03: The Father

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Jiraiya understood his situation and agreed to never tell his parents his location. Why wouldn't he? After hearing the kids story, his hate for Minato suddenly erupted. How could he leave a kid like this to die?

"Hey brat, starting from tomorrow I will train you in the arts of the Ninja. Once you are done I will have to send you on your way" Jiraiya said.

Naruto nodded as he watched his new foster parent. He was his new hero. Little did he know that his hero would soon be taken away along with his freedom...


(Timeskip: 1 year)

"So you would go so far that you would hurt your own sensei, huh?" Jiraiya growled through gritted teeth. 

"Pervy Sage!" Naruto yelled running out of Mount Myoboku.

"Get out of here Naruto! This isn't safe!" Jiraiya yelled. 

Naruto looked around and his eyes widened in fear. There standing in front of his father was the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. 

Suddenly, while Jiraiya was distracted, Minato blurred behind him and stabbed him,  killing him. 

"Now Naruto. Why don't you come with me?" Minato asked.

Anger and sadness washed across his body. Hate. Hate was all his mind was about. Suddenly a key appeared in his hand and he instinctively bit his hand and wiped the blood across it. 

A roar was heard and suddenly smoke appeared from the key. 

"YOU SHALL PAY FOR HURTING MY FRIEND!" a deep and demonic voice yelled. 

There in all its glory was the Kyuubi. Yes the demon who was said to create earthquakes just by breathing. The one who created Tsunamis by walking. The one who is about to shrek the Fourth Hokage. Yes, Shrek is love and Shrek is life. Don't anger Shrek or you will get raped from behind.

The demon fox gathered up chakra and sent it flying towards Minato. "Dont stand there kid! Run! I'll take care of this!" The fox yelled. 

Naruto was confused. Why was the Kyuubi calling him his friend? Why was he fighting for him? He ran but not for long. Exhaustion and fatigue hit him instantly. He groaned and fell to the ground as darkness took over.

*Flashback Over*

Naruto would never forget that memory, the first time he found out about his power, but this power came at a price. The price of his sensei, the one who took care of him and protected him to the end. 

They Kyuubi, a supposed evil demon was sealed into him, which was the reason why everyone hated him in the village. The Kyuubi, whos real name was Kurama, felt pity for him and wanted to help Naruto.

After he was knocked out by the fatigue, the mages from the Tower of Heaven found him and took him. That was when he met Erza.

He walked to the forest nearby Magnolia where he slept. He usually slept in the trees, maybe because of Matabi's influence over him.

There was one particular tree that he liked. It was a strange tree that was red and orange, Naruto's favorite color. He had no doubt that it was created with magic or some other strange method as the other trees near him were green and did not have the same color as that particular tree. 

He jumped onto a branch of the tree and laid down on it. Suddenly a poof of smoke appeared and a small fox with nine tails appeared, curled up on his lap. Naruto opened an eye before smiling and closing his eyes to sleep. 

Suddenly eight more poofs of smoke appeared on him and he groaned in protest as the demons all slept on him. 

"Damn it" He muttered, before smiling and pulling them all closer. 


Naruto woke up as the mini tailed beasts opened their eyes. 

Naruto sighed, "Are you gonna stay here all day or are you gonna leave?" he asked.

"We're staying on you" Chomei, the seven tails said.

Naruto sighed again before jumping down with eight of the beasts on his shoulders and the ninth on his head. 

He walked to the guild where Natsu and Gray were fighting as usual. 

"Shut up Ice Princess or I'll cook you!" 

"Be quiet Flame Brain or I'll turn you into a popsicle!"

"You wanna go!" 

"Just go to Tokyo" Naruto interrupted. 

"That didn't make any sense" Gray said, confused.

"Says the guy who takes his clothes off for no reason" Naruto muttered. 

"Hey! Shut up foxy!" 

"I'm not foxy you stupid snowman! Go talk to Frosty instead of me!"

"You wanna go!"

"Fine! I'll shrek you easily!"

"Stop using that shrek thing all the time!"


"I wanna fight too!"

"Stay outta this Flame Brain!"

Lucy sighed in hopelessness as Naruto proceeded to beat the crap out of the two mages. 

Suddenly someone spoke, "Ah, so you finally brought all your friends with you, eh?" Makarov said.

 Lucy looked closer and saw the tailed beasts perched on Naruto's shoulders while the ninth one on his head.

"Kawaii!" Erza squealed as she ran to pick up the nine tails. 

"Why is it always Kurama and not us" Gyuki grumbled. 

"Maybe its because your calamari?" Shukaku suggested.

"Shut up Sandy!"

"Be quiet Calamari!"

"You wanna go!"

"Lets go!"

On that day, two demons were unleashed. Macarov Dreyar died that day from all the work from the reports that he had to do. 


Macarov Dreyar

Died from paperwork only to be revived again

Don't mess with the paperwork

AN- The picture I posted above is Jiraiya. I also posted a video that I wanted you guys to watch. Its boss as hell. Watch it or I will take your cookies. 

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