Would you believe me?

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Okay, not a chapter, that's for tomorrow. BUT I have a story to tell. One that's true and very very hard to believe.

Here's what happened.

In my school, our teachers will list down our demerits and the third gets you a C.A.N. (Correction Active Notice) or A.K.A. Detention.

So, once the bell rang, our school monitor waved the slips and a few students went up to take them. They knew who they were, so she didn't have to call the names. And I was nearer to her since I was still at the testing table and I couldn't leave until I finish the test.

One of my classmate went up, but she was out of slips.

"You have CAN?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

He had a look of confusion on his face. He said to himself," what was I doing here again?"

He stood there for a while until realization flashed in his eyes and he turned to the monitor. "Oh yeah! I lost my assignment slip and I didn't finish my goals."

We all clapped at his honestly and our monitor smiled . She gave him the slip and that was it.

To be honest, I would've come up with an excuse. What would you do?

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