The Amityville Horror: Ch. 3

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***Week 5***

Since the roof incident, Angelo knew something was wrong, and he felt it was the house.

Chris isn't himself, the kids are fighting, strange things continue happening.

The other day Aiden even came in screaming and said there was blood dripping down the walls.

Angelo could only consider that all of what was going on had to have been a result of this house.

It always comes back to this damned house, and he had a feeling whatever is going on in this house is also what caused the death of the family before them.

He sighed as he looked up at the building before him. Never would he had thought things in his life since he father passed away would lead to this.

He took a deep breath and started climbing up the stone steps of the church.

He then entered, seeing the familiar sight of pews and stained glass windows before him, that he abandoned long ago.

He noticed a woman dressed in black sat nearby and Angelo realized she was a nun. She was stunningly beautiful, she almost didn't even look like she could be a nun.

He approached, but stopped when he realized she was praying on her rosary, and stopped to let her finish.

A few seconds later she turned to his direction and stopped.

"Oh, hello, I didn't hear you enter," she said.

"Sorry, umm, you can finish praying if you want," Angelo said, feeling guilty that his presence interrupted her prayers.

"Oh, don't worry about that, I was almost done anyway. Is there anything I can help you with, sweetie?" she asked in a kind voice.

"Umm, I'm looking for a priest?" Angelo asked.

"You must mean Father Emeritus III. Let me get him for you. My name is Sister Devin Sola," she said, then motioned to the pew where she sat. "Come, take a load off. Would you like anything?"

"I'm Angelo, and no, thank you," Angelo said as he smiled shyly and sat down, watching the nun leave.

He looked around at his surroundings. The church was very beautiful and well maintained. The alter was made of marble and the cross with Jesus Christ looked almost realistic, even giving Angelo a chill in his spine thinking an actual person was crucified and hung there.

His thoughts were pulled by the sound of a door opening and Angelo looked over to see a priest walk up, nodding his head at Sister Sola as she left to clean something by the alter.

The priest walked towards Angelo's direction as he stood up.

"Angelo, I presume?" he smiled kindly as we shook hands.

"Yes, sir. You must be Father Emeritus III," Angelo said.

"That is correct, though the third isn't necessary. Is there something you need, Angelo?" He asked.

"Its been a long time since I've looked to the church, father, but.... I really need your help," Angelo said.

"Well, come, sit," he said as they sat at the pews. "What seems to be wrong?"

"My house, it... Something isn't right," Angelo hesitated. "I think its... Well, I want to say haunted but... I think its more than that."

Father Emeritus furrows his brows. "You are convinced the house is possessed?"

"I think so...." Angelo said, then proceeded to explain all that's been going on, from Chris's behavior to what happened with Gaia to all the other strange occurrences.

After he was finished, Father Emeritus had a thinking look. "What you are describing sounds oddly familiar..."

"Y-You've seen this before?" Angelo asked.

That's when Angelo noticed that Sister Sola stopped what she was doing and looked over, looking uneasily in their direction.

"Well... I don't want to scare you, but about a year ago, a family in the area had a similar problem that you are having," he said, a grim look in his face that made Angelo take a guess.

"The Manson's?" Angelo asked, now scared.

"Yes... Did you know them?" Father Emeritus asked.

Angelo looked up at the priest in horror before spitting out the words.

I-I'm living in their house," he said in shock.

The priest froze but only for a second before the sound of glass shattering scared them both and they saw Sister Sola stood with a horrified look on her face, broken glass on the ground.


Chris sat at the table in the kitchen, exhausted from all the work he's down around the house.

The kids were upstairs probably playing.

Angelo suddenly barged in, returning from meeting Father Emeritus and Sister Sola.

"Chris, we need to talk," Angelo said.

"I'm tired, later," Chris snapped in an exhausted.

"Chris we need to leave this house," Angelo blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Chris snapped as he got up.

"Its not safe here, Chris," Angelo said as Chris slowly stormed over to Angelo. "We need to leave this place, let's just pack our things, go somewhere else, and-"

Suddenly Chris gripped Angelo's shoulders and shoved him against the wall. Angelo stood frozen, shocked by Chris's behavior.

