Chapter Twenty

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You woke up from the sun beams beaming through your curtains, a ray of light shining in on your face.

You blinked a couple of times, then slowly sat up, your body sore from the training the night before.

"Ugh." You groaned. "I swear Shikamaru is trying to kill me with all of this training."

You tilted your head down and rubbed your forehead, the pain of a head ache booming through your entire head.

"You and I both know I'd never try to kill you."

That familiar monotonous voice caused you to jerk your head up towards your doorway, shooting even more pain through your head.

"Agh!" You groaned again, bringing your hands pack to your head and squeezing your eyes shut.

"Awe you have a head ache?" Shikamaru asked playfully, walking to your bed and handing you a glass of water and a couple of pain relievers. "It's payback for being one big headache yourself."

You took the medicine and set the glass on your nightstand.

"Oh go fuck a duck."

"Why a duck?"

"I don't know.. Author Chan couldn't think of anything else to say I guess."


"Ugh Nevermind, please stop talking you're only making it worse. What're you doing here anyways? And how did you even get in? I always lock my door." You looked at him, curiosity filling your words.

"You really don't remember anything?" He asked, perplexed.

"No not really. I mean, the last thing I remember is being on top of you with a kunai to your throat."

"Yeah, thanks for that by the way." He said as he tilted his head backwards and pointing to throat. There was a small scratch. Nothing to whine about.

"Looks who's whining now." You said as you rolled your eyes.

"Oh you did a lot of whining last night after I brought you home." He said, a devious smirk tugging at his lips.

You jerked your head towards him, your eyes meeting his own.

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" You spat at him.

"You mean you really can't remember?"

"If I did I wouldn't be asking you nimrod."

"So you mean you don't remember me waking you up, laying you down on your bed." He pushed your shoulders back, causing you to lay back down as he spoke.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You don't remember me helping you undress? Taking off every last article of clothing you had on?" He crawled on top of you, his hands pinning your arms down to you side and his knees resting on either side of your legs.

"You don't remember asking me to take you? To show your body a great amount of love and turn your aching pain into pleasure?" He said that last part leaning into your ear and in his low, sexy tone that always turned you on.

"N-no... I don't... did I.. did we... did we really?.." your words trailed off as your mind started to freak out, not being able to recall anything Shikamaru was talking about.

He laughed as he crawled off of you, taking his original spot on your bed.

"Oh my god you should've seen the look on your face! God that was good." He laughed softly as he shook his head, looking at you as if he just pulled the greatest prank ever.

Which in a way he did.

You started putting two and two together and couldn't help but sigh in relief as you realized he was just messing with you.

You sat back up and glared at him, kicking him hard in the arm.

"Ow! Damn (y/n) relax! It was just a joke!" He rubbed his arm with his other hand. "Don't be such a drag."

"That wasn't funny! You damn near gave me an aneurism!" You rubbed your temples again. The medicine WAS working, until he had to go and pull that little stunt.

"In all seriousness, tell me what really happened."

"Ugh fine. I carried you home, you passed out while I was holding you, I called Sakura to come over and help get you out of your clothes and into new ones. Then she left, I stayed here to make sure you were going to wake up on time for training today. But then I realized I might have been overworking you and decided to let you sleep in for the day."

"Might have? I can't even move a muscle without feeling like a thousand knives are piercing through my body!" You whined, realizing that maybe you do whine a little too much.

"Anyways, that doesn't answer the question as to why you're still here. I mean, you said yourself you weren't going to wake me up, so why not leave?"

He muttered something under his breath while avoiding eye contact.

"What was that?"

"I said.... it's because I wanted to make sure you woke up okay." He admitted, sounding defeated.

You felt the corner of your lips tug up into a small smile. You knew it was wrong to feel flattered by him caring, but you couldn't help it.

"Awee. You do still care. Big ole meany weenie Shika does have a heart after all." You talked to him as if you were talking to a baby, moving your hand to his face and pinching his cheek as you spoke.

"Pfft, whatever..." he said as he pushed your hand away, causing you to laugh. "I'm only making sure you're okay so Kakashi doesn't come back and kill me if he sees you're hurt." He finished his statement with an eye roll.

"Mhmm." You said sassily, not buying into his story.

"Admit it. Even though I made you mad, you still care for me as a friend." You booped his nose and giggled as you did so.

"I can't admit that."

"And whys that?"

"Because i don't care for you as a friend." He said as he looked at you, catching your eyes with his own. "I care about you more than a friend, (y/n)."

You just blinked as he continued to make eye contact.


"No.. you can't keep doing that. You start acting silly and flirtatious and it seems like you're sending me mixed signals." He got off your bed and stood in front of you. "At least I can admit and say I care for you.. not beat around the bush like you're doing." His tone turned into a more serious one, almost mad.

"What do you mean beat around the bush? You know I care about you." You said, your tone turning just as serious.

"Yes, I know, but do you care for me in a friend way... or as more than that?." He asked as he rested his hands on both of your thighs, leaning in closer to you. You still sat on the bed, but when he stood in front of you earlier you shifted your body to face him, sitting crisscross.


