John Wick Y/N

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Vortex:So now that we have finished with that Y/N shall we go onto the next one

Gon:Yeah I want to see more of this Y/N's even do us four only seen one it seems like all the others are super cool!!

Killua:Calm down remember we only seen one not five so keep that excitement towards the others

Esdeath:*mind*Oh my darling Y/N to hear that you have suffered through out the multiverse hurts me but do not worry my love ones this is over I will kill all those who hurt you~*out loud*hehehe

All the ones who hurt Y/N then feel a chill going down there spines has both Akame and Najenda look back at Esdeath and see her looking at them with a psychic look like she wants to kill someone

Najenda:I don't like that look she's giving us

Akame:I'll keep a close eye on her*glares at Esdeath which does nothing*

Vortex:Now! The next Y/—

Sirezch:Wait a minute!!


Sirezch:Can you explain to us how the blue skin Y/N got so strong

Chifuyu:I was asking that myself

Vortex:Oh! well you see after Towa transferred Y/N soul into that of her creation Mira he was granted the ability to use Ki but even after knowing ki he was strong enough to make earthquakes,kill a many people with a single punch,break throw aura and even break a sacred gear with his bare hands

Tormentors of Union:*shocked*What!?that's impossible?!

Houki:How can that be even possible for him but it will be difficult for us

Vortex:Simple really.....your all just bad

This left Union speechless what would make some of the more aggressive members of Union would attack Vortex but they know there place has they just sit there while the villains,Y/N's friends and the jaegers laugh at them

Vortex:Well then now that we're done rousting you fools let's move to the next version of our hero Y/N

Lights turn off and the screen turns on has the countdown started


And it began has the screen pops up but still black
The screen is shown only revealing the void of the color black with nothing being shown until a voice decides to speak

???:The word skilled what those it truly mean exactly I have heard many people give there own definition about it sone say that they are skilled others say is just a person that's good at something but I hose we're all lies so people can cheer for them and give them fame let me tell you about someone who's truly skilled at everything that he does

The screen changes this time showing a warehouse with gunshots being heard from the inside has one person is seen being thrown out a window

???:He ones was but a simple boy who look for a purpose something that would motivate him to continue what he does until he gets tired of it something that would drive him to complete the task he is given

The camera moves inside the warehouse has inside we see a man wearing all black fighting sone white fang members has he shoots two that were on the bridge has he then spun around and kicked one who was lunching at him has he then fires at the other members that lunches at him

???:And he found that purpose but what he didn't knew was that the one he found would lead him on the path of darkness while still serving the light has he became what no one could ever become

A rhino faunus white fang member charges at the man wearing black clothing has the man jumps over the white fang member has he fires at the rhino who brings out his shield and blocks the shots one the man wearing black lands the rhino faunus charges at him but then the man wearing black jumps onto the rhino faunus getting on top of him has the rhino tried getting him off him the man wearing black chokes him but finishes him by shooting him in the head killing him

???:Now he is a man on a mission and who is this man you ask well he has been given many names through the years of his life but his real name is...

The man wearing black leaves the warehouse has ones he was a long distance away from the warehouse it exploded showing the man who defeated and killed all those white fang members

???:Y/N Wick

The scene changes to then showing Y/N driving his car through the streets of verse has he passes another car

???:Ever seen Y/N was but a little boy he was powerless he had no aura,no quirk,no Teigu,no sacred gear and he wasn't a girl so he couldn't be a ninja or an I.S pilot so he live his life surviving the discrimination and disrespect the people give to the weak that is until he was found and adopted by the boss of a group of agents who are in charge of dealing with does who cannot be redeemed or are too dangerous plus they are also in charge of taking care of heroes who take things to far

The scene changes again fist showing an image of little Y/N being found by the boss who extend his hand towards Y/N and hr grabs it has they walk away from the orphanage that was burning down

???:He was taught everything about how to deal with this super powered beings[shows the boss teaching Y/N all the weaknesses about each different power]and then he was training his body and after his body he trained his mind[shows Y/N fighting multiple people in hand to hand them changes to him being taught how to use a gun has then it shows Y/N meditating]he was shown how the world really works it's corruption a corruption he intended to destroy

Shows Y/N beating heroes,villains,devils, fallen angels,exiled priest,huntsman and huntresses,I.S pilots and ninja girls had some he killed others looked beat up has it then changes again and shows him standing bloodied and bruised has many of those things his defeated are on the floor dead

???:He was lost in the dark with no light to guide him out of it or that's what many thought there was a light that brought him out of it and her name is Summer Rose

The scene then shows Y/N standing on a cliff beside him holding his hand was the person he loves Summer Rose*her appearance shocks Ruby,Yang and union staff*

Y/N:Do you really want to hold this hands even if they have blood pouring all over them

Summer:Yes*makes Y/N look at her*I don't care what you've done and I don't care what you think you are Y/N I love you for you and just you*smiles*

Y/N:*sigh*and I love you too Summer I just don't want nothing to happen to you because of me

Summer:*giggles*I can take care myself you know that

Y/N:*chuckle*Yeah I do

And with that they kissed each other on the lips the kiss was passionate under the light of the moon has they separate and smile at each other has the screen goes black

???:There love was like light and darkness Ying and Yang and happiness and saddens Summers appearance in Y/N's life changed him made him into a better man and then that love welcomed someone into there life

The scene changes to a hospital has in one the rooms Y/N was standing beside Summer who was in the bed holding a small baby version of herself

Y/N:And so what will we call her Summer

Summer:Hmmm~what about Ruby Wick Rose

Y/N:Good name*smiles*

Summer:Do you want to hold her?

