The Amityville Horror: Ch. 2

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***Week 3***

Angelo was busy making lunch with Chloe drawing at the table. Chris took the boys to school and then to work. Since there was a complication with the paperwork, Chloe doesn't start preschool until next week.

Damien denied taking those keys, despite them being found in his room. He was grounded of course, and Chris is making him work sorting out vinyl albums at the store afterschool, no pay.

Angelo placed a finished sandwich in front of Chloe, she looked up. "Daddy, can Matty have a sandwich too, please?"

Angelo chuckled. "Did Matty say please, or did you?" he asked playfully.

Chloe looked to her right, then back at her father. "He did."

Angelo smiled. "Does he want ham and cheese?"

"Yep," she said.

Before Angelo could turn around and decided to cook a sandwich for Chloe's imaginary friend, there was a knock at the door.

"A visitor?" I asked curiously.

"Who is it?" Chloe asked.

Angelo shrugged, then walked around and scooped up Chloe in his arms. "Let's go find out."

He walked out the kitchen to the front door where a young black haired man and a woman about his size with black and red hair stood.

"Hi, can I help you?" Angelo greeted.

"Hi, good morning, just wanted to finally introduce myself, I'm Ashley," she said as they shook hands. "And my roommate, Nikki. We live across the street."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Angelo, and this is my youngest, Chloe," Angelo introduced.

"Well, aren't you cute?" Nikki laughed, making Chloe giggle and shyly hide her face into her father's neck.

"Hehe. My husband and boys aren't home right now, but maybe later we can all get to know each other if its alright," Angelo said.

"Sure, come on over whenever you want. Just wanted to give you a warm welcome to the neighborhood," Ashley said. "We live with a few more roommates, my boyfriend included, but they're at work or classes, and since Nikki and I had our day off, we decided to stop by and introduce ourselves. That's why we couldn't come by sooner."

"Oh, don't worry about that, it's totally fine. Want to come in for some coffee?" Angelo s.

They're smiles kind of fell and they looked a bit worriedly at the house. "Actually, umm... We only have time for saying hello..." Ashley said.

Nikki continued to look around when suddenly something caught his eye at the staircase behind Angelo and Chloe.

A familiar face- a short girl with long very light brown hair, almost blonde, pale skin that showed her dark colored veins, and milky brown eyes stared blankly at him. She was stained red with blood on her white night gown.

Nikki's heart almost stopped. "Jaime?" he said quietly under his breath, Angelo and Ashley not hearing him as they continued to talk.

She smiled and waved at Nikki happily, as if she wasn't injured or nothing was wrong, but Nikki knew more than anyone else that there was something wrong.

"Nikki!" Ashley called out and he snapped out of it and looked at Ashley, Angelo standing next to her with Chloe looking curiously up at him, both Ashley and Angelo with worried looks.

"You look pale, are you alright?" Ashley asked, as Nikki looked back at the staircase to see it empty.

"I'll go get him some water," Angelo said, but Nikki stopped him.

"N-No need, we, umm... We should be going," Nikki said. "But yeah, we should definitely get to know each other better soon."

"Umm, alright," Angelo said, confused by Nikki's behavior.

"Come on, Ash, let's go," Nikki said, taking Ashley's hand as they said bye and left.

"What happened?" She asked him once they were close to their house.

He gulped and looked at her worriedly.

"I saw Jaime," he said.

Ashley's eyes widen as he spoke again.

"They haven't left."


"We don't need a babysitter!" Damien protested as Chris adjusted his shirt in front of the mirror.

Days passed and the family was already settled in, Chris decided to let go of the tension of moving into a new house and to settle in, he would take his husband out for a nice dinner.

"Damien, please," Angelo sighed as he finished fixing his hair.

"No, she's not staying!" Damien snapped, and soon there was a knock at the door.

"That must be her," Angelo motioned as Chris went to open the door.

"She's not coming in," Damien said.

