Set It All Free

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 Lydia's POV

I awoke to the bright sun filtering through the window. I tried to stretch, but I couldn't. Kiawe's arms were still around my waist.

I wanted to stay in his embrace, but at the same time I had to get him to let me go. It was past 9 in the morning. Plus, my friends were probably worried about me by now.

"Kiawe... It's time to get up."

He didn't move.

"Come on, I'm not playing around. We've gotta get up. I have Squad duties, you know."

This time, he tightened his hold. "I'd rather not. I don't have school today either." Damn, his grip on me is like iron...

I sighed. "Honestly, hothead..."

Kiawe laughed. I felt it reverberate through his chest.

"Hothead you say?"

With that, he began attacking my neck with Butterfree kisses.

"Hey!" I giggled. He was good at this, but I'm not gonna let him seduce me like he did last night.

The door opened and a small dark skinned girl with red and black hair and bright blue eyes entered carrying a milk carton. This must be Kiawe's little sister, Mimo.

"Morning, big brother! Morning, Miss Lydia!"

I giggled. "Please call me Lydia."

Kiawe panicked, letting go of me and getting out of bed to take the milk carton from Mimo.

"That's way too dangerous for you, Mimo." Kiawe chastised his little sister.

"No fair!" Whined Mimo. "I wanted to do that!"

I sweatdropped. "I tend to be that way with Lyric."

Mimo turned to me. "I heard about your grandma, Lydia. It's sad, isn't it?"

I smiled sadly, getting out of bed and down to Mimo's level. "Yeah, I miss my grandma. Do you and Kiawe miss your grandpa?"

"Yeah." Mimo replied. "We do."

Kiawe took his necklace off the dresser and put it on. I then stood up and took our Z-Rings and put mine on before handing Kiawe his.

"Hey, Kiawe, I hear that Peter, your next-door neighbor, is part of the Squad now." I turned to my boyfriend with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that." Kiawe smiled back.

All of a sudden, my cell phone rang. It was Tessa!

I picked up the phone. "Good morning, Tessa!"

"Lydia, we need your help." Tessa's urgent voice said. "Bring Kiawe with you, if his parents will let him come. Lunala told me there's Team Skull activity on Ula'ula Island, on Mount Hokulani!"

"And how did Tapu Bulu take that?"

"He's not a happy camper. He's been ranting to Adrien ever since I told him."

"Did you send someone to track them?"

"I did. In fact, Adrien and Tapu Bulu were the ones I sent."

"Ok, we'll be there ASAP. Alola!"

With that, I hung up. "Kiawe, would you like to come with me? There's Team Skull activity on Ula'ula Island."

Kiawe smacked his forehead. "Not those numskulls again."

"You've met them before?"

"I'll tell you later, Lydia." Kiawe then turned to his sister. "Mimo, we have to take care of Team Skull. See you later, little cutie."

"Alola!" Mimo hollered as Kiawe and I ran downstairs.

"Mom, Dad, can I go with Lydia? I need to take care of business."

"Sure, Kiawe." Mrs. Koa replied. "Try and be home before supper."

"I will!" Kiawe called back as he and I ran outside. We called out Charizard and Articuno as we climbed onto their backs and took off.

"So, Lydia, I have met Team Skull before. Three grunts, two male and one female, were harassing me and Charizard because I quote 'blocked the road'. I put my foot down and told them that the only people I could see getting in the way were them, but they wouldn't stop, and guess what? They decided to taunt me further. They challenged me to a Pokémon Battle, with the condition that if I won, they'd leave me alone, but if I lost, I'd surrender Charizard to them."

"I'm sure you didn't take kindly to that." I noted.

"I didn't. They sent out three Yungoos, three Salandit, and three Zubat. Then Ash stepped in. He called them cowards and asked if I was ready. He asked who I was and I introduced myself, but I told him I didn't need any help. But Ash didn't back off. His Pikachu stepped in to fight. I told him to not hurt himself before I sent out my Turtonator. Ash impressed me with his Pikachu's speed and power. When he had them backed into a corner, I had Turtonator finish the battle off with the Z-Move Inferno Overdrive."

"That's the Fire-type Z-Move, right?"

"That's right, Lydia. You impress me too. I could kiss you right now."

"You can kiss me when we land." I giggled.

Kiawe smiled at me before going on with his story.

"The Z-Move knocked out all of their Pokémon. The grunts left vowing revenge on us. And as for Ash, he was surprised. But the next day, which was a day or two before I found you, when Ash walked into the classroom with Professor Kukui, he was wearing a Z-Ring of his own! I was not happy when he thought this was a game. I explained to him that using Z-Moves should be taken seriously and not lightly."

I gasped at that. Olivia's words echoed in my mind...

'And now, Lydia, I must tell you. Using Z-Moves is a special honor and should not be taken lightly.'

"That's what Olivia told me when she gave me my Z-Ring and dress!"

"Olivia gave you a dress?"

"She did. It's my Guardian outfit. She had Tapu Lele change an old dirty shirt and pair of shorts of mine into the dress when I passed the Grand Trial. Immediately after, I got my Z-Ring. And... What did Ash say?"

"He said he didn't understand much of that quote 'complicated stuff', but that he would cherish his blessing and treat it with respect. That satisfied me."

"I really think you two should get along. You boys could learn from each other, you know."

Kiawe sighed. "I'll try and get along with him."

I winked. "That's good enough."

Ten minutes later, we landed at the Hano Grand Resort. Kiawe and I called back our Pokémon before he looked at me with a smirk.

"Where's that kiss you promised me?"

That deep voice of his was pleasing to listen to, but now's not a good time to fall for his charm. Instead, I decided to return the favor with my own smirk and husky voice.

