2- start of a new life

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This is a Naruto fanfiction story as I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks

Chapter Two: Start on a New Life

The four men watched as the laboratory burned down to the ground before both Kakashi and Jiraiya turned to them.

"You three are now officially free from that place as you don't ever have to worry about going back there. May I suggest that you come with us so that we can have our healer check on any wounds that you may have and that so Naruto can receive care. It will be a while before he is back up to full strength again. Besides that our ruling elder has an ulterior motive for freeing you." stated Kakashi as Gaara and Sasuke looked at each other.

*What do you think?* Gaara asked Sasuke mentally.

*I don't sense any deceit and besides that both you and I know that he is right about Naruto. He has gone too long with a lot of restraint on him because of the moon cycles. I don't see any harm of hearing them out.* replied Sasuke.

*Your right. We do owe them for saving us.* added Gaara as they turned their attention back to the two older men. "All right we will go with you." Gaara replied as the two older men smiled. Jiraiya let out a long loud whistle as a huge toad the size of a house hopped over to them. Gaara and Sasuke stared at the beast with wide eyes.

"Your welcome to ride with us as it is a long journey by foot." Jiraiya stated as he and Kakashi climbed on top of the toad laying Naruto down on the toad's head where they sat. Both Sasuke and Gaara shook their heads no as they began to transform into their true forms. With their inhibitor collars off of them, they could now access all of their powers and transform into their true forms. Kakashi and Jiraiya watched in horror as they could hear and see the bones in the two teens bodies stretch, bend, and snap as they transformed before their eyes. A long spiky raccoon tail ripped out of Gaara's tail bone. The tail had many of the same markings as seen on his face as it was a light brown color much like sand. A pair of raccoon ears stretched out from the sides of Gaara's head which matched his tail. Both of his hands and feet became like paws as his nails stretched into claws. More of the markings appeared on his face down to his neck and from the wrist half way up his forearm and from his ankles half way up his lower legs. His body became much sleeker as his Caucasian skin was now the same color as his fur covered tail, ears, and paws; only it still looked like skin and not fur. All three boys were wearing the same outfit consisting of a white teeshirt and a pair of black Capri pants. They had no shoes on their feet as around their necks they wore a silver military dog tag which had their names on one side and a number on the other. Sasuke's transformation seemed much worse than Gaara's as a pair of huge clawed hand-like wings ripped out of his back. A long spiked dragon tail ripped out of his tail bone as his skin became a greyish tan and covered by translucent scales. Sasuke's nose became more bird-like as a huge black diamond shaped cross sat in the middle of his face. His eyes became black as his irises to his eyes became blood red as a strange pattern appeared in his eyes. His short spiked black hair became much longer and more wild as black ridged spikes ripped out from the base of his neck trailing down all the way to his tail. His hands and feet transformed into a bird's taloned feet as his ears stretched become longer like an elves ears. Both teens seemed to hardly feel any pain when they transformed as the transformation seemed to last only several seconds. Now both boys stood in front of two men in their truest form.

"It will be easier for us to follow you in our true forms besides that being cooped up like that we need the exercise and need to let loose." Sasuke replied in a somewhat harsh voice. Kakashi just shrugged his shoulders as Jiraiya ordered the toad to go. Sasuke stretched his wings taking to the sky as Gaara sprinted on all fours following behind the huge toad. Both seemed to keep up with the huge toad. The four of them traveled to the Land of Earth to the village known as Iwagakure or also known as the "village hidden among the rocks." Before they entered the village Jiraiya stopped the as he and Kakashi got off taking the unconscious Naruto with them. Sasuke landed when Jiraiya signaled for him to come down as both monstrous looking teens stood near the men.

"Before we go into the village, you might want to transform back into your human forms. We don't need to send the village into a panic. Once they get used to you, then you may take on your true forms. I am sorry but this is a rule that our ruling elder has made." stated Kakashi. Both teens understood and was more than happy to obey the rule. Both teens transformed back into their human forms feeling better that at least they had managed to stretch out a little bit in their true forms. All four then entered into the village just as the sun began to stretch over the horizon. The sun was bright and blinding to both Gaara and Sasuke as they had to shield their eyes. The warm breeze and the warmth of the sun felt good against their skin. This was their first real experience outside. They encountered very few people who just stared at the three young teens. Both Jiraiya and Kakashi lead them to a middle sized hut entering inside as Gaara and Sasuke followed. "Sakura we are here!" Kakashi called out. A young female teen came out from the back of the hut. Her long pink hair was tied back into a ponytail as she stared at the teens through her vibrant green eyes. Her bangs made no attempt to cover her wide forehead. This was the boys first encounter with a female.

"Welcome back Mr. Hatake and Master Jiraiya. I take it that these are the three you told me about?" she asked taking a closer look at both Gaara, Sasuke, and Naruto.

"Yes they are. Boys I would like you to meet Sakura Haruno. Now don't let her age fool you. She is one of our most talented healers." stated Kakashi as Sakura bowed her head towards the boys.

"It is very nice to meet you. Mr. Hatake there is a free bed in the back if you can place the unconscious boy there." she stated.

