The Amityville Horror: Ch. 1

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| bloodsapphire |

***Based on the movie The Amityville Horror (2005)***


"I'm just not so sure," Chris said as he and his husband looked at the large house before them.

"Seriously? Babe, its perfect," Angelo said, sounding hopeful as he held to his husband's arm.

With three kids and already 6 months since they got married, Chris and Angelo decided it was time for a new scenery, especially for Damien, Felix, and Chloe.

The death of their mother, and their father coming out after meeting Chris was obviously emotional for them. Though Aiden and Chloe are slowly warming up to Chris, Damien was at that rebellious age, and refused to accept Chris after losing his beloved mother.

One morning they found a house a bit far from their old Scranton home but Angelo felt it was just what they needed for the new chapter in their life. Chris, being the accepting and compliant husband, decided while the kids went to school that they would drive out and check it out

"It really is a great house," the kind realtor said.

"And its got a great view, the kids will love it," Angelo said.

Chris still hesitated, but then sighed as he thought about it, since something still bothered him about the large house his lover had loved since they spotted it on the newspapers. "What's the catch here?"

"Chris," Angelo scolded, but Chris stopped him as he continued.

"Big place, with an amazing view like this and a reasonable price?" Chris asked. "It is still pricey, but there's always a catch, right? What is it?"

The realtor's kind expression suddenly became grim as the couple stared confused, but the realtor spoke after very evident hesitation.

"About five years ago, there was a, ummm.... A tragedy in this house," she said. "A crime.... murder..."

"I'm sorry, what?" Chris said as he and Angelo stared at the realtor in shock from her revelation.

"In the house?" Angelo asked.

"Um, yes, several people," She said nervously. "A family."

"My god," Angelo said as the married couple stared back at the house.

"But I can assure you, the house is fine," the realtor said. "The incident was years ago, and it's a distant memory now."

Angelo and Chris stared at the house before staring at each other, Chris motioning for the realtor to give them a moment.

"What do you think?" Angelo asked his lover.

"Well, people kill people, houses don't..." Chris said.

"Do you think we make this work?" Angelo asked.

The Cerulli's weren't rich. Chris inherited his own music store from his family, Angelo was a freelance artist, and with the kids their expenses were slightly limited.

Yet Chris knew this was part of his and Angelo's dream, a fresh new start for them, for the kids to heal from the loss of their mother and get accustomed to their father's confession of bisexuality.

Chris sighed. "Well, if this is exactly what you want, then we can try and make this work."

Angelo smiled with happiness before leaping into his husband's arms, both of them sharing a kiss.

"Try to pull some jobs.... Get used to the taste of dry wall until then," Chris joked, making Angelo playfully smack him as they turned to the realtor.


***Week 1***

"We're rich!! We're rich!!" Aiden cheered as he jumped out of the car and rushed over to the house, Damien chasing after him as Angelo carried Chloe in his arms.

"Well, we're rich, buddy, but not in money," Chris joked as the family got busy moving in and getting settled.

The kids enjoyed the yard as they played with their beloved black lab, Midnight, while at the same time everyone unloaded the truck.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking for a bit and then swimming in the lake nearby for a while, until finally the sun came down that the family went inside to make dinner.


"Good night, Daddy," Aiden yawned as Angelo tucked in his younger son after the long day.

"Good night, buddy," Angelo smiled as he kissed his forehead, making sure his favorite stuffed monkey was in his arms.

Aiden got comfortable in his bed as Angelo then went to check on Damien, who laid on his side as he looked at the family portrait he placed on his night stand.

It was his late mother, Kelly, his father, and his little brother and sister. The five of them laughing as they looked at the camera during a fun day at the park.

"I miss her, too," Angelo said as he sat by his son's bed.

"Then you shouldn't have married a replacement," he snapped quietly.

"Damien," Angelo softly scolded. "Chris is not replacing your mother. You can't keep being so harsh with him, he's been nothing but good to us."

"He's not family to me," Damien said.

