Guide me

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A.N. I may have forgotten I had this book, please don't hate, just give me time.

Lilou's P.O.V.

    I felt like the worst mother in the entire world for the past years. I should've fought harder and maybe my poor Chloe wouldn't be raised like, like that! Andrè could hardly take care of himself without his power and now he passed that trait to my daughter.

The regret I felt the past years was killing me inside. Sabrina and my new husband were the only people to keep me sane from depression. Maybe, just maybe if I could talk to her, reach out to her....I could guide her. Let her see that she could be better than this!

My only question is that: is it too late?

The answer is what I fear. But I will not let fear control me any more! I have been a terrible mother and the blame for her being like this is mostly my fault but I will make sure that Andrè will get his share too.

"Honey, I'm going out!", I called over to him from the other side of the room.

He looked up from his newspaper and smiled at me lovingly, "okay, stay safe."

I smiled back. "I will"

Chloe's P.O.V.

    Trash, trash, junk mail, junk mail, bill, trash, bill, BORING! I am too important to be doing this! This is our maids job not mine! Who uses mail these days? We have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all that! No need to do it old school style.....then again, it's what makes this world boring!

"Chloe, I'm heading off. I have a press conference and I have a reputation to save."

Or what you could salvage.

"Sure daddy be back soon!", I replied in a false happy mood.

He nodded and went off. It's always like this. If I fake my happiness, he wouldn't notice. Even if I was said to be an awful actress he couldn't tell. I wonder if it's because they lied about my acting talent or if Daddy is really just dumb.

Probably both now that I think about it.

Nothing else to do and I do feel sleepy...might as well go to dream land. The only place I can truly be free of the shackles of this world. Where I can be at peace with everyone.

I should be heading to my, too lazy the couch will do.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

I opened my and winced at the light. How long was I asleep? And whose at the door? How dare they interrupt my beauty sleep!

I threw the covers off me and opened the door. What a mistake that was. She was here. I tried to shut the door, but she stopped it with her foot.

"What do you want?!"

"Please Chloe, let me talk to you."

"Why should I?"

"I'm your mother!"

"Um, no you're not. Now get out!"

"But I'm already out." The cheek of this woman!

"If I talk to you would you leave?"


I opened the door wider. "If 5 minutes. Go."

"I know that I wasn't the best of mothers."

"gee, what makes you say that?", I asked sarcastically.

She carried on like I hadn't interrupted her." But I'm here now, I want to help guide you."

I wasn't going to budge just because she's playing the mother card. "Why? Why now? You could've come back earlier, a few years ago. But why now?"

"I have to save you."

I shook my head. I don't need saving, "from who? Daddy?"

She nodded, "and yourself."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"You're hurting yourself."

"I'm not cutting myself!" The f**k, does she think I'm suicidal?

"Physically, no. But your emotionally hurting yourself."

I looked hard at her. Why can't she just leave? Can't she see I want nothing to do with her?

"I know that look. You want me to leave. Am I right?"

I nodded, "if you could read my mind why didn't you just do what it said. Leave. You're good at that."

She flinched, "I left you with him and I am mostly to blame, but can't you see that what you're doing is wrong?"

"I'm just doing what my heart tells me to do."

She raised an eyebrow. "And what does it tells you to do?"

"To follow Daddy's path."

"That's what you think?", she asked  wide eyed.

"That what I know but I don't understand why it wants it."

She shook her head, "the heart is deceitful above all things. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)

"What are you? Some kind of nun?", I sweat dropped.

Lilou sighed. "I can't force you to obey me, but I can fight for custody. And this time, I will win."

I gaped at her, "you can't do that! You have nothing against -"

"I can file him as an unfit father. And with the media going on about his works, it won't be hard. Trust me Chloe, I can get you out of here."

"I don't want to get out of here!"

"It's for your own good."

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