The Dead Body Under the Mattress: Ch. 1

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| 2ndSucksDick |

Ricky rested a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to face him. I had been staring out at the lake in the front of our run down motel room and just appreciating nature. It was our honeymoon and we wanted to go somewhere quiet and just spend time together. Just for the hell of it we chose upstate New York. There were a total of two hotels within the general 20 miles where we wanted to be, and one of them was abandoned.

"Ryan, can we go swimming?" It was midsummer, so this would be the warmest the water would be getting. Also, my goal was to make this a week to remember.

"Of course, babe." Ricky smiled cheerfully, moving to where we had dropped our suitcases. He found both of our bathing suits and tossed mine to me. I watched as he turned his back to me and began to strip, making sure to wiggle his ass as much as possible without it looking like he was purposefully trying to get to me.

"Perv." He playfully snit as he looked over his shoulder. I snickered and began to undress, making sure to quickly cover myself up. I grabbed the towels we had brought with us, unfolding one of them and wrapping it around Ricky's shoulder. He chuckled and tied it like a cape, skipping around as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. I snatched the key from the table quickly before stepping outside, running after my husband. We didn't even have to check before crossing the street since it was such a desolate area. There wasn't even a cellphone tower within range of us.

"Can we go to where those rocks are over there?" Ricky asked, pointing out to a small island that was fairly close to the shore. I passed him my towel and stepped into the water slowly, finding that it was still chilly. I bent down and dipped my hands into it, making sure my fingers emerged wet. I turned back to Ricky and tossed as much water on him as possible, causing him to laugh and hit me gently.

"Hop on my back." I insisted, turning so he could easily climb on me. I held the back of his thighs tight, not wanting to drop Ricky into the cold water - or even worse - onto stones. Slowly I waded out, resulting in my lower half being soaked and freezing.

"Thank you, Ryan." Ricky purred as I carefully lowered him onto the moss covered rocks. He kissed my cheek and began to wander on the new territory. Everything here was so natural and beautiful it made me consider moving here permanently.

"Hey, Ry. Come check this out." I heard Ricky call to me. I turned to see him poking his head out from behind a small grouping of trees. I danced over the slippery rocks to where he was squatting down and looking through a small metal box. It was rusty and dented in but held an array of items. From wedding rings to hunting knives to polished stones, there was an array of small and meaningful objects. There was a note scratched into the top of the container in rather messy handwriting, 'TAKE OR LEAVE'.

"Ryan... what do you think about maybe..." Ricky paused as he held up a pair of somewhat matching rings. Both had turned black with age and the diamonds were blurry but I couldn't help but be drawn to them. I smiled and sat down slowly, pulling the polished bands from our fingers and replacing them. I linked my hand with my husband and kissed the symbol of our vows before dropping them in the box.

"All the more sentimental now." I stammered, caressing his cheek. We slowly leaned into each other, our lips meeting. Lots of our kisses were passionate and filled with joy, but this was slow and warming. It felt like our wedding day all over again, which nearly brought tears to my eyes.

I reached for Ricky's waist, pulling him close. He fell forward onto me, his fingers wrapping around the inside of my thigh. I hummed into his mouth and carefully leaned back, hauling him to lay on top of me.

"Can we... maybe... go back to the room?" Ricky huffed between quick pecks. I felt his stiff member press against me. I smirked and rolled us so that I was hovering above him.

"Why? Are you scared to do it out here?" I challenged, slipping a hand down my husbands front and palming at him lightly. A moan dripped from his mouth and continued to tease him. I carefully crawled backward until I was able to kiss at the bulge in the front of Ricky's shorts. His hands tangled in my hair, pulling slightly as I fumbled to get him out of his pants. His hard-on pressed against my cheek as I kissed his balls and thighs.

"Ry-" He choked, "Ryan, please." I loved seeing my baby be so needy to the point he was begging. In one swift motion, I took his throbbing member down my throat, swallowing around him. The sound of tires on pavement echoed in the distance, making me smile.

"Unless you want those people to drive by and see this, then I recommend you finish fast." Ricky growled quietly at me, dropping his head back. I smirked and took him into my mouth again, sucking, nibbling, and licking my husband's cock.