"Damien... I know losing your mother wasn't easy, as well as my sudden 'coming out' and all, but.... Just please, give Chris a chance," Angelo begged. "All he wants is to be your friend."

Damien remained quiet as he continued to look at the framed picture.

"You know nobody can ever replace your mother," he said.

"Will you?" Damien asked.

Angelo gave a small smile. "No... I'll never replace her..."

Unaware to them, Chris stood by the doorway, listening to the conversation.

He knows the story of how Kelly Parente lost her battle to breast cancer, how it really hurt the children, mostly Damien.

Chris never wanted children before he met Angelo. Of course, he was surprised to find out Angelo was a widowed father of three when he met him, but he learned to get along with the kids, and his feelings for Angelo grew stronger, and accepted the kids. Aiden and Chloe had been accepting, but Damien was not only hurting from the loss of his mother, but he was also at that rebellious age where he felt he could do anything he wanted to, so accepting Chris into the family, on top of that trying to come to grips with his father's sudden confession of bisexuality a while after meeting and getting together with Chris, it's not easy for him.

Chris and Angelo both hoped that by time he would try and at least accept Chris even a little.

Before he could hear anything else, Chris left to tuck in Chloe, seeing her already asleep in her bed, and tucked the blanket more snugged around her to be warm, and left to the master bedroom afterwards.


"Today was pretty good," Angelo sighed as he and Chris laid back.

"Yeah," Chris said, smiling down as he shared a kiss with his partner, which was later to be interrupted by the phone ringing, both chuckling.

"Our first phone call," Angelo laughed.

Chris chuckled and reached over, clearing his throat. "Cerulli residence, how may I help you?"

Angelo held back the giggle that tried to force its way out his mouth.

"Can I please speak to my son, please?" a very familiar and serious voice spoke.

Chris sighed and spoke. "Yeah, sure, one second," he said, and looked at Angelo. "Its your mother."

Angelo sighed and took the phone as Chris got up for a little to stretch his legs.

"Hey Mom..... Yeah, we're moved in now," Angelo said to his mother.

Chris yawned as he suddenly realized the air was pretty cold and wrapped his arms around himself, looking at his husband.

"Does it feel cold to you?" he lipped at Angelo, who shrugged as he continued to talk to his mother.

Chris motioned that he was going to step out for a bit and walked out, deciding to put some wood on the furnace to warm the house a little.

He goes down to the basement and opens the furnace, putting some firewood in to add a little more heat to the house.

As he was adding wood, he suddenly heard something strange.

He turned as he looked around. The sounds of soft whispers filled the air as he looked around to find the source. That's when he saw an alarm clock, the time stuck on 3:15 AM.

He grabbed the radio to see if it was on, and to his surprise it wasn't even plugged.

He continued looking around, confused, and checked the air, seeing it was off.

Suddenly the whispers just stop, and Chris looks around weirdly, then shrugs with a slight chuckle. He closes the furnace and leaves, seeing Angelo had stepped out of the room, probably went to get ready for bed, and Chris crawled into bed and fell asleep.


Chris suddenly woke to someone kissing up his chest and groaned.

A soft giggle is what woke him and he opened his eyes, looking down to meet with his husband's aquamarine colored eyes staring up at his whiskey colored ones.

"Where'd you go?" He chuckled as Angelo leaned in to kiss him.

"Just went to wash up a little after making sure the kids were asleep," He smirked, crawling up and straddling Chris's waist.

Chris smiled as they both leaned in and passionately kissed each other as Chris trailed his hand up Angelo's chest, his other hand on Angelo's waist as he held himself starting to get hard.

Angelo then started to grind his pelvic area against Chris's making them both moan as Chris started to take off his pants and shirts.

Soon they both had their clothes off Angelo reached down and started to stroke Chris's member in his hands, making it harder as he then leaned down and started to kiss down Chris's neck, making Chris groan.