"We're not leaving," Chris snarled. "Let me remind you, you wanted this house in the first place."

Angelo gulped nervously and shied away a little.

"Everything we have is in this house," Chris said sternly. "You can't just quit now."

"Chris... What has gotten into you...?" Angelo silently thought.


Father Emeritus parked his car in front of the house he never thought he would be return to.

Sister Sola refused to return, as even the sight of the house made her nervous.

He didn't blame her, but he felt he had to help Angelo and his family somehow. Blessing the house and possibly exorcise it too, was the least he could do.

He knocked on the door and Chloe, who was playing with Matty, heard it. She gets up, holding her stuffed raccoon in her arm.

She opens the door to meet with the priest, tilting her head in confusion.

"Hello, dear," Father Emeritus greeted Chloe. "Are you parents.... Home..."

Father Emeritus froze at what he saw in Chloe's hands.

"How.... Is this possible..?" he thought, staring at the little raccoon plushie.

"Daddy! There's a man here at the door!" Chloe called out as the priest was pulled from his thoughts.

Angelo walked out of the kitchen as Chris stormed downstairs to the basement. Angelo looked over and was surprised to see Father Emeritus stood there, Chloe deciding to go upstairs to play with her brothers.

"Father Emeritus," Angelo said, surprised to see the priest here.

"I came to help your family, Angelo," He said.

"Really?" Angelo asked.

"Absolutely. I've known this house, and I know just wat needs to be done," he said.

Angelo knew what he meant, and hesitated. He's heard many stories of exorcisms, whether its on people, houses, or even common household items, and it's always scared him a little.

But he knew Father Emeritus was correct

"Let me ask my neighbor to watch my kids first," I said.


After sending the kids to spend some time with Ashley and Nikki across the street, knowing they fell in love with their pets, Angelo showed him the room he felt had more activity- Chloe's room.

After all, Chris once claimed he thought he saw someone else here, and this room is the reason Gaia had to be put in a psych ward after her ordeal.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me," Angelo said nervously as he let Father Emeritus walk into the room, the left, his nerves on edge.

Father Emeritus observed the room. He remembered this was an attic before he and the other locals renovated it into a bedroom for Matty when he was adopted by the Manson's at a very young age.

He even built the bed frame and night stand for the room.

He then looked at the window and noticed two flies perched outside against the glass.

He felt something strange about it, but thought nothing much, and went ahead, only to jump when all of a sudden, the door of the bedroom slammed closed.

He looked over and gulped, deciding it was best to get started.

He set his case and bible down on the nearby table and opened it, pulling on his holy scarf(?) over his shoulders, and then taking a vial of holy water and his silver rosary, along with his bible.

Suddenly he began to hear buzzing and turned, surprised to suddenly see a small swarm of flies against the glass of the window.

He also took notice of how hot the room became, and wiped at the sweat on his forehead with the back of his head.

"I bless this house in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit," Father Emeritus spoke aloud, and sprinkled holy water around the room.


As the water hit the hardwood floor, it sizzled as if it were acid.

Just as it did, a low howling moan of pain erupted around the room, but Father Emeritus continued.

"I command you to leave this house and the people who live here alone," Father Emeritus chanted. "I am granting you the chance to leave!"

The house continued to moan as Father Emeritus continued to say prayers and sprinkle holy water around the room.

Suddenly he felt buzzing around him and looked to see....

Flies... They got into the room....

He swatted the away to continue the exorcism, but the more he seemed to try and shoo them away, the more seemed to surround him.

He then began to panic as he noticed some tried to go for his eyes and more flies came into the room to attack him.

However, it was no use, and his only alternative was to keep his eyes and ears closed and covered, as well as his mouth closed.

"GET OUT!" A voice boomed, making Father Emeritus jump.

Father Emeritus looked around in horror as he tried to keep the flies from attacking his eyes as he kept his mouth closed and his hands slightly over his ears.



Father Emeritus darted out of the house, his things in hand.

Angelo ran out behind him, confused and worried.