"No, (y/n). Answer the question." He said firmly, his hands squeezing your thighs very slightly.

You didn't say anything. You didn't know what to say. You knew you cared for him as a friend, but sometimes you found yourself caring for him in the same way you would Kakashi. Like a boyfriend.

"The fact you aren't saying no is kind of proving my point."

You were avoiding eye contact, so you didn't realize how close he had moved in, closing the space in between your lips slowly.

He brought his left hand up and turned your face to his, lightly grazing his lips against yours once again.

You hated yourself for it, you couldn't do this. Not again.

"Shikamaru stop!"

He pushed you to a lay down position, ignoring your pleads for him to stop and forcing his lips against your own.

You went to push him off of you but he stopped you from doing so by grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head.

He leaned back down to kiss you, but this time missing your lips and kissing your jawline, leaving sweet little pecks down to your neck.

Him doing so caused you to close your eyes and bite your lip.
No! Stop.. don't enjoy this! What is wrong with you! Get him off of you!

He kissed and brushed his tongue against a spot on your neck, then sank his teeth down, sucking on it.

"S-Shika.." you moaned slightly, your breathing hitching a bit.

"What? Afraid your Sensei is going to see the mark I left on his precious girlfriend?"

You went to say something, but you were interrupted by Shikamaru pressing his lips to yours once again.

He latched your bottom lip with his teeth and lightly tugged at it, causing another small moan to slip from you.

That was it.

As that last moan escaped your lips, your anger rose to the surface.

You tried to push him off again, but your weakened body wasn't allowing you to. He was too strong with you in a condition like this. You started to cry silently, frustrated and sad that you couldn't protect yourself. Protect yourself from someone you had trusted.

He saw this and used his hand to wipe the tear off your cheek. You just stared at him, despair filling your eyes. You grew more and more frightened as you saw the look of power and lust that grew in his eyes.

He forcefully kissed you again and again. Not just on the lips, but the neck and the part of your chest that wasn't covered by your shirt

He pulled away panting for breath, and after a couple of moments he went to lean in again, but was cut off by a kunai hitting and sticking into your wall.

You both jerked your heads to your doorway, a visibly furious Kakashi standing there.

"Surprise." He said, just that one word filled with so much anger it brought goosebumps to your skin.

"Kakashi!" You yelled out, seeing him standing there shocked you so much it gave you the strength to push Shikamaru off of you and make you hop to your feet.

You started to walk towards him but he put his hand out, his gesture demanding you stay put.

"Don't!" He yelled.

He turned his head to Shikamaru, another Kunai in his hand.

"If I were you, I would leave right now. That other one was just a warning. You and I both know, I never miss." His words oozed out of his mouth in a mixture of anger and hurt.

Shikamaru just stood there, frozen.

"I said GET OUT!" Kakashi bellowed, throwing his kunai straight at him.

Shikamaru jumped out of the way just in time to avoid it.

He ran to the window and opened it, crawling out of it and shutting it behind him.

Your eyes were fixed on Kakashi, his one visible eye filled with betrayal.

"Kakashi I-"

"I said don't." He turned around and walked out of your room, but you ran to him and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back.

"Kakashi wait!" You screamed as tears starting filling your eyes.

"Wait for what (y/n)!" He hollered at you as he turned around, jerking his arm away from you. "Wait for some bullshit excuse as to why I CAUGHT YOU WITH ANOTHER MAN IN YOUR BED!?" He screamed that last part as loud as he could, causing you to cower back in fear.

"You promised me (y/n)! You promised me I had nothing to worry about! You said yourself that you were mine and mine alone!" He yelled as he stepped closer to you.

"Please, just let me explain!" You screamed back, your eyes spilling the tears that were welled up.

"How am I supposed to believe anything you say, (y/n)? How am I supposed to trust anything about you anymore.." All traces of anger left his voice, but this tone made your heart break even more. It was laced with nothing but sorrow and betrayal.

You couldn't say anything.. you just sat there and stared at him with pleading eyes. Begging for him to just pull you in his arms and hold you.

You saw a tear escape his eye, just to be absorbed by his mask.

"We are done, (y/n)."

Your heart broke even more. Those words stabbing through your ears and your heart. You instantly broke down, falling to your knees at his feet.

"Please, Kakashi! Please don't do this to me!" You cried to him.

"Do this to you? Unbelievable.."

He walked away and opened your door, turning back and looking at you.

"Training for team seven starts tomorrow. 4 am. I'll let the others know."

"Kakai please-"

"Stop. From now on I am only Kakashi Sensei to you. I am nothing more than a teacher. Not a boyfriend, not a friend, not even an acquaintance. You are not to speak to me before or after training. And only when i speak to you first during training."

He paused as he scanned over my defeated figure, cowering on the floor and crying at his words.

"You broke my heart, (y/n). I am only returning the favor."

And just like that, he was gone.

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