"Kakashi I am going to report to the elder that we made it back. I will see you around boys." Jiraiya stated as he left the hut. Kakashi proceeded to take the unconscious Naruto to the back bed undoing the inhibitor collar that he was wearing. Naruto let out a long loud moan. Sakura came to the back followed by Gaara and Sasuke as she gestured for them to take a seat.

"Sakura did you get a chance to read over the information that I sent you?" Kakashi asked as Sakura just simply nodded her head. She took out the files as she grabbed the first one on top as she then walked up to Gaara first.

"You must be Gaara. I need for you to take off your clothes. I have a fresh set for each of you. I need to see if they might have implanted any hidden transmitters in you and to see if you have any injuries." Sakura stated. Gaara stared at her unsure of what to do. He then let out a long sigh knowing that the longer he procrastinated the longer they would be here. Gaara proceeded to strip off his clothes as Sakura ran her warm hands over Gaara's naked body. Gaara flinched at first at the touch of the girl's hands but he stood perfectly still biting down onto his lip with his fangs. Sasuke's eyes changed color revealing almost his monstrous eyes as they were blood red with the same strange design as seen in his monstrous eyes. He could clearly see Sakura's hands glowing in some kind of energy. Her hands traced over the scar at Gaara's tail bone as it seemed to refuse to heal at her touch. She opened the file with one hand reading over the file before she moved on. Sasuke could tell that Gaara was uncomfortable with with this person touching him. Sasuke melded his mind with his brother allowing him to see what he was seeing. This seemed to relax Gaara a little more as Sakura finished her investigation. "You are all set Gaara. There is no hidden devices hidden inside of your body as the only noticeable wound that I can see if from where your tail comes out from." stated Sakura. Gaara grabbed a set of clothing that was lying out. Sakura put down the file and picked another one up walking over to Sasuke. Gaara snickered mentally as he got dressed into a pair of gray pants and grey vest like shirt with the trim matching his eyes. Under the vest like shirt was a black almost fishnet stocking like shirt. After he was done getting dressed he sat down to watch Sasuke's exam. Sasuke wasn't as nervous as Gaara was as he stripped everything off. Sasuke's backside looked a lot worse than Gaara's as there were a lot of scars on his back because of his wings, tail, and spikes. Sakura couldn't help but to mutter 'oh my god' underneath her breath. Sakura opened the file after seeing the scars on Sasuke's back before she began her examination. Sasuke closed his eyes as he stood perfectly still allowing Sakura to examine him. It was over within the matter of seconds. "All right Sasuke you are all set. There are no devices but a lot of scars covering your back from your wings, tail, and spikes." stated Sakura as Sasuke opened his eyes going over to retrieve a set of clothes quickly getting dressed. Sasuke put on a dark purple loose huge collar teeshirt and a pair of white Capri pants. Sakura placed down the file picking up the last file. Neither teen moved as they could hear a long loud moan escape Naruto's lips. The teens blue eyes began to flutter open. Naruto was unaware of his surroundings and could easily attack whomever he didn't recognize no matter how weak he was. Both Gaara and Sasuke merged their minds with Naruto's.

*Naruto take it easy, you are safe. The one who rescued us brought us here. Right now a healer named Sakura is checking on you so don't be alarmed.* they told Naruto mentally while projecting into Naruto's mind the image of Sakura. Naruto relaxed a little bit taking in Sakura's scent as he fully opened his eyes taking in the sights.

"Ah your finally awake. Hello Naruto, I am Sakura." Sakura stated.

"I know. Gaara and Sasuke told me." Naruto stated weakly. Both Kakashi and Sakura looked at Gaara and Sasuke.

"Mental telepathy since Naruto had no idea of what was going on, where he was, or anything else for that matter. We had to tell him mentally what was going on." they replied. That is when Sakura noticed Sasuke's red eyes.

"Sasuke is there something wrong with your eyes?" she asked as Sasuke just shook his head no. "Then why are they blood red?" she asked him.

"Oh that. It is part of my power. It is known as the Sharingan. This allows me to see a persons power, technique, and ability allowing me to copy it making it my own." Sasuke replied.

"And this is important because?" Sakura asked.

"It seems that you have a very unnatural talent Sakura. Your hands are emitting energy that allows you to heal a wound from the inside out." replied Sasuke. Sakura was taken by surprise at Sasuke's comment as she looked down at her hands not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

"Most humans won't be able to see it. Only Sasuke has that ability." stated Gaara. Sakura just let out a long sigh as she continued her examination of Naruto. Naruto's body was much worse than Gaara's and Sasuke's.

"How does it look Sakura?" asked Kakashi.

"Not so good Mr. Hatake. His body is a mangled mess inside. His muscles are in a knotted and torn. It might take a while for me to heal him." Sakura replied. Sasuke got up from his chair walking over to where Naruto and Sakura was.

"I can help you Sakura." Sasuke stated.

"Thank you Sasuke. Mr. Hatake, I know that they have to see the village elder but, could you ask him to wait one day in order for them to rest and get some much needed food. Tell him that it is a request from me." stated Sakura.

"Of course Sakura. When you are done you can show them around the village. The are going to need to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings. Just don't venture off too far." replied Kakashi.

"Yes sir!" Kakashi turned left the hut as Gaara and Sasuke remained behind to help Sakura take care of Naruto.

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