Suddenly Chris looked behind Angelo and at the foot of the bed stood a small boy with black shoulder length hair, glassy light blue eyes that almost sparkled and were rimmed in black, and in black clothes, but he could still tell he was covered in blood, and his skin pale enough to show his blue veins from underneath.

He would have looked so innocent and adorable, resembling so much to a baby raccoon, if it weren't for how Chris saw him.

The small boy held a knife and was slitting his neck open, head tilted to the side and his mouth gaping open as if he were pretending to gag at the blood that dripped from his lips.

He gasped out and jumped and it spooked Angelo, who quickly turned around to see what could have scared his husband, but saw nothing, and turned back, placing his hands on Chris's face.

"Babe?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

Chris looked around as he calmed down. "N-Nothing, I... I thought I saw something..."

"You're probably tired," Angelo said. "Want to just stop for now and continue tomorrow?"

"Ugh, but I'm already hard...." Chris sighed.

Angelo smirked mischievously, then lowered himself down Chris's body.

"Angelo, what are you... O-Ohhh f-fuck," Chris moaned as he felt Angelo's lips wrap around the tip of his member as Angelo started to blow him.

Chris moaned and reached down, gripping to Angelo's hair as he deep throated him.

Angelo moaned as he took all of Chris into his mouth, pulling back and forth as Chris moaned.

"I....I'm close, Ange," Chris moaned after a while.

Angelo picked up the speed a little, rubbing his member up and down before Chris finally orgasmed.

Angelo swallowed Chris's load, some of it dribbling down his chin as he sat up, wiping the rest into his mouth with his finger like icing, smirking at Chris.

"You are such a little vixen, you know that?" Chris smirked as Angelo crawled over and into Chris's arms as they pulled the covers over themselves and went to sleep.


Next morning, Angelo was getting breakfast ready and while Chris and the boys were still asleep, Midnight eating her food.

Unaware, a thin little boy with short dark brown hair and large glassy grey eyes stood behind him, looking up at him curiously.

The smaller looked over at the fridge full of refrigerator magnets and smirked mischievously.

Meanwhile Angelo finished setting up the plates for breakfast when Midnight suddenly barked and spooked Angelo.

"Damn it, Midnight, what...." Angelo said, turning around and went still when he saw Midnight was barking at the refrigerator and the magnets weren't scattered as Chris and Felix had placed them when they unpacked them.

Now they only said the following words:




Angelo frowned at the words and jumped when he heard a giggle and turned, but was found with an empty kitchen.

"Chris...?" Angelo called, and exited the kitchen, looking for his husband.

When he didn't he returned to the kitchen to find Chris getting a glass of juice.

"Yeah?" He asked, taking a sip.

"Did you... Did you do that with the magnets?" He asked.

Chris frowned and closed the fridge, but when Angelo expected to see those dark words from earlier, instead he saw that they were one again scattered like before.

"N-Nevermind," Angelo said, shaking it off. "Just... Just seeing things."

Chris looked at him weird, but then shrugged it off as Angelo handed him a plate of breakfast.


***Week 2***

Days passed and the family have found themselves enjoying the new house. Only unfortunate news is that Chris had come down with a bit of a bug.

"Just rest up baby, I'll make you some tea in a bit, okay?" Angelo smiled as he helped his husband lay down.

He coughed a bit. "Take your time," he smiled tiredly.

Angelo kissed his cheek and got up, grabbing the laundry basket as he walked out.

As he passed the stairs that lead to Chloe's room, he then heard her giggling and talking.

His brows furrowed and curiously decided to see what she was up to, considering his sons were at the lake with Midnight.

He opened the door to see Chloe was drawing.

"Hey honey," Angelo smiled.

"Hi, Daddy," Chloe smiled.

"Who were you talking to?" Angelo asked.

"The boy who lives in my closet," Chloe said as she continued to draw with her crayons.

Angelo found himself a little confused, and realized what Chloe was talking about- an imaginary friend.

"Oh, yeah?" Angelo asked curiously. "And what's his name?"

"Matty," Chloe said.

