The Party

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Tonight is the night. Adrien and Plagg are picking Tikki and for the party. I took advantage of the time left and applied the last touches to my hair.

Tikki came in and asked , "Mari , could you help me with my hair ?"

"Sure , take a seat." I replied.

When I was done , doorbell rang . Plagg and Adrien are here. Tikki and I grabbed our purses and ran down . Dad was seizing up Adrien and Plagg , who looked and sat far from him as possible. It was kind of funny, but we have to go.

"Plagg, you made it in time."

Tikki went out first and Plagg looked like he was having trouble breathing. Tikki went over to him and gave him a hug. He was too star struck to move. I held my hand over my mouth to hide back the giggles that were threatening to burst . After a few minutes, I went down .

Tikki's P.O.V.

   Adrien looked like a fish out of water. Marinette sure knows how to torture him. She took the last step and smiled brightly at him .

"Adrien, you ready to go?"

"You- beauty-I mean -ye-yes I'm ready to go . " He stuttered.

Plagg offered his arm to me and Adrien did the same with Mari. They led us to the waiting limo outside . Uncle Tom and aunt Sabine were waving us goodbye. I wonder what's going to happen next.

Meanwhile ~~~

Felix's P.O.V.

I looked at my arm. B.C. I finally got my mark. I actually do have a soulmate. After one last look , I rolled my sleeves back .This just appeared yesterday meaning that I'll meet her today. I looked around the airport. What if I meet her but she's going to take another flight ? What if she starts squealing when she sees me ? What if she's just another Chloe ?

I was so wrapped in my thoughts so I was more than startled when someone bumped into me.

"I am so so sorry ." She said as she picked upheld bag.

Once she told up , I got a good look at her. She was beautiful. She has this smile that makes me want to smile. And I hardly smile . I think the last time that happened was when I was 3. She held out her hand.

"Sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going , I'm Bridgette Cheng."

My eyes widened and looked at the mark that sat on her arm. F.A.

My soulmate.

I was too stunned to move or even talk . She must've taken this the wrong way and began to leave. I snapped myself out of the daze. I grabbed her arm.


She looked at me with a startled expression . Well of course she would , it's not like every day someone would grab your arm telling you to stop. But instead of running away , she stayed.

"I'm Felix , Felix Agreste."

Her eyes widened. Oh great .

"Son of Gabriel Agreste? Oh my gosh , your father is my cousin's idol . He even complemented her boutique! I'm such a huge fan of his works ! After my cousin's of course."

Did she seriously ignore the fact that I'm a famous model aside from my twin and is rich in favor for my father who was a fashion designer? I'm liking her already. I rolled back my sleeve and our marks let out a faint glow . It's confirmed, she my soulmate.

"Want to talk about this now , there's a little ice cream store here." I said.

"I guess so."

"What's your flight ?"

"Flight 284" ( A.N. I only went to an airport twice , and I was drowsy for being awake at an ungodly hour. So I don't know much about the flight numbers.)

My eyes widened. She was going at the same flight as I am. I guess I'm not full of bad luck . Not unless I have my lucky charm with me. I smiled and led her to the store and bought her what she said was her favorite.

She said that it was too much for her and since I didn't buy anything for me , we could share. I was trying really hard not to blush.

With Adrienette

Marinette's P.O.V.

Adrien twirled me . We are currently dancing to the music . Plagg and Tikki were talking with some guests. Then , out of nowhere, the daughter of the devil came.

"Oh Adrikinns!"

Everyone turned their heads to the blond girl who wore too much make up and a dress that looked hideous.

"Oh Adrien, do you like the dress? Daddy told me that I could design the outfit then have someone make it . Isn't it beautiful?"

She said as she twirled around . She looked proud of herself like she was the jewel of the party . Her daddy stood next to her with a boy who had the hair color like a tomato. Must be her date.

"Oh , hey Chlo , who's your date?"

She smiled evilly . She must have thought that he was jealous. "This is Timothy."

"Actually it's Nathaniel-"

"Whatever, so Adrikinns, how's your life with that ugly bug , pops she's right next to you." She cackled .

"Chloe , I would appreciate it if you apologize to my mate." Adrien said through clenched teeth.

"What ! Adrikinns! This witch is brain washing you ! Leave him to his true soulmate. ME!"

She was causing a scene . Tikki and Plagg went to us .

"Chloe , I suggest you go somewhere else." Plagg said.

"Excuse me ?! Do you know who I am ?!"

We all rolled our eyes . She's using her old card that she uses to win.

"Yes , we do , but does it look as if we care ? No ." Tikki rolled her eyes.

"I demand that you leave here at once !"

Oh great , daddy dearest is here to defend his defenseless daughter.

"Last time I checked , this is my mansion. I get to decide who leaves and enters . And this party is invite only . And I don't remember inviting you." Gabriel said coolly.

Since when did he get here?

"What ?! How dare you ! I am Mayor Bourgeois, and I can come here invited or not!"

Adrien raised an eyebrow. "And who's idea was that ?"

"My daughter's of course, isn't she clever?"

That caused whispers.

"THE mayor taking orders from his daughter?"

"I'm a parent and my kids aren't like his child."

"I heard rumors that the mother ran away because she was terrified of him."

"I wonder if this is considered abuse of power?"

"Look at the dress his daughter is wearing. It's hideous!"

"Isn't this a formal party to celebrate Adrien for him and his soulmate? Why is she trying to break them up?"

"Some rumors had it that Chloe was accidentally dropped on the head as a baby."

"That would explain a lot."

More and more whispers grew and most people were giving the mayor dark looks . He must've noticed this . He grabbed hi daughter's hand and they left poor Nathaniel alone. He looked as if he was used to this .

I grabbed a piece of cake and gave it to him. He looked at me with a questioning glance.

"It's hard being Chloe's mate huh?"

He nodded. "She was actually nice since she didn't leave me at the middle of the rain and at the road this time."

Poor him.

"Why didn't you go get your mark removed?" Adrien asked .

The mark could be removed, only if your mate is horrible towards you . If you get it removed, they said that you couldn't feel your arm for a month. He looked at the ground .

"She said that she would make my parents jobless if I do . She said something about not making people think she's mateless."

Oh come on Chloe ! How heartless could you get?!

"I'd rather be mateless if I were Chloe's mate , cause let's be honest, there there's no difference." Plagg said.

Nathaniel cracked a smile . "I should head back , my parents must be waiting for me ."

"Come on , I'll send a driver to drive you home." Gabriel offered.

"Thank you Mr. Agreste."

A.N. Blah  blah blah , I own nothing, blah blah blah , everything goes to their rightful owners. Bye bye.

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