How did this happend?

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"So, Dream" Techno started "why did you call EVERYONE here?" Techno specially said everyone, because, well, literally everyone from the server was there. Well, except one, but we'll come back to that later. People from all across the server were standing in front of the Community House, with Dream standing on a quickly made podium.

"All right, is this everyone?" Dream asked, and without waiting for a response continued "So, you're probably wondering why did I call you here."

"Well, yes- " Wilbur started, but Dream interrupted him.

"So, when I was mining I found this... weird cave. Inside, there were paintings on the walls in some unknown language. While exploring, I found this," he took out a book, very old by the looks of it from his inventory "and I wanted to see if any of you knew what is written inside."

"Oh, I can try!" Ranboo said, and went to the podium next to Dream. After Dream carefully gave the book to Ranboo, the enderman hybrid started reading it.

"It's a spellbook." He finally said. "But I'm not sure what the spells do, the words are old and some of them are blank."

"Huh, so it's a spellbook?" Dream asked blankly. "Hey, I have an idea. Give me it."

"Sure?" Ranboo said unsure, and gave the book back to Dream.

"Are you sure it's safe?" George asked from the crowd.

"Of course it is! I mean, I'm the admin, so if anything happens I can just use my admin powers to fix it."

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Phil muttered.

"Venturus duo Vera Verto!" Dream yelled, followed by a bright light escaping from the book.

"What the- " Techno started, but before he could finish the light blinded him, along with everyone else.


"Aight guys, I'm back! Sorry I didn't show up, but getting lost in the nether can be a real pain in the ass..." Tommy rambled for a couple of minutes, until he was standing by the Community House.

"And then- " he got interrupted by something that sounded like... crying? He immediately ran to where he assumed, the sound was coming from, only to find-

"Shhhh, Shhhhhh, please stop crying!- " A panicked teen, incredibly similar to Philza, but well, younger, surrounded by 30 toddlers from 1 and half to 10 years old, holding a kid no older than 1 and maybe half year old, trying to calm them down. When the teen finally looked up and saw Tommy, he froze, probably not knowing what to do. The rest of the kids saw him too, and after a couple of minutes of an awkward staring contest, the boy asked:

"Who are you and where are we?!" the teen asks, almost visibly trying not to raise his voice and scare the kids.

"Uhh- " Tommy didn't know what to do. "You're in Dream SMP? Y'know, the private server? "

"The what SMP now?" the teen asked confused.

"Wait, you didn't get whitelisted?" Tommy asked, more confused.

"Uhh yeah? I was just flying around my house when suddenly I'm here, and surrounded by toddlers. I thought that you knew what happened?"

"Well, no I didn't!"

"Oh f***"

"What the f***?!" Tommy repeated "Why can't I swear?!"

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder..."

"Okay, okay.... Let's not panic" Tommy said and started walking in a circle "so you and these children got randomly teleported here, and have no idea where you are. Okay, okay, this is fine. This is absolutely not fine!" Tommy was panicking, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, okay. First, we need to take these children somewhere safe before night. I have an idea where we can take them. Then, when the children are safe, we can talk all the things out, all right?" Tommy said and turned to the other teen.

"I agree."

"Okay, so kids," Tommy turned to face the kids, "Can you come with us? Then, when we are safe inside, I would try and answer your questions. "

"And why we should trust you?" A boy, probably the oldest from the kids asked. He was short, and had weird goggles. He looked incredibly similar to someone, but Tommy just couldn't place who.

"Well, you don't have many other options. Plus, I think that you like this guy over here," Tommy turned to the other teen, "and he agreed to come with me. So, what do you say? "

"..." The goggle-kid turned to another kid, taller with brown hair and black and red t-shirt. They whispered something to each other and finally, the goggle-kid turned to look at Tommy.

"Okay, we will come with you. But first, you need to promise that you will not hurt us." Tommy was honestly surprised by the seriousness in the boy's voice, but he somehow understood him. He was the oldest, and he probably felt responsible for what will happen to the other kids.

Tommy smiled softly and placed his hand on his chest where heart was.

"I promise that I will not hurt you and any other kid. But now we need to go, the sun is going down," Tommy said and looked at the kids. Most of them were 4, 5 and 6, but some were older, and there were some kids even younger. He walked up to the two who looked the youngest, they were similar ages to the toddler that the other teen finally managed to calm down. He picked the two up, and started walking towards his hotel.

He was walking at the front, while the other teen was closing the parede, making sure that all the kids were there and no one ran off. When he looked behind he noticed that the kids were holding hands, probably to feel safer. Honestly, it was cute.

When they finally arrived in front of the Innit Hotel, Sam Noot greeted him like he usually did.

"HELLO TOMMYINNIT. I SEE THAT YOU HAVE YOUR FIRST VISITORS?" Sam Nook, a robot that Sam created for him said and looked at the kids.

"Well yes, but actually no."

"I SEE. YOU CAN COME IN." Sam Nook opened the hotel and let them in. Huh.

"Okay, thank you. Now, come on everyone, get inside. "


"Okay, so" Tommy looked at the kids who were currently eating a very late dinner. Thank god that Phil taught him how to cook, or the kids would be starving here until morning. "Do you have any questions? I promise, I'm gonna try my best to answer them, but I can't promise to know everything. So, questions." Tommy realised his mistake too late.

"Excuse me, do you know where my mommy is?" A kid in white hoodie who was desperately clinging onto one of the youngest, in a purple onesie, asked.

