Bloody Mary

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| SplitTheWorld |

"Ryan, I'm not fucking doing it," Ricky groaned, standing in the dark bathroom with his friend (if you would really call Ryan his friend, with the things they've done together).

"Oh, c'mon, Rick. Just call her name, and she'll appear. I promise, dude. Chris and I have done this loads of times. It's not as scary as you think." Ryan attempted to persuade the smaller, hiding a smirk by biting his lip.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you do it, if you're such a fuckin' expert." Ricky snapped, crossing his arms across his chest. He was getting bored of sitting in Ryan's bathroom with the lights off and door closed at two o' clock in the morning. The taller boy had made a bet with him, and sadly, Ricky lost. Now there the teens were, urging one another to chant "Bloody Mary".

"Pfft, no way! You lost the bet, you say her name. No backing out... Unless you're chicken."

"You're so immature!" Ricky whined, running a hand through his dark hair. "And I'm not a chicken! You're just a little bitch, Ryan."

"Fine. I'll do it, then." Ryan shrugged, acting as if he weren't scared. On the inside, the sixteen year old was arguing and whining like he was ten years younger.

Ryan stepped to the mirror, using the aid of his phone for a bit of light. He turned on the hot water in the sink, allowing it to slowly but surely fog up the mirror. "Now?"

"Yeah. Do it, bitch." Ricky chuckled softly, watching the older boy's trembling hands.

Ryan was always a believer of ghosts and spirits. Urban legends always fascinated him, as he was always a very curious person in general. His grandmother was the one who told Ryan about the whole "Bloody Mary" legend, and it terrified little seven year old Ryan. He was told never to chant her name, but of course, being the rebellious teen he was, he decided to be a badass and try it. What's the worst that could happen?

Hesitantly, Ryan shut off his phone to rid the room of any light. "W-Wait! We, uh... Candle! Yeah, go grab a candle, Rick-Dick." Ryan gave a fake smile through the dark.

Ricky sighed dramatically. "Fiiine, but you're not backing out of this."

"Says the one who already gave up. Go grab a candle, jizz-rag."

Ricky left the bathroom, coming back a few moments later with a vanilla scented candle. "Idiot." He muttered, handing the candle to Ryan.

Ryan lit the candle with the lighter in his pocket, then set it on the sink counter. "Okay... On three?"

Ricky nodded. "Yeah, Ryan, sure. Whatever. Want me to hold your hand while you do it?" He teased with a snicker.

"Yes." Ryan replied, using the tiny bit of light the candle emitted to take Ricky's hand gently. "Do it with me...?"

Ricky blushed a deep red and gave Ryan's hand a squeeze. "Y-Yeah... On three."



"Three." The pair said in unison, closing thir eyes tightly. "Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary." They chanted slowly.

The bathroom went silent for a few moments before the teens opened their eyes. The room was no different, the water was still running as Ryan left it so, and the candle's flame flickered. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Ricky laughed a little, keeping his hand in Ryan's. "Dude, you were so scared! Pussy!"

"You're a pussy!" Ryan laughed along, playfully shoving the smaller teen's shoulder. "You chickened out first shot!"

"And? You agreed to hold my fucking hand." Ricky snickered, holding up their intertwined fingers.

"So?" Ryan chuckled, kissing Ricky's tattooed knuckles. "I liked it,"

"Shut up." Ricky giggled, running his free hand through his hair.

Ryan looked to the mirror, noticing a cracked area in the center. How had he not noticed it before? "Hey, look,"

As the two looked to the camera, the mirror cracked even more. "The fuck..? I don't remember a crack in the mirror," Ricky murmured, moving closer to Ryan and resting his head on the taller boy's upper arm.

Ryan held Ricky's hand a bit tighter, holding him close with his other arm. He felt a strange urge to. "Yeah. Why's it cracking more?"

"Maybe hot and cold..? I don't fucking know," Ricky replied.

The two stared at the mirror with confusion on their faces. The crack got bigger, but only barely visible through the dim lighting. Slowly, a deep red liquid began to drip from the mirror. Ryan didn't take his eyes off of the mirror as he turned on the light. As their eyes adjusted to the brightness, they were quick to realize that the liquid was blood. Who the blood belonged to, they had an idea, but where was it coming from..?

Ricky tensed, wrapping his arms around Ryan's right one. "What the fuck?!" He whisper-shouted.

The mirror's glass began to rattle, and then the glass shattered. the fragments hit the boys, making small cuts wherever they hit. Ricky, sadly, got the worst of it. He let out a quiet whimper, hiding his face against Ryan's arm.

Ryan's eyes were shut tightly, terrified to open them. When he did, though, he was met by a woman's face in the mirror. Ice cold eyes with blood streaming from them, pale skin that was even paler than Ricky's, and dark black hair that ended at her shoulders. She watched the teens carefully, eyeing the smallest (who was now attempting to hide in Ryan's hoodie).

"Boys," She purred, leaning forward out of the mirror. "Oh, boys..."

Ryan held Ricky tighter. "G-Go away!"

The bleeding woman twitched, glaring at Ryan. "No." She hissed, eyes going white as the glass began to rattle.

Suddenly, the remaining glass from the mirror was shot at Ricky, the large shards hitting him in the sides.

The smaller teen yelped, tears welling up in his eyes. "H-Hnnh!" He held to Ryan even tighter, blood starting to seep through his thin sweater.

Ryan brought Ricky down to the ground, holding him to his chest. Arms around his upper half, hand cradling his head. "Shh, Ricky, I-"

Ryan's eyes trailed up to the mirror, where the glass was back to normal. There were no cracks, no bleeding woman, just a regular mirror. There was a message written on it, the letters written in blood and dripping. The message read: 'She's Back'.

Ryan looked down to Ricky yet again, his body trembling. There was still glass jabbed into his sides, blood pouring. "Ricky, baby, look at me."

Ricky giggled. The giggle that came from him didn't sound like Ricky. It was more high pitched, more feminine. Woman-like.

"Ricky!" Ryan shook the smaller, causing him to laugh louder.

The laughing got louder and louder as Ricky slowly looked up at him. It wasn't Ricky. The bloody woman looked up at Ryan, a mischevious grin on her face.

Ryan pulled away, attempting to kick her. Nothing worked. He heard a muffled screaming. He looks back to the mirror frantically.

"Ryan!" Ricky slammed his fists against the glass, his figure translucent. He almost looked like a hologram, in a way. "Ryan, HELP ME!"

While Ryan's eyes were locked into the mirror, he felt a sharp pain right below his ribcage. He looked down, straight into the eyes of the bleeding woman. Next thing he knew...

He was looking through glass, Ricky by his side.

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