"You kiss me."

Kiawe leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Alola, Lydia!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Peter Lang clad in his Guardian attire, complete with the Z-Ring. He even had Tornadus by his side.

Peter's POV

It's fun being part of the Legendary Heroes Squad. I'd like to admit that.

I'm so excited that Kiawe's visiting us. He even has a girlfriend now, who happens to be Lydia Johnson, the girl I met last night.

And speaking of Kiawe, I ran out to the entrance of the hotel to see him and Lydia talking to each other before he kissed her.

I walked up to them. "Alola, Lydia!"

Lydia turned to me and smiled. "Alola!"

I called Tornadus back to his Pokéball and high-fived Lydia.

"Welcome to the Squad. How do you like it?"

I rubbed the back of my head. "It can be a little demanding at times, but it's great to make new friends."

While we headed to Room SL1324, Lydia explained that she was going to change into her Guardian outfit and then we would head out to stop whatever Team Skull was up to.

When we got there, we saw that Olivia was visiting; and she was talking with... Tessa.

Tessa's POV

"Hey, Tessa, I see potential in you. How would you like to have a Grand Trial Battle with me?"

"M-me? Against... You?" I stammered. I've never done any Trials here in Alola. We've only been here for a few days!

"Yes!" Olivia replied. "Your Greninja, Sylveon and Lunala against my Lycanroc, Nosepass and Boldore."

"Lunala?" I widened my grey-blue eyes. "Wouldn't that be unfair?"

"Hmm..." Olivia tapped her chin. "Yeah, you're right. Sylveon and Greninja against Lycanroc and Boldore, shall we?" She held out her hand to me.

I shook Olivia's hand. "We shall."

"But Tessa," Annaleise piped up. "What about Team Skull?"

I smacked my forehead. "Oh... Right."

Someone cleared their throat. I turned around and saw Kiawe, Lydia and Peter.

"Alola! Ready to stop Team Skull?"

Lydia smirked. "Totally."

I turned to Olivia. "I promise you that when we get back, we can have our Grand Trial battle."

Olivia winked. "Sounds good to me!"

We then exchanged phone numbers. "Since you're the Kahuna, I'm trusting you to guard this room. Send me a text if anything suspicious is going on."

"I will."

Five minutes later, Lydia had changed into her Guardian wear and we were all outside.

I called Lunala out of her Pokéball and she let me onto her back.

I then gave orders as to who was riding on which Pokémon.

"Lydia, Isaac and Carter, you guys take Liam, Liz and Rose with you on Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres."

"Got it!" Lydia, Isaac and Carter saluted.

"Sebastian, since Suicune can run on water, you and Lillie can ride her."

Sebastian and Lillie gave the thumbs up.

"Birhan, you ride with Kaelynne on Lugia."

Kaelynne and Birhan nodded.

"Robin, you and Dylan ride with Blake on Rayquaza."

"Ok!" Blake called out Rayquaza and climbed onto his back, along with Robin and Dylan.

"Trey, you ride with Michael on Latios. Thomas, you ride with Annaleise on Latias."

Trey and Michael got on Latios and Thomas and Annaleise got on Latias.

"Julie, you and Anna ride with Lycan on Palkia."

Lycan called out Palkia and stood next to the Spatial Pokémon with Julie and Anna.

"Christian, you and Nolan ride with Maya on Dialga."

"Right!" Christian, Nolan and Maya acknowledged me.

"Allison, you and Isaiah ride with Artorias on Giratina."

Artorias called out Giratina and stood beside the Renegade with Allison and Isaiah.

"Clara, you and Jasmine ride with Evan on Reshiram."

"You got it!" Said Evan, Clara and Jasmine.

"Anderson, you and Marie ride with Alexander on Zekrom. Hunter, you ride with Peter on Tornadus. Aiden, you ride with Damien on Thundurus. Phillip, you ride with Lyric on Landorus. Yumi, you ride with Elijah and Chara on Yveltal. Hoopa can levitate Oliver, and the same thing goes with the Lake Trio and Isabelle, Alyssa and Derek... Izzy, Uxie can levitate you, Elias and Ethan. Alyssa, Mesprit can levitate you, Brianna and Beth. Derek, Azelf can levitate you, Moana and Lillie. Necrozma will levitate Natalie."

Those I addressed acknowledged me as they sent out the needed Pokémon. I then turned to Christian.

"Christian, call Arceus so Jerco, Maggie, Melody and Becca can ride on him."

"Wait!" Cried Melody.

We all turned to look at Melody as she laid her hands on her cape.

"Please try not to freak out."

When Melody took her cape off, we were shocked to see... Honchkrow-style wings.

"I was born with these." Melody explained as she floated into the air. "My parents didn't know how I ended up with them. I only use them in emergency situations. But this is a special case, because Magearna can't go really high."

Christian called for Arceus, who let Jerco and Rebecca ride on him. At the same time, Hoopa and the Lake Guardians levitated Oliver and his group into the air, while the others climbed onto the flying Legendaries and Sebastian onto Suicune.

I gave Lunala a gentle pat on the head, giving her the cue to take off for Ula'ula. The Levitating Legendaries, and Sebastian on Suicune followed behind, trailed by Melody, the flying Legendaries and Kiawe on Charizard.

As we were soaring through the sky, I asked Lunala a question.

"Lunala, what do you think Team Skull is up to?"

"I'm not sure, Tessa. They're probably up to their old tricks, like trying to steal Pokémon or bullying innocent bystanders."

"I'm sure Adrien and Tapu Bulu really want to destroy them."

"Tapu Bulu is Ula'ula's Deity, what do you expect?"