"Father!? Father, what happened?!" He called out as Father Emeritus rushed into his car and shut the door, Angelo rapidly knocking on the window. "Father Emeritus!"

Father Emeritus looked up at him, giving him a look of pity and fear, Angelo looking at him confused.

"I'm sorry," Father Emeritus said, before quickly pulling out of the driveway and speeding away.

"FATHER EMERITUS!! DON'T LEAVE!" Angelo begged as he watched the car speed down the road.

Angelo felt confused and scared and went to turn, only to jump as he saw Chris stood there giving him a blank look.

Angelo could only look up at him and suddenly just burst into tears as he hugged Chris, crying into his chest. Chris wrapped his arms around his sobbing husband as Angelo cried.

"What is happening?" Angelo sobbed.


***Final Day***

Enough was enough.

Angelo needed to know why everything was happening and prove Chris they needed to leave.

He drove from home to the local library and got to work looking everywhere for some sort of information on their house, starting with the family that lived before them, The Mansons.

He searched around, turning the place upside down, until he found some records and found a few copies of death certificates, as well as some public reports.

One of them had the name Matthew "Matty" Patlan-Manson.

Matty... That's the name of Chloe's "imaginary friend"... The name Gaia was muttering when she was rushed to the hospital...

He frowned at the name, then decided to search on the Internet, immediately coming up with a bunch of crime scene photos.

One showed a girl with light brown hair and delicate features, in her bed with blood on her chest, her face showing as if she were sleeping. The picture was labeled "Jaime Levitski-Manson, age 19."

Another was a young thin boy with short brown hair, also in his bed, and blood spilled from the side of his head. His picture was labeled, "Vincenzo Mauro-Manson, age 18."

Another was of another daughter, a young woman with short dark colored hair who laid on her stomach, the back of her head blown clean off and brain matter and blood splattered on the wall, the label reading "Kylie Devyn-Manson, age 20."

Then there was another picture, two men in their beds, a short one with a wound in his neck wearing a nightgown, another in just boxers, who looked like he could have been as tall as Chris, a bullet wound in his back, the picture labeled, "Brian & Jeordie Manson, ages 42 & 39."

Then another picture came up, but it was a mugshot of a young man with short hair and dark eyes. He looked a bit demented.

The name on the plaque he held read:

Sitkowski-Manson, Ryan
Long Island Police Department

After several articles and pictures, Angelo figured out that Ryan had gotten a rifle one night and killed all of his family as they slept. The youngest, "Matty," had woken up and hid, hence why his crime scene photo showed him out of bed in the closet of his bedroom with a bullet hole in his forehead, and Ryan shot him right in the face.

Ryan was sent to an asylum after his trial found him guilty. There were claims of him acting out and even once saying he heard voices that said "Catch em... Kill em..."

"Those words..." Angelo thought, remembering the magnets on the fridge.

Angelo was horrified by this. That's why everyone is so scared of this house. It wasn't just some murder, it was a slaughter.

He continued to search, and eerily found more, but it wasn't about the Manson's, though he remembered Father Emeritus mentioned they dealt with some strange things in the house too, which probably explains Ryan's behavior.

There was something about a Reverend Ketcham, who tortured Indians he claimed were possessed by demons, and perform all sorts of hideous facts on them, from dismembering them to cutting them open, and a lot of other gut wrenching things.

"My god...." Angelo mumbled.


Chris had woken up as Angelo left the house, hearing familiar voices. He frowns and suddenly feels drawn to the voices, which he couldn't interpret words from much, because they were all jumbled and slurred.

Yet he got up from bed and followed the voices, which lead him to the basements, and facing he wooden boards against the wall.

The voices... they were coming from behind the planks...


Angelo ran back into the church first to know what happened with Father Emeritus.

He enters the church, finding it empty, except for Sister Sola, who was getting the alter ready, probably preparing for a sermon.

"Sister Sola," Angelo said as he rushed over.

"Angelo? What happened?" Sister Sola asked in worry as she hurried over to Angelo.

"I need to see Father Emeritus," Angelo begged. "I need to know exactly why he ran the other day."

