Set The Date

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Today is Saturday; I've been so busy with school this week studying for finals. There is only two weeks of school left and it's been hard to concentrate. I have so many things on my mind; I just want people to get off of my back. Everything is "What are you going to do after the school year?" "What college are you going to?" and so on. I hate being asked the same questions over and over again. I just want this year to be over already.

I haven't seen much of my mom lately; she's been working on her case. I call it the mystery case because she hasn't told me anything about it. I don't really care though; it just gives me my much needed alone time.

Rachel hasn't been over to my house for the past couple of days. She has been hanging out with David every chance she gets. It actually doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Over the past couple of days I've learned not to be jealous of her new found happiness. I will have the same thing one day. Hopefully with Alex if not him then my second choice is Sam. They are both amazing guys, though they are very different. When I talk to Alex I smile constantly. He wants to get to know me and we enjoy each other's company, even though it's only through messaging. With Sam it's different; he does make me smile just not as much as Alex does. Sam is more talkative, we talk little about ourselves and more about other things. It's a nice change. The only thing Steven ever wanted to talk about was football. I can't stand football but I was still a supportive girlfriend, I went to all of his games. Even when I was sick, I never missed a game. I do miss when he would run up to me after every game and take off his helmet. His dirty blonde would blow around in the breeze of the evening. He would smile and kiss me, it made me feel important. He just had to go and ruin it; I guess it's better now than later.

Ding! New text message from Alex. I instantly smiled and forgot about Steven all over again.

Alex: Hey beautiful what are you up to?

There isn't a single time we talked that he hasn't called me beautiful, it feels good.

Me: Nothing really, I'm just studying for my finals. They are coming up quickly, I know I have it down but I want to ace these tests.

Alex: Oh, I'm sorry I will text you later. I don't want to intervene with your study time.

Me: No! You're fine, I promise. I was about to take a break anyways. I could use a little distraction.

Alex: Cool, I like talking to you more and more every time. You're beautiful and smart, I like that.

Me: I like talking to you, too. I have a question though. Thank you, you're the sweetest.

My face was starting to feel hot from all of the blushing. I felt like I was in elementary school and the teacher sat me next to my crush; the little shy girl.

Alex: That's good to know! Ask away.

Me: Would you like to talk on the phone? I've been wanting to hear your voice, but I've been busy with school so I haven't had the chance to really talk. You don't have to; I know it sounds weird and maybe a little awkward.

Alex: I would love to, call me anytime you like. I have been wondering what you sound like anyways. I bet your voice is as beautiful as you are.

I couldn't believe he actually wanted to; Steven never talked to me over the phone in the whole three years we were together.

Me: Hold on, I'll call you in five minutes.

Alex: Alright beautiful, no rush.

I need at least five minutes to put myself together. I'm nervous, anxious, and excited. I needed to calm down. Breathe in and breathe out. Now again, breathe in and breathe out. I got this; I opened the contacts on my phone and paused for a second before clicking the green call button.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. He's definitely not going to pick up.

"Hello?" Alex actually answered! My heart started pounding and I started shaking.

"Hi." Really that's all I got?

"Do I sense nervousness in your voice?" Alex laughed.

"What? No, I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to play it off but it's obvious that I'm nervous; at least he's not here to witness the full extent of it.

"I think you are nervous." He teased. "I also think you are very attractive, sweet, and interesting to talk to."

"Fine I'm nervous. To be honest, you're the first guy that isn't a part of my family that I've talked to on the phone. Thank you, I feel the same way. Well about you not about myself." I laughed. Why am I so awkward?

"Not even your ex-boyfriend? I would hope you felt the same, because if you didn't I would look stupid for hitting on you." His voice is perfect. It's not too deep; it's smooth with a little deepness added to it. It's like music to my ears. I said it once and I'll say it again, perfection.

"Nope, not even him. I can't stand him; he's been bothering me all week. I love your voice by the way." Really, I actually said that to him? Now he's going to think I'm weird or something!

Alex laughed and I screeched. I'm just embarrassing myself today.

"Well enough about him. Thank you, your voice is pretty cute, it's soft and sweet. I would like to ask you a question." My mind started scattering, what does he want to ask me?

"What do you want to know?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend or anything yet, just a date for now. You know, so we can see how we fit in person. You can even pick the place, don't worry I'm paying. Pick any place you like. I mean if you want to." He wants to go on a date? I started shaking even more, I couldn't control it. I couldn't think straight; did I even hear him correctly?

"Wait, what?" I asked him stupidly.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Alex repeated.

I didn't even think about it before I answered.

"Yes! Of course I would!" I screamed into the phone. I immediately realized I started to sound desperate. I needed to calm down but I couldn't, I felt so happy. I could live in this moment for the rest of my life.

"Great! I have to get going though. Think of where you would like to go and text me the address; we will set the date afterwards."

"I will, it was great talking to you. I'm happy I finally got to hear your voice. I'll talk to you later." I smacked myself on my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"Call or text me anytime you want. Don't worry about feeling annoying, I enjoy talking to you. Bye, Alice." Alex hung up the phone. Hearing him say my name made my heart melt.

I started thinking of different restaurants that were good, I wanted to go somewhere special with him. Not a single place came to mind, and then I realized. We should go to the diner. That was my special place and I would love to share that with him. I think he would enjoy it. I opened up my text messages to tell him the place I picked.

Me: I thought we could go to the diner by my house. It's nothing fancy but it's a special place to me.

Alex took a while to reply, but I didn't expect him to get back to me right away. I knew he was busy.

Alex: If you're happy with it then I am. When would you like to go?

Me: I was thinking after school finishes so I'm not stressing about it. Then we can have a good time. Is two weeks from today fine with you?

Alex: Sounds perfect I'll make sure to take that day off. I have to get back to work. Have a good night, beautiful.

This was the happiest I have been in a long time. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I went back on Chat and Meet to look at Alex's profile; there were so many girls commenting on his profile saying how hot he was. Other girls were asking him to meet with them. I started to get angry; I didn't need another Steven incident. I scrolled back to the top of his profile and read his status. Sorry ladies, I'm already interested in someone else. I hope he's talking about me. I like that he will say something if other girls try to flirt. I know that we weren't together but we were talking in a flirty way, I didn't want anyone to come in between that. I guess I'm the jealous type.


Do you think it was a bad idea for Alice to agree to meet Alex? Let me know what you think.

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