Lyric's POV

When we arrived on Ula'ula Island, we landed at the base of Mount Hokulani as we returned our Legendaries to their Pokéballs.

"Hey, my Dad's the Island Kahuna. I think we should go visit him and Mom!" Rebecca suggested. "And my big sister, Lulu!"

"I know you want to see your family, Becca; but first, we have to stop Team Skull."

Rebecca sighed. "Fine."

Tessa's cell phone rang. She picked it up. "Alola. We're here."

"Tessa, bring the Squad up the mountain. Tapu Bulu told me he senses Team Skull's presence." Adrien's voice came through the speaker.

"Will do. We have Kiawe with us. He, Lydia, Peter and Rebecca are Guardians, which means they can use Z-Moves, so Team Skull is pretty much down for the count."

Tessa then hung up. "Follow me. And try your best to be quiet so we don't attract any attention, especially from unwanted enemies."

Annaleise and the others saluted.

Adrien's POV

When Tapu Bulu and I finished trailing the three Team Skull Grunts, we saw them, alongside a larger group of Grunts, holding a legion of Minior captive; one red, one orange, one yellow, one green, one blue, one indigo and one purple.

Tessa and the others made it in five minutes.

"This does not look good." Birhan gritted his teeth.

"I will not put up with Team Skull treating Pokémon that way." Lillie agreed.

"Ok, everyone. Listen up." Tessa signalled for us to pay attention. "Here's the plan: Kiawe, you and Lydia distract the main three. Birhan, you and Annaleise hold off any backup they dare call. While Kiawe and Lydia are holding off the Grunts, Isaac, Jasmine, Melody, Lillie, Kaelynne, Moana and I will rescue the Minior. As for the rest of you, help Birhan and Annaleise if the situation becomes dire."

We all saluted, indicating that we understood.

"Hold on," Said Lydia. "Maybe you guys should wait until Kiawe and I engage them in battle before you go and get the Minior. We'll keep them distracted and away from the Minior."

"Good idea." Tessa agreed.

Falkner's POV

I flew to Mt. Hokulani on my Pidgeot, hoping to see the golfer Kahili, a Flying type enthusiast just like me. I wanted to tell her about my role as the Violet City Gym Leader. But instead of Kahili, I saw a big group of Trainers facing off against multiple members of Team Skull.

This did not look good...

"Pidgeot, let's go check it out."

Pidgeot chirped in agreement.

Lydia's POV

Kiawe and I ran up to the three Grunts who were guarding the caged Minior and confronted them. At the same time, Birhan and Annaleise ran off to block the other Grunts.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Sneered the blue haired Grunt, Tupp, with a fist on his hip.

"You're holding those Minior captive!" Kiawe growled.

"That's just wrong!" I added.

"Whatcha gonna do about it, Fire King?" The pink haired Grunt, Rapp, leered at Kiawe. "Before we take these Minior to the Boss, we're going to get our revenge on you for what you did to us back on Melemele!"

Kiawe groaned and pulled out two Pokéballs. "Marowak, Turtonator, come on out!"

Turtonator and Marowak landed on the ground and glared at the Skull Grunts.

"If that's how you wanna play it, fine by us." Said the curly brown haired grunt, Zipp, throwing a Pokéball into the air, releasing a Salazzle.

Tupp and Rapp followed his lead and threw their own Pokéballs, letting out a Magnezone and Hariyama.

I threw a Pokéball. "Articuno, front and center!"

The Freeze Pokémon flew over to Turtonator and Marowak.

"Marowak, use Bonemerang on Salazzle, and Turtonator, use Stone Edge on Magnezone and Hariyama!" Kiawe commanded.

While Kiawe's Pokémon launched their attacks, I turned to the hidden group composed of Tessa, Lillie, Moana, Isaac, Jasmine, Melody, Peter and Kaelynne. I gave them the signal, which gave them the cue to save the Minior.

Peter called out Tornadus and had him use Focus Punch to break the lock on the cage. The Minior let out cries of joy and flew out. Kaelynne gathered the red one into her arms, as did Melody, Isaac, Jasmine, Tessa, Lillie and Moana with the orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple ones respectively.

"Alright, we got them! Let's go!" Tessa called to the others, as she and her group met up with the rest of the Squad.

"H-hey, you can't do that!" Rapp protested once she noticed Tessa and her group with the Minior in their arms.

"We can, and WE DID!" Anderson called back, grinning from his perch against a rail.

I huffed and spun around to face the battlers.

Zip's Salazzle and Kiawe's Marowak were both knocked out. Magnezone, Hariyama, Articuno and Turtonator were left.

"Lemme at them! I want their heads..." Tapu Bulu growled, only for Adrien to grab his arm.

"Not this time. Let the lovebirds handle this." Adrien smirked, knowing what Kiawe and I were about to do.

Kiawe turned to me with a smirk of his own; one that had a not-so-subtle seductive air.

"Ready to finish this, my lady?"

I blushed as a shiver went down my spine. "Yeah."

We then turned back to the Grunts before I swung my arms in a double circular motion. I then placed my left wrist over my right in a crisscross position, summoning the symbol of ice and triggering my Z-Ring. Kiawe followed suit with the symbol of fire, perfectly in sync with me.

"Alright! Turtonator/Articuno, let's go!"

"Not again!" Cried Tupp.

"The zenith!" Kiawe and I chanted together as we struck synchronized poses with our Pokémon.

"Of our mind! Of body... And spirit... With the great/majestic mountain of Akala/Ula'ula... Become a raging fire/blizzard and burn/freeze!"

Kiawe flicked his hands up twice, made a rising motion and reached out with his dominant arm, holding it in place with his other arm, and his palm out.