"Damien, listen to me," Angelo scolded as Damien tried to protest. "I'm not leaving you of your brother and sister alone."

Chris walked over and opened the door, where a woman with medium length black hair and pale skin, wearing make up that wasn't strong but evident, and wearing dark clothing.

"Hi, I'm Gaia, the babysitter," the woman greeted as Chris let her in.

"Nice to meet you," Chris smiled as he closed the door.

"Can I take your coat?" Angelo offered.

"Okay," Gaia shrugged, and unbuttoned her fur coat, revealing a black halter top to match with the dark flared jeans that hugged her waist.

Gaia looked around the house as she took off her coat and then saw Damien, who was staring at her with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

"Hey," she smiled at him.

Damien almost forgot to speak. "I-I'm Damien," he blurted out.

Chris noticed and smirked, leaning over to Damien. "You sure you don't want a babysitter?"

Angelo hung Gaia's coat on the hanger. "Would you like me to show you around the house?

"Not really necessary, thank you," Gaia said. "I, ummm. I know it already.... I used to babysit the Manson kids before."

Angelo and Chris looked at each other as Gaia continued to look around the house, lips pursed.

"Yeah, kinda freaky being back here," She said.

"I'm Damien," Damien blurted out again.

Gaia looked over at him and forced a smile. "Yeah... Got you the first time."

Angelo held back a chuckle as he got his coat, Chris getting his.

"Good night, Damien," Angelo said as he and Chris stepped out and left.


Angelo and Chris sat at the table of the Italian restaurant, waiting for their food.

Angelo couldn't hold back his smile. "This is just what we needed, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah, definitely," he smiled.

"Are you feeling alright?" Angelo asked, holding Chris's hands. "You've seemed off ever since the move."

"Yeah, you know.... I feel a lot better right now," Chris said. "Its like this strange tension I had stuck on me is actually gone."

"Really? That's good to hear, babe," Angelo smiled.

"Yeah, guess I just needed to get out of the house for a bit," Chris smiled as he sipped his juice.

Angelo smiled as they continued with their conversation. It wasn't long until their dinner arrived.

"You know, the kids, they, umm... They're going through a hard time right now," Angelo said. "They're just, you know, trying to adjust to everything."

"Well, we all are," Chris said.

Angelo nodded as he poked at his ravioli meal a little. "Do you feel different?"

Chris wiped his mouth with his napkin. "What do you mean?"

"About us... About me," Angelo shrugged shyly.

Chris was quiet as he thought about it. "Yeah... Yeah, I do..."

Angelo's smile fell, but Chris continued.

"I feel like for the first time in my life... I'm sure about something," Chris said seriously. "... And that's you."

Angelo smiled, feeling him cheeks heat up with blush.

"And I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making you happy," Chris said, holding Angelo's hands in his.

Angelo chuckled a small smile. "Wow, you sure know how to turn on that Cerulli charm."

Chris winked at his husband before they leaned over and shared a passionate kiss over the table.


Gaia stood by the bathroom window, blowing the thick herbal smoke out the window to avoid leaving behind the strong smell.

She was then interrupted by a knock at the door and jumped, almost dropping the joint in her hand.

"One sec," she said, fanning out the smoke, then putting the blunt out in the sink and tossing it out the window, getting rid of the ash and fanning the bathroom a little more before making sure she looked decent.

She then opened the door, seeing Damien at the door holding a bowl of popcorn.

"Hungry?" he asked.

Gaia chuckled a sigh as she felt the buzz from the marijuana kick in. "Kid, you read my mind."


After a meal of freezer good and soda, Aiden went to go play with Chloe and Gaia decided to hang around in Damien's room.

Gaia sat on Damien's bed as she looked at his posters, Damien looked around it, trying to figure out what to say.

"You know, they say Gene Simmons's tongue is fake," she said, motioning to the KISS poster.

Damien looked over at the poster.

