The Dead Body Under the Mattress: Ch. 2

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I jerked up quickly, my breathing erratic and my heart pounding in my chest. Thankfully Ricky was fast asleep next to me, his body wrapped around one of the pillows in a bear-hug like fashion. I slipped away silently, pulling on a pair of boxers as I began to attempt to calm myself down. I closed the bathroom door behind me, cracking the window open ever so slightly to get a breath of fresh air. I never had nightmares, let alone about something so graphic.

There was a young lady, 30 years old at most. She hung from the ceiling upside down above the bathtub, her ankles tied together. She screamed loudly, calling for help until her voice was raw. Then the guy came. He cut her throat open, fucking it as she bled out. He tore her body apart, starting with the skin. By the time he was done with that, it looked as if someone removed a tan leather sheet from the dryer and folded it perfectly. Next was the fat. He carved it from the bones, using it as fuel for the small fire he had lit outside. He saved the muscle, planning to cook it for himself later on. The organs were thrown into the woods, almost as feed for the wild animals. All that remained was the skeleton. He kept that too, meticulously cleaning it and adding string where the joints used to be. He made this number 13 in his collection of all too real medical cadavers and such.

I wanted this to be the most amazing week I would ever experience with my husband, not a horror show. I shut the window as I heard a quiet rustling in the other room, peeping out as inconspicuously as physically possible. I jumped back as the door was pulled away from me, revealing my hiding spot. Ricky looked confused, tired, and concerned. I clutched him to chest with care, burying my face in his hair.

"Ry, what's wrong?" He asked in a rather adorable and sleepy voice. I closed my eyes, giving him a squeeze before releasing him. He grabbed my cheeks with both hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Ricky may be small, but he is very demanding. I bit my lip, trying to come up with a believable lie to explain myself. I couldn't tell him the real reason for me to be up at this hour, he would worry too much; force me to go to therapy. If I didn't get over this within a week then he would force me to go to doctors and to be hospitalized. It was the typical Ricky style of overreacting and caring combined.

"Nothing, I just needed to pee. Now that we're up though, do you want to go look at the stars?" He instantly perked up, completely dropping all worry he held. His fingers weaved with mine, yanking me out to where our clothes were. He tossed me one of our sweatshirts, slipping into one of his own before dragging me outside. It wasn't too cold, but there was a slight chill in the air. It was just one of the trade-offs to being so far up North. I looked up at the sky, marveling at the way it twinkled. I had always lived near a city, so it was practically a spiritual experience for me to witness this.

"Hey, Ryan. I think that one is the North Star." Ricky said, looping his arm around my neck and pulling my head down to be against his. He pointed up to the sky, trying to show me what he was looking at. I couldn't confirm or correct this theory, considering I knew little about astrology. Maybe when I'm back home I'll start looking into it.

"I think so." I murmured with a small yawn, closing my eyes and making myself comfortable. Despite being mentally awake, I was physically exhausted. I was scared to fall asleep again, but I also needed to rest. Without a solid eight hours of sleep, I would be a mess tomorrow. And we had planned to visit a few abandoned buildings we found, possibly also going for a hike or something alike. I needed all the energy I could muster.

"Hey babe, do you think we could maybe continue this tomorrow? I know you love this type of thing, but with all the walking we're going to do tomorrow..." I trailed off. Ricky nodded in understanding, smiling softly. He kissed me slowly, his hands linked behind my neck. This was everything I could've wanted in life.

"Ryan- fucking -Sitkowski, I love you so damn much." He murmured, our foreheads pressed together in a moment of solitude. A few tears dribbled down his cheeks along with an innocent sniffle. I smirked, running a hand across Ricky's cheek, cleaning the mess he began to make of himself. Despite how upsetting it was when he made a scene of himself, it was ultimately adorable.

"Richard- fucking -Olson, I love you too." He began to laugh, pausing to kiss me. I used this to my advantage, wrapping my hands around his rear and lifting him to sit on my hips. I groaned as Ricky began to push his crotch into me, giving me the hint that our little scene earlier wasn't enough for him.

I dropped him to be laying on the bed, crawling over him. Ricky reached up, grabbing my hips and forcing me down onto him. I bit at his neck, running my hands over any of his exposed skin I could find. Ricky was rather demanding, yanking at my boxers and sweatshirt as if it was a physical requirement for us to have full contact with each other.

"Wait..." Ricky paused, pulling away from me. "I want to put on a show for you." I sat up, allowing my husband to take control of the situation. He scampered to our bags, digging through a small pocket on one of them. He pulled a few items out, hiding them behind his back as he walked back over to me.