At the same time, I crisscrossed my arms as it they were swords and opened them before pointing them out.

"Inferno Overdrive/Subzero Slammer!" We called simultaneously.

Articuno released an intense rush of ice at Magnezone while Turtonator shot a huge fire ball at Hariyama.

Tessa and the others closed their eyes against the light of our Z-Moves. When the light faded, both Hariyama and Magnezone were knocked out. Tessa and the rest of the Squad opened their eyes before clapping and cheering. I even heard whooping and hollering from Melody and Chara.

"We'll remember this... Again!" Tupp said angrily as he and Rapp called back their Pokémon.

"We'll get revenge on you too, Ice Queen!" Rapp pointed at me.

"Hey!" Called Rebecca. "I suggest you get your carcasses off the mountain before I have to call for my Dad!"

She stepped out of the shadows with a smirk as the Grunts panicked.

"Oh, shit! It's Nanu's daughter! Let's get outta here!"

The Grunts left just as Birhan and Annaleise came back with Christian, who we didn't know had left.

"Did they call for backup?" Tessa asked her best friend.

"They did." Annaleise replied. "Birhan and I just knocked out all their Pokémon as if they were nothing but Weedle and Caterpie. We did have to call for Christian as backup eventually."

Kiawe pulled me to his chest and laid a kiss on my head. "Lydia, I had no idea your Z-Move call was identical to mine."

"I was surprised too." I looked up at him so he could kiss my lips.

"Nihilego!" I heard Rebecca screech. "What are you doing?"

Kiawe and I turned to see Rebecca glaring at Nihilego, who had once again, escaped her Pokéball.

"Nihilego, if Makuakāne saw you out of your ball, he's gonna flip! Now get in the ball!"

"Fine..." Nihilego grumbled.

"Good girl." Said Rebecca, calling Nihilego back into the Pokéball.

I then heard a man's voice in the distance. "Becca?"


Rebecca's parents and older sister came into view and ran toward her.


Nanu, Sabine and Luan hugged their daughter/sister before turning to us.

"Captain Kiawe, Madame Lydia, we saw the light from your Z-Moves." Nanu smiled at me and Kiawe. "Sabine and I heard about Team Skull trouble on the mountain, so we came running. And Lulu isn't a grown woman yet, so she had to come along."

"Hey!" Luan protested. "I'm turning 18 in two months!"

Tapu Bulu flew over to Nanu. "Long time no see, Nanu and Sabine."

"It has been a while, Tapu Bulu." Sabine acknowledged.

"Hey, Christian, could you come over here?" Tapu Bulu called to Christian, who came running immediately.

"Tapu Bulu and I have decided that we should bless you for your role in driving off Team Skull." Nanu turned to the Land Spirit Pokémon. "Tapu Bulu, do your stuff."

Christian's POV

Tapu Bulu gestured for me to close my eyes. I did so, and I felt warmth and energy surround me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that my clothes had been turned into Guardian wear, complete with a yellow crown.

Besides the crown, my Guardian wear consisted of a white cape with golden charms, a yellow tank top covered by a yellow and green vest, a gray sash and white pants and shoes.

"Wow... Thanks, Tapu Bulu!"

Tapu Bulu nodded before Nanu handed him a Z-Ring. The Deity then placed the Z-Ring in my hand.

I put the Z-Ring onto my wrist and it fit perfectly.

"Kahuna Nanu, I promise that I will cherish my blessing and think about all living things in this world, as it is my duty as a Guardian."

"Good to know, young man." Nanu patted my shoulder.

Lillie's POV

When Nanu, Sabine and Luan left, I let the indigo Minior I had been holding float into the air, as did Tessa, Jasmine, Moana, Isaac, Melody and Kaelynne with the Minior they were holding.

"It's all right, little one." I reassured the indigo Minior. "You're free now."

Minior did not fly away. She continued to hover in front of me.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"


I looked into the Minior's eyes. Immediately, something clicked. "Do you want to come along with me?"

Minior smiled and chirped with joy.

With that, I took out a Pokéball and captured Minior.

I suddenly got an idea and let Marshadow and Minior out. "How do you feel about the name Polu? Marshadow, translate!"

Minior chirped and Marshadow translated for her. "She likes it!"

I pumped my fist into the air. "Yes! I knew it! Ok, your name is going to be Polu!"

"Min! Min!"

"What is it, Polu?"

I turned around and saw that the other Minior had been caught as well.

"I see. Polu, you and your friends wanted to come with us because you're grateful to us for rescuing you."

The other Minior had been named as well: the red Ehu by Kaelynne, the orange Alani by Melody, the yellow Lenalena by Isaac, the green Oma'oma'o by Jasmine, the blue Uliuli by Tessa, and the purple Lila by Moana.

"It's wonderful to have you all come with us." Isaac said to Lenalena as he fed her a yellow Poké Bean.

"Min!" Lenalena chirped in agreement.

"You know," Maya raised her hand. "I think we should head back to the hotel. Olivia's going to get worried, you know."

"You're right." Tessa gasped, calling Uliuli back to her Pokéball. "Squad, let's move out."

"Um..." Said Alyssa. "Can I stay for a little bit? I need to make sure all of the Team Skull Grunts have left."

"You may," Tessa replied. "But send me or Annaleise a text when you're on your way back."

"I will."

Alyssa's POV

When everyone left, I heard someone speak. "Excuse me, miss, do you know of a girl named Kahili?"

I turned around and saw a blue-haired boy who I thought looked familiar. "Falkner? Is that you?"

"Alyssa..." He ran over to pull me into a hug, which I returned.

