Day 2: Eret

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I just wanted to clarify. To any homophobes/transphofobes reading this: You're disgusting, go the heck away and I, as a ftm pansexual, am dissapointed in you. 

The day started similarly to yesterday; First, it was Tommy and then minutes later Phil who woke up. After they were sure that all the kids were safe, Tommy went to Sam Nook and together they started cooking breakfast. About an hour or so later, the kids woke up too, and went to the cafeteria (the older kids were carrying the younger ones) and ate breakfast. Then, it was time for clothes. At first, it was a real problem for Tommy and Phil. Like, where the f*** were they supposed to find 30 pairs of clothing? After they took all of Tommy's old clothes, they went to SMP members houses, hoping that they may find some other old ones. Luckily, Sam had nearly 5 boxes full of old clothes. Probably his and others. Bad also had some small clothes in his house. From Niki's house they got some dresses and skirts, which also helped. So, now they were giving clothes for the kids. The usual, kids choose themselves what they want to wear, they only give it to them. Eret came last today, which was weird itself.

"Uh... Um.... " Eret started, probably not knowing what to say.

"Is something wrong Eret?" Tommy asked (because it was his turn to give clothes today)

"I-I wanted to ask you something?" Eret more asked than said.

"You can ask me anything dear. Now, what is it?"

"I-I was wondering if I... if I could.... you know.... like.... wear a skirt?" Eret asked. "I-I know it's a stupid idea, I-I just thought-"

"Eret, dear, there's nothing stupid about it. If you want to wear a skirt, then I will give you a skirt. Now, comeone, we need to find something that will fit you!" Tommy happily said, took Eret's hand and went to the wardrobe. Eret looked like she was about to cry.

Fellow comrade, I bear the unrelenting desire for myself to skip a certain amount of seconds multiplied by 60 giving us minutes to not see the part which is unneeded in this story- I mean five minutes later

In the end, Tommy found a beautiful, purple skirt that rested to Eret's knees, and a light blue t-shirt with a matching heart on it. Tommy could swear that he didn't see Eret this happy since the whole deaging thing happened. After that, Tommy found a glitter hairpin, and because he's the best mom, he went to Eret and pinned it into his hair. Eret seemed even happier. Later, Eret went to play with Niki and the rest of the girls. They were playing with dolls and later drawing each other with crayons that Tommy found.


"Eret! Eret!" Puffy yelled and went to Eret.

"What is it Puffy?" Eret asked.

"Look! I drew you!" Puffy said with a smile and showed her drawing. On the paper was a poorly drawn human figure with visible purple skit, blue t-shirt and sunglasses. The figure was smiling and at the top was written: OUR QUEEN.

Eret felt like he was gonna cry.

"Oh no! Eret I'm sorry I didn't want to make you upset-" Puffy said panicking.

"No, no. It's okay. I just love this so much."

"Oh. Then it's for you!" Puffy examples and gave the drawing to Eret and went back to her seat and started talking with Niki. Eret looked at the drawing and went to ask Tommy if he had anything that could protect the drawing from being destroyed.


"Guys look! It's raining!" Funny yelled while pressing his face to the window.

"Yo, let's go out and play in the rain!" Puffy said.

"But mom said not to go out when it's raining..." Eret reminded. Tommy (their mom) was out hunting for food, and Phil was with Sam Nook in the kitchen.

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're going to listen to him!" Wilbur yelled.

"A-and what if I'm going to?!" Eret yelled back.

"Then you're a pussy." Wilbur said and a faint 'Language' could be heard.

"W-what? N-No I'm not!

"Then prove it!" Wilbur yelled.

"Okay! I will go out with you and prove it!" Eret cried.

"Great! Now, who wants to come along?" Wilbur said.

They ended up with Fundy, Niki, Puffy and Techno tagging along. Carefully, they sneaked past the kitchen and to the front door.

The outside was... rather dark. It was raining obviously, lightning could be heard in the distance, mud and water were everywhere and they didn't have galoshes. That didn't seem to bother Wilbur tho, because the first thing he did was started running around like crazy, getting wet immediately.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?!" He yelled and jumped into a big puddle, splashing Eret and others when doing so.

"Yea, come on!" Puffy repeated and ran to the closest puddle.

The rest did the same, Eret still unsure if they should do this, but after some convincing from Niki they finally went into the rain and started running with the rest.

