Chapter Fifty Six

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"It's not working..." Sasuke groaned in frustration. He was in his bedroom, pacing back and forth as one hand rubbed at his temple and the other pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damn it! It's not fucking working! I thought you said the plan would be in motion by now?!"

"Patience Patience, my dear Sasuke. Ehehehe ooo I've never seen this side of you! It's so exciting!" Another voice bellowed in excitement, his figure bouncing slightly on Sasuke's bed.

Sasuke threw a death glare in the voices direction, staring down the orange, twisted mask and making eye contact with the one hole that made the strangers eye visible.

"Oh turn that frown upside down my little emo Duck! It will work! You claim you love her, but why does it seem like you're giving up so quickly hmmmm?" The stranger gets up and walks to Sasuke, getting rather close to his face.

"You're not telling me that you're backing down now, are you Sasuke?" His voice shifted from a goofy, playful tone to a serious, bone chilling one.

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he trudged to his bed, plopping down and setting his hands in his lap. "Of course not, Obito.. I love that woman with my entire being. I don't want her to get hurt, and I sure as hell don't want her to marry that perv! But is this really the way to go?!"

"Ehehehehe, please, call me Tobi when we aren't on base, emo butt." Tobi giggles, plopping down next to Sasuke and frantically laying down in his lap. "And yes, this is the way to go. You're in love with your best friend, who is in love with your teacher, who is in love AND baby daddy to your best friend. AND engaged. Oh and did I forget to mention they're fucking? Oh but you already knew that ehehe." Tobi snickered as he rolled on his side, towards Sasuke's abdomen.

"She isn't yours, Sasuke. And that is driving you crazy. For years, it was you and (y/n). By each other's side. You two had each other when you had no one else! Awe such a sweet love story! Well, minus the loOoVe!" Tobi started tickling Sasuke's abdomen as he sang the word love in a playful sing song tone.

"Fuck off, Tobi. She isn't mine yet but she will be! You said so yourself that this plan is full proof, right? All I need is a little more time with (y/n)-"

"You're going about this all the wrong way, Sasuke." Obito bellowed rather quietly. All traces of happiness vanquished as he sat up and turned his full body towards Sasuke.
"We need (y/n), that much is true. But we don't need her in love with you. Although that would help, you don't seem to be doing a very good job of capturing her heart. The Akatsuki brought you into this because we thought you were the only person who could convince her to join us for the greater good. Have her join us on her own free will. But you seem to be useless now, no?"

"Obito I'm not useless I just need more ti-"

"Ah ah ah!" Obito cried out, interrupting Sasuke. "Not entirely useless. Yes we wanted the girl to voluntarily come, but given that she can't even say she's in love with you I don't think you could convince her to join us. But Kakashi however..."

Sasuke snapped his head toward Obito, his eyes growing slightly in shock. "You're not thinking about trying to convince Kakashi to join are you?" He practically growled.

Obito shook his head, a look of irritation plastered on his face even though the emo idiot couldn't see it. "Hell no, I'm not an idiot!" He uttered back in pure aggravation. "What I'm saying is, if something were to happen to your dear Sensei, say...i don't know maybe some poison accidentally ended up in his Sake, or maybe a shuriken accidentally slices his throat, or maybe A CHIDORI ACCIDENTALLY GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH HIS COLD DEAD HEART AND-"

"Obito enough! You're riling yourself up. You're doing so by asking me to kill my Sensei!" Sasuke interrupted while jumping to his feet and hastily pacing the floor. "Kakashi has always been like a dad to me! Sure, I hate him for taking what I love, but killing the man?"

"What are you saying, Sasuke?" Obito asked coldly. "Not man enough to do it? Are you too much of a pussy to even fight for what you want?! YOU KILLED YOUR OWN BROTHER BUT YOU CAN'T KILL THE MAN THAT IMPREGNATED AND STOLE YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE?!"

Obito shot off the bed, grabbing Sasuke by his shoulders and shaking him to get his undivided attention. "Let me tell you something, kid!," he snarled, "...joining the Akatsuki means that you're going to have blood on your hands. Your own villages blood. Every. Single. Death that is made in this village will be your burden to carry for the rest of your tragic, pathetic, depressing little life. That means when war hits, you'll be slicing your friends, killing your comrades, murdering the innocent while torturing the bad. So if you can't kill one FUCKING PERSON!... how do you expect me to believe you can join the Akatsuki?"

Obito pushed Sasuke as his sentence came to a finish, Sasuke's face remaining expresionless as he stumbles back. He took a deep breath and stared straight into Obitos masked face.

"...I'll do it..

...for (y/n)..."

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