"No, I don't know of a Kahili." I replied.

"I was supposed to meet her here, then I heard the clash between you guys and Team Skull, so I got concerned."

Why was my face heating up? It then clicked. I had a crush on him when we saw each other last, which was when we were younger. It turns out, Falkner and I are childhood friends.

"Alyssa, when we saw each other last, I have been wanting to tell you something. But I was called back home to see my dying father in his last moments."

"What is it you want to tell me?"

Falkner looked into my eyes as he sang to me.


"How could I have missed your voice so long now?

How could I have never seen that smile?"

I couldn't help but giggle at that.


"And now you're here; in front of me.

I feel... A change in me.

And now you're here

With me.

I feel

At home now.

For the first time, I finally feel alive."

I took a few steps away from him, looking at the sky.


"Waited for so long and then you found me.

How can so much change with nothing said?

Your eyes light up. You take my hand. We know... What we've started."

I turned to face him as he took my hands and led me forward.


"And now you're here

With me.

I feel

At home now.

For the first time, I finally feel alive."

We looked into each other's eyes.

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"How could I have missed your voice so long now?

How could I have never seen that smile?"


"You're standing there"


"In front of me."

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"I feel

A change in me.

Now you're here"


"With me (Falkner: I'm at home now.)

I feel (Falkner: I feel)

At home now (Falkner: A change now.)


"For the first time..."

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"I finally feel alive."


"Cause magic only happens"

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"When you least expect it to.

Now you're here


With me (Falkner: I'm at home now.)

I feel (Falkner: I feel)

At home now (Falkner: A change now.)


"For the first time..."

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"I finally feel alive."


"For the first time..."

(Falkner and Alyssa)

"I finally feel alive."

"Alyssa... What I've been wanting to say is... I love you."

"I feel the same." I agreed with a gentle smile.

We leaned in and our lips met in a tender kiss.

When we separated, my smile brightened.

"How would you feel about going out with me?" Falkner asked me.

"You mean, like... on a date?"

"Yeah. Whenever you're available, that is."

I giggled. "I'll have to check in with Tessa and see when she's ok with it. Hopefully tomorrow night would work out. And I need to get back, or everyone's gonna worry."

Falkner and I exchanged cell phone numbers before I called out Mesprit.

"Alola, Falkner. Love you."

"You too, Lyss. Can I call you that?"

"You may."

He pecked my lips before Mesprit levitated me into the sky and took me back to Akala Island.

Moana's POV

"Well, that was a real doozy of a rescue, wasn't it?" Lillie commented, looking down at Polu.

"Indeed, it was." Kaelynne agreed, chuckling at the affectionate nudges Ehu was giving her.

Annaleise checked her phone. "Alyssa's on her way back."

In due time, we trainers arrived at Room SL1324. Upon entering, we were greeted by Olivia, who rushed over to us; but not before tripping over her heeled sandals and falling to the floor.

"You ok, Cousin?" Birhan gasped.

Olivia got up, sweatdropping. "I'm fine. Are you guys alright? What happened?"

"We kicked Team Skull butt and rescued some Pokémon is what happened." Anderson boasted.

"We did that but it took longer than I thought it should've." Tessa added. "But we're a-okay!"

"Thank goodness for that." Olivia sighed in relief before turning to Tessa. "You ready for our Grand Trial Battle, Tessa?"

Tessa smirked. "Yup."

When we got to the hotel battlefield, we were surprised to see Hau and Hala waiting for us.

Tapu Koko popped out of her Pokéball and flew over to Hala. "Hey, Hala, what are you doing here?"

Hala laughed, affectionately petting Tapu Koko. "Hau begged me into coming here to see Olivia battle young Tessa. He even wanted me to referee the match."

"Figures." Lillie sighed. "That's Hau for you."

We all went to sit on the bleachers, while Olivia and Tessa took their positions on the field and Hala went to the referee's spot. Tapu Koko went back to Brianna's side as the Pyramid Princess called the Melemele Guardian back to her Pokéball.

"This is going to be so exciting to see Cousin Olivia in a battle." Birhan said excitedly. I nodded in agreement.

I took out Tapu Lele's Pokéball and let her out.

"Moana, can I watch Livvie battle? Pretty please?"

"Of course!" I smiled at my Legendary Partner. "That's why I let you out."

"Yay! Yippy yay!" Tapu Lele nuzzled my face.

"All right, girl. Settle down."

"The Grand Trial battle between Kahuna Olivia and Tessa Sycamore is about to get underway!" Hala announced. "This is a two on two match. Both Trainers are permitted to make substitutions. Tessa, are you ready?"

"Yeah." Tessa replied, a determined look on the ravenette's face.

"Olivia, are you ready?" Hala turned to the Island Kahuna.

"I'm always ready." Olivia nodded.

Hala waved his hand down. "Battle begin!"

"Alright, Boldore, let's go!" Olivia called, throwing out her Pokéball, releasing the aforementioned Ore Pokémon.

"Pearl, come on out!" Tessa cried out, releasing her Sylveon.

"Let's see if she has what it takes." Olivia said. "Boldore, Headbutt!"

The top of Boldore's head shone brightly and he shot forward.

"Pearl, let Boldore close and use Disarming Voice!" Tessa commanded.

Within the small distance between them, Boldore quickly got close and Sylveon let out a shriek, sending out pink sound waves that stopped Boldore from getting closer and launched him back.

Olivia arched an eyebrow. 'Let's see how she handles this.' She thought before commanding: "Boldore, Rock Blast!"

The Ore Pokémon fired large boulders at the Sylveon.

Tessa gasped. "Pearl, dodge it!"