"I think that's all him," Gaia smirked.

Damien pursed his lips. "Umm, that... that's cool," he said.

Gaia then decided to ask what has had her curious since she stepped in.

"You know, I gotta ask.... Did your family know the Manson's?" Gaia asked.

Damien looked over at her. "Who?"

"The family that lived here before you," she said.

Damien's brows furrowed. "No, we.... We just moved here..."

"Well, you do know what happened to them, don't you?" Gaia asked, sitting up on the bed.

"No.... What happened to them?" he asked, now curious with what Gaia had to say regarding the house.

"Well, I really shouldn't be telling you.... Your parents would be so pissed," she said.

"No, tell me," Damien insisted.

Alright," Gaia said, laying back as Damien sat at the edge of the bed.

"So, they were this foster family who lived here about two, almost three years ago," he said. "A gay couple, kind of like your folks. Brian and his hubs, Jeordie. They had like 6 foster kids living with them," she said. "Ryan the oldest, Ricky, Vinny, Kylie, Jaime, and Matt, the youngest foster. Or, 'Matty' as they all called him."

"Big family," he said.

"Totally," She sighed. "Ryan, though... He was a wacko, the most fucked up out of all of them... People in town said he would hear voices, telling him to kill himself or something. The guy was a nut," she said. "I mean, first he thought his dog was after him, so he killed it."

Damien's eyes widen in shock.

"Then, a few days later" Gaia continued to tell the story. "He thinks the whole family is a bunch of demons, so you know what he did?" she said, sitting up.

"What?" Damien said in shocked.

"Wasted them," she said.

Damien looked up at Gaia. "How did he do it?"

"Do what?" A voice said. Gaia and Damien turn to see Aiden stood at the doorway.

"Huh, you are way too young to hear this," Gaia said. "So cover your ears, and don't listen."

"Just do it," Damien lipped at his brother.

Aiden pursed his lips and put his hands over his ears, but in reality his curious mind made them think he did.

Gaia then turned to face Damien and continued the story.

"A rifle," she said. "BANG! BANG! BANG!"

Aiden jumped at the sounds Gaia's shouted, as did Damien.

"He went door to door and just splattered everyone's brain on the walls as they slept," she said, then looked at Damien. "He killed his little brothers in this very room."

Damien and Vince stared at her in shock.

"Right here.... In these beds," She said, smirking mischievously.

Damien and Aiden stayed frozen in their spots as Gaia swung her legs and sat at the edge. "Kinda gross that you guys still sleep here," she said. "Actually... its fucking sick."

Damien was shocked, and Aiden shuffled nervously where he stood.

"I'm totally freaking you kids out...." Gaia chuckled. Laying back on the bed. "Man, I suck at baby sitting."


"This was the little brat's room," Gaia said as she entered Chloe's room. "Matty's."

She sat down on the carpet and Vince sat nearby, Damien leaning against the wall.

"You know they found her in there," Gaia said, pointing at the closet.

Chloe then walked into the room, arms crossed. "Matty says you're a bad babysitter."

"Yeah?" Gaia sassed. "Well, Jodie's- what's the word?-- dead."

"Is not," Chloe said.

"That little shit got me fired," Gaia snapped as Chloe went to her bed, and grabbed her Etch-A-Sketch.

Damien then got an idea. "I dare you to go in there," Damien told Gaia.

Gaia thought about it. "Give me your Rob Zombie poster if I do it?"

Damien thought about it, then nodded. "Okay."

Gaia shrugged and got up, walking to the closet

"You're going to make him mad," Chloe warned.

"Oohh-ooh," Gaia teased, making fake ghost noises. The she spotted a familiar looking stuffed raccoon.

"Huh," she said quietly and knelt down and picked it up.


Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind Gaia and everyone jumped.

The boys looked at each other, exchanging confused looks.

Gaia turned and sighed, going to open the door but finding it locked.