"Please. Please." He pleaded. "Please Ry, fuck me." I wasn't going to turn down the offer. I quickly sat up and stripped my pants off. I stroked myself lightly before crawling back over Ricky. His nails dug into my hips as I bit at his neck and adjusted the position of his legs. I wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. This wasn't the rough fucking we'd do at three in the morning when we were both horny and desperate. This was a moment we'd look back on for years.

"Open your mouth for me, baby." He listened without hesitation, allowing me to slip my fingers past his teeth and cover them in saliva. I quickly probed at his pink circle of muscle, trying to hurry up this process. Just as my lover moaned, I saw the only sign of life come rolling down the road. I made eye contact with the driver as he gawked at the scene, turning his attention back to the green trees and purple mountains quickly.

"Ryan, please. I need more." Ricky cried, gripping my member with one of his hands. He carefully directed me into his warm hole, moaning loudly as he clenched around me. I spread my legs more, effectively doing the same to my submissive. This gave me a chance to pound him deeper than before.

"Fuck." He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head and his back arching. I reached forward and gave his throat a gentle squeeze as I began to stroke him in pace with my thrusts. I felt Ricky's arm snake to my back, pulling at my ass as he pushed a few digits into me.

"Ry, I'm gonna..." He trailed off, his seed spilling over my hand as he screamed out and tightened his muscles around me. I moaned louder than I would've liked as my orgasm was milked. Ricky purred and kneaded my body wherever he could get reach, allowing me to catch my breath before pulling out of him. Both of us were sweaty and sticky, the heavy summer air not helping with the situation.

I carefully reached inside my husbands stretched cavity, attempting to clean him out. After years of being dedicated to someone, you began to remember the small things they enjoyed and hated. As for Ricky, he loathed the feeling of my fluids running out of him after a long night in bed, but he loved such delicate touching when he was sensitive. He couldn't stand the feeling of his hair clinging to the back of his neck, but longed for our tacky skin to be pressed together. He despised me doing anything more than he asked from me, but also cherished every moment where I pampered him.

"Let's rinse off." I suggested, helping Ricky to a rock that jutted from the water. I stood on the bottom of the lake as I splashed water onto his stomach, wiping the thick cum off. I smiled in content once he was clean, lifting him by the waist and dragging him into the pool. He screamed as he was submerged in the cold, latching his limbs around me. After a few minutes he started to adjust to the temperature, his teeth chattering and lips turning blue.

"Fuck you." Ricky stammered, using a quivering hand to hit the back of my head. I smiled and pulled him close, kissing all over his face. He laughed to the best of his ability, tightening his grip around me.

"I think it's time to get back to the room." Ricky nodded in agreement, allowing me to carry us both onto the small island. I had to use all my strength to keep my balance yet still bending just enough to grab our towels and swim trunks. I wrapped the dry fabric around my baby, lifting him as high as possible on my chest. I waded back to the mainland as fast as possible, not wanting to be caught out here when the sun started to set.

I was surprised how Ricky didn't even shy away in the slightest to being completely naked in public. Of course there were times when we had done some rather dirty things in not very private places, but nothing to this level. It gave him such a beautiful glow when he wasn't afraid.

"For dinner, do you want me to check out that diner we saw a while back?" Ricky asked as he jumped off of me with a slight wobble. I steadied him with one of my hands, the other holding everything we had brought outside earlier. I honestly hadn't thought about dinner, and with the late lunch we ate, I wasn't all that hungry.

"Sure. I think I'll stay here and unpack though. Just get me coffee, hun." Ricky immediately began to dress himself in the clothes he previously wore, adding a sweatshirt over his tank top. I handed him the car keys, yanking him to my chest and kissing his forehead. With that he pulled away, jumping onto his toes to peck my cheek. I tapped his ass lightly as he headed towards the door, smiling to myself as I admired the little life I had built.

No more than five years ago, I was a struggling photographer. I had to reinvent myself to find what I was good at, leaving the artistic field completely to become a high school music teacher. Before, I could barely afford rent and was alone in every aspect of the word. Now, I have a house, a husband, and a pending adoption for a dog, not to mention a dozen students that go out of their way to show me how much I mean to them.

