06: The Master

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Naruto stopped abruptly before smiling under his mask. 

"I have to warn you, its gonna be hard"

"I don't care! Please, take me as your student!"

Naruto chuckled, "Ok. It will be hard, but if you want to do this so badly then you can. Meet me out here at twelve o'clock midnight" he said before vanishing into thin air.


Sasuke walked to the forest where he found Naruto standing there. 

"Good, you stayed awake" Naruto said, "Now. Let our training begin!"

Sakura and Nami stared at the two boys who were sparring. The two girls were tired and they had no idea how those two boys could stay awake. 

Suddenly Sasuke was on the ground with a kunai on his throat. 

"Your better than most at taijutsu. Now show me all your ninjutsu and genjutsu if you have any"

Soon the forest was lit with fire that was soon put out by Naruto. 

"You are very good at fire jutsus. Good!" Naruto praised.

Sasuke felt happy that someone like him had praised him. Its not everyday that a very powerful shinobi praises you like that. 

"Now, before we can go on to the next jutsus, I need you to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said.

"Why do I need to learn that?"

"Because, if we work on something with the shadow clones, those memories will pass on to yours which will make training a lot more faster" 

Sasuke nodded, understanding his logic. 

"Now. Look at this scroll and learn it from here. Once you are done, I will teach you personally" Naruto said, tossing a scroll. 

He caught it and looked at it before getting to work. 

"Whats the point of asking him for training when he's not gonna teach him personally?" Nami hissed.

Sakura shrugged, "I don't know. As long as Sasuke gets what he wants, then I'm fine. I'm going to sleep now. See you in the morning!" 

Nami watched Sasuke train before walking off to her room. 



"What the hell?" Nami asked as she jumped out of bed.

"Rasengan!" Sasuke yelled as he slammed the blue ball into a boulder, completely smashing it to pieces.

"What's going on?!" Kakashi asked, concerned as he ran outside to check out what had happened. 

"Nothing Kakashi! Or...well...everything! I just found out that your student here is a prodigy! I mean, he finished the first two steps of the Rasengan in one night!" Naruto said, waving his hands excitedly. 

Kakashi's eye widened. 'How does Naruto know the Rasengan?' He thought. 

"The Rasengan? What a stupid name!" Nami scoffed. 

"Its the one made by your father idiot" Naruto said, "Whats up with your attitude by the way?"

"Shut it" Nami muttered. 

"I think shes on her period" Naruto muttered to Sasuke who smirked.

Unfortunately for them, Nami heard them.

 "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!" Nami screamed as she punched both Naruto and Sasuke into the sky. 


Naruto, Team 7, Zabuza, and Haku were at the bridge, watching the construction of the bridge. Suddenly someone laughed. 

"So Zabuza, I see you bailed out on the contract! Ah, it didn't matter anyways! I was just gonna kill you later!" Gatou said. 

Suddenly a hundred mercenaries appeared behind him and smirked at them. 

"Get them!" Gatou yelled. 

"Guys, stay back!" Naruto said before walking up and forming some handsigns. 

"Fire Style: Heavens Angels!" 

Fire shot out of his mouth and formed what looked like an army of fire angels charging at the mercenaries. 

"Lightning Style: Twin Lighting Fang!" 

Lightning could be seen flashing everywhere around the enemy, electrocuting them or burning them along with the fire jutsu. 

"Finally, Wind Style: Wind Spear!" 

A spear made of wind that seemed to glow appeared in Naruto's hand. With a yell he threw it and it embedded itself onto Gatou's head, killing him instantly. 

The genin stared at Naruto amazed. Never in their life had they seen such a powerful shinobi defeat a hundred rougue shinobi so easily. 

"Man! I never had to use that much jutsus in a LONG time!" Naruto said happily.

Team 7 sweatdropped, 'Why would he be happy about it?' they all thought. 

Suddenly a large wave of energy washed over them, but they didnt know what it was. Only Naruto knew what it was.


Naruto looked up in shock. How could he have not noticed before? This area...this place...this bridge was right next to the Tower of Heaven! 

"Stay here!" Naruto commanded before lifting his leg sleeve up to reveal some weights. He took them off and dropped them into the sea, creating a huge wave as big as Gamabunta.

He jumped down and started to run on water. To others it looked like he vanished, but Kakashi knew exactly what had happened and so did Sasuke due to them having the Sharingan. 

Naruto appeared on the top of the tower where he had sensed all the magical pressure. 

"Ahahaha! AHAHAHA! ZEREF SHALL BE REVIVED AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!" A blue haired man said standing over Erza with her sword in his hand, pointing downwards at her chest. Natsu ran towards him but fell onto the ground helplessly. He was completely out of magical energy.

Suddenly Naruto recognized the blue haired man. He was Jellal, one of his old friend from the Tower of Heaven. He was corrupted by an evil 'god' named Zeref and continued building the tower to revive the god. Suddenly anger bubbled up. How dare he try to kill his friends? How dare he try to kill Erza?

"Get away from my Erza!" He screamed. He appeared right in front of Jellal and slammed his fist into his face.

"Tailed Beast Style: Planetary Rasengan!" He yelled as a fire red rasengan formed in his hand with more mini rasengan around the main one.

He slammed it into Jellal's stomach, sending him flying into the Etherion wall. That wasn't the end though. He quickly formed more handsigns.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 

Suddenly hundreds of clones appeared as they formed rasengans in their hands. 

"Rasengan!" They yelled as they slammed the deadly jutsus into Jellal and the tower. The magic crystals broke and suddenly the tower was no more. 


Erza found herself on the beach with Natsu next to her. She looked around in confusion before hearing a voice out of no where. 

"You've become strong"

It was Jellal who had spoken.

"Impossible" Erza breathed in shock. She then smiled and looked up at the sky. 

"Hey! Tomato!" A loud voice yelled. 

Naruto ran across the beach where he found the beautiful red haired woman on the shore.  

"Hey blonde" She said, before smirking, "I heard that 'my Erza' part in the fight. What did you mean by that?" 

She smiled innocently while Naruto fumbled for an excuse. 

"Its ok" She laughed, "We all know you like me!" 

Naruto turned red at her teasing before turning away abruptly. 

"I-I'll be somewhere else at the moment. U-um...bye!" She watched as he vanished. 

For some reason her face felt warm and butterflies were fluttering in her stomach.

Hey guys its me! The youtube video I posted. Yeah, that one. WATCH IT or I might take something worse than your cookies. I'll take your virgi- JK JK NO IM NOT. But still, watch the AMV. 

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