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Chloe's P.O.V.

I slammed the door shut. I will not have my image ruined by Marinette! Out of all people! Stomping my way to the classroom, I looked around for Sabrina. Where is she?! All I saw was Nathan or something. He is NOT my mate. Adrien is.

Sabrina was acting strange. She always hides her arms in sleeves , even if it is hot outside. Unless ... How DARE she?! She had her mark for who knows how long and didactic bother to tell me. Who is it ?! I will break them up.

I angrily looked at my arm.


Why did it have to be tomato head?

I dramatically walked into the room. Everyone ignored me as I sat down in my seat. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat waiting for Sabrina to do my bidding. But I heard nothing. I opened my eyes to see Sabrina nowhere near.


I slumped into my chair. And that's when I heard it. Giggles. I looked to the door and saw Sabrina with that nerd! Her soulmate I bet. I'll just have to break them up.

"Sabrina!" I shouted

She looked at me with a fearful expression.

Good. I thought . She knows her place.

"Where were you? I have been waiting for hours and now is the time you appear?!" I placed my hands on my hips.

"I-I'm so-sorry Chloe I-I just thought that-" I cut her off.

"I don't want your lame excuses ! Where is my homework?"

By now , she had tears in her eyes ." I'm so sorry, I forgot-"


The nerd glared at me and wrapped his arms around Sabrina. Gross! That act alone could make me gag. But I guess they're perfect for each other. A nerd and another nerd.

She started crying and ran out. I don't care if she cries, she'll just come crawling back to ask for my forgiveness. As always.

Her mate gave me a glare and ran to follow her.

What did I do? Probably blaming me again for no reason. They are such huge bullies. I went back to my seat and waited for the teacher to arrive. And when she asks for my homework, I'll just tell her that Sabrina destroyed it.

While I was waiting, Adrien came into the room. I was about to go and give him my usual greeting when Maritrash came in the room . And gave him a KISS on the cheek. How dare she?!

I stomped my way to her and gave her a slap in the cheek.

Everyone looked at me as if I made a major crime.

What ? All I did was give her a little slap? What's the big deal?

Adrien pushed me and helped pick her off the ground. He faced me with the most thunderous expression I had ever seen. I began to shake with fear.

"How dare you!" He raised hi voice at me.

"But Adrikinns, she was in my way and I thought that-"

He cut me off.

"Stay away from Marinette and stay away from me. I was your friends, but I don't think that you deserve to be called a friend. And if I ever see you lay a hand on Marinette again, I will not be responsible for my actions. Am I clear?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

They glared at me and left. I could feel the whole class burn holes in my head with their glares. Why do they care so much about her? What about me? I'm important too. I could be as special as she is. Why didactic they think so too?!

I grabbed my phone and called daddy.

"Daddy , I'm not feeling well."

"What! Okay , I'm going to send the driver to pick you up and I'll buy you some delicious food. I'll call your principal to inform him of your absence."

I shut my phone down and grabbed my bag . Walking outside, I saw Sabrina and the nerd hugging. Eww! Don't they know that PDA isn't allowed her? Idiots.

I walked pass them slowly and waited for Sabrina to start apologizing. But she didn't. I looked behind me to see her and whatever his name is head back to the classroom.

That's when realization hit me.

I was alone.

I have no friends.

And the only person who ever considered me as I friend , is the one I pushed away.

Mom wouldn't like this.

She always told me to be nice to others, I didn't.

She would be disappointed in me .

And then my arm burned. I shouted in agony , but no one heard me. I looked at my arm to see the mark fading . He removed it. Even my mate left me.

Does anyone love me?

At least like me?

The limo pulled up and I went inside. The divider was up so I didn't have to worry about the driver seeing me like this. He would tell everyone and they will talk.

I looked back at the school. To think that tomorrow I'll be back , but this time alone. And I'll have to do my own work . No one to do it for me and help me. All because I pushed her away.

I should say sorry , but I can't .

My pride won't let me.

Was it always been this hard?

To say 3 simple words.

A.N. I'm sorry for the wait. Hope you all liked this chappie . I own nothing and I realized that I made a chapter without pictures. It's a record! Bye.

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