"Really guys?" Gaia sighed, going to open the door, but seeing the lock was stuck. "Very funny, guys. Now open the door."

Damien and Aiden ran over to open the door, but it was locked.

"It won't open," Damien said as he tried to open the door. "Its not opening, I can't open it!"

"Unlock the fucking door!" Gaia snapped as she tried to shove the door open.

"There is no lock on the door," Damien said.

"This isn't funny, let me the fuck out!" Gaia shouted. "Damien! Aiden!!"

All of a sudden, the lights started to flicker on and off in the closet.

"Let me out! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" Gaia shouted, now feeling scared as she repeatedly punched and kicked at the door.

Chloe just focused on her Etch-A-Sketch as Gaia repeatedly started to hit the door.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Gaia cried.

"What's going on?!" Aiden shouted.

"I-I don't know!" Damien said as they both tried to get the door opened, to no avail, the lights continuing to flicker on and off in the room.


"Hi, Gaia," a little voice said and Gaia froze, turning around and gasped in horror at who stood in front of her.

A little boy she remembers from long ago, one eye all white and the other one an empty black pit, his skin veiny and pale, giving Gaia a deranged smile.

"M-Matty?!" She said in shock.

He then moved his bangs aside to show a bloody bullet hole . "Look what Ryan did..."

Gaia whimpered out in horror as Matty then gripped her hand by her index finger, and Gaia tried to rip her hand away, but it was as if Matty had some superhuman strength.

Matty smiled mischievously as he bought Gaia's finger to the bullet hole, and she started to cry and try to pull it away.

Matty then shoved her finger into the bullet wound in his head and smiled at her.

"Cool, huh?" he said.

All of a sudden a flash went off and Gaia screamed bloody murder as Matty suddenly disappeared and Gaia screamed until it sounded like her lungs were going to collapse and started to bang against the door of the closet.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH, LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" She screamed, slamming her and scratching at the door until there was blood.

Only one who was calm in the havoc was Chloe, who played with her Etch-A-Sketch board which now read only two words.


Gaia continued to scream bloody murder and bang on the door in panic as Damien and Vince ran scared from the room and Gaia collapsed in screams to the ground.


Angelo watched as paramedics pulled the gurney out of their house, Gaia strapped down and shaking uncontrollably, almost catatonic and stammering in shock, knuckles and hands bloody from hitting the closet door repeatedly.

They came home to find their babysitter was in the closet of Chloe's room looking like she just witnessed a mass genocide or something.

"I-I saw Matty... I-I-I s-saw Matty....." she mumbled, catching Angelo's attention as he walked behind the gurney.

"Gaia? Who's Matty?" he asked as paramedics wheeled her to the ambulance.

"L-Little boy," Gaia mumbled.

Angelo and Chris looked at each other as Gaia continued to mumble and cry quietly.

"He's dead... He-He's supposed to be dead.... He's supposed to be dead...." Gaia said as paramedics put her in the ambulance.

Angelo stood there in shock as he then looked to the window where's Chloe's room was, seeing her looking down at him and the ambulance with a blank look in her face.

What happened....?


It's one thing to pull a prank...." Chris sneered in anger as he paced the living room, Damien and Vince sitting on the couch, Aiden almost in tears.

"We didn't pull a prank," Damien protested.

"Its another to hurt someone," Chris said, pissed off with what he and his husband came home to.

"We didn't hurt anybody, it was this house!!" Damien snapped just as Angelo walked in.

"SHUT UP!!" Chris shouted, spooking everyone.

Damien was taken back and Aiden started to quietly cry.

"Chris...." Angelo said in shock, not believing he actually screamed at the kids.

"I got this under control, Ang," Chris said.

"You don't have you under control," Angelo snapped as Chris grunted and continued to pace, trying to control his anger.

Angelo then faced his sons. "What you guys did was wrong..."

"Knock it off, Angelo! Whatever you're doing, whatever you're saying it doesn't work!!" Chris snapped.

