The Concert

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Today was the day of the concert. I was already out of school for the day looking for the perfect outfit for my night out. This should be fun.

Rachel and her father were on their way to pick me up so I waited downstairs. I thought about Alex, we still haven't talked since Monday morning. I guess I will just have to message him after the concert if I want to talk to him. I haven't talked to him because I don't want to be annoying and scare him off. I have been talking to Sam though. Every guy I've met since my big break up is better than Steven; I guess you could say I'm vulnerable at this point.

Knock, knock.

"Mom, Rachel is here! I'll call you when I get there, I love you." I yelled loud enough so she could hear me. I quickly slipped my shoes on and ran out the door. I was so excited to go to the concert we haven't had a girl's night in a while.

"Hurry, my dad's waiting in the car I don't want him to change his mind." I'm happy she said that because I wanted to get out of there before my mom changes hers. Rachel and I ran to the car in excitement. Her dad smiled to me and started driving after we put our seat belts on. The concert tonight isn't going to be any big bands, just a couple of local bands trying to get big. It's going to be so much fun.

Rachel's dad dropped us off and went home. I lied to my mom about him staying there with us and I felt bad about it. If I told her the truth about him not staying, she probably wouldn't have let me come. I headed towards the door to go inside.

"Alice, don't go in yet." Rachel pulled me back.

"Why not, that's the reason why we came right?" I looked Rachel in the eyes; there was something she wasn't telling me. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"I have to tell you something; please don't get mad at me." I was trying to think of things she could have possibly done that would piss me off. I couldn't think of one.

"Just tell me what's going on, I don't want to miss the concert and I still have to call my mom."

"Call your mom first then I'll tell you." I guess she was in no rush to tell me whatever it is. I took a couple steps away and dialed my mother's phone number.

"Hello?" Mom answered.

"Hey mom, I was just calling to let you know that we just arrived." I told her cheerfully.

"Alright sweetheart, have fun. Don't forget to call me after so I know you're safe." Safety was practically my middle name.

"OK Mom, I love you!"

"I love you too sweetie, bye" she hung up the phone and I walked back over to Rachel. She was standing with some guy that I've never seen before.

"Rachel, can I talk to you for a second?" I didn't give her a chance to answer before I dragged her away. "Who is he?" I questioned her.

"That's what I wanted to tell you." Rachel paused for a moment. "I invited David, now before you get mad he was coming anyways. I just thought it would be a good idea to have him hang out with us. It's the first time I'm seeing him in person. It would mean a lot to me if you could be happy for me. David is important to me and he really does make me happy." I could see in her eyes that what she is saying is true. I'm so angry that she didn't tell me about this sooner but I'm putting that aside. I have to because I can see how much this means to her.

"That's great, Rachel. Let's go get him and enjoy the concert!" I tried to say that with as much enthusiasm as I could. I had to hide the hurt and anger I felt. We walked back over to David.

"David, this is my best friend Alice." Rachel introduced us. I smiled to him and before I could say anything he started talking.

"Hey Alice it's nice to meet you. Rachel told me a lot about you." David said. I'm happy she talked about me; at least someone wasn't left out of the loop.

"Thanks it's nice to meet you too. Rachel told me a few things about you, also." I shot David a friendly smile and we all went inside.

I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous of Rachel right now. She's happy and she has somebody that cares for her. She made her dream about being with this guy a reality. The music played as they kissed and held onto each other, they were having a great time. I want to have what she has. I took my phone out and messaged Alex on Chat and Meet.

Me: Hey stranger.

I really should have gotten his phone number, it gets annoying having to open Chat and Meet to message someone all the time.

The music kept on playing I should be having fun right now, but instead I'm busy thinking about Alex and Sam. Could one of them be the David to my Rachel?

I checked my phone to see if Alex replied back, he didn't. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered messaging him; this will drive me nuts for the rest of the night.

The third local band came on stage, finally the one I've been waiting for. I went to a couple of their concerts in the past and they are good. The moment they started playing all of my worries were left behind. I am happy.

After the concert David and Rachel said their goodbyes, while I called my mom before her father came to pick us up.

When I got home I ate some leftovers for dinner then took a shower. My mom was in her office as usual, she is dedicated to her clients. That's why she's so good at what she does.

I hung out in my room for the remainder of the night. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages but it was dead. I reached over to my nightstand to grab my charger and plugged my phone in. After about five minutes of it charging I turned it on and used it while it was charging.

Ding. New message on Chat and Meet.

Alexander: I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was at a local band concert. I was wondering how long it would take until you messaged me first.

Me: You're kidding! I was there, too. I went with my best friend Rachel and she hung out with her online boyfriend from this site for the first time. They made it official. I'm sorry I didn't message you earlier I just didn't want to be annoying or anything. I tend to annoy people by messaging them all the time and they disappear.

Alexander: Really? I wish I knew you were going to be there I would of spent some time with you. Don't worry about being annoying when you're talking to me. I like you, Alice.

He likes me? I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I must be as red as an apple because of how much I'm blushing right now.

Me: I like you, too. If I would have known I would have messaged you sooner.

We talked all nightlong and finally exchanged phone numbers. Maybe I can get him to call metomorrow; I would love to hear his voice.    


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