Y/N:H-Hold her?

Summer:Yeah come on fell her in your arms*smiles at him*

Y/N hesitate but nods has Summer hands Ruby to him he holds her has he looks down Ruby who smiles at him and makes baby noises Y/N smiles down at her has the scene changes again to Summer standing in front there house door

Y/N:Do you have to go alone I can go with you

Summer:Don't worry Y/N is just a simple extermination job I'll be back before you know it!!

Y/N:*chuckles*You better if not I'll give all the cookies to Ruby!

Summer giggles and then runs fast away from the house using her semblance bud then the scene changes again to Y/N standing in front of the door with horror look on his face has he was told that Summer has died

???:But sadly it was more than just an extermination mission has the headmasters of Union send Summer to a suicide mission without her knowing killing her this hurt Y/N very much almost making him go suicide but then he remembered Ruby his daughter the only thing he has left of Summer but he thought he was not worthy of being a father has he left her with Tai a friend of his has Y/N returned to live alone well that's what he thought

Y/N was sitting on his couch tears falling down his eyes has he reads a letter that came from Summer had she bought him a dog a friend to keep him company years later pass has Y/N was sitting on his couch washing some TV with his dog called Max sitting beside him has Y/N pets him until the door bell rings

Y/N:Hmm who could that be?

Y/N gets up and goes to the door has he sees through the pee hole has he sees who ring his bell it was three people two girls and one guy this were Emerald Cinder and Mercury

Y/N sees this and opens the drawer beside the door has he grabs his revolver and placed it in his holster preparing himself for whatever is going to happen has he opens the door

Y/N:May I help you three?

Cinder:Are you Y/N Wick by any chance

Y/N:....what if I am

Cinder:Then your the one with been looking for

Y/N:Oh yeah then you fond me what you want

Has then out of nowhere Mercury lunches himself towards Y/N has he kicks him in the chest pushing him back inside the house he recovers quick and sees Mercury about to attack again but he blocks his kick has knocks to the ground has he brings out his revolver and readies to shoot him until his gun was shot out his hand he turns towards the shooter has he sees Emerald with her guns out has he continued to fire at him he charges at her has he dodges her shots has he reaches her he sweeps her legs and then punches her in the stomach slamming her to the ground and then kicks her to the outside the house has he then goes back to pick up his gun he gets stop by a crystallizes arrow that stops him from reaching towards it

Cinder:Oh no you don't mister Wick

Y/N:What he*l is your problem with me woman!!

Cinder:You are to dangerous to be left alive mister Wick fir that you just die

She readies another arrow which the tip lights up in flames has she fires the arrow at him he dodges it and picks up his gun at he turns towards Cinder and fires at her she blocks the bullets but then gets hit by Y/N who then throws her out the kitchen window has he was about to go out finish her he gets hit from behind by Mercury he turns around and fires two shots at him he dodges them but Y/N then kicks him in the chest pushing him back but Mercury recovers quick and charges at him has Y/N points his gun Mercury moves his hand aside but Y/N spun around and elbows Mercury in the face and then knees him in the stomach then throws him on the ground has he then started walking out the house and sees Cinder there

Y/N:you've made a grave mistake young lady

Cinder:Like I care

Y/N:Oh*aims his gun*You will

He fires two shots that she blocks but fires a third one that passes her cheek making blood come out it feeling the pain Y/N took advantage and charge at her

???:The battle was fierce that even without the right equipment or weapons or even preparation Y/N Wick fought to his last breath literally sadly at the end his friend died protecting Y/N and he was defeated afterwards thrown into his own home being burned down by Cinder but what would be a history for the villains would be there biggest mistake

The house is destroyed but Y/N lives has they see him still walking and alive has he walks down the steps of the basement ones he reaches the last floor he grab a sledgehammer that was place there and slams it on the middle of the room has with each swing a memory of his past appeared first meeting the boss then being trained then when he meet Summer when he was holding Ruby when summer left and when he left Ruby in Tai hands has he did his last swing he toss the sledgehammer aside and look down has in front of him is his gear

Y/N:Alright let's get to work

???:If there's one thing those who know what Wick can do is that they know to never mess with him he is someone that will do anything until the other person dies has now the reaper has returned

The scene changes towards Y/N walking onto Union academy?he walks down the hall greeting confused and suspicious looks from the students all but one look at him with wide eyes and that was Blake Belladonna

Blake:*mind*Sensei!?what's he doing here?