Angelo was taken back by Chris's words.

"From now on, I'm doing the disciplining here," He said. "End of story."

"This house is bad, Daddy," Aiden mumbled, tears falling down his eyes as he looked up at his father.

"Aiden..." Angelo sighed.

"There's no bad houses... only bad people," Chris snapped.

Damien just glared at him before he spoke. "Why didn't you tell us about the people who died here?"

Chris and Angelo froze and looked at each other before Angelo spoke.

"Where did you hear that?" Angelo asked.

"The babysitter told us," He snapped. "She said two boys died in OUR room."

Chris and Angelo looked at each other in shock before Chris grunted and sighed.

"God damned babysitter's an idiot," he snapped.

Angelo sighed and shook his head. "Okay, you guys, go to bed, we'll discuss this in the morning."

"No! I'm not sleeping in that room! Its gross!" Damien snapped.

"Me neither," Aiden said, looking scared.

Chris looked over at them. "Wipe that stupid look off your face and go to bed."

Angelo looked at Chris in shock as Aiden pursed his lips, tears continuing to leak from his aqua colored eyes and down his cheeks.

"Run," Chris said through gritted teeth.

The boys then hesitantly but quickly got up and ran upstairs.

Angelo looked at Chris with a glare before taking off his jacket and storming upstairs to check on Chloe.

He slowly opened the door and saw Chloe was still awake in bed, looking up out the window. She turned when she heard her father enter.

"Why all the yelling, Daddy?" she whispered as Angelo walked up, sitting at the edge of her bed.

"Its nothing, sweetheart," he sighed. "Its over now."

Chloe looked up at her father as he tucked her in.

"Chloe," Angelo said, holding his daughter's hand "I need you to tell me what happened with Gaia, honey."

Chloe clutched to her stuffed raccoon. "Gaia was being mean to Matty.... So Matty hurt her...."

Angelo's eyebrows furrowed. "Matty?"

"Its okay, Daddy... Matty won't hurt you... He thinks you're a good daddy," she mumbled.

Angelo pursed his lips in confusion as Chloe sat up.

"But the man who lives here.... He says he's bad..." Chloe whispered. "Matty wants him to go away..."

Angelo looked at his daughter worriedly.

"He makes Matty do bad things...." Chloe said.

Angelo felt fear strike him with those words.

What does she mean....?


***Week 4***

Chris was not hesitant when he punished Damien and Aiden for what happened to Gaia that night. He made them do hard work around the house, mostly chopping firewood and piling it up, cleaning the yard as well as inside the house, all until it got really late.

Angelo hated everything about the type of discipline Chris was enforcing on his kids, and its lead to a bunch of arguments.

One day, Chris was busy remaking the basement for his home office when he was suddenly hearing voices.

"Damien, why is Chris such a jerk?"

"He's not a jerk. He's an asshole."

"Sounds like Aiden and Damien," Chris thought as he got closer to the air vent.

"And a weirdo... And a douchebag.... And a bitch," Damien's voice said.


"Catch em...." A deep raspy voice hissed, making Chris spin around.

"Catch em.... Kill em...."

Chris approached the wall as the raspy whispers continued.

"Catch em.... Kill em... Catch em... kill em.... Catch em.... Kill em...."

Chris touched the wall and suddenly his image distorts and Chris suddenly found himself facing a door, hand still in place pushing it open.

He frowned as he found himself in a strange room, strange tables around the place with strange lines carved into the stone floors, resembling some strange irrigation system.

"Catch em.... Kill em... Catch em..."

The strange voices continued to hiss and whisper as he continued through the room and noticed that the tables resembled autopsy tables, a few inches deep on top of stone slabs, made of steel inside with a drain and a pipe poking out of the side of the slab-like table.

One of them held something on top, and he froze when he realized blood leaked from the pipe of the table where the object was, and trailed along the paths of the irrigation systems.