"Angelo, he's not-"

"I know what happened in that house," Angelo interrupted.

Sister Sola went still as a door opened and Father Emeritus stood there, a stern look in his face.

"Sister, may I have a moment with Angelo, please?" He asked.

Sister Sola hesitated and nodded. "Yes, Father," Sister Sola said before turning to Angelo and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

Angelo gulped as Sister Sola left.


Chris swung the axe and took down the final plank of wood, revealing a strange metal door.

He then grabbed the crowbar and proceeded to pry the door open, which after a minute or two he managed to do it.

He pulled the door opened, and the voices immediately grew louder, and a bit clearer.

"Catch em.... Kill em..... Catch em.... Kill em...."

Chris walked into the hallway, which seemed to be made of some strange stone.

It looked... familiar....

He then found himself in what seemed to be some strange dungeon and got nervous.

As he slowly walked, he jumped when a figure from inside one of the cells lunged at him, but was held back from the bars.

Chris gasped in horror as he saw the figure- now clear to hi it was a human. His face was all mutilated, mouth stitched closed and eyes missing, screaming through stitches.

Chris gulped and slowly kept walking away, only to be surprised by a woman's screams, and turned to see a young woman, probably Native American, chained against the wall, missing her eyes and her entire abdomen opened wide like she was a dissected frog. She was missing her breasts and her right leg.

Chris blinked twice and the woman was suddenly gone.

Chris, now scared, hurried down the hall to avoid anymore gruesome sights.

That's when he suddenly found himself in a familiar room.

Wait... those lines on the ground...

This was the same room from his vision before he almost drowned in the tub....

He saw all the tables lined up, but this time every single one of them were empty and full of dust and grime.

He continued to walk until he suddenly started to feel hot.

He then reached another door at the end of the room and opened it, and gasped when he saw a room lit with flames around it as he cautiously entered.

In the middle stood a cloaked figure wearing a strange hat.

Chris gulped and stood at the door as the figure turned and a slightly bearded man with red eyes faced him.

Chris took a step back in fear and then the man grinned evilly and pulled out a knife and bought it to his throat.

Time stood still for that split second as the man suddenly slid the knife across his throat and sprayed blood all over Chris...


"Father... I found out everything," Angelo said. "How the Manson's died... the reverend...."

Father Emeritus sighed. "That land is soaked with blood for the past..."

"Why exactly did you run from my house?" Angelo asked him.

Father Emeritus sighed, but then spoke. "Your house frightens me, Angelo... It holds an evil that even an exorcism couldn't expel."

Angelo gulped. "W-What am I going to do now?"

Father Emeritus looked Angelo in the eye and then took hold of his shoulders

"Listen to me carefully... Gather your husband and children, and get away from that house as soon and as far away as possible, before you all meet the same fate the Manson's met."

"You knew them well, didn't you?" Angelo asked. "You knew Ryan wasn't well, and what lead him to kill his siblings and parents?"

He sighed and nodded. "Jeordie came to me, weeks before they were killed. He was scared for Ryan... And Brian seemed to become angry as well. I arranged their funerals after the ordeal."

Angelo stood there nervously. "What it as bad as what I found out?"

Father Emeritus replied to him hesitantly. "That little toy your daughter has.... It belonged to the youngest foster, Matty..."

Angelo looked at him surprised. "Why are you telling me that?"

The next words that came from Father Emeritus was what almost made Angelo fait right then and there on the aisle.

"Matty was buried with it..."


Wind blew wildly around the house, signaling an oncoming storm threatening the night.

Meanwhile, the truck skid to a stop as he parked in front of the house and then he hurried out and into the house.


Angelo hurried around to look for his kids, but couldn't find them anywhere. He needed to get his family away from his house as fast as he can, belongings or not.

"ANYONE!!" Angelo screamed as he frantically looked around, rushing downstairs to the basement, knowing Chris is usually there.

As Angelo reached the last step, his blood went ice cold at the sight before him.