Pearl ran to the left, then to the right, narrowly dodging a boulder. She jumped backwards on top of an oncoming rock.

Annaleise clapped. "Go, Tessa!"

"Tessa's 'Rockruff'ing it, isn't she?" Tapu Lele added.

"Not you, too, Lele!" Hau smacked his forehead.

"What do you mean by that?" Evan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Principal Oak at our school does Pokémon puns and it sometimes annoys the students." Hau explained.

"Great job." Tessa praised. "Now, use Moonblast."

The Intertwining Pokémon formed a pink-silver ball between her feelers before throwing it at her opponent, catching him smack-dab in the face.

Boldore cried out in pain as he fell onto his back. He didn't get up.

"Boldore!" Olivia cried in shock and despair.

"Boldore is unable to battle." Hala declared. "Olivia, send in your next Pokémon."

"Boldore, return. You did well, have a good rest." Olivia said, returning her Pokémon. She then looked at her raven-haired opponent. "You're really good at this, Tessa."

Tessa smiled respectfully. "Thanks. You're really good as well."

"Well, don't get your hopes up yet." Olivia warned. "Remember your saying, 'Don't give up till it's over'? Lycanroc, let's go!" She released her second Pokémon.

A Lycanroc in his midday form appeared on the field, howling in anticipation.

Tessa smirked before calling out, "Pearl, Draining Kiss!"

Pearl raced to the wolf-like creature and planted a kiss on his nose, absorbing some of his energy.

Olivia gritted her teeth. "Lycanroc, fight back with Stone Edge!"

Lycanroc howled, sending many large rocks out of the ground in a line that lead straight to Pearl.

Pearl let out a cry of pain as a rock from below slammed her into the air. She hit the ground hard.

"Pearl!" Tessa called, worried.

"Sylveon is unable to battle." Hala said, noting the spirals in the Intertwining Pokémon's eyes. "Both trainers are up to their final Pokémon."

'Man, she doesn't play around, does she?' Tessa mused, pulling out a Pokéball before throwing it into the air. "Alright, Claire, it's all up to you!"

Tessa's Greninja appeared on the battlefield, standing tall and in a fighting stance.

"Battle begin!" Hala called.

"Lycanroc, use Bite!"

Lycanroc's fangs glowed and became longer. He darted over to the Ninja Pokémon and attempted to bite her but she vanished when he made contact.

Lycanroc pulled back in surprise and Olivia gasped.

"Where did she go?"

Tessa smirked before glancing up for a second and looking back down. "Claire, Water Shuriken!"

Claire landed on her feet to the right of the Wolf Pokémon, startling him and forming a shuriken made of water. She struck it against his face and chest before jumping back a few feet and throwing the star at him. It burst upon impact.

Lycanroc whimpered in pain as he landed on his back. He curled his lips in a snarl and quickly got back onto his feet.

"The two are in sync, knowing what they're going to do before they do it." Olivia murmured. "Lycanroc, Rock Throw!"

"Claire, wait for him to attack before using Double Team." Tessa commanded, Claire nodding at her Trainer.

Lycanroc formed six boulders above him before launching them at the Greninja.

Claire glowed before many clones of her showed up all over the field. The boulders hit many of them, causing them to disappear.

"Claire, Water Shuriken!"

All of the Greninja copies created throwing stars and threw them at the Wolf.

Lycanroc roared in pain, trying to endure the super-effective attacks. He was thrown backwards, landing at his trainer's feet.

"Lycanroc, are you okay? Are you able to continue?" Olivia panicked. Lycanroc growled lowly and nodded. He got up and ran to the middle of the field, turning to his opponent.

The two Pokémon made eye contact, a pair of blue eyes and a pair of red eyes narrowing at the other.

"Claire, let's finish this up! Use Surf!"

"Gren!" A wave of water flew out of the ground underneath Claire's feet, lifting her off the ground and she surfed her way to Lycanroc.

"Lycanroc, Stone Edge." Olivia ordered.

Lycanroc slammed his paws into the ground, towers of stones making its way to the big wave water quickly getting closer. It didn't stop the attack, but it cut the water in half.

The water passed by the Wolf and Claire launched herself at Lycanroc.

"Claire, Cut!"

Claire's webbed hand now wielded a glowing stick and she hit Lycanroc against the face and chest multiple times.

"Hurry, Counter!"

Lycanroc's paw glowed red and the Wolf punched Claire in the chest, sending her flying into one of the towering stones.

Claire recovered quickly and turned, so she could land against the rock instead of hitting it headfirst. The Greninja pushed herself off the rock to give her momentum to be launched back to Lycanroc.

"Claire, let's end this! Water Shuriken!" Tessa shrieked, her and Claire's hearts racing in unison.

The Ninja Pokémon compressed a water shuriken in mid-air and got very closer to the Wolf Pokémon. She smacked it into his face and brought him down on his head, exploding upon impact.

Claire jumped back to Tessa's side of the field.

"Lycanroc is unable to battle." Hala declared, hand waving up and pointing to Tessa. "Which means the match goes to Tessa Sycamore!"

I led the Squad in claps and cheers for our leader.

Tessa's face broke out into a triumphant grin and the ravenette dashed out to meet her Greninja in a hug. "Claire, you did really, really well!"

"Good job, Tessa. You and your Pokémon battled pretty hard." Olivia congratulated, her Lycanroc leaning against her slightly.

"Thanks. You guys did too." Tessa replied, smiling brightly.

Tessa's POV

I can't believe it. I actually defeated Olivia!

Tapu Lele flew over to the Kahuna, tears in her eyes.

"Livvie lost..."

Olivia gave the Land Spirit Pokémon a hug. "A loss is a loss, Lele. That happens sometimes."

