A Recollection

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Chapter 17
[Kai's POV]

It's been many years since then… many years since I first met her, the goddess Misaki.

I was only a mere child back then, wandering through the deep dark forest in which my guardians and servants have warned me not to ever wander alone that forest as it was dangerous and lots of people keep getting lost. Of course, as I was the next in line of the leaders of my clan, I was heavily protected.

I managed to sneak out one night on my own with a heavy book on my arm; that was a book covered by a leather with carved golden letters that read 'The Goddess of the Sanctuary.' I was only six years old when I ran towards the forest, hoping to meet the goddess with my own eyes.

I ran and tripped down many times, wandering to places and letting my own two feet guide me to wherever I go. That was then I found what seemed to be like a giant tree, but next to it was a house that was camouflaged by the leaves, vines, and bushes covering the wooden walls and whatnot.

"Hello?" I spoke with a hoarse voice, and my mouth was beginning to be dry. I was exhausted and thirsty, and my legs were giving up.

"I-Is anybody there?" I asked, hoping for any presence of a human or other sentient creatures.

"Hello…?" I heard a voice of a young girl and I took a glimpse of her on the door of the house. She was peeking from the inside. "What is your business here? Um… human?"

"Do you… do you know… where the goddess Misaki is?" I asked, I already concluded that the girl isn't human, but a spirit.

"You're… looking for me?" The girl said and I was shocked to hear that coming from her. Disbelief already filled my intuition.

"…there's no way it's you." I told her and coughed, my legs wobbled and I fell down on my knees. The exhaustion already took over my body.

"Ah-! Human!" I hear her call out and my eyes closed, falling unconscious on the ground.

When I woke up, I was lying down on a sofa with a towel on my forehead. I heard a chanting next to me and saw the same girl from earlier. She was the one doing an enchantment, and by what I'm hearing it sounded like a spell that only a goddess would manage to do correctly.

My body suddenly felt light and all the pain in my body disappeared. I looked at her in shock. "You… you're the goddess?!"

"Yes, I am!" She replied, tucking a strand of her lilac hair beneath her ears. Her eyes were blue like the ocean. I was enthralled. "Why didn't you believe me earlier, human?"

"M-my name is Kai, and what I mean is… you're way too young to be a goddess! I bet you're younger than me!" I said.

"…I'm six." She told me.

"See? You're- wait, you're the same age as I am?! But… but the book said-"

"The goddess lived at around 4000 years old, correct? That wasn't me, that was my ancestor. She's also named Misaki, and she already died long ago. I inherited her name and magic, that is why I'm goddess Misaki." She explained to me, and I was still caught in surprise.

That was then that I started hanging out with Misaki, and gradually got to know her. As we all grew up, we became close as friends and allies.

We always hung out and talk about the things that we were both interested in, and often times she would tell me stories about how gods and goddesses in this world are.

I became her best friend, and now her lover that I swore to protect with all my heart.

So as I am seeing her right now protecting me by sacrificing myself, my heart was enraged and I screamed from the top of my lungs as I gave all my power to fight against the one who hurt her.


End of Chapter 17

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