Four wooden coffins, each a different size, were leaned against the wall. But what made Angelo almost faint was seeing the word ANGELO carved on the bigger one of them, as well as the names DAMIEN on the second biggest, AIDEN on the medium sized one, and CHLOE on the smallest coffin.

Angelo gasped in horror as he backed away, only to feel his back hit something and yelped and spun, meeting with Chris's intense whiskey colored eyes.

No.... Not his eyes.... They're not that gorgeous whiskey color he loves...

They were red... A bloody ruby colored red....

Angelo took a step back as Chris continued to stare at him, and Angelo took off past him up the stairs and shutting the basement door locked.

"DAD!!" He heard Damien shout and Angelo turned to see his three kids rush over to him, and suddenly the house began to shake violently as if an earthquake hit the region.

"What's happening?!" Chloe cried out as she clung to her father, and suddenly the door to the basement was taken down.

"KIDS, RUN!!" Angelo screamed as they hurried to the front door, only to be slammed shut, Damien trying to open it.

Sudddenly a hand grabbed the back of Angelo's head by his hair and he screamed as Chris tried to pull him towards the basement.

"LET HIM GO!" Damien shouted, pulling at Chris and punching him, only for Chris to swing and smack him across the face, knocking him down and grabbing Angelo.

Angelo swung his arm back and elbowed Chris on the side of the head, disabling him and giving Angelo a chance to free himself.

"Follow me!" Chloe shouted and the kids ran upstairs.

"NO!" Angelo shouted as he ran after them and Chris was trying to regain consciousness.

Chloe ran over to one of the windows and opened it. "This way!"

Angelo had to no time to protest, they had to get out of there, so one by one the kids climbed out onto the roof and slowly made their way across.

"Chloe," Angelo said nervously.

"Its okay, Daddy, Matty says its gonna be okay," Chloe said as they made it to the side of the roof.



Everyone screamed as a gunshot went off and they looked at the ground and saw Chris.... Had a rifle!

"HURRY!" Angelo screamed as they tried to move to the other side of the pointed roof.

Angelo needed to get Chris distracted to buy everyone time to get away from the house.

"Kids, wait here," he said as they hid between two slants of the roof, and Angelo looked around the house, then seeing Chris stood looking for them.

Then he saw the gutter and got an idea.

Quietly he made it across the roof towards it, until he was at a good foot away from it.

Once Chris was near it, Angelo jumped on it and it immediately came loose from the wall and he and the gutter landed right on top of Chris knocking him down, the gun falling to the side.

Angelo groaned in pain as he rolled to his side, and saw as his kids helped each other down the roof.

He got up, only to be tackled by Chris as he tried to strangle him, his screams bringing the attention of the kids.

Damien rushed over and tackled Chris, knocking him off his father.

Angelo coughed as he sat up and realized the gun was at his hand.

Chris had pinned Damien to the ground and proceeded to now strangle him, only he wasn't aware of it. He thought he was killing a demon in Damien's.

"LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!" Chris shouted.

Angelo grabbed the rifle and swung at Chris like a bat, hitting him in the side and disabling him as he fell next to Damien, who quikly backed away.

Angelo cautiously but quickly walked over to Chris and was going to swing again when suddenly Chris started to scream in agony.

"KILL ME!!!!" Chris suddenly screamed. Angelo stared at him in shock.


Angelo stared at his husband in horror, but then shook it off and grunted as held the gun in his hand. "No one is going to die today!"

He swung down the back of the gun and struck Chris in the head with it, rendering him unconscious with it.

"Daddy!" Chloe gasped as she and her brothers stared in shock.

"Quick, get the clothing lines!" Angelo ordered the kids. Damien and Aiden rush over to the lines and take down the ropes, rushing back as they then started to tie Chris's hands and feet together.

"Why don't we just leave him?!" Damien shouted angrily as they dragged him into the boathouse.

"We need to get him away from the house," Angelo said in a strained voice as they pulled and then managed to get him to the boat.

Angelo then got his kids in the boat and suddenly Chris regained consciousness and was starting to scream bloody murder, scaring everyone.

"Go!!" Aiden screamed as Angelo quickly started the boat.

