19: The Portal

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Natsu opened the door and cheerfully yelled "Yo!" as Happy also yelled "Whats up man?"

"Hey good to see ya" Gildarts said, smiling.

"Man, its been a long time since we've been here!" Natsu said.

"Seems like its been forever!" Happy agreed. 

"So what ya got for me, pops?"

"Never mind that. How have you and Lisanna been getting along since i've been gone?"


"You don't have to play coy!" Gildarts laughed.

"Lisanna died" Natsu's face was dead serious, a tint of sadness stuck in his eyes. "Two years ago!"

Gildart's eyes widened as he memories of young Natsu and Lisanna came flooding in. They were like best friends and even acted like parents for young Happy. "A-are you serious?" he asked. "I see...explains why Mira...eh...my condolences"

"If thats all you want to talk about then I'm out!" Natsu said, turning to the door.

"Natsu wait!" Happy said.

"Listen. While I was gone...I met a dragon" Natsu stopped immediately and turned around, eyes wide at his sentence. "Its not the one your looking for though. It was black as moonless night"

Natsu stepped forward. "Where was it?"

"Sacred Mt. Zonia. He's the real reason I failed my quest" Gildarts said. "So what are you going to do?"

"Well, obviously. I'll ask him if he knows where Igloo is!" 

"Think again kid" Gildarts said "That black one's long gone by now. He's out flying in wild blue yonder!"

"I don't care! I could just track him down!" Natsu yelled.

"Natsu, look at me!" Gildarts ripped off his cloak as Natsu and Happy gasped at the bandages and the wooden leg and arm that was in the place of the original.

"It was over before I knew what hit me" Gildarts said. "He ripped off my arm, my leg, and then he gutted me"

Natsu and Happy stared with unbelieving eyes as Gildarts continued. "Igneel may be a different kind of creature, but this one is no friend of anyone" he said, putting his cloak back on. "Theres not a man, not even Naruto who could beat him" 

Natsu stared before yelling "Look! We dragon slayers aren't just called that for nothing! This guy doesn't stand a chance against what I'm capable of!" 


Naruto walked home as memories barraged him. Books. Acnologia. The king of dragons. Zeref. Demons. The dragons have been wiped out, but not all. He was sure of it. 

"Was this the evil that super sage gramps was talking about?" He asked himself. 

'Naruto, if Acnologia strikes with the rest of the dragons then we are going to have to-'

"I know Kurama. We are going to have to go throughthat plan"

Naruto walked in silence as leaves rustled from the wind in the forest. He jumped up to his favorite tree and laid down on the branch, but yet he couldn't sleep.


Naruto stared up at the sky as a large storm started to rumble above.

"Hey Kurama. That doesn't feel normal does it?"

'No. Definately not' He responded.

Lightning started to rumble in the middle as Naruto walked towards the guild. 


Naruto fell to his knees.


The guild was gone.


Everything was black.


"Argghh! Monkey tits!" Naruto grumbled as he stood up. "My head hurts and everything is snowing. Kinda"

"Naruto!" Wendy yelled.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Wendy! What happened? Why am I in snow that's not really snow? Why are there bubbles? What's going on?" Naruto frantically asked.

Suddenly Natsu popped out of the ground and stared at the things before him before his eyes turned into white disks. "huh? Whats goin on? Bubbles? Whoa! Where are we?" His head moved left to right with each question he asked.

Wendy soon had tears, threatening to overflow. 'thank goodness! I'm not alone!' She thought to herself.

"Natsu? Naruto? Do you have any Idea what happened?"

Naruto ignored her and made a snowball before throwing it into Natsu's face.

The two got into a massive snowball fight which ended when Naruto shoved the white stuff right into Natsu's mouth.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, no I don't. Sorry!" He said, casually shoveling more and more of the snow like element into Natsu's mouth. 

"A huge hole opened up in the sky. The guild hall, the town, and everyone in it was sucked right into it!" Wendy cried. "I haven't seen anyone! I'm afraid we're the last ones who made it out alive!"

Naruto stared at her in disbelief before laughing. "HAA! The-HAAHAHAAA! Last- HEEEEEEEE! ONES- HAAAAAA! ALIVE-ALSDKGHIRADSFDS!?!!" He calmed down before walking over to Wendy and knocking on her head. "I think the storm made you a bit crazy. Believe me, none of them are dead" Naruto smiled reassuringly. 

"Wait, but do you think that me and Natsu weren't sucked into that thing?" Wendy asked.

"Thats exactly right" Carla appeared out of the cloud things. 

"Carla! Your safe! I thought I lost you!"

"In fact, you are lucky you are dragon slayers or you would have suffered the same fate as everyone else"

"Then how the absolute duck did I survive this ducking thing?" Naruto yelled.

"Shut it boy" Carla said, annoyed from his yelling.

"Hey! I'm older than you so why don't you shut it brat!" A distinct 'OOOOOHHHHHH' screaming sound effect was heard in the distance as he and Carla had a small stare off.

"Anyway, it didn't matter if the others were sucked in. All that matters is that you are alive" Carla said.

Natsu instantly jumped up. "Alright, I cant take it anymore! So your saying the others dissapearing isn't important?" He yelled. Suddenly his eyes became the size of a plate and his teeth became somewhat sharp. "Wait! That crazy story that you told me was true?!" 

Wendy looked at him and nodded. He turned around and started to scream. 

"Don't waste your breath. There's no one left to hear you" Carla said. "They have been taken by the anima and therefore no longer exists"

Naruto sat and started to concentrate while Carla and Wendy started to talk. 

"Naruto, what in the heavens do you think you are doing? We have to get to Edolas if you even know what that means!" Carla yelled.

Naruto stood up suddenly and took his glove off.

"Six Paths: Sekai No Potaru!"

A golden rectangle slowly grew out of the ground. A ripling, purple element was in the middle.

"I've made a portal to Edolas and yes I do know what it is. Having a five hundred year old demon can be very beneficial ya know!" Naruto said. "Now then, get ready for the ride of your lifetime!" He grinned and faced the portal. 

"Lets go!"

Question: Whats your favorite arc in both the Naruto and Fairy Tail series?

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