"...Kill em... Catch em... Kill em... Catch em..."

The whispers continued as he nervously walked up to the tables and realized the object on the table was a human and gulped as he reached over and grabbed the human by the black hair and lifted the head up and froze.

He was no looking at himself, but his eyes were red and blood dribbled down his mouth and he looked... like a monster....

"Catch em.... KILL EM!!" His evil form screeched at him.


Chris threw up into the toilet and gasped as he tried to catch his breath.

He felt like he was burning up after he woke up nauseous from that nightmare.

He rinsed out his mouth before turning on the bathtub, deciding a soak in the tub could probably help him feel better.

Thankfully Angelo went out with Chloe and Damien is doing his chores while

He strips out of his clothes and soon turns off the water once the tube was filled and got in, laying back and relaxing.

He closed his eyes and decided to rest a bit, finally feeling a bit better.

Suddenly, he felt a hand shove his head underwater and got scared and began to struggle. That was when he felt multiple other hands and even arms start to hold him underwater.

He screamed underwater as he tried to get the limbs off him.

He suddenly felt different hands grab his shoulders and pull him up and he was finally resurfaced.

"CHRIS!!! OH MY GOD!!" Angelo's screams erupted around him as he felt Angelo's arms around him as he gasped for breath and coughed and he tried to catch his breath, Angelo trying to calm him down.


"Do you take any narcotics, Mr. Cerulli?" The doctor asked as he waved the light in front of Chris's eyes, Angelo watching from nearby with a worried look in his face.

"No," Chris said in a relaxed tone.

"Drink or smoke?" the doctor asked.

"No, I, umm, I'm sober," He said.

The doctor nodded and

The next day after the bathtub incident, Angelo managed to convince her (extremely) stubborn husband to see a doctor to see what's going on with him.

After some time, the doctor walked up to him. "Well, I don't see that there's anything wrong with him physically. But, I can recommend

"A psychiatrist?" Chris snapped.

"Forgive me, sir, but its protocol," the doctor said.

Chris just scoffed and snatched the paper from the doctor's note from him.

Angelo sighed in frustration.

Then what could be wrong?


Damien was told to watch over Aiden and Chloe while his father took Chris to the clinic for some strange reason. Apparently, he had an accident and was rambling about some arms and drowning or whatever.

He may not like Chris, but even he knew that something wasn't right around here, and it was affecting Chris a lot.

"Damien," Chloe said as he finished making scrambled eggs. "Can I go get my raccoon? I forgot him upstairs."

He sighed. "Okay, but make it quick. Dad said I was supposed to watch over you two."

Chloe nodded and walked off to get her teddy.

What her brothers didn't realize was that she wasn't going to be back immediately.


Angelo and Chris got home from the doctors and parked the truck. Angelo sighed when he saw Chloe's bike tossed out front.

Just as Chris was going to head into the house, a familiar stuffed animal fell at his feet- Chloe's raccoon toy.

He frowned and picked, looking up from above to see where it came from.


"HI DADDY!" A voice spoke as Angelo stood the bike up, and he stopped as his eyes scrunched and turned, only to then feel his heart drop right into his stomach like a rock as his blood ran cold at the sight before him. Chris had backed up and his eyes widened in horror.

"Look at me, Daddy!!!" Chloe yelled as she balanced herself on top of the roof.

"OH MY GOD CHLOE!!!!!" Angelo screamed.

"CHLOE, DON'T MOVE, JUST SIT DOWN!!" Chris yelled as he and Angelo broke into a run, Angelo into the house and Chris pulled his jacket off and sprinted to the truck, pulling the ladder down just as Damien and Aiden ran outside.

Angelo rushed as fast as he could up the stairs, Midnight barking out the open window that lead to the roof.

He poked his head out and saw as Chloe was walking around the beam of the roof.

"CHLOE, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!" Angelo screamed out.