"Hold on!" Angelo screamed, and put the gear shift in Drive, making the boat jump forward and through the wooden doors of the boathouse into the lake.

Angelo made the boat go as fast as he could, Chris suddenly going quiet after a while as he drove, the kids close to him.

After a couple of minutes of driving across the water, Angelo felt it was safe and cut the engine, and looked back, seeing Chris was now unconscious.

Angelo looked over at the house as it stood more than a mile away from where the family was.

"D-Don't look at it, Angelo," A voice said and everyone turned to see Chris was waking up, and tears streamed down his face.

"Chris," Angelo said in shock, the kids watching cautiously, as if scared he were going to attack or do something.

But he didn't. He just laid there on his side, sobbing uncontrollably.

"G-Get us out of here," Chris cried as he was slowly regaining consciousness. "D-Don't look at it, Ange, just.... Just get out of here.... p-please....."

Angelo looked at him, relieved that Chris was himself again, and then nodded, going back to the boat's wheel, starting the engine and starting the engine, driving his family far away, their next move unknown to them.

One thing is for sure, they were never stepping foot in that house ever again.


***A Year Later***

"Here we are," Joshua said as he and his wife climbed down from their car.

"What was the story again?" Ryan Ashley asked.

"Huh," Joshua breathed out. "Where do I even begin? Indian burial ground, murder of a family, and another family almost ended up killing each other.... List goes on and on here."

"Damn," the beautiful paranormal investigator said as she got her equipment bag. "Who made the call?"

"An Ashley Costello from next door called in. Said the family who used to live here had to flee, so she took them in for a few days, decided to call someone to see what in the hell is really still happening," Joshua said as he got his bag.

"And the family? Who were they?" Ryan Ashley asked as they observed the house.

"The one who fled or the one that was murdered?" Joshua asked.

"Option one?" she shrugged.

"A gay couple with three kids from one of the spouse's previous marriage. A lot of shit went down, now one of them, Chris I think it was, is getting help in a psych ward, and the other one, Angelo, and the kids are in therapy," Joshua said.

"Yikes," She said. "We should get to work then."

"Yeah. Sister Sola said she would tell us whatever we need to know... But she isn't stepping into the house with us," Joshua said, getting his camera and starting to take pics of the front of the house.

"Let's go meet her then," she said as she went ahead, only to see Joshua was still focusing on taking pictures of the house in different angles.

She chuckled softly and walked over. "You know, you look cute when you're focused."

"And you look cute all the time," he smirked at her. They laughed and leaned in, sharing a quick kiss before deciding to meet with the nun.

The walked up closer to the house to see the nun waiting by her car.

"Sister Devin Sola?" Joshua asked, getting her attention. The woman turned and faced them.

"Ryan Ashley and Joshua Balz, I presume?" she asked.

"Yes, sister. We're the paranormal investigators who called you and Father Emeritus," Ryan Ashley said as they both shook hands with her.

"Yes, well, sadly Father Emeritus had to refuse to come," she said.

"Because of the last blessing he performed in the house a year ago?" Joshua asked.

"Yes. He refuses to step into this house, and I am the same way," she said. "Not even for an exorcism."

"Well, we'll get information on the house and see what is going on. You believe its not just the family before the Cerulli's who is still in the house, correct?" Ryan Ashley asked.

"No," Sister Sola said. "I remember even the Manson family dealt with strange occurrences before their murders."

"Okay... We can take a look around, do some recording and take a few pictures. Whatever we find will depend if you and Father Emeritus should petition the city to have this house closed up and pulled off the market," Ryan Ashley said.

"Very well," Sister Sola said, then reached into her purse and pulled out a set of keys. "Angelo Cerulli came to see me and gave me the keys to the house before he and his family left town. You can just come by to return them whenever you're done or leave them with Miss Costello across the street."

Joshua took the keys and nodded. "Thank you again, Sister."

She nodded and then said her farewells before she left back to the church, and the couple looks up at the eerie abandoned house.

"Well, my love," Ryan Ashley asked. "Shall we get started?"

"Gladly," he smiled, and they walk towards the house to do what they are best at doing.

~The end.

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