No Time For Drama

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Celosia let her eyes wander over the park that she was in, from the grass to the tress, the birds searching through the grass and throngs of people for food that may have been dropped. She watched the innocence of children playing without a care in the world and sighted at her situation. Celosia wasn't even sure where ot start, or who to start looking for. All she knew was that she needed to figure out something and fast. 

Before she could think about anything else, she tumbled to the ground, palms and knees stinging at the contact made with the ground. Celosia glanced back to see a foot outstreached leading up to a cruel smiled sittng upon a blonde head of hair. The smile dropping a few degrees once the owner noticed her looking. 

"Aw, did the loser fall? Here, let me get you off your knees." the girl sneered as she hopped on the leg she was standing on for a split second before shooting the still outstretchd leg out and hitting Celosia against her chest. The strike was enough to push her onto her butt, causing her to wince slightly and curl her fingers into fists to avoid making a scene. 

"Why are you trying to fight it?' a soft voice whispered at the back of her mind.

"No. You are not real, I am just debating with my anger inside. I dont need to listen to you." she huffed inside her head at the voice.

"Why are you allowing this person to treat you like dirt. Stand up and defend yourself. Now. and I am very much real." the voice seethed back.
She could feel a push at her mind, similar to that of a migraine on top of no sleep. She paid it no mind before it started to push even further at her, trying to get her to let go.She grit her teeth before drilling her gaze into the ground. 

"Leave me alone." she muttered. 

The girl mocking her scowled before stalking forward and leaning down so that their faces were inches apart.

"Why should I? You wrecked into me. I am just trying to make sure you dont act so careless in the future." Cold, cruel dark brown eyes, as the unpleasent girl combed back her hair from her face, shaking the blonde locks in irritation before striking out quickly. Curved fingers, each one sporting sharp manicured nails races toward Celosia's face, whipping it to the side with the force of the impact. Long, though shallow, red lines bloomed upon her skin from the contact, causing her to bite down on her lip to keep from crying out at the stinging sensation. 

Stumbling to her feet, she glared at the girl who attacked her, rage seeping into her veins. She already had a ton to deal with, she refused to let this hateful brat cause her misery on top of the stress she was already feeling. She glared down at the girl, slapping away the others hand when she jabbed her hand forward to grab onto Celosia;s hoodie. 

"I don't have time for you or your hateful games. Just leave me alone. If I wrecked into you, doesnt that also show that you were being careless because I know I was not close enough to have been in the way of your path." 

Spitting out the words she had to all but shove through her teeth with the force of her anger, she spun around and stormed away, intent on not causing any more of a scene than she already had.

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