14: The Saviors

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"I couldn't extract all the poison out"

"What?!" The other guild members hissed.

"The poison will consume her and eventually kill her in a few days. We can't chop her arm off and none of the tailed beasts healing powers worked so the only thing we can do right now is save Wendy and Happy and get her to heal Erza" Naruto said. "I'll leave a shadow clone with Erza if she is attacked. The rest of us needs to go and save Wendy and Happy"


Naruto jumped through the trees. Ibiki, one of the Triads and Lucy stayed behind with Erza. Suddenly he sensed someone, or rather people.

"I don't have time for you! Fire Syle: Illuminating Death!" 

Burnt, crisp bodies fell from the trees as clouds of fire came raining down upon them.

'I don't need to ask them, I can already sense their base' he thought.

He jumped down from the tree and yelled "Wendy! Happy! Come out because I need you guys to fix Erza!" 

A few moments passed before someone came out.

"I wouldn't recommend you yelling, jinchuriki"

He had orange hair, purple eyes, and piercings all over him(recognize him?).

"Ah, so the infamous leader of the Akatsuki shows up. Hello Pain" Naruto spat.

Five more people came from the sky, each one having orange hair, piercings, and purple eyes.

"All the paths of the Rinnegan huh?" Naruto muttered. 

He quickly stretched his hand to the side and golden flames envelope it, before stretching to his torso.

"Tailed Beast Fusion: Level one"

The Pains jumped up in the air and started to run as Naruto chased after them, easily catching up.

"Magnet Style: Rasengan!" A blue orb of chakra appeared in his hand with sealing marks over it.

He launched himself at the pains but his jutsu was suddenly sucked away. He jumped away before staring at the Pains, anticipating their next move.

"Bansho Tennin!" 

Naruto immediately gathered chakra to his feet to keep him from moving towards the rinnegan user. Chakra arms grabbed onto nearby things to help prevent Naruto from moving. 

"Summoning Jutsu!" Suddenly, huge animals with the Rinnegan and piercings came flying at the blonde.

He gritted his teeth before creating more chakra arms to keep the animals at bay. Finally, the Bansho Tennin stopped as Naruto whipped out nine keys. He bit his finger before swiping the blood across each one of them. 

"Open: The Gate of The Nine Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Eight Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Seven Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Six Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Five Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Four Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Three Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The Two Tails!"

"Open: The Gate of The One Tail!"

In all their glory stood the tailed beasts, each one looking more fierce than they had before. Kurama had golden chakra instead of fur. Gyuki had bone plating all over his body. Chomei had Iron armor all over his body and wings. Saiken had steam like chakra fire all over his body. Kukuo had a single horn pointing upwards and his fur and skin had changed to a fiery orange. Son Goku had enlargened fangs and bone spikes appeared all over his body. Isobu had blue fire raging around him. Matatabi is now on her hind legs and carried what looked like a blade that was covered in blue fire chakra. As for Shukaku? His entire form had changed. He was no longer a Tanuki. He was now a sand dragon with seal markings covering him. They were certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Naruto's golden chakra dispersed and went into each of the beasts, the nine tails getting the biggest portion. 

"Ahh, its good to be back" Son Goku murmured, "Especially with all my chakra refilled"

The other tailed beasts nodded in agreement before staring at the Pains. 

"So these are the leaders of the Akatsuki, the ones who wants to take us?" Kukuo asked.

"Yeah, and were gonna destroy them"

Nagato watched them through the eyes of Yahiko, one of his dead friends who now served his purpose as a puppet for the Deva path. 

"This will make it all the more easy now that they have come to face me" He muttered.

Eight members stepped out from various parts of the trees, facing Naruto and the tailed beasts, each one having the same clothing. A black cloak with red clouds and rings with kanjis on them.

They charged at the Tailed beasts, going in groups of two and leaving Pain to deal with Naruto. Naruto smirked. 

"Do you really think that they can deal with my friends? Even if they are S ranked shinobi, not even they can take on the strongest beasts in the Elemental Villages.

The Pains stared in silence before forming a formation. Suddenly Naruto bit his finger and slammed his hand onto the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!" He yelled as smoke appeared.

Suddenly three huge toads, about the size of Shukaku, came from the smoke. They were all armored and ready for combat. 

"Take down those other summons and show them what you can do!" Naruto yelled.

"Right!" The large toad before unsheathing his sword and jumping towards the summons with his other comrades.

"Now as for you..." Naruto said, turning around. His eyes were no longer sky blue, but golden with a rectangle as his pupils. Orange markings appeared around his eyes and he quickly put on a red cloak.

"It's time for your beating!"

Sasuke jumped through the trees and gaped at what he saw. All of the tailed beasts were fighting against what looked like ninja in black and red cloaks. Nami ran past him, ignoring all the fighting around her.


Sasuke ran up to her and saw Naruto engaging in an intense taijutsu battle, but something wasn't right with him. He was...different to say the least.


Naruto kicked the puppet away using his senjutsu and jumped back.

"Don't interfere! This is a fight that is on a completely different level than the ones that you have been on!"

Suddenly, while he was distracted, a sharpened chakra pole sliced through his chest, hitting his heart and stopping it from ever beating again.

Kurama could never have been as pissed as he was now. These Akatsuki brats were so annoying. If only they could stay in one spot, then that would be so much easier for him! Sadly, this was not the case for him.

"Art. It's an explosion!"

Suddenly Kurama looked to the right where his brother, Shukaku was and where the sound of a large explosion was heard. He panicked when he saw the explosion envelope his brother Tanuki. Apparently that was also seen by his other brothers and sister, because their movements became erratic and panicky.

"Earth Style: Subterranean Voyage!" 


Suddenly, hundreds of clones appeared from the ground, each of them having a fish like appearance as they slammed into the flaming Matatabi with different jutsus. She flew into the air before slamming onto the ground still on fire from the black flames. Kurama glanced at her frantically.

One by one, his brothers and sister were falling, and he could do nothing to save them, but get beaten down as well.



They watched in despair as Naruto spat out blood before falling to his knees.

"Hmm. I never thought the seven million ryo Fire Shadow would be so weak"

Sasuke clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. How dare they insult his sensei, the one who acted as the brother that he always wished he had! But before he could do anything, Naruto smirked before dissapearing as a Rasengan slammed into the Pain who had stabbed him. 

"My friends. My brothers and my sisters. How dare you hurt them!" 

Naruto appeared, unhurt, much to their relief. 

"The tailed beasts will be put to good use. Peace shall be achieved" one of the Pains said.

"This is what you call peace? Destruction!? This isn't peace! I'll kill you for hurting my friends!" Naruto roared.

One by one the Akatsuki dropped down next to the Pains.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he saw one of them that quickly triggered his memory.


Naruto felt angry. No, angry was too less of a word. He was infuriated. The Akatsuki launched themselves at him but he quickly made clones to hold them off. He had a plan and he needed the tailed beasts help.

'Kurama. Shukaku. Gyuki. Matatabi. All of you! I need your help, please!' He concentrated immensely.

He appeared in what looked like a sewer with the tailed beasts in a circle around him.

"We can only lend our chakra to you for a little bit because of the chakra rods that were put in us" Kurama said. 

Their chakra, combined into one, formed a golden fire that went into his body as he returned to the fight.

 Suddenly golden chakra spread across his body, except it wasn't the same as the Tailed Beast Fusion: Level One. This was different.

He opened his eyes and stared, confidently at the cloaked terrorists who stood before him. 

"Tailed Beast Fusion: Level Two!"

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