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Adrien's P.O.V.

   For years, I thought my mom died of her condition but never did I had thought that I was wrong. Chloe, what did you do?! Did this have something to do with the forest incident? Was that really your fault? I know you're not the nicest person in the world, but I never pegged you as a murderer.

"Adrien?", a soft sweat voice called out.

I lifted my head to be met with Marinette's beautiful face.

"How are you feeling?" She handed me a cup of hot chocolate with a plate of croissants.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I mean, all my life I believed mom died because of her health, but...", I left the sentence running.

Mari seemed to understand and gave me a comforting hug. "It will be okay, I just know it."

Tears sprang out of my eye like a broken dam. "How? I just found out that my mom died earlier and it wasn't because of her condition! Dad was never the same. Hard to believe but he used to smile, laugh and even dance with mom and I."

Mari hugged me tighter, "that's so sad."

I nodded. "What do you think Father will do?"

"What do you mean?"

"M'lady, I wouldn't be surprised if he would to have found out about it by now. I'm not sure what he would do. Since Chloe was still a kid, could he still sue her?"

"I'm not sure Adrien."

I just buried my head into her hair, smelling her sweet cookie scent.

With Gabriel

Gabriel Agreste was a man who ruled with an iron fist, as all you could tell. Ever since the death of his wife, he became nothing more than a wall. Cold, lifeless, and expressionless. The only family he has left is his son, Adrien. And he would he d****d if he would to loose him too.

"Nathalie, get me a meeting with Mrs. Bonnet."

Nathalie nodded and didn't question. That was to be expected. She knew that her boss had something in his mind for a while. And once he has his head into something, it would be hard to stop him from his intentions.

"Would there be anything else's sir?"

Gabriel nodded, "I would also like to have a word with Mr. Lee."

She nodded and closed the door quietly. Mrs. Bonnet was the best lawyer anyone could get. In all her years of being a lawyer, never had she ever lost a case, even if it seemed to be a loosing one, she never lost. Mr. Lee was the detective who was responsible about Mrs. Agreste's incident. But rumors had it that he could easily be 'cajoled'.

'My dear, I will bring you justice, I promise you that.', was Gabriel's thoughts as he grabbed his phone to call his son.

"Adrien, I want you home now bring Marinette if you want, just get here fast. It's not safe with that Bourgeois girl out on the loose."

Sorry for the long wait. It has been stressful. I practically have no summer! I'm going to be down with school, but I have to put on overtime (we're allowed to work overtime in school and have the teachers help.) so I won't have lags, next is that I have to practice a Latin dance for ARD and after school, I have to go to Kumon 4 times a week so I can be a math completer and I won't have to do Kumon ever again. I'm still in level M though and it's hard! Plus there is a musical production in school during summer, and I really want to join. In short, no summer for me but I will be able to write parts of my story when I have the time. Thank you for being patient.

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