"Where's my dad?" another kid, this time a girl with bright brown hair covering nearly her entire face (Tommy made a mental note to brush her's and every other girl's hair later).

"Where are we?" asked 5 different kids at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Wait. First, second and every other who wanted to ask this: I have no idea where are your parents or legal guardians, sorry kiddos. Third, you are in Dream SMP, a private server. Currently, you are in my hotel, and you're going to stay here until I can get you to your homes. Now, can you tell me your names? Just please, one by one."

"Qwuackity!" Yelled a kid in dark blue hoodie and a hat in the same color.

"I'm Dream," said a kid in a green sweater with a white circle on it.

"My name's George," said the goggle-kid. This is when Tommy realised that every kid reminded him of a different SMP member.

"I-I'm Punz," said the white hoodie kid and then looked at the purple-onesie kid in his lap. "A-and this is my younger brother Purpled." What the actual f***. Every kid had the same name as a SMP member. But that was impossible. The thing that really convinced him was the last pair.

"My name's Technoblade," said a kid with long, pink hair (another mental note: brush his hair too), "And this is my brother Wilbur," he pointed to a brunet standing by his side. Well, turns out that the kids were really the SMP members, but somehow deaged.


"Well, " started the other teen "my name is Philza, but you can call me Phil."

Tommy looked at him, then at the kids, and f***ing fainted.


"Hey, hey, HEY! " Tommy heard a faint voice and felt someone hitting him on the face.

"Ghhhf, stop!" He mumbled and slowly opened his eyes, only to be met with a grey pair looking right back at him.

"Finally. Dude, you just fainted! The kids got scared. Luckily this Sam Nook guy was here, he took care of the kids so I could check on you. " The younger Phil said.

"Uh- How long I was out? "

"Not long, maybe 15 minutes. "

"Okay. Okay.... " Tommy got up and started walking from wall to wall. "So, I guess you want an explanation, huh? "


"So, what you're saying is that we all are people who live on this server, and something caused us to be deaged?" Phil carefully said, making sure it was easy to understand for the younger kids.

"Basically yes. I still have no idea what caused it, but I'll make sure to do everything I can to undo it. " Tommy said and looked at the children in the room. He needed to take care of all of them, with the help of the person who was the younger-self of his dad and a mental-support robot. 'This is going to be interesting' Tommy thought.

"Hey, you said that you weren't affected, right?" Phil suddenly asked.

"Uhh, right? Before you ask how, I was in the Nether when I assume this happened, so that's probably why I'm not affected."

"Yes, I know, but that's not what I was going to ask you. "he stopped for a bit, probably thinking about the right words. "Who am I to you?"


"Like, everyone is related to each other in one way or another. Most of them are friends, but some of them are siblings. Who am I to you?"

"Well... " Tommy trailed off, thinking about how to say it "You're kinda... my dad?"

"... "

"I know it's hard to believe, but- "

"Prove it."

"W-What? "

"Prove it. There's only one way that you're my future son. " Tommy was beyond confused by that. Why did Phil (well, his younger-self to be exact) want evidence? Tommy didn't think much about it and just let his wings come out. They were big, about 14 feet when spread. He was a Snow Owl. His wings were white with some black dots there and there.

"Woah... You're a snow owl, right? " Phil said amazed. He looked like he hadn't seen another avian in years...

"Yea. I got my traits not very long ago actually. I still have trouble with flying. "

"Oh, then maybe I could help you with it! "

"Yo, that would be awesome! " Their little discussion was interrupted by one of the kids yawning, immediately being followed by everyone else.

"Awww," Tommy awed at how cute the kids were. He had no f***ing idea why he did that, but f*** it, these kids are under his protection, and he will do his best.

"All right everyone. Follow me, I have a room with the furniture I didn't use, there should be enough beds for everyone. "

Well, turns out he didn't need the beds at all. After the kids went to their beds (siblings shared bed with each other), he began making a nest for himself. It was a habit he developed after his hybrid-traits showed. He needed to sleep in something that at least imitated a nest, or he would not sleep at all. Well, anyways, after he was done (he made the nest at least four times bigger than usual, and the usual was already big) and laid inside.

First, it was Phil who asked if he could sleep in the nest with him. Tommy understood, I mean, he was an avian himself, so he let Phil lie beside him.

Tubbo and Ranboo were next. Tubbo suddenly started crying, waking Ranboo up. Tommy immediately went to check on them, but they weren't hungry and the diapers were clean. Tommy, not knowing what to do, grabbed them both and went into the nest. There, he carefully cuddled them. It seemed to work, because after a minute or two they stopped crying and went to sleep.

Alyssa and Hannah were next. Both being similar age, Hannah older than Alyssa. Alyss said that she was scared to sleep alone and Hannah just wanted to be with her. So, naturally they got in the nest and snuggled together, quickly falling asleep.

After that, it was Wilbur and Schlatt with a similar situation. Then Karl, Sapnap and a crying Quackity who had a nightmare and wanted to have an adult close. Then, it was pretty much everyone else, slowly creeping into the nest and snuggling to either Tommy, Phil or someone else. The last one was Techno, who very unsurely walked up to them and just stood here until Tommy asked him to join them. He quickly got into the nest and cuddled with Phil, because Tommy was literally covered by children.

After about an hour, everyone was asleep. Tommy took one last glance at each kid and Phil, smiled softly and used his wings as a cover for the closest kids.

His stupid bird brain just adopted these kids as his own. Sometimes, being a hybrid can be a real pain in the a$$. 

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