Going back to School

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A.N. I do not own anything. They all go to their rightful owners.

Marinette's P.O.V.

Beep Beep Beep

I slammed my hand down to my alarm clock . I'm up . Unfortunately. It's back to school and I hate school. I reluctantly pushed myself out of the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Even if it is back to school , there was a bright side up to things , I could see everyone again . I still have no idea what happened with them or if they're even there. I changed into the waiting outfit by closet.

Since it's the first day , we won't be learning much , but just in case I brought my mini notebook and a pen . I went down for breakfast. I yawned. I didn't get much sleep.

Last night , Tikki gushed on how her mate was a goofball , but still she found it endearing and adorable. She said that his name's Plagg Miraculous and his favorite food is surprisingly Camembert cheese. At least she promised that she would wear the outfit I made her.

You could say that I'm already advertising my boutique that will open in a month. She walked down and I saw that my creation fit her perfectly.

"Mari , I love the dress , mind if I keep it?", she asked as she spun around.

I figured that since her favorite animal is an insect which happens to be a ladybug, I made her a ladybug themed one , plus with matching accessories, which took me a while .

"It's yours to keep.", I replied.

She gave me a gentle hug. "Thank you , you think you could make me one for my date with Plagg tonight?"

I nodded. We ate our breakfast while talking about our mates. After brushing our teeth, a honk was heard . I looked out and saw Master Fu.

"Grandpa!" , Tikki and I exclaimed.

Even if we weren't blood related, he was like family to me. Tikki and I went up to him and gave him a hug. Why didn't he tell us that he was coming?

"Good morning girls , are you ready for school?", he asked.

Tikki nodded her head while I groaned. Master Fu shook his head. "Come along now , before you both get late , the driver is from around here , so he knows where to go and good luck."

We waved him goodbye and went on our way. Because Master Fu let us use his limo , everyone was looking . Tikki and I shared a look. She went out first and hushed whispers erupted.

'Who is she?"

"You think that she's another Chloe?"

"She's so pretty ."

"Where did she get that outfit?"

"Plagg!" Tikki shouted . And I noticed someone with jet black hair and green eyes coming to her. He scooped her and and she squealed. The whispers grew.

"She's his mate?"

"Plagg's a lucky guy."

"How do they know each other ?"

"Marinette! Come out and I'll introduce you to Plagg."

"Who's Marinette?"

"Is she her sister her something?"

"Maybe a twin."

"Wait , isn't Marinette the name of the girl Adrien keeps on talking about?"

"You think it's her?"

I stepped out and I instantly felt all eyes on me. Tikki took my hand and draw me close to her .

"Plagg , this is Mari , my friend that I told you about."

"The one who's going to open a boutique next month?", he asked.

"The very one."

"Adrien's mate?" , he made his voice a bit louder on that part. A shrill voice was heard making my ears numb.

"You liar ! Adrien is MINE ! As if she's someone special! I'm Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of Mayor Bourgeois! And what I say goes ! Got it!"

Chloe . I felt bile run up my throat. But I had to calm myself down . I shouldn't let her rile me up.

"Hello Chloe. It's me, Marinette, the girl you made fun of as a child . But I'm going to let the past go . Let me re-introduce myself. I'm Marinette Cheng."

My last name must've let them know who I was.

"Isn't her parents and uncle famous chefs?"

"I hope she isn't another Chloe"

"Chloe bullied her as a child , welcome to the club."

Her eyes widened before she made a scowl . But before she could say anything, Adrien came in.

"Chloe , is it true that you're bullying my mate?"

"What ! I'm your mate Adrikinns! We belong together, she's just in our way."

"Chloe could you get it through your head that I am NOT your mate , I'm Marinette's and if I ever hear you being disrespectful to her , you have to talk to me."

He went up to me and gave me a hug. "It's okay princess, your knight is here." He took out something from his pocket . "My mom told me that if I ever meet my soulmate, I should give her this."

I gasped ." Adrien I couldn't."

"She wanted you to have it." He placed it on my neck , but then he noticed that I was already wearing a necklace. Realization flashed in his eyes. I looked at me and I felt it was only us .

"You kept it?"

"I never took it , the bracelet was getting smaller but I tied it in my bag , it's my lucky charm."

He leaned in and I did too .

"No PDA !"

It was a teacher.

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