Chapter Twenty Five

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You woke up the next morning, your body sore from your, uh, physical activities the night before.

You smiled as you felt two strong arms tighten their hold on you as the man you loved pulled you closer into him.

Kakashi grumbled in his sleep, a faint smile spreading on his face.

Hm. I wonder what he's dreaming about? You thought to yourself, watching his smile grow wider.

You gently moved his arms from around you and climbed over him, careful not to wake him up. You threw on an oversized flannel and some underwear, then walked to your kitchen to start breakfast.

Soon after that, you had two plates of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast placed at the table. Yours was at your typical spot, but you placed Kakashi's in your mother's spot. You told him about your weird table habit, so you didn't want him to think you had daddy issues or something.

Right as you were pouring orange juice into two glasses, you heard footsteps followed by a tired yawn.

"Good morning love." You said as you smiled, placing the glasses on the table.

You looked up at Kakashi. He was leaning against the wall next to the table, his boxers were back on but other than that he was fully exposed.

You couldn't help but gawk at his toned pecks and abs, your eyes traveling down to his v-line.

"Like what you see, babygirl?" He said with a smirk, causing your eyes to fixate on his own.

You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled him down into a deep, passionate kiss.

You pulled away, a smile plastered on your lips.

"I love what I see.." you hesitated as you struggled to come up with a cute nickname for him. Up until now he was always Sensei.

"Daddy." He said with a laugh, finishing your sentence for you in a joking manner.

"Oh hush!" You said as you playfully hit his chest.

He laughed as he realized you were getting flustered, and he pulled you in for another kiss.

"I like being called love. Makes me feel... well...loved." He purred in your ear, sending chills down your spine.

He started nibbling in your ear lobe causing you to giggle.

"Well, Love..." you said, emphasizing the love. "...breakfast is getting cold." You smiled as you pulled away from his grasp, pulling your mothers chair out for him.

"Ooo so chivalrous!" He excalimed as he put his hand to his chest in awe. "Keep this up and I might let you hold my hand."

You couldn't help but laugh at his silliness as you pulled your own chair out and sat down.

"We surpassed holding hands last night." You said with a wink. "Come to think of it, I actually think we passed holding hands all together. At least in public anyways."

"Because I've never had a chance to take you on a real date." He said as he bit off a piece of bacon.

Jeez he can make anything look so hot, even eating.

"Well, maybe we should change that." You said, getting your hopes up.

Kakashi just stared at his plate, chewing his bacon and pushing his eggs around with his fork.


He took a deep breath and let it out, looking at you.

"Look babygirl. You know I love you, and I know you love me too."

Why did you feel like a 'but' was coming?


Knew it.

"But I feel like maybe we should lie low for a bit.. I mean, our team is one thing. They already know the undeniable chemistry we have. But the rest of the village? They don't know. It's typically not normal for a Sensei to date their students, so of course we are going to have judgmental eyes watching us. At least this way we can ease everyone into it after we..after I, get more more comfortable with everyone knowing."

You listened carefully to what he was saying, and you completely understood where he was coming from, but a part of you couldn't help but be disappointed.

The disappointment must've showed on your face because Kakashi got up and walked over to you, turning your chair to face his body once he knelt down in front of you.

He took your hands into his, stroking them with his thumbs.

"I know this must be upsetting, babygirl. But you must understand that our kind of relationship before our actual relationship was supposed to be strictly professional. I understand Lady Tsunade already knows, but she's always been one to play matchmaker. The other Sensei's are different however. One of the main rules is to stay professional and to not let your feelings get in the way." He brought one of his hands to your face and brushed your hair behind your ear. "I'm not saying we are going to be secret lovers forever. All I'm saying is it's going to take time for people to adjust.

You grabbed his hand that rested on your cheek and leaned your head further into it. You smiled at him, knowing that he wasn't happy about this decision, but doing what was best for the both of you.

"I understand Kakai-Sensei." You said softly.

"Kakai-Sensei out there." He smirked as he scooped you up in his arms and walked you into the kitchen, setting you down on the counter. "Love, in here."