I snatched Ricky and I's bathroom products from our bags, setting them next the the sink. I took a minute to put our clothes in the dresser provided, not bothering to separate them by rightful owner. Ricky had a habit of stealing my tops and never returning them. I took a stack of books from the backpack we always kept near by, setting them on one of the nightstands. I flipped open the cover of one of them, sitting down as I traced over the ink with my fingers. On the first page was my phone number and name.

The first time I ever laid eyes on Ricky was at a small cafe. I was trying to take interesting pictures of the latte art I was ordering, also including a rather old book in the background. That's when he walked in. He asked about my camera, about coffee, about stories, and finally about me. It was the first time I found a stranger easy to talk to. Finally when it was time for him to leave, he asked if he could borrow my book. I agreed, writing all the information he would need about me inside of it. That led to hanging out, and lots of dates after that.

I grabbed my phone from where it laid on the bed, looking at the empty notification bar before setting it back down. Unplugging for this whole week would be hard. I laid down momentarily, my wet hair squishing against the back of my head. Groaning as I sat up, I slowly plodded to the bathroom again, hunting for my shampoo. A plus to being in a secluded area with only my husband around is that I didn't have to bring clothes with me or shut the door. It was still too hot and humid for clothes to be comfortable.

That was part of the reason that bathing is nice, other than getting dirty lake water off of me. Who knows what could be in there. From fertilizer run off to a decomposing animal to a poisonous algae... I might as well consider myself diseased.

When there was a sharp knock at the front of the motel room, I quickly snatched a towel and wrapped it around my waist. My feet soaked the carpeted floor, my hair dripping as I peaked through the window to see it was just Ricky being back with food.

"Oh so now you're showering without me?" He joked, holding a paper pulp tray in one hand, the other reaching forward and ridding me of the only thing keeping me from being exposed. I flinched at first but began to smile, waiting until Ricky set his food down to scoop him up. I threw him down on the bed, crawling over him as I put my hands on his sides and began to tickle. He laughed at first, but it quickly turned into a labored wheeze.

"Come on. I just got back. Let me eat." Ricky managed to squeak out in between his forced hiccups. I chuckled and flopped to the side, keeping an arm around my husband as his breathing returned to normal. When I had the chance, I kissed him, only pulling away when he gently smacked me.

"Hey!" I called out in surprise. Ricky giggled at me, quickly jumping away from me. I laid there blissfully as he stripped down and snatched his dinner, handing me a coffee. I slipped into thought as I sipped on the caffeine, just pondering the future. By the time I had snapped out of this trance, it was pitch black outside and the love of my life was all washed up and reading next to me.

"You okay, babe?" He asked as I inhaled sharply. I nodded and threw my empty cup away, stumbling to the bathroom as I tripped on a ripple in the carpet. I brushed my teeth, combing through my now-dry hair and pulling it off my shoulders.

"Ry are you going to sleep soon?" Ricky peaked around the door, smiling gently as he waited. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, allowing him to rest his head on my chest. We began to sway back and forth, bring back the memories of when this was a everynight activity.

Ricky used to have lots of trouble sleeping, which meant I felt the need to always wake up with him. Sometimes we'd cuddle. Other times we'd watch a movie. It all depended on what my former boyfriend wanted. When he first moved in with me, his insomnia got worse and he began to have nightmares. The only thing that would soothe him enough to fall back asleep was listening to this one specific song called City Lights and slow dancing in my kitchen.

"Are you tired?" Ricky asked as he yawned into me. I hummed a "yes" and forced him to hold onto my neck, grabbing the back of his legs and hauling him to sit on my hips. I fell backwards on the bed, earning a squeak from him as he fell on top of me.

"I love you, Ryan." He murmured, kissing my neck softly as he began to doze off. I didn't even have a chance to respond before he was snoring like a kitten. I carefully moved us to be under the covers, wrapping my arms around my husband's waist. His teeth nibbled at my skin as I began to drift into unconsciousness, a common habit of his. Of course I would wake up to half my neck and shoulder being pink, bleeding, and bruised, but if it meant that Ricky would get a mere ten minutes of perfect rest, it was all worth it.

Sometimes I thought about how Ricky would be a nice little considering how he acted like a baby anyways. I found the caregiver and little community on Tumblr no doubt, most likely during one of the times I was watching porn. I read into it quite a bit, even considered talking to Rick about it when we were together for a little over a year. Maybe tomorrow would be the day when I finally bring it up.

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