What I want

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did, then they would've found out their identities by now.

Chloe's P.O.V.

   I crossed my arms as two police officers scanned my room. I mean, how dare they?! I am Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of Andrè Bourgeois, the mayor. Sadly, daddy wanted to prove that I was innocent, so he let them in. It didn't take too long for them to find a few items that were reported stolen or missing.

So I might have stolen a few things, what's the harm?

"Mayor Bourgeois, I'm  afraid that we're going to have to put your daughter on house arrest." One of the officers said.

"Unacceptable! I will take your job away if you do!" Daddy shouted at the man.

"Sir, I'm afraid if you do that, it'll seem a bit suspicious, won't you think?"

Daddy glared at him." What do you mean?"

"Sir, everyone knows about this investigation, if I were to loose my job, wouldn't that look suspicious. What could the honest and loyal mayor be hiding?

I explode." Daddy! I want him out of my room!"

He nodded and kicked them both out.

I don't want anyone in my room aside from my servants and daddy. Speaking of which, I turned to him and stomped my foot to the ground.

"Daddy, I want more jewelry!"

"Of course my dear daughter, just tell me what you want and where I can get it from."

I used my really smart brain and thought about it for a while.

I smirked," I want Marinette's necklace, the golden heart one! I want it since Adrikinns gave it to her!"

Daddy nodded." Of course, anything else?"

I shook my head.

He sighed," very well, want you want, it shall be given."

I flipped my hair and walked away. He better get that necklace soon, I want it! I am tired from playing with these junk in my room.

From Nino, I got the headphones that was signed by Jagged Stones

From Alya, I got her ladybug watch which was only made once and was really beautiful.

From Alix, I got her favorite skates. It was fun watching her look for it.

From Max, I got his math book that was filled with his answers, thanks to that, I'll never fail Math ever again.

From Ivan, I took a picture of him and Mylene. The look on his face was priceless!

From Mylene, I got her backstage pass to her father's performance. I'm planning to sell it for triple the prize.

From Kim, I got his prized medal.

From Sabrina, well........whatever.

And from Adrikinns, I took a picture of his mom. I studied it and made my hair blonde and I'm planning on buying green contacts. He'll definitely fall for me since I look a lot like his mom. I mean if Harry Potter fell for that red haired menace, then what's wrong with my plan?

And as for Sabrina. What's there to take? She has nothing!

All I need now is that necklace from Maritrash and my collection will be complete.

Andrè's P.O.V.

   I took the necklace from the black suited man and payed him $200. I made a deal with him that I'll pay him $200 if he steals me everything I ask for. And for keeping him quiet, I added $2,500 on his bank account once a month. But just to make sure, I placed a threat on his only daughter.He's a poor man and tries hard to support his family of 3.

"Remember, not one word, or your only daughter gets it." I threatened.

He nodded and ran the other way.

I went in my limo and we went past Lilou's house. Lilou was Sabrina's mother. She's also Chloe's mother and my ex-wife.

I know that she wasn't my soulmate, but I wanted her and when I became the mayor, I threatened her that if she won't marry me, her family and loved will pay. Her soulmate was Roger. That stupid cop.

But she still married me and we had Chloe. After 2 years of horrible marriage, I threw her out to the cold. She came back though, with intentions of gaining custody of Chloe, but with my position as mayor, I had the upper hand.

Roger was not aware of this and he still follows everything as I say or he will find himself jobless.

They unfortunately had a child later on and I made sure to let Chloe treat her like a servant.

A mistake will be treated as a mistake.

I looked at the necklace. My princess deserves everything in this world, not those low lives.

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