He cupped the nape of your neck with his hands and gave you a sweet, lingering kiss to the lips.

His lips traveled down your jawline and to your neck, biting and nibbling and sucking, leaving several different marks along your neck.

"K-Kashi.." you let out a breathy moan, calling out to him. "As much as I love th- AH!" He cut you off by sinking his teeth into your sweet spot, rolling the skin in between his teeth while grazing his tongue over it.

"Mm. That's my favorite spot." He said and smirked slyly as he pulled away.

You smirked to yourself, knowing what you were about to say would bruise his ego.

"Why? Cause you can't find my G-spot?"

You laughed as you saw his sly smirk fall off his face and his eyes filled with shock and defeat.

"Hey.. not cool.." he pouted as he pulled away, leaning against the counters across from you.

You hopped down and stood in front of him pulling him into a hug.

"You know I'm kidding. Now come on, we are already an hour late for training."

"Oh I'm going to have so much fun with you while we train." He said with a smirk.

You looked at him with a perplexed look. "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Teasing, my dear (y/n). You've teased me so much during training, you just don't know it. All of the tight outfits and badass moves you make." He practically growled. "I'm just going to simply return the favor."

You returned his smirk with one of your own, a flattering feeling coming over you as you realized that your kickass moves were actually a turn on for him. You figured about the clothes, but your moves? That's just natural for you. You naturally turn him on and just that thought alone really got you going.

"Bring it, Kakashi." You said as you brought your hand down and rubbed him through his pants. You stood on your tiptoes and brought your face close to his. "This is to motivate you to give me everything you got." You whispered in his ear.

His breath hitched as you did so. You pulled away and started the walk back to your room. "I'm gonna go get dressed. You might want to do the same."

"I'll meet you there, babygirl. Wear something sexy." He called back to you as he left your house, shutting the door behind him.

You opened your wardrobe and pulled out your all time favorite training outfit, a romper that used to belong to your mother.

You stepped into it, pulling it up and putting your arms through the sleeves. It was suppose to zip up in the front, but you only zipped it to the bottom of your belly buttons, exposing the front of your black sports bra and your lower abdomen.

You strapped your weapons pouch around your waist, angling it to where the second strap was resting on the top part of your thigh. You grabbed a black circular head band and slipped it over your other thigh, tucking a kunai into it.

You then grabbed your black thigh high socks and slipped those on, pulling them up just a couple of inches above your knees so a good amount of skin was still showing. Next, you put on your brown, shin-high boots and a pair of black gloves that stopped just above your wrist.

You looked at your nightstand and grabbed two, silver arm bands and put them on, just under you shoulders. Those also used to be your mom's, and this was the first time you'd ever put them on.

Finally, you opened your nightstand and pulled out a black ascot that belonged to your dad. You pressed it to your nose and took a deep breath, the faint smell of his cologne filling your nose. You wrapped it around your neck, tying it under your left ear.

You walked to your bathroom and shut the door, examining yourself in the full length mirror that hung there.

You couldn't help but smile as you realized just how sexy you looked in this outfit. The first time you had worn it, it didn't fit you as well for your body wasn't as developed as it was now.

You turned to the bathroom counter and picked up your brush, brushing your hair and throwing half of it up in a ponytail, the rest cascading in waves over your shoulders.

You took one last look at yourself in the mirror and smiled, giving a confident head nod to the mirror before you turned around and left the bathroom, then your house, locking the door behind you.

You walked to your usual meeting spot under the tree. You saw Sasuke and Naruto playing kunai darts, throwing their Kunais at different targets. And Sakura sitting against the tree reading a medical book. Kakashi obviously beat you there because you saw him leaning against the same tree as Sakura, his nose buried in his porn.

"What're you all sitting around for?" You called out to them, all of their eyes growing wide once they landed on you. You could practically see the bulge grow in Kakashi's pants. You could've sworn you heard him whisper "holy fuck" as the other members of your team shot compliments your way.

You looked at him with a smirk.

"We got some training to do."

Outfit and hair style below

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