new title belt. Then Bayley came up and hugged her best friend.
"Congratulations on the win, Sasha." She smiled.
"Thanks, Pam." Sasha grinned. We all headed to catering until it was time for Becky's match.

When it was time. I escorted her to the gorilla and she hugged me and didn't let go. "Thank you, Daniel. Ever since we mended fences. I've been happier and a little of a bitch." I laughed.
"Well, I'm glad that your happier at least." She giggled. "Now. You have a match my dear." I kissed her forehead and gently patted her ass as she headed to the ring. She giggled as she went. I returned to catering and sat next to Sasha who had come from having her side plates replaced. Her title was officially hers.
She got up and sat in my lap. And I held one of the straps and she grinned, "So proud of you, honey." I kissed her cheek.
"I noticed you. Patting Becky on the ass. While I was getting my side plates installed." I blushed. She grinned and patted my left cheek with her left hand. "I know why you did it. You did it as an incentive to win and for later tonight." She smiled and giggled.
"That's correct." I devilishly grinned.

45 minutes into the match, Asuka and Becky threw everything they had at each other. Soon, Becky flipped  Asuka on her stomach and locked in the Dis-Arm-Her. Asuka tried her best to keep from tapping out. But she finally tapped making Becky the winner. She raised the title and went to the back.
Where she was met by Sasha and me. We hugged her and I kissed her forehead as she grinned and giggled.

We returned to our locker room and waited for the Men's Royal Rumble match.

When it came around, I hugged and kissed my girls and headed to the gorilla. And headed to the ring as 'Jet Black Hearse' by Danny Farant and Paul Rawson hit the speakers. Once I was in the ring, I took off my jacket and hat and jumped in place landing one foot then the other. Then out came Aleister Black.

Close to 50 minutes later, I had survived many attempts to elimintate me and had just superkicked Otis out of the ring and stomped my right leg to make sure to keep my leg from hurting.  And number 25 was about to come. It was Rollins and I went to work on him. By the time 30 entered the ring, there was blood pouring from my forehead as well as Rollins and Owens. Owens eliminated Keith Lee, Adam Cole, Angel Garza and I helped him eliminate Lashley.  Rollins clotheslined Owens over the top rope and that just left me and him alone in the ring. For the next ten to twenty minutes. We brutalized the hell out of each other. He quickly went for a clothesline only for me to perform a Tiger Suplex out that made him sail clear out of the ring as I let go of his arms. When he crashed onto the commentary table, which he barely reached by the way. I was declared the winner.
I couldn't believe it. I was one of a handful of superstars that entered at number one and went through everyone else to come out as the last man standing in the ring. I stepped up to the second rope and pointed to the Wrestlemania 36 sign as pyro and confetti exploded and dropped from the roof.
I rolled out of the ring and headed to the back as tech handed me my jacket and hat as I reached the back. Charly Caruso asked, "Daniel, how does it feel to win the Royal Rumble."
I smiled as I said, "It feels good, Charly. I have conquered the Rumble as the first entrant. And I have a shot at the WWE or Universal Championship. And I'd love to talk more but I need to see the trainer before heading to the locker room."
She let me go and I did go the the trainers room and he barely touched my right knee and I flinched.
"Okay, Daniel. You will need to wear a knee brace." He went to a cupboard and pulled one from the shelf. "Wear this tonight and every day. But not when your working out. At least not until it starts hurting." I took the knee brace from him and he patched my forehead and reinforced the bandages with medical tape, I headed to my locker room.

"Daniel." Sasha said as she nearly tackled me to the floor. "Congrats on winning the Rumble."
"Thanks." I coughed, "Care to let me up now." I giggled. Sasha got up as she and Becky pulled me up to my feet.
"Great job out there tonight, Dani." Becky said shaking my hand and slapping my back.
"Thank you. Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm interested in just going t the hotel, ordering some room service and having some down and dirty fun."
Bothe girls grinned evilly when I said that. So we quickly packed our arena bags, went to the rental and headed to the hotel.

When Becky closed the hotel room door, and Sasha ordered our food. We waited on the couch until we heard a knock at the hotel room door. Sasha answered and smiled as she wheeled the cart into the living area of the hotel room. Everything was just finger foods, fries, cheese sticks, etc. and when we all had our fill.
All three of us went to the first bedroom and started stripping out of our clothes, got on the bed and Becky and Sasha took turns kissing and making out with me and when I was kissing Sasha, Becky slid her palm up and down my length, making me hard in no time. When I was kissing Becky, Sasha stroked my cock, and giggled as she took my entire length into her mouth and down her throat.
After another ten minutes of an intense blow job from Sasha and Becky respectively, I was pushed onto the bed and Becky took the first ride on my hard dick. She rode to four orgasms for herself,  then let Sasha have her turn at riding me in reverse cowgirl and Sasha rode me to five orgasms for Sasha.

For the next four hours, Sasha, Becky and I had taken each other to our limits and then some. Sasha came thirty times, Becky came the same amount, and I came eight times giving the girls four loads each. When it was all said and done, Becky was laying on my right, with her arm draped over my chest as Sasha was laying on my left, her right arm wrapped around my neck and her head resting on my left shoulder. I kissed Becky on her forehead and Sasha as well, she grinned and groaned in her sleep, even move her  head a little so I could kiss her lips.

(A/N: I'd like to thank undisputedtori for the amazing cover she made for me.)

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