20: Edolas

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As they stepped in, they gazed at sight before them. It was around daytime and the scene was beautiful. Floating rocks and Islands were all around as clouds surrounded them.

"Come on Happy! Lets go!" Natsu said. Happy took that as a cue to latch on to him as they flew with Wendy and Carla not so far behind them.

After a while of flying, Happy and Carla's wings suddenly dissapeared, sending both them and Natsu and Wendy plummeting to the ground. They slammed through the soft, but large mushrooms and finally stopped their fall on one of them.

"How come your wings don't work anymore?" Wendy asked Carla after picking herself up. Natsu had gotten his head stuck onto the giant mushroom while the two cats were completely fine.

"I told you, Magic is a limited resource in this world" Carla said as Natsu desperately tried to pull his face out of the mushroom.

"Oh yeah Carla, your right!" Wendy said, not giving a crap about the oxygen deprived Natsu. "And I guess I do feel a little strange"

Natsu finally popped his head out of the mushroom before standing up and yelled excitedly. "Lets go! We gotta find where they took all our friends!"


Naruto walked around.

"Hmm. I wonder if- whoaaa!" He tripped on a root and landed right into...someones breasts.

"Pillow? Wait...but pillows don't have beating hearts that accelerates when I go onto them. But they are so squishy! Does my pillow really feel like that?" Naruto asked himself.

"Y-you pervert!"

"Pillows don't talk either" Naruto said rubbing his face into it. "I wonder what it is?"

"Get off me!"

"Hmm?" Naruto looked up straight into the eyes of...Lucy Heartfilia in a badass suit. "Oh...that was your boobs?"

She turned even more red as she fumbled for words. 'H-hes so...hot!' She thought.

"Ahhh! Now that I've found you, I can go to your version of Fairy Tail. Lead me, pretty lady!"

"W-why would I do that?!"

"Okay. Guess I'll have to take you" He grabbed her and she found herself at Fairy Tail instantly as if she were teleported.

"W-what the hell! How did you do that?!" She asked as everyone stared at the two.

"Hmmm...I used my super duper awesome skills!" He responded before putting a thumbs up and cracking a smile that can make any lady weak in their knees.

"Lucy, who is that?"

Naruto's eyes bulged as he started to choke. "W-WHAT THE HELL?!" He coughed furiously before screaming again. "WHY THE DUCK FUCK IS EDOLAS WENDY HOT AS HELL?!"

Wendy grew a tint of red before yelling "Pervert!"

"Hey! How is that perverted? Just because I am a man and my body reacts that way to hot women, doesn't mean I'm a pervert! Blame it on my body!"

"Fine then!" Lucy immediately attempted to punch him but he blurred out of the way and caught her fist in midair.

"Don't get too feisty Miss Heartfilia" He said before looking at the others.

"Who are you?" Wendy asked, this time more forcefully.

"Who I am you ask? Well then" Naruto smiled at them happily. "I am Naruto Uzumaki, the reincarnation of Ashura Otsutsuki, your first guild master"


"Mighty Exceed! Please forgive us and let us go with our lives!"

"Exceed?" Natsu asked.

"I wonder who they are talking about" Wendy said.

They had just recently started to walk for miles without finding on bit of human life. Finally they stumbled upon these two natives who for some reason were bowing before them.

"Yo!" Natsu said, stepping forward.

"Don't scare them Natsu!" Happy said, worried.

"Well its not like we can avoid them now!" He said before turning to the people. "I got something important to ask you guys so listen closely okay?"

They nodded, but their eyes were only on Happy. They ignored Natsu and when Happy stepped forward innocently, they immediately screamed and started to run away as quick as their legs could go.

"Please don't hurt uuuusss!!!"

Natsu sweatdropped. "Well excuse me!"


"And how do we know you aren't just lying to us?" Jet asked.

"Yeah!" Nab agreed.

Naruto chuckled before pulling his glove off. "Is this enough proof?"

Everyone stared in shock and awe.

"T-the power...Its exactly the same...Its exactly the same as Ashura-sama's!"

Everyone started to bow down, much to Naruto's annoyance and irritation.

"Guys! Stand up, you don't need to bow!"

Everyone immediately stood up as Naruto sweatdropped. "Uh...go...do whatever you were doing before"

Everyone immediately did whatever they were doing before, drinking, talking, fooling around.

Naruto sighed and facepalmed while Lucy approached him slowly.


"Look, I'm just a reincarnation and my real name is Naruto. Don't put any titles!"


"I said no titles!"

Suddenly, Sasuke and Nami came crashing in through the roof as a red haired woman slammed beside them with a spear at their necks.

Everything froze.

"Get away from my students!" Naruto's voice rang out. The walls cracked as Erza stumbled before regaining her posture.

"You fool! Do you know who I am? I am Erza Nightwalker, Hunter of Fairys!" She spat out before lunging at him.

"The Fairy Tail Hunter you say? Well then, Erza Nightwalker, meet your worst nightmare" Naruto cracked a foxy grin.

"Because Naruto Uzumaki is here!"

Hey guys! I couldn't write as much as I wanted to because Wattpad deleted some of my writing so I had to make it quick and short. Anyway here's the question.

Whats your favorite song?

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