The letters

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A.N. I do not own anything, they all go back to their rightful owners.

Marinette's P.O.V.

I stared at the magazine in my hand with my jaw reaching the ground. The media had followed us and now we are on the front cover of  Cupid's Arrow . A magazine that focuses on relationship status.

I flipped it open began to read. Tikki hovering over my shoulder.

Well look at this readers! Adrien Agreste has finally found his soulmate. We did a bit of research to find that the 15 years old teen model has found himself destined to be with Marinette Cheng . Yes , Marinette Cheng, the 15 years old daughter of Tom and Sabine Cheng, the famous chefs . And that's not all , we know for a fact that she opened a boutique named Trends just a few weeks back .

Even Gabriel Agreste himself complimented her with her designs. Yes , she designed her own works and makes them a reality. "She has talent." Said Gabriel Agreste," she has much ahead of her and I can see that she will be the perfect partner for my son." Okay, we all weren't expecting that. Gabriel Agreste hardly ever compliments anyone . This girl is someone special.

But as you all know , we have a poll here in Cupid's Arrow for the number 1 couple , and Adrien and Marinette or as most of us would call them , 'Adrienette ' , will be part of this competition. Until next time readers.

I threw the magazine to the table. How's Adrien going to react to this.

"Marinette, this came along in the mail , they're both addressed to you . One is from Gabriel and the other is from Bridgette." Tikki said .

I looked at the letters in shock. Gabriel's letter made me nervous. But I was a bit confused on why Bridgette called. Bridgette is my cousin from my mom's side . The last time I heard from her was that she was heading to Ireland for some kind of program. I was looking back and forth on the letters . Who's should I open first.

I closed my eyes and I heard Tikki shuffle them . I blindly took one . It was Bridgette's. Call me a coward, but I was happy that I got hers first.

Dear Marinette,
            Hey, it's me Bridgette. I have great news! Mama and papa told me that I can stay with you and Tikki in Paris ! Isn't this great ! I'm actually going there in 5 days and I'm writing this in advance. Hope to see you and Tikki soon .

                                                                                                                                       With love ,

Tikki and I were screaming and jumping up and down at the news. Bridgette is coming!

"Okay , before we head up and prepare her room, you have to read Gabriel's letter first."

Tikki shove the little letter to me. With shaking hands, I opened it . Tikki gave me a hug.

Ms. Cheng & Ms. Kwami
You are formally invited to
Mr. Gabriel Agreste's  party
At the Agreste mansion
At 6:00 p.m. sharp
At the 17th April

Tikki and I looked at each other. What should we wear? We ran upstairs and I flipped through my notebook of my designs and found what Tikki and I could wear . I took Tikki's measurements and started her dress.

"Thank you Mari ! I love it!" She twirled around it.

After she was done, I made mine , it took me a bit longer , but I was able to make it.

I placed it at the stand for tomorrow. Tikki and I can hardly wait. My phone rang.


"Hey Mar."

"Oh , hey Adrien, what's up?"

"Umm, did you receive the invitation my father gave?"

"Yeah , I just made a dress for tomorrow."

"You think you could go as my date, father actually made this party to show off that my mate is an aspiring fashion designer and has high possibilities to be able to be more known than he is."

"Sure, I'll go with you. I just hope that the dress I made would impress your father and his partners . I really do want my designs to be known."

"If it's made by you , then it would happen sooner than you think."

"Thanks Adrien."

"Anytime my lady."



Somewhere else.

Felix's P.O.V.

I stuffed my last item into the boxes . Nathalie would be here along with some movers. Adrien and father didn't know that I was coming back. I told Nathalie that I want it as a surprise. But what I didn't tell her was that I didn't want father to be disappointed.

Adrien is my twin and I'm 3 minutes older than him , yet I haven't met my soulmate yet. I'm bound to get the mark in a few days . I just don't know when. Or at least that's what I kept on telling myself. Do I even have a soulmate?

Bridgette's P.O.V.

I closed the last box. Mama and papa are crying their eyes out. I really don't want to leave them, but I was able to finish college at a young age. I'm actually 15. I was able to skip a few grades till I was able to be challenged. I'm looking for a job, but for now , I guess I could visit my cousin Marinette.

I heard her boutique was getting famous and that would mean that she would be busy. And since I'm done with school . I'm free to help.

I looked at my bare arms. Not a single mark. Sometimes I wonder if I even have a soulmate. But he must be alive . Or at least exist . I'll just wait for my mark. I know I'll meet him someday. That day just isn't today.

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