09: The Battle For Fairy Tail

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AN- I've noticed that my chapters are rather short so I'm planning to make them longer. Of course, I can't update daily anymore, but I'll try to.

Word count(Including everything)-1634

The guild watched in amazement as Naruto punched the barrier, cracking it.

"Odama Rasengan!"

The barrier broke, as the other members cheered. 

"Stay here, I'm gonna deal with these freaks alone" Naruto commanded.

"No! I'm coming!" Natsu yelled.

"I'm coming as well. I have a score to settle" Gajeel said.

Naruto smiled secretly. "Alright then, but the rest of you stay!" He said. "Natsu, Gajeel. Meet me at his castle or whatever after helping the other defeat the Thunder God Tribe!" 

Naruto suddenly dissapeared leaving Natsu and Gajeel to walk, much to their frustration.

"Laxus!" Naruto yelled as he appeared into the palace. 

Laxus' face showed a hint of fear but was quickly wiped away with a smirk of arrogance.

"So you think you can beat me? I was always far better than you! Even with all that energy that have, you still can't beat me!" He said, smirking.

Naruto chuckled. "You think that this is energy?" 

He dissapeared only to reappear behind Laxus.

"This isn't close. This is a form where I can destroy several members of the Ten Wizard Saints in one attack and you think you can beat me? You are very funny" Naruto chuckled. 

Laxus' eyes widened before jumping away and facing Naruto. He suddenly looked behind Naruto.


Naruto didn't have to turn around to know what had happened. He could already sense the magic coming from the lacrimas of the weapons that Mystogan had.

"Mystogan? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was about to fight Laxus, but I see that you have the situation under control" He replied.

Naruto nodded. "There are lacrimas of some sort in the sky. Alert every guild member and tell them to destroy them, or the lacrimas might destroy the entire town" He said. 

Mystogan nodded and started to run out the front doorway. 

Laxus started laughing. "You really think that they would do that? What if I told them that the Lacrimas can kill them when they attack it? Would they still do it?"

Naruto grinned. "I have no doubt that they will. If its to save their friends along with the entire town then they will, no matter the cost!" 

Laxus' grin slowly dissapeared and was replaced by a glare. "Damn it!" He growled.

"Go Mystogan! I'll take care of this!" 

The blue haired man nodded before running off, his cloak flying behind him. 

Laxus growled before starting to concentrate magic into an attack to hit Mystogan so he could stop the man from telling everyone. Just as he released the attack, Naruto flew in front of it and took the blow, much to Laxus' frustration, but when he didn't see Naruto move he felt a glimmer of hope.

"Heh, hurts doesn't it?" Laxus smirked. The smirk was suddenly wiped off and replaced with a look of shock.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" Naruto asked looking back at him, not showing a hint of damage. 

"W-what are you?" Laxus asked fearfully.

"Me?" Naruto chuckled, "You can call me a demon"


Natsu ran along with Gajeel close behind. They have gone through hell, trying to beat the Thunder God Tribe.

"Damn that ramen addict on crack!" Gajeel grunted.

They finally reached the palace where they found Laxus and Naruto fighting. Well, it was more like Laxus trying to hit Naruto and Naruto playing with him. 

"Hey guys! I drained some of his magical energy so I'll let you guys have a crack at him!" Naruto said, standing on the ceiling. He had deactivated Bijuu mode and was now currently in sage mode.

"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu yelled while Gajeel smirked. 

Suddenly Laxus started to laugh. "you leave these two to try and beat me? What a fool!"

Naruto glared at him in anger. "They may not be as strong as you right now, but one day they will surpass you!" He yelled.

Natsu and Gajeel looked at him in shock. Never in their time in Fairy Tail had they heard him say something like that.

"Alright Gajeel! This is the only time we will ever team up, so lets make the most of it!" Natsu yelled.

"Heh, never thought I woulda heard you say something like that, Salamander" Gajeel said, cracking his knuckles.

"Come at me with everything you got!" Laxus roared.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

"Iron Dragon's Roar!"

The two elements combined, creating a destructive attack that flew towards Laxus. as it hit the ground, smoke started to appear. Suddenly, Gajeel flew out of the smoke and slammed a club made of iron into Laxus' unsuspecting face.

"Iron Dragon's Club!"

Natsu burst out of the smoke not long after Gajeel had and kicked Laxus straight in the nuts with a fire enhanced foot. 

"Fire Dragon's claw!"

Laxus wheezed as he hobbled around, trying to get rid of the pain, much to Naruto's amusement.

