Dance part 1

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Tonight is the night! Tikki , Bridgette and I were in my room getting ready for the dance. Apparently, since this was a special event for us, Madam Bustier let us go early. We were currently applying a small portion of make up and styling our hair.

"I'm not really nervous." Bridgette said.

No one had ever seen Felix's mark since he always wore long sleeves, so they didn't know about Bridgette. But that made some girls, who didn't have their mark yet, have high hopes. Felix had denied their offer countless of times until he told them that he's going to the dance with his soulmate.

The girls scoffed at that , but Felix rolled his sleeve up a bit and showed them his mark. That caused a few hearts to be broken, but there were still some die-hard girls who believed that he just wrote it on his arm.

"Don't worry Bridgette, you'll be fine." Tikki assured.

She smiled." Thanks Tikki."

I smiled and took a step back." Okay Bridgette, I'm done with your hair." She looked back at the mirror and smiled . "Marinette, I love it ! Thank you!"

"You're welcome Bri." I happily said.

She smiled at me one last time before she got up and began to do mine.

"What do want Mari?"

I thought about it for a while." How bout a bit curly and let down?"

She nodded and bragged the curling iron.While she was doing my hair, Tikki finished doing hers. "What do you guys think? It is my first time doing this myself."

I smiled ." It looks great on you Tikki."

She smiled.

I felt Bridgette finishing my hair. I looked up at the mirror and maybe I should let my hair down more often.I kinda like it.

With the guys~

Adrien's P.O.V.

I tried to straightened my tie for the 15th time and it still looks crooked. I looked over to Felix and saw his perfectly straight tie and neatly combed hair. For the first time in my life I was actually jealous of Felix. My own twin brother.

Felix looked over to me and raised an eyebrow at my jumbled up tie.

"Adrien, are you serious? Didn't father or Natalie taught you how ?"

I scratched my head." I may have forgotten."

He sighed and did mine." I can't believe I'm still doing this for you."

When mom was here, she would tell Felix to help me with my tie since she was always busy helping dad with his. Felix would try to teach my how to do it, but he gave up saying that I'm unteachable with the tie.

I looked over to Plagg and saw him fiddling with a bouquet of rosebuds.


His head snapped to my direction." What?"

"You okay?"

He nodded." Yeah, I'm fine kid."

Felix finished my tie." He's just nervous of telling Tikki that he loves her."

I did a double take.( make , make em do a double take. No? Okay bye.)

"REALLY ??!!"

Plagg looked annoyed while Felix covered his ears." Can you say it a bit louder ? I don't think that the people all over the globe has heard you yet."

But I ignored it. Instead, I began to fire questions." How are you going to do it? When are you going to do it? This is so exciting!"

Plagg rolled his eyes and took out a box. He opened it to reveal a ladybug themed earrings." Tikki loves ladybugs , so ...."

I grinned .

He scowled at me." Don't give me that look."

I wonder what tonight will bring.

A.N. I own nothing.

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