Y/N continued walking until he reach the office he was looking for has he knocks on the door and quickly hears the voice of someone

???:You may enter!

And with that Y/N opens the door and gets in and ones he closes of he looks at who's in the desk and old friend of his Nezu

Nezu:Ah mister Wick is great to see you old friend

Y/N:To you am has well Nezu

Y/N sits down on the sit in front of Nezu desk has Nezu pours him some tea


Y/N:Yes that would be good right now thank you

Nezu hands him the tea and his grabs it has they both take a sip of there respected cups has they then hold it down

Nezu:So what information do you seek today old friend

Y/N:I want to know what's the nearest Atlas security towers in verse city

Nezu:And why would you need information of those places

Y/N:Because they hold all the info I need to hunt down the people I'm looking for

Nezu:Hunt down?aren't you retired

Y/N:I'm asking myself the same thing but I don't think retirement even wants me well not right now

Nezu:Well then I think my theory was right

Nezu brings out a scroll and hands it to Y/N who is confused until he grabs the scroll and looks what inside and it shows the locations of the Atlas towers has he looks back at Nezu

Nezu:What?you did not expect me to forget my training after becoming a principle

Y/N:*chuckle*You still have that trait of you huh

Nezu:That I do now go on do what you must do

Y/N nods and gets up to leave the room but was stop by the sudden opening of the door has five woman enter

???:Sorry we're late Nezu we jus-...

The girls in the room then notice Y/N there and blush when seeing him has the woman present in the room are Glynda,Mindnight, Leo,Rossweisse,Chifuyu and Najenda



And after saying those words he walks out the room leaving the girls stunned and blush has Nezu snickers at there reaction back with Y/N the scene changes to him hiding in sone bushes has he looks at the atlas tower entrance that was guarded by two guards who started talking with each other

Guard 1:Hey?

Guard 2:Yeah?

Guard 1:You ev-!

The first guard got stab by a knife that landed straight in his mouth killing him the other gets freaked out and aims at there attacker but he couldn't react fast enough has Y/N kicks him towards the wall making him get shot by Y/N who then opens the door and ones it opened the rest of the guards see him has they were confused until the second guard fell on the floor

Guard 3:Introd—

Gets shot in the head and falls on the desk has the other guards then started opening fire at Y/N who dodges there shots and gets behind a wall protecting him from the lasers has he takes his chance he shoots two that were on the second floor and then rolls in the floor and shoots three more guys taking them down he spun around to take out the last one but one with a sword knocks his gun out his hand has Y/N looks around for weapon his eyes land on a pencil ✏️

Y/N:That will have to do*he grabs the pencil*

Guard 4:Haha!! You think you can defeat me with that!

He charges at Y/N has he dodges the guards first swing and then his second has the third one he blocks it with the pencil had he then punches him in the face then knees him pushing him back has the guard angrily takes off his helmet and charges at Y/N who dodges his swings and then grabs him by the head slamming it on the big desk has he grabs the pencil and stabs it deep on his ear killing him

Y/N:Never underestimate a man with a pencil fool

With that he picks up his gun and goes in the elevator has the doors close they open again this time Y/N comes out scratched and almost bruised up has he tosses an atlas rifle gun and walks out of the atlas tower but then he dodges a red scythe has it nearly hits his head


Y/N jumps back and ones he look at his attacker his eyes widen has he recognizes his attacker has it Ruby Wick Rose

Ruby:Stop right there!!


Has then everything goes dark
Back on the theater
Vortex:So how was it

Lubbock:Man this Y/N ain't playing around at all

Ozpin:To think the government itself would build an organization just to finish us off

Vortex:Well considering who you people are I can see why they did that

Ruby:Yeah but why did he leave me with Tai and not take care of me himself?

Blake:And why did I call him Sensei?

Vortex:Well in Ruby case knowing that Summer died hurt him a lot like he felt strength inside him leave him and when he was alone with you and knowing you had silver eyes and worse knowing that his one the world most wanted man he didn't want to endanger you so he left you with Tai has for Blake well he basically taught you everything you know and more

Ruby:Oh*sounding sad*that make sense

Blake:Hmm Interesting

Vortex:Now onto the next Y/N or I should say Y/N's
John Wick Y/N:Summer,Glynda,Raven,Sienna,Kali, Willow,Team Zodiac,Jasmine,Ryõki,Midnight, Ryukyu, Miruko,Nejire,Rossweisse,Gabriela,Grayfia, Yasaka,Kuroka,Najenda,Akame,Kurome,Esdeath
A/N:Hello everyone author here to tell you some good news I am going to give some choosing stories a chance and here are the ones I picked that deserve a story

Namekian race
Dark Decade
Spider Gwen
Future Gohan

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