I hope you're happy

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Marinette's P.O.V.

   I am on Cloud 9. THE Gabriel Agreste just offered me a contract to work with him! My dream came true! So while on the way to school, I was smiling like an idiot, but I could hardly care.

Alya and Bridgette are walking by me with knowing smirks plastered on their faces.

"I take it he liked them." Bridgette said.

"Yes! And I just signed a contract to work with him for a YEAR! Can you believe it?!"

"Girl he had to be crazy if he hated it, I mean your designs are literally a work of art that are totally better than his."

"I'm not really sure Alya." I replied.

"Well as long as your happy, we're happy." Bridgette smiled.

"Oh no, guys, we have b**chzilla coming our way." Alya alerted.

Sure enough, Chloe made a 'dramatic' entrance while insulting everyone left and right.

"That girls up to something." Alya said.

Bridgette raised an eyebrow." How would you know?"

"Ive been around her for too long to know."

Bridgette had a blank expression that Felix would have been proud of. That or he'd be jealous.

"Hopefully you'll both be fine, I have to go, good luck with school."

Once she was gone, Alya turned to me.

"Lucky for her, she doesn't have to go to school. Especially ours where Chloe would stick her nose to places it doesn't belong."

I nodded." Agreed."

Chloe's P.O.V.

   I did my cat walk all the way to the loser we had for a principal. I threw open the door and made a shooing motion. He practically ran to the door. What a loser. I went up to the school intercom.

"Hello peasants! It's I, Chloe Bourgeois, the beautiful daughter of your mayor!"

Now, Chloe, no need to tell them what they already know.

"And I am here to read to you all a little story. The secrets of Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

I ran to the door and locked it. Perfect. But just to be sure, I grabbed a chair and placed it against the door. I grabbed my bag and took out her diary. The loser thought that I lost it since it wasn't with me most of the time, but now, this is my weapon. She took the crown away from me!

"Okay everyone, let me read to you chapter 1 labeled My little Crush."

I smirked when I heard banging through the door.

"Dear Diary,
  Don't tell anybody, but when i was 5, I met this boy while I was at the park. He was really cute. He had blonde hair and green eyes that makes me want to stare at it all day long. He introduced himself as Adrien."

I paused. I thought I was Adrikinns oldest friend? I met him when I was 5, but he wouldn't talk to me until I was 7 when his mother forced him to give me a chance saying that all I need was a friend. He did it, but he still didn't trust me.

"He was really nice and I thought I felt something flutter inside me. But I was 5 and I didn't know what that meant. But I'm older now to understand. Mama told me that it was one of the signs that I met my soulmate, but wasn't old enough to have my mark."

I stopped again and all I could hear was the banging of the door. It almost broke, but I wasn't going to stop until I finish this entry.

" I do hope that he is my soulmate, cause I've been waiting for him. Since I've moved to China, we've lost contact. But I still wait until we go back to Paris. I haven't dated anyone or even kissed anyone since I turned 14, which is my age right now. That is how much I love him. I only hope that he hasn't forgotten about me."

And just then, the door burst open.

My Adrien and his so called mate stood there with a furious and thunderous expression that made me shake. Maybe I made a mistake.

But what did I do?

Marinette snatched the diary from my hand and slapped me.

The sound echoed in the room.

She slapped me.

She slapped me.


"Who do you think-" she cut me off.

"YOU are?! How dare you read my DIARY! I thought that maybe I shouldn't push charges and think you could have the chance of being a better person. But obviously, I was wrong. Except a warren of search first thing tomorrow."

Adrien glared at me and led a sobbing Marinette outside. He stopped, but didn't look at me.

"I hope your happy now. You deserve what's coming to you."

A.N. I own nothing, they all go back to their owners. I am super duper sorry for the wait.

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