7# Gaara

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

Ramengoddness has logged on

Ramengoddness has joined chat

Ramengoddness: Gaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!

RaccoonDemon: .....What is it Uzumaki?..

Ramengoddness: Okay ill make this quick because you know...U got Kage stuff and all..

RaccoonDemon: ....

Ramengoddness: Alright then! What would you do if I died?

RaccoonDemon: I'm heading over to Kohona.

Ramengoddness: When...?

RaccoonDemon: Right now.

Ramengoddness: Right now..? Like right now right now??

RaccoonDemon: Of course.

Ramengoddness: Er..

Ramengoddness: Now might not be
a....Good time.

RaccoonDemon: Naruko....

Ramengoddness: OhlookatthetimeIhavetogonowByebye!AlsodontcometoKohona!

RaccoonDemon: Ill see you later today.

Ramengoddness has left the chat.

Ramengoddness has logged out.

|| Omake ||

Somewhere else.

"What would you do if I died?"

A wild Hinata froze and sniffed the air. Her face screwed up in concern.

"My Naruko senses are tingling.." Hinata muttered to herself quietly as she speed walked to her house.

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