"You're right!" Tapu Lele giggled.

"Ready, Tessa?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Close your eyes." Olivia instructed.

I did so. I felt the warmth of Tapu Lele's scales around my feet, and when I opened my eyes, my light green flats were replaced with apple green sandals.

"Olivia, they're gorgeous."

Olivia looked at my dress. "I have the perfect Guardian outfit in mind for you. Lele!"

I closed my eyes once again, and this time, I twirled around as Tapu Lele surrounded me with her scales once more. My short pink dress had been replaced with a beautiful royal blue gown and flowing yellow cape.

"Thank you so much." I had never worn anything so beautiful.

"And here's your Z-Ring." Olivia took a Z-Ring from Hala's hand and slid it onto my wrist. The crystal glowed brightly before the glow dissipated.

"That is a Lunalium Z. Activate it using the Ghost type Z-Move dance, and Lunala will be able to use her signature Z-Move, Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom."

"Kahuna Olivia, I promise that I will cherish my blessing and think about all living things in this world, as it is my duty as a Guardian."

"And it's just like I told Lydia: using Z-Moves is a special honor, and should not be taken lightly."


Annaleise's POV

When we got back to the hotel room, Kiawe had news for the boys. Us girls did our own thing. For example, Tessa and I went into my room to talk.

"I know you guys aren't aware, but I need some of you to join me in the Newsies dance at the upcoming Tapu Lele Festival."

We heard hooting and hollering from the boys.

"Congratulations, Tessa! You have no idea how proud of you I am right now."

"Uh, yes I do, Annie." Tessa elbowed me in the shoulder. "Come to think of it, I'm getting hungry. I think we should go down to the restaurant for dinner."

"I'm with you."

We went back into the living room, where Kiawe was finishing up his discussion with the boys. "Who wants to join me in the Newsies dance?"

Oliver, Alexander, Evan, Derek, Jerco, Anderson, Peter, Adrien, Ethan, Damien, Sebastian, Isaac, Isaiah and Carter raised their hands.

"All right, so that's fourteen of you."

"Kiawe, are there any female parts to the song and dance?" Blake piped up.

"Yes, Blake. There are. Let's see... You, Clara, Bethany and Lillie can be the females. I think you guys only sing."

"All right." Blake understood.

"Squad, may I have your attention please?" Tessa called.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to face me and Tessa.

"Annie and I are getting hungry, so what do you say we head down to the restaurant?"

"Great idea!" Jasmine pumped her fist.

"Sure," Natalie shrugged. "Why not?"

Rebecca went to open and hold the door as she let everyone out.

"Um..." Lydia raised her hand. "I need to stay behind for a little bit."

"So do I." Kiawe added.

"Ok." I understood. "See you when you get there. Don't do anything naughty, ok?"

"We won't!" Lydia called back as we left.

As we went down to the restaurant, a thought ran through my head.

Lately, my heart would beat faster every time I thought of Birhan or he was in close proximity of me.

Am I starting to like him? Does he feel the same about me?

When we made it to the lobby, we ran into a girl and two boys.

One of the boys had spiky golden hair, slightly tanned skin and emerald green eyes. He wore a brown and orange backwards cap, a yellow vest over a white undershirt, black jean shorts, and dark blue sandals.

The other boy had short platinum blonde hair, the same eye color as his sidekick, and wore black glasses. His shirt and socks were yellow, and his pants, sash and shoes were yellow.

As for the girl, she had dark brown hair covering only her right shoulder, emerald eyes just like her companions, and side-swept bangs on both sides. She wore a lilac purple choker jumpsuit with a matching colored non-flowy snowflake cape and royal blue flats.

"Are you guys the Legendary Heroes Squad?" Asked the boy with the glasses.

"We are." Tessa replied. "Why?"

"Well, my name is Eric Logan." Said the boy in the glasses. "These are my friends Lunick Hamada and Meghan Cheng-Strange."

"Alola!" Lunick and Meghan waved to us.

"Alola!" I greeted back. "Do you three live in this region?"

"We do." Meghan responded.

"Who were you guys chosen by?"

"I was chosen by Deoxys, Lunick by Mewtwo and Eric by Kyurem."

"Well..." Said Tessa. "Welcome to the Squad, guys!"

"Thank you!" Lunick, Eric and Meghan chorused.

"Is this everyone?" Lunick raised an eyebrow.

"Lydia, who was chosen by Articuno, isn't here right now." Melody explained. "But she'll be down in a few minutes."

Lydia's POV

"Something wrong, Lydia?" Kiawe asked me, as I looked out the window.

I didn't answer. That did it for him.

"My lady..."

I almost fainted as Kiawe scooped me up into his arms, pressing his lips to my forehead. We went into Room 1 and shut the door before setting me down on the bed.

I then thought of my grandmother. I know I've said this before, but losing her really hurt both me and Lyric.

The truth is; we learned so much about Pokémon from grandma. And when I was a little girl, she inspired me to eventually be an Ice type Trainer.

Grandma had told me that ice can bring both life and destruction. She wanted me to use ice that nurtures life... To be the Snowflake of Johto.

When Kiawe told me a similar story pertaining to him and his grandfather, I was surprised. We had much more in common than we thought.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Kiawe climbed onto the bed, hovering above me as he kissed it away.

"Lydia..." Kiawe murmured against my skin, his warm breath caressing my neck. "You're ok. I've got you."

Oh Arceus that voice... I felt like I was melting on the inside.

I know I've also said this before, but Kiawe has known me long enough to figure out that even his voice was enough to turn me on.

"Kiss me..." I let the words out in a breathy voice.

