Never Trust A Reflection

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The girl stared at the mirror, waiting for the image in the cold smooth glass to disappear into something, anything, different that what she was seeing. Staring back at her horrified face, eyes wide was her reflection. Large wide brown eyes stared back at her as she stared into eyes as wild, malicious and filled with an arctic chilling insanity that her muscles were stiff, feet frozen to the floor. The girl screaming at herself mentally to look away, move her body out of that room and run. Run as far away and as fast as she could from the image in the mirror. The reflection stared at her for a moment longer before its mouth spread into a vicious grin seconds before it broke into a sinister maniacal laughter. The laughter chilled her skin as it froze her blood, slowly gripping at her throat, suffocating her as the reflection slowly held up a butcher's knife. The mirror image cut off her laughter before glaring at the girl. The image disappeared, and instead of showing the bed, book-stands and everything else that was in the mirrors range, it showed a white room, red splattered everywhere, the ceiling and walls dripping with the red liquid. The girl starred sickened by what she saw all around the mirror's room: bodies. Everywhere she looked there was a body, covered in blood. Bones broken, jagged and ripping through the skin bending the limbs in unnatural directions. Gashes lacerating every inch of visible flesh, some hanging from ropes by their necks. Organs were splayed all around, the few that were still alive, shrieking, crying and begging. They were begging for death to end their suffering.

The girl was staring hypnotized as if she were a snake's prey, when she heard the chair to her desk scrape across the polished wooden floor. She flinched at the sound, as slowly turned her head toward the sound, but her eyes did not stray from the disturbing image in front of her. Her eyes snapped from the mirror to the chair when she heard a voice humming "Child's Play". The girl from the reflection was sitting in the chair, fully-wide eyes locked on the girl, as she bobbed her head back and forth to the side, continuing to hum with a grin so wide, it was a miracle her face did not split. The girl shrieked as her body finally listened to her desperate mental screams of running as she twisted her body to the side and dashed toward the door to her room. She was seconds from yanking open the door before she felt hot breath at the back of her neck. She froze, too frightened to move as the mirror image placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, placing her mouth directly at the girl's ear before whispering "You're next." As soon as those words left her mouth, mirror girl placed her other hand on the girl's face and turning it to where she would look at her as blood stared to pour down from the mirror girl's hairline, her ears, her nose, mouth and eyes. Gashes began to tear at the mirror girl's face and neck, deeper and deeper. The reflection looked at the girl, a blood soaked mouth curing into a smile, and as her eyes lost any trace of humanity it held left, it whispered "Run."

The girl tore herself away from the other and with an ear-splitting shriek; she flew down the hallway, her feet barely skimming the floor in her terror to flee. As she reached the stairs, she could hear whistling coming from behind her before she was shoved forward, plummeting down the stair before coming to a stop at the bottom. The girl groaned as she tried to push herself into a standing position, the urgency to get away to strong to let the pain claim her. She shot through the house and was able to throw open the front door, pound down the front steps and onto the lawn before she felt a stinging pain running from her lower calf all the way to the middle of her thigh. A scream of pain and surprise slipped through her lips as she stumbled to the ground. The girl had placed her hand onto the ground to push herself up; she knew she needed to keep running, when a blow to her ribs threw her to her side. She rolled onto her back and looked up. The reflection glared at her hatefully as she pinned her onto the ground. Her knees were pinned down by the other girl as the image fought with her to pierce her heart.

As the blade was a centimeter from puncturing into her heart, the girl's eyes spring open as a wail of terror claw up her through throat from her chest. She shrieked for a few moments before she realized she is alive and in her bed. Gasping she looks around and realizes that she was only dreaming. Sighing, she moves her left hand and feels something slightly heavy and cold. Her heart and breathe stops for a full minute as she sees a knife, saturated in blood sitting in her hand with a note saying "Your Next" written in blood taped to the knife.

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