#15 Ending

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

Harsh panting could be heard, grass could be heard crumbling under the pressure of the feet that were stomping about.

Uzumaki Naruto grunted, trying to fassen her pace so she could at least put run the sound ninjas chasing her at the moment. It was a pain to do in her condition, the fox inside her was trying his best to heal her. But their was too much blood loss.

Naruto knew this was the end, she knew this would be her last day. That is why she brought her phone along with her during this mission.

(A/N; Pretend they have phones (-3- ;) )

She wanted to talk to some people before she had to leave this world, it was something she had to do.

It had to be done.

When she finally got them off her back by using a genjustu Kurama had taught her a while back (She never thought she would have to use it)

She settled down by a tree near Suna, it wasn't close enough for Gaara to sense her presence, but far enough for her to be comfortable.

Pulling out her phone she question people; she questioned the people who had been involved in her life some way or another. She didn't care that one of them was the pedo who wanted her best friends body. She didn't care that she somehow contacted people who were already dead. She just typed away, asking them of what they would do if she were to ever die.

The results were both funny and crazy.

'Really Oro-pedo? Child organs?' Naruto mused, it was kinda funny to her. But at the same time it was kinda scary, she didn't think he was kidding about the child organs...Or burning down a village for that matter.

Naruto set her phone down, sending the last message to Kurama. She didn't even know why she talked to him, he was right in her head at the moment, listening to her thoughts. Maybe planning on where to go next after this.

Naruto knew her friends (Well....Some of them weren't friends) were strong and would get over her death, it wasn't the end of the world after all. They would just be sad for a few days, then be back up on their feet.

She just hoped that none of them would be super sad.

Naruto felt the blood slowly leaking out her body, her breathing slowed, eyes slowly drooping.

'You've done good kid...' Naruto heard the fox whisper silently in her head. Naruto smiled, happy that in the end, she had got just what she wanted.

A family.







Sorry for the crappy ending, I couldn't really think of how to end it...Ahahah...(Plskillme)

Thank you too all of you who stayed With reading this story tell the end!

- Meopize <3

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