12: The Meeting

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Naruto, Sasuke, and Nami arrived at the guild building. 

"W-wow! Its so cool!" Nami said staring at the large building. 

"Come on! Lets get in already!" Sasuke said, impatiently.

They walked into the guild and found themselves in the midst of a battle.

"Stupid popsicle!"

"Stupid Charmander copy!"

The two mages hit each other, instantly knocking each other out. 

Sasuke and Nami sweatdropped as Naruto went to the guild master to discuss the plans involving them.

"Okay! Follow me...Sasugay and Nami was it?" Makarov said happily. "Follow me and you will get your official guild tattoo!"

"I'm not Sasugay" Sasuke muttered.

"What?" Mavarov asked. He was genuinely confused and he couldn't hear a thing Sasugay was saying.

"My name is not Sasugay"

"Huh? Speak louder boy!"


Suddenly his face grew red as he noticed that everyone's attention was now on him. 

"L-lets just go!"

Naruto chuckled as Sasuke glared at him before following Mavarov to find Mirajane.


"Look Naruto sensei! I got my tattoo on!" Nami yelled excitedly, waving her arm around. 

She had chosen to put it on her forearm with the color being orange.

"Nice" Naruto replied, barely paying any attention to her.

She grew a tick mark and started to yell at him while Sasuke sighed.

He had decided to put the tattoo on his back, right under the Uchiha creast on his shirt. He had also picked out a Shinobi headband, similar to Naruto's, but instead of wearing it on his head, he tied it around his bicep where the leaf headband was also located.


Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Erza came to the meeting place. They walked in an suddenly...

"oh no" Naruto said suddenly.

"What?" Erza asked. 

If Naruto said 'oh no' then that means something bad is happening. Something very bad.

"Yes they are here at last!" Someone said.

"Hey hey hey hey!" some others chorused, singing a song. 

"Oh no. Not his scent" Naruto muttered.

The song continued and suddenly a spotlight shined upon the people who were singing. 

"We're so glad you came...glad you came...glad you came"  the voices echoed creepily.

"We are...the Blue Pegasus...elite crew...The Triads!"

Naruto stared in horror as the three playboys introduced themselves. They started to bring Lucy and Erza over and treated them like hosts, much to Natsu's and Naruto's annoyance.

'If they were here then that must mean that...' Naruto trailed off in his thoughts. 

Suddenly footsteps echoed as someone walked down the stairs.

"Calm down men. Give these ladies...some breathing room!" 

A short man in a white tuxedo flipped his hair, much to the horror of everyone in the room except for the Triads.

"Its been far too long time, Miss Scarlet"

Erza started to shake violently. 

"A long time...yes...I never expected to see you here!" Her voice, trembling with fear.

"Oh how I have missed you, my sweet honey!"

Naruto started to tremble as well, but not because of fear, but because of anger. He growled and blurred behind him before kicking him towards the doorway. Suddenly a hand caught his head and froze it in ice, similar to Gray's. 

"You dare to greet us with this flying bafoon? Lamia scale deserves more respect. We insist on it" 

A white haired man walked in as the nonexistent narrator introduced him. 

"Its you!" Gray said in shock.

"Hey! So you went and joined a guild after all?" Natsu said happily.

Lyon threw Ichiya who somehow managed to say the word "men" under the ice. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Gray yelled.

"He was the one who attacked me Gray" Lyon said with anger.

"Hey! Actually I kicked him to ya! Hope you enjoyed the welcome present!" Naruto said, blurring next to Fairy Tail's team. 

"I suppose I should step in here to fight, should I not?" A female voice called out, "Marionette Attack: Perfect Doll!"

The carpet started to move as if it was alive and forced Lucy to slip. She regained her balance before growing a look of recognition on her face.

"Hold on! I recognize that magic!" She said.

Laughter erupted as it echoed throughout the room. A girl with pink hair and blue eyes appeared next to Lyon.

"Sherry? No way! You joined a guild too?" Lucy asked in disbelief. 

The whole scene froze as the nonexistent narrator started to introduce Sherry. 

A few seconds later the writer...or...me, grew a few tick marks before yelling. "Shut up!"

"But your readers don't know who they are! I need to introduce them to the readers!"

"Your not getting your payment of cookies now!"

"What? Why???" The narrater yelled.

"Because your not shutting up!"

"Fine! I'll shut up so give me my cookies!"


Anyways, back to the story.

Sherry laughed. "I was hoping you fairies had forgotten who I am, but please. Do try to forget who I WAS okay?"

"Still crazy" Lucy muttered.

"I have been born anew, by the power of love!" Sherry said, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Suddenly Ichiya ran up Erza.

"I must smell more of your parfum!" he yelled.

"Stay back!" Erza yelled in fear, bringing out a spear and pointing it at the small man.

"Lets go Lyon!" Gray said.

"My pleasure!" He replied. 

"I'm ready to party!" Natsu yelled as the Triad's looked on with a dark face.

Everyone was tensed, as Naruto, Sasuke, and Nami sweatdropped.

Suddenly a pole slammed into the ground.

"Enough! We are here to work together against the Oracion Seis!"

A tall, bald man in something that looked like a pharaoh's attire stood at the doorway. 

"It is not the time to fight among ourselves!"

"Yes Jura" Lyon said, backing down.

Everyone started to talk while Jura's eyes searched for someone.

"hey Jar-jar!"

Everyone stared at Naruto who walked up to Jura.

"I see you got more buff" He said, poking Jura's pack. "You doing good?"

"Stop calling me Jar-jar or I will rip your head off!" He gritted his teeth.

"Hey! Weren't you the one talking about not arguing with each other? Besides, you know I'm stronger than you, don't you?"

Jura slammed in his pole on the ground once more, cracking the stone beneath it. "Go away!" He said, obviously irritated by the blonde's presence

"Alright Jar man. Anyway, you still owe me your payment of 100 billion jewels by the way. I'll go ahead and stop by your house later on.

Jura grew a tick mark before talking. "The member from Cait Shelter have yet to arrive"

"Yes" Ichiya said, hanging from the point of Erza's spear, "I heard that they are only sending one member"

"just one member?" Erza asked in surprise. 

"Thats insane!" Gray exclaimed "we are supposed to be against a powerful group here!"

Naruto suddenly chuckled. "Gray my friend. You still have a lot to learn. There are people that are a one man army, like me or Gildarts"

Sherry stared at him in confusion. "You mean to tell me that you are a one man army! What a joke!" She laughed.

"No" Jura said, stopping her. "He is stronger than all of us combined. Don't underestimate him"

"awww, thank J-Man!" 

Jura grew another tick mark before turning to the doorway just as a small, blue haired girl tripped on her face.

"pfftt!" Naruto's eyes bulged out, trying to conceal his laughter.

"ow" she said standing up as everyone stared at her. "Hi uh. I'm sorry I got here so late. I've come from the Cait Shelter guild. My name's Wendy. My name is Wendy. It's nice to meet all of you!

"She's a kid?" Lucy yelled in shock.

"A little girl?" Lyon muttered to himself. 

"Wendy huh?" Natsu asked himself, quiet enough so no one could hear him. "Where have I heard that name before?

Hey guys! The video above. Yeah, that one. Watch it. This time its in English dubbed and not Japanese. 

Question: Whats your favorite quote from Fairy Tail.

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