"Laxus! Stop waddling around!" Naruto yelled.

"Shut up" Laxus squeaked. 

After Laxus had regained his dignity, he started to send attacks after attacks out of rage. 

"Lighting Dragon's Roar!"

Lightning shot out of Laxus' mouth, hitting Gajeel and sending him flying. 

Natsu charged at him, but Laxus quickly jumped, spun in midair, and kicked him in the face, sending him flying across the room. 

"Damn...it!" Natsu growled as he stood up, wiping the blood off of his face. Gajeel stood up as well and quickly made his skin into scales of Iron. 

"Iron Dragon's Hard Fist!" He yelled as he attempted to punch Laxus.

Laxus twisted his body so the punch would pass him and then he quickly grabbed Gajeel and started slamming his knee into his stomach, quickly destroying the armor that was covering his abdomen. 

Natsu started to run towards Laxus, planning to attack him with one of his secret dragon slayer art attacks while he was distracted. 

"Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon Fists!" 

Natsu rapidly punched Laxus as each punch created dangerous explosions. Laxus slammed into the wall, nearly breaking it. 

"Iron Dragon's Club!" 

Gajeel's arm extended into an iron club and slammed into Laxus, sending him flying through the wall. A few moments later Laxus smashed through another wall and slammed into Natsu, making him crash into the wall. He quickly threw his fist backwards, hitting Gajeel and sending him flying as well. He then kicked Natsu before charging up for another attack. 

Naruto saw the action and started to prepare to go stop it, but to his suprise, Gajeel appeared and took the blow. 

"Salamander...kick...his ass" He said before falling into unconsciousness. 

Natsu got up, angrily staring at Laxus who was now laughing at Gajeel. 

"What an idiot!" He howled.

Suddenly a fist slammed into him sending him staggering. 

"I'll destroy you! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" 

Natsu concentrated the last of his magic into long torrents of flames, which moved in a spiraling formation. Each connecting strike generated a powerful, burning explosion that blew Laxus off of his feet. He slammed into the ceiling, cracking it.

Natsu fell to the ground, depleted of his magic energy. Laxus fell down and slammed to the ground, exhausted. He pulled himself up slowly and started to concentrate magic for one last blow to the man who had nearly defeated him. Just before he released the magic, a hand pushed his arms away from Natsu, sending the blast of lighting away from the pink haired man. 

"Do you want to be hated more than you are now? I still care for you Laxus, even if you are my enemy. I'm still your friend from all those years ago, even if you say that you aren't"


Macarov walked towards a blonde boy who was waiting for the Fireworks in the festival to start.

"Hey grandpa!" A young Laxus yelled, "Who's that?" 

Macarov walked up to Laxus with another blonde boy behind him. He had whisker tattoos and blue eyes. 

"His name is Naruto and he might become part of the guild later on" Mavarov said.

"Hi Naruto!" Laxus said cheerfully, but his grin dissapeared as he noticed Naruto hid behind his tiny grandfather.

"Hey, whats wrong? I'm not gonna hurt you" Laxus said reassuringly.

Naruto only hid himself even more after hearing his voice.

"Its okay. This is someone that you can trust" Macarov said to Naruto. 

He reluctantly walked up and said a shy, "Hi".

"Hey!" Laxus said, happily.

"Come on!" Laxus suddenly said, pulling Naruto along, "The fireworks are about to start and I want to show you them!

Macarov looked at the two who were watching the fireworks in awe before smiling.

That was the day that their friendship had started.

*Flashback End*

"Remember what gramps said? That you were someone that I could trust? I know you well enough to know that you still care for these people, deep in your heart" Naruto continued.

Laxus stared at him. It was true that he cared somewhat for the brats, but...the reputation of the guild...Its plummeting! He couldn't let Fairy Tail drop down to the lowest of the low!

"I know that you believe that you are doing this all for the guild, but please! Don't do this!" Naruto pleaded.

Laxus stared at him, emotions running through his head. Finally he sighed, submitted defeat. 

"Fine, but only because your my best friend" He growled.

Naruto chuckled, "Hey! That's what best friends are for right? We convince each other not to kill each other and we beat each other up! Or at least I think that's what it means..."

Laxus laughed a true laugh for the first time in a long time. "I'm not sure you get it yet you stupid idiot"

"Hey! I get it completely!"


Oh man! I put in a lot more words and yet I still managed to complete it in a day! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Also. Who's your favorite character in Naruto and Fairy Tail? Mines Naruto and Laxus(After the Arc of the Battle of Fairy Tail of course. He was a complete  f-ckboy back then). 

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