He kneeled in front of me, dropping a vibrator, dildo, cock ring, and bottle of lube on the bed. I smirked, seeing how sneaky he was while packing for this trip.

Ricky didn't waste any time stripping down, and I didn't either. I watched as his hard cock sprung up to his chest. He stroked himself a few times, taking a bit of lube on his hand and coating himself from cock to hole. I touched myself lightly, watching intently.

First, he slipped the metal ring onto himself, turning it until the concave section pressed into him. This would keep him from releasing. Next, he bent over for me, showing his partially stretched ass as he began to make it wider. When I could clearly see his walls twitching with anticipation, he stuffed himself with the vibrator and turned it on low. He moaned loudly as he played. After a few more minutes, he began to slip fingers in beside the toy. I was rather surprised when he pushed the dildo in too, considering we had never really tried double penetration to that extent. He must have been practicing just for me.

"Fuck, Ry, I'm still not full enough. Will you help me?" Ricky asked seductively, biting his lip as he turned to face me. I swallowed heavily. I opened my legs, allowing him to crawl in between them. He pushed me to be laying down and lined himself up with my cock, slowly sinking down on me. I groaned loudly, feeling the vibrations make my body shrivel. This wasn't enough for him though. He reached back, turning up the level and began to bounce. I had to bite my lip to keep from crying.

"You're such a whore for cock." I moaned. The pleasure was overwhelming. I sat up quickly, wrapping my arms around Ricky as I repositioned us so I was on top. One by one, I forced his legs to his chest, effectively pinning his dick down too. I began to violently ram into him, watching as he moaned and screamed for me. I felt him contract slightly, a signal that he was getting close.

I turned up the vibration level one last time, causing myself to become undone. Ricky grabbed at my wrists, begging for me to stop and allow him to cum too. Neither of these would happen. I didn't care that I was torturing myself with the continuous stimulation, I wasn't the one that was begging to fuck twice within 6 hours.

I felt the knot in my stomach become tighter, a clear sign that I was going to have another orgasm.

"Daddy, please take it off!" Ricky begged. This was the first time he had ever called me that, and it just confirmed my theory about him being kinkier than I assumed. I sighed, dropping my grip from the back of his legs so they fell over my shoulders. I stroked his member first, making him sob from the sheer amount of pleasure. When I could feel my muscles spasm and I came yet again, I yanked the restraint off of Ricky. With an ear piercing scream, he came over his stomach and my hand.

As I pulled out, he became flustered, turning off the source of stimulation that was still inside him. My fluids dribbled down his rear, leaving cobweb-like strings between the toys and the main deposition of semen.

"Fuck..." Ricky trailed off. I chuckled, jogging to the bathroom and stealing a towel. I wet it with cool water, bringing it back to where the scene had occurred. I wiped my cock down, then his stomach, the toys next, then his ass. He whined, probably realizing the mistake he had made to make his hole three times bigger in less than an hour. I slipped under the comforter, lying flat on my back. I pulled Ricky onto my chest and folded the damp cloth, partially tucking it into the gaping ring of muscle. This had seemed to help soothe the pain quite a bit since he even fell asleep. I too allowed myself to close my eyes, slipping into a peaceful rest.

"Ryan." Ricky grabbed me by the shoulder, shaking me awake. I mumbled a few words along the lines of "I'm up" and closed my eyes again. When this happened again, it was much brighter than before.

"What time is it?" I grumbled, rubbing at my eyes. He held a phone in front of my face, giving me confirmation that it was afternoon. I scrambled into a sitting position, holding my husband to my chest. He cringed as he rested on his rear. It was clear he was in pain from our activities. I pushed him down to lay on his back between my legs. He laughed, making himself comfortable.

"Do you think that we could maybe we could save all the walking for another day? Everything kind of hurts." I nodded in understanding, leaning over Ricky and kissing down his body. He giggled, his ticklish side kicking in. I continued to nip at his skin, licking and kissing.

"Wanna go to the lake again?" He stammered while trying to catch his own breath. I gave him one last loving peck, backing away as I agreed with the plan. I slipped off the bed, stepping on a dildo as I searched for our bathing suits. I tossed one to Ricky as I put on the other. I moved to his side and allowed him to wrap his arms around me, helping himself up. I kissed him softly, trying to soothe the pain I caused him.

"Carry me, please." I easily helped Ricky to be sitting on my hip, my hands under his rear. He bounced lightly against me as I brought us outside, the sun warming our skin.