"You know, sweetheart, there are other little boys and girls to talk with," Angelo said.

He didn't mind that his daughter had developed an imaginary friend. It was completely normal. However, he also wanted his daughter to make some real friends, too, and socialize a little with the other neighborhood kids.

"I know... But Matty says they're all mean," she frowned.

Angelo chuckled a little and looked at what his daughter was drawing, seeing a odd  looking figure on the paper drawn in black and red crayon.

"Is that Matty?" Angelo asked curiously.

Chloe's smile fell as she looked at a seat in the corner of the room, and then back at her father.

"No..... That's someone else..." she said.

Angelo's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Who?"

"I'm not.... Supposed to say who..." Chloe said, then whispered. "Matty says he's an asshole."

"Chloe Rose," Angelo said, surprised at his daughter's language. "You are not allowed to say that word."

Chloe's little pink lips pursed as she flipped her drawing down, then bought her finger to her lips.

"Shhhh....." she said.

Angelo looked weirdly at his little daughter.


Chris woke up that night when he heard the noise of Midnight barking outside.

Wait.... Why is Midnight outside....?

He got out of bed to see he was barking at the boathouse, which was somehow open, when he remembered it was locked.

Suddenly from the open door a red balloon floated out, and realized it was the same balloon Chloe had yesterday after she came home from the store with Angelo.

Chris quietly but quickly rushed out of the house and out to the boat house, passing a barking Midnight and into the house to the water area, catching as bubbles surfaced up from below.

"Chloe!" he said, and dove into the freezing water and looking around for her underwater.

Chris could barely see in the water and ended up having to resurface for air after a couple of seconds, realizing Chloe was nowhere to be found.

Midnight kept barking outside and Chris grunted as he climbed back onto the small dock and stormed out of the boathouse, locking it again.

Chris then stormed over to Midnight, who whimpered as he crouched down in front of the dog.

"What are you, trying to kill me?" He snapped.

Midnight just looked up at the house and kept barking.

Chris looked up to see Midnight was barking at Chloe's bedroom window, and was shocked at what he saw.

There at the window stood a little boy with black hair and pale skin, a hole on his forehead and his eyes all black.

He then stood up as suddenly in the blink of an eye the boy was on the other side of the window.... Next to Chloe...

Both looked down at where Chris stood, blank looks in they faces.

He started to get worried and rushed back inside, running upstairs to where Chloe's room was, and rushing inside, only to see Chloe fast asleep as he had left her when he tucked her in with Angelo.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"I must be seeing things," he sighed in a whisper.

He then walked over to the closet to make sure he was right, and was relieved to find it empty.

That's when he spotted something odd. A small little raccoon plushie with only one button eye and wearing dark blue overalls.

Chris chuckled, seeing it was kind of cute, and then got an idea.

He walked back out to Chloe's bed and tucked the raccoon plushie into her little arms, then pulling the blanket up a little more so she's comfy, moving her hair from her face.

He then sighed and decided to dry up and change, sine the house felt really cold, especially with him dripping wet from the lake.


Next morning, Angelo woke and saw it was strange that Chris wasn't next to him.

He got up and looked around the house, soon seeing the basement door was opened.

He walked in and went downstairs, seeing Chris was sitting down, staring blankly at the furnace which was on.

"Honey?" Angelo spoke to get his attention..

Chris turned and looked up at him and sighed a bit tiredly. "Oh, hey."

"Did you have trouble sleeping last night?" Angelo asked as he walked over, running his fingers through Chris's hair, which he noticed was slightly damp, and kissed the top of his head.

"Kinda," he sighed. "Someone got into the boathouse last night.... And Midnight was out..."

"I thought you locked the boathouse," Angelo frowned.

"I did, too...... Then I found these," he said, holding up a set of keys. "In Damien's room."

Angelo was a bit speechless as he realized what was going on. "You think... Damien opened the boathouse?"

"Midnight got out somehow," He sighed.

Angelo knew he was right but.... Could Damien really have done that?


To be continued...

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