Kiawe smiled and leaned down to do just that.

After a minute, we were interrupted by Kiawe's cell phone. It was his mother, asking him to return home for dinner.

He hung up and looked at me. "Babe, I need to get home. I have school tomorrow."

"See you." I gave him a short kiss before he left the room and took off.

I then called Tessa on her cell phone. She and the others were down at the restaurant.

Tessa's POV

When Lydia made it to the restaurant, I asked her where Kiawe went.

"His mother called him home for dinner." Lydia replied. "Plus, he has school tomorrow." She then looked around. "Where's Natalie?"

"She's been invited to perform her song on the stage over there." I pointed to the stage, where several employees were setting up the speakers and Natalie's microphone and an electric guitar.

"That's great. Did Natalie write it herself?"

"She did." I said with a wink. "Natalie's very talented and smart. No wonder Necrozma chose her."

"I agree. Maybe she can help us with strategies when Dark Matter decides to launch a full assault."

"We can ask her!"

Regarding Natalie, she wrote her song after her ex-boyfriend Silver ditched her.

The music started, and Natalie was on the stage. She smiled at us before she gained a determined look and sang.


"I followed my heart into the fire,

Got burned, got broken down by desire

I tried, I tried but the smoke in my eyes

Left me blurry, blurry and blind

I picked all the pieces up off the ground,

Got dirt on my fingers but that's gone now.

Got the glue in my hands and sticking to the plan,

Sticking to the plan that says "I can"

Do anything at all

I can do anything at all.

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly.

'Cause nothing's keeping me down

Gonna let it all out,

Come on and say it right now, right now, right now.

This my big hello

'Cause I'm here and never letting go.

I can finally see, it's not just a dream

When you set it all free, all free, all free

You set it all free."

"Wow, she's really good!"

Some of us clapped to the beat, while others just ate their food.


"I was a girl caught under your thumb

But my star's gonna shine brighter than your sun

And I will reach so high, shoot so far

Gonna hit, gonna hit, hit every target

Make it count this time.

I will make it count this time.

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly.

'Cause nothing's keeping me down

Gonna let it all out,

Come on and say it right now, right now, right now.

This is my big hello

'Cause I'm here and never letting go.

I can finally see, it's not just a dream

When you set it all free, all free, all free

You set it all free.

You set it all free.

You set it all free."

Natalie then played her guitar solo.

"Go, Natalie!" We cheered.

"Wow..." Moana breathed.


"This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly.

'Cause nothing's keeping me down

Gonna let it all out,

Come on and say it right now, right now, right now.

This is my big hello

'Cause I'm here and never letting go.

I can finally see, it's not just a dream

When you set it all free, all free, all free

You set it all free.

You set it all free.

You set it all free.

You set it all free.

You set it all free."

The applause was huge. Natalie took a curtsy before stepping down from the stage with her electric guitar.

Marie's POV

When Natalie was finished with her song, I noticed Lillie was missing.

I heard commotion coming from a back alley. What was happening?

I took out a Pokéball and summoned Gothitelle.

"Gothitelle, let's go find Lillie."

It took me and Gothitelle only half a minute to get to the back of the alley. There, we found two Team Skull Grunts harassing Lillie and Polu.

"No!" Lillie snapped. "I will not give you Polu!" She turned around and saw me. "Marie, help us!"

"Gothitelle, use Psychic!" I called, pointing at the two Grunts.

Gothitelle used her Psychic powers to hold the Grunts in the air.

"Now slam them into the wall!"

After Gothitelle did so, Lillie called Polu back to her Pokéball.

"Just you wait till we have you both in our clutches..." Growled the first Grunt.

I walked over to the Grunts and stared at them with a mix between a poker face and a look of anger.

"Careful what you poke with a stick. It just might bite you." I said curtly. "Come on, Lillie. Let's get you and Polu out of trouble."

With that, Gothitelle used Psychic to lead us out of the alley.

Tessa's POV

"Where were you?" I asked Lillie and Marie when they got back. At least Alyssa returned safe and sound.

"Oh, we just ran into some trouble with Team Skull." Lillie rubbed the back of her head.

I rolled my grey-blue orbs. "Those goons are always looking for trouble."

"Uh, Tessa," Alyssa raised her hand. "I'm getting tired."

"All right, Squad! Let's go back to the room for the night!"

Jenna's POV

Ugh, sometimes it gets boring when you have nothing to do.

Occasionally I would check on Alex to see how he was doing. It turns out it was Zekrom's voice he was hearing in his dreams.

I changed into my black and yellow tank top and black leggings before I put on my blue and white striped socks and brown heeled boots. I then put on my grey-white yellow buttoned coat cape and placed my red slap bracelet on my arm.

"Come on, Diddy." I called to my Zorua.

"Zor!" Diddy squeaked.

"Oh!" I just realized that I forgot to do my hair.

I braided my black hair and smoothed out the red and white streaks before donning my yellow circlet.

"Ok, Diddy. NOW we're ready to go."

Diddy hopped onto my shoulder and licked my face.

We then went downstairs to see Mom.

"Going for a walk, Jenna?" Mom asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Diddy and I are bored, and with Alex gone, well..."

"I see." Mom understood. "Have fun!"

It was a brand new day and the sun had risen. I originally planned to go see Julia Lotus's fashion show in Nimbasa, but immediately scrapped that.

Surprisingly, no one was in my street this morning. Weird...

I wasn't more than five feet from my house when a strange hole appeared in the sky.

A Pokémon dropped down from it and landed on the ground as it closed.

The Pokémon resembled a strange-looking feminine cockroach

The Pokémon's eyes met my amber ones.

Just who is this creature?

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