Chris slammed the ladder against the wall and started to climb.

"Hold the ladder!!" he shouted at Damien and Aiden as he climbed to the roof, Damien and Aiden rushing over to hold the ladder as Chris climbed up as fast as he could.

"CHLOE!!" Angelo screamed, climbing out the window and holding on as he climbed the roof.

"Damien, which way did they go!?" Chris called out. Damien rushed to the side to see where Chloe and his father were.

"THEY WENT LEFT!!" He called out.

"Shit," Chris muttered as he kept climbing and hoisted himself up to the gutter.

Meanwhile, Angelo climbed to the roof beam, trying to get close to Chloe as she stood at the edge.

"C-Chloe, what.... Are you doing up here?" He said nervously as he tried to keep his equilibrium.

Chloe slowly turned to face her father.

"I have to go with Matty, Daddy," she said with a blank look.

Angelo was shocked with her words and slowly approached her. "No...."

She turned and slowly let herself slip.

"NOOOO!!!" Angelo screamed and dove just as Chloe fell, screaming as she was caught by the straps of her overalls.

Angelo then slid down the side of the house, being stopped by a small pipe from the gutter.

"CHRIS!!!!!!" Angelo screamed as he tried to keep a grip on Chloe.

"I'M COMING!!" He heard Chris scream as he tried to climb the side of the house, Damien and Aiden watching in horror from below nervously and scared out of their minds.

"CHRIS, OH GOD, I'M SLIPPING!!!" Angelo cried out as he tried to grip Chloe's overalls, Chloe screaming and gripping to her father's hand.

All of a sudden...


"NOOOO!!!" Angelo screamed as the straps ripped and Chloe plummeted down screaming, and Chris rapidly held his hands out and caught her, pulling her back into the balcony.

Angelo sighed out a cry of relief as Damien and Aiden ran inside. Chris held Chloe tightly in his arms, panting in relief.


"Chloe..... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!" Angelo screamed at Chloe as they stood in the living room.

"I'm sorry," Chloe cried as Angelo was punishing her. "I-I'm sorry...!"

"You can't do that to Daddy!" Angelo cried angrily at her.

Damien and Aiden watched from a distance as their father yelled at their little sister one they got her on the ground. Aiden pulled his big brother away, deciding it was best to leave them be.

"M-Matty wanted to show me something," Chloe cried.

"Chloe......There is no Matty, okay?" Angelo said sternly through gritted teeth.

"Yes there is!" Chloe shouted.

"NO THERE ISN'T!! YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS!!!" Angelo screamed.

Chloe looked up at her father. "Matty is real.... Matty is real, he-"

"HE IS NOT REAL!!!!" Angelo screamed, almost ripping his hair out.

"LIAR!!!" Chloe screamed. "LIAR!! LIAR!! LIAR!! HE IS REAL!!!"

Angelo just looked out the window sobbing.

"I've seen him," Chloe added.

Angelo turned around to see his little daughter's aqua colored eyes stare up at him.

"He was gonna show me Mommy...." She said. "I just want to see Mommy...."

Angelo looked at his daughter in shock as he walked over and fell to his knees in front of her as she continued to talk.

"Matty promised me he would take me to Mommy. He said I could stay here so that we can play forever and ever," she said, tears slowly falling down her eyes.

"You miss your Mommy...." He mumbled. "You miss your Mommy a lot...."

"Yes," Chloe mumbled back, sniffling as she cried.

"I know how much you miss your Mommy, baby girl," Angelo cried. "But.... But no one can see her, because... Because she's in heaven..."

Chloe looked down at her tear stricken father.

"S-She's with the angels," he said, then pulled her into a hug. "She's... She's with the angels..."

They both cried as Chris stood there, and scoffed and shook his head.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" he snapped, making Chloe and Angelo looked at him with confusion in shock.

He just shook his head and stormed off, still clutching the raccoon plushie in his hand.


To be continued...

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