"Could we talk?" I asked Ricky as I stepped into the water. He nodded and allowed me to set him on one of the rocks. He groaned as he slipped into the water, allowing the cold to soothe all the damage that was done to his hole. I sunk beneath the surface, allowing my body to become one with the flow of nature. I pressed my feet into the sandy floor and forced my head through the soft waves, my drenched hair falling around my ears.

Ricky glowed with the halo of sunlight behind him, his delicate features cast in shadow but still sparkling. I smiled up at him, grabbing his underarms and helping him to be at eye level with me. I leaned forward until our foreheads were pressed together, our lips slowly meeting and our tongues tangling.

"I love you so much." I mumbled, slowly pulling away. Ricky snorted and kept kissing my face, peppering my cheeks and forehead. I pulled away and grabbed him by the chin, looking him in the eyes.

"Do you know what DDLB is?" Ricky nodded. "Are you a little?" He swallowed hard against my hand and nodded again. He opened his mouth a few times as if he was about to speak, and I waited patiently for these words.

"How did you know?" He stammered. "Ryan, I'm so sorry for keeping that from you. I just didn't know how you'd react and I was scared that you'd be disgusted. I just didn't want you to break up with me over something that isn't even that important to me." I listened a bit before cutting him off with a kiss. He instantly calmed down.

"You called me daddy last night. You love being taken care of. It just kinda... fits." I explained. Ricky's jaw dropped and made a quiet noise of realization. He gave me a weak smile before leaning in and kissing me again.

"So... will you be my daddy?" Ricky asked nervously as our lips parted. I laughed slightly, earning a worried look from him. I pulled his body against mine and pecked his forehead.

"Of course I will." I assured him, walking us onto the island so we could lay down on the soft moss. Ricky was excited to finally be able to show this side of him, as he immediately began to suck his fingers. He fell asleep for a moment but was up and bouncing off the walls in less than an hour. I stayed in one spot as he twirled around the trees and looked at the pebbles.

"Ricky, stay away from the water." I demanded as he began to run across the slippery rocks. The last thing we need was for him to fall and get hurt, or even worse, drown. It would be an awful way to end the second day of our honeymoon. It would be even worse if the injury was bad enough that it required us to go to the hospital and return home early.

I shielded my eyes from the sun as I looked to where Ricky was defiantly standing in a small tidal pool area. I sighed as he stuck his tongue out at me, which was cut off by one of his shrill screeches.

"Something bit me!" He complained, reaching down and grabbing a small silver colored fish. I rushed to his side and directed him to sit. I plucked the fish from his hand and tossed it out into the lake, bending down to see a small pucker mark on the back of his ankle. I sat down with Ricky and pulled him to my chest, holding him as he cried. I soothed him quietly to which he eventually relaxed.

"So will you listen to me next time?" I asked as I kissed his head. Ricky nodded and pushed his face into my chest.

"Can we go to the room? I wanna lay down." His speech began to slip and his true colors of being a little started to show. I stood and helped Ricky to his feet, lifting him onto my back. I walked us back to the mainland and to our room, laying my crybaby down. I took a deep breath of the warm air, noticing that the mold smell was now overpowered by the smell of rotting meat. Ricky was too busy worrying about his fish kiss to notice, but I was on the verge of vomiting from the odor.

I started to sniff around the room as I cleaned up the mess that we had made, trying to find where the source was. Our suitcases still smelled fresh, the toys a little stinky but nothing obnoxious, even the towel I used to mop up Ricky and I's cum smelled decent compared to the air.

"Ryan, will you get me some clean clothes?" Ricky called to me from the bathroom. He had taken his swim shorts off and was looking at the slight tan he had acquired on his shoulders. I took a set of pajamas for myself too and set them on the countertop, pulling him close for a kiss. He slowly looped his arms around my neck as his lips worked with mine. We pulled away after a couple of moments, a string of saliva connecting us. We laughed and I gently tapped Ricky's rear as he moved to turn on the shower. I stripped from my still-damp bottoms and set my hands on his hips, holding his back to my chest lovingly.

He pulled the curtain aside to allow for us to step into the scorching stream of water. I hid behind him as he rinsed his face, taking the shampoo before he could grab it and adding a dollop to his hair. I massaged it in with care, not wanting to hurt him. Small purrs rolled from his lips as I washed him, even squatting down to clean out his small aquatic creature related injury.

Ricky's hands fell to the back of my head, keeping me from standing up so he could do the same to me. I used my fingers to trace down the grooves from muscle in his thighs as he played with my hair, splashing it all around before deeming me clean and turning off the water.

"Dinner?" He asked as he wrapped a towel around his waist, passing me another one so I could do the same. I nodded and pulled him close for another kiss.

To be continued....

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