At first it was pretty fun. They splashed each other, jumped into puddles, played in the mud and such.

Puffy was running just like everyone else, but because of the rain she didn't notice that she was dangerously close to the edge of the Prime Path.

With a swift motion, she slipped on the wet wood like on a slide and nearly fell, holding the enge on dear life with one hand.

"PUFFY!" Niki screamed and runned to her friend. But, because of the wet wood, she tripped mid-way and ended up face-first in a big puddle.

Eret was scared. That was understandable. Without thinking much she runned up to Puffy and grabbed her arm, yanking it up with all the force he had. Their plan was successful, because she fell on his back, dragging Puffy along onto his stomach.

Puffy was crying and the first thing she did when she realised she's safe was curl into a ball and cry even harder. Eret was exhausted, because he used a lot of their energy to save Puffy.

"I-I knew that go... going out was a... a bad idea..." Eret managed to say between breaths.


Tommy just finished hunting. But, I guess the universe watnet to make his day miserable, because when he was heading back to the daycare hotel it started raining. Not only his clothes were wet, but on his way back he tripped into a mud puddle and now he had mud all over himself too.

He was about 50 meters away from the entrance when he heard someone scream.


Without thinking Tommy opened his wings and flew to the location of the scream. After literal seconds he saw Eret yanking someone from the edge of the prime path, which resulted in them both falling onto the path, Eret on his back and the other person, who he assumed was Puffy, landed on her stomach.

"Oh thank Notch..." Tommy muttered and flew to the direction of the kids.

The first thing he did when he finally landed was run to the kids, because apparently there were more than just the two, picked Puffy up and hugged her. He also used his wings to shelter the kids from the rain.

"Shhh.... It's okay, I'm here." Tommy softly whispered to calm Puffy down. He then looked at the rest.

"What were you thinking? There is a reason I told you not to come out while it's raining. Now, go inside and change into your pyjamas. I need to take care of Puffy." He turned to the entrance. "Oh, and Eret? Come with me, I need to make sure you're okay too."


After the kids took a bath and changed into their pyjamas, Tommy took out some extra covers and made all of them lay in the nest, covered in them.

Meanwhile, Tommy, Puffy and Eret were in the living room. Tommy just finished bangaging Puffy's wrist.

"Alright. Now, go to the nestroom and rest with everyone else under the blankets. When I make sure Eret's okay I will join you."

"Okay." Puffy responded and ran to the nestroom.

"Now. Eret?"


"Eret, sweetie. I'm not mad at you. I'm actually glad, because if you didn't go out with them Puffy could get seriously hurt. Of course, it would be the best if you just stayed inside, but..."

"WHat I'm trying to say is that I'm glad that you were there. And you didn't hesitate to help your friend."

"Really?" Eret asked, surprised. He honestly thought that they would receive some sort of punishment, but this? She was glad, just surprised.

"Yes, now Eret? Please take off your shirt, I need to check your stomach to see if it's not bruised."

Eret only nodded and took off his shirt, revealing a big bruise on his chest and some other, smaller ones on his arms.

"Okay what the actual f***"


Well, long story short, Tommy went all Mother mode and bandaged Eret. Then, he made hot chocolate for the kids and some tea for himself. Phil chose chocolate too, and Sam Nook was the mental support friend. After everyone drank their drinks, they went to the nest and cuddled together.

After some time Phil got an idea and they started playing storytellings. They ended up with a story about a boy who started a revolution in his highschool, which made everyone laugh. After that, the kids who were sleepy went to sleep, and others still quietly whispered between one another until they got bored.

Tommy, with Eret and Puffy cuddled to his chest and his wings wrapped around them protectively, took one last glance at the sleeping children and closed his eyes too.


"So, what do we know?"

"It seems like most of the people, somehow, turned into children."

"It also appears that there only people who would be able to defend themselves are two teens around 16 to 17 years old and the hotel robot."

"This is going to be easier than I thought."

"We'll raid that stupid land of thiers and steal everything valuable."


"You, take the commands."

"Yes sir."

"I want everything to be ready..."

"For our little raid"

My children. I have an announcment.
1) Easter is coming, and with that I'm going to my grandma for a week or more, so I won't be able to write the next chapter. It will come out, just in two weeks, not a week like usuall. Sorry lol

And remember, everyone is non-binary until proven otherwise.

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