23: The Seal

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--- Small Timeskip

Naruto slinked out of the fight before disappearing in a flash. He appeared at a strange cave with special writing, drawings, and marks that looked as if they were made thousands of years ago.

"Kurama, activate the seal"

The fox appeared and quickly gathered chakra into his paw before slamming it into one of the marks, a round, circular seal. The grooves on the wall glowed as the seal seemed to come out of the wall. Suddenly, a large burst of chakra was felt as the pressure was instantly increased. Rocks and boulders started to fall as the air around them rippled. Then it stopped.

"So you are my reincarnation?"

Naruto turned around and stared at the man who had appeared behind him. He had brown, spiky hair and white bandages acting as a headband.

"Good evening Ashura-sama"

"Yeah, yeah" Ashura waved his arm in dismissal. "ya don't need to call me that"

Kurama sweatdropped at the two shinobi's behavior towards titles.

"Anyway, this is my tomb, where I put the last of my chakra to create my being for a short while to discuss the...plan"

Naruto nodded. "Acnologia has risen along with resurrected dragons. I am not sure where he had learned such a spell or jutsu, but I am certain that his goal is to destroy the world"

"Yes. The plan...would you carry it out on the battlefield or before?"

"On the battlefield" Naruto responded.

The plan was a dangerous one, something that could cause him much sadness, but at the same time, save his friends.

He would have to merge with the tailed beasts, making him immortal and hundreds of times more powerful than he was originally. This comes with a cost, just like most things do.

The tailed beasts would have to die out.

They were there for Naruto ever since the time when he left Konoha. They were his best friends. To leave use this technique...it was like killing them himself. Naruto had always dreaded using the technique, but now that Acnologia was back with Edo Tensei dragons, he might be forced to.

Ashura sighed. "I really don't want to do this either Naruto, but you will have to, or else this world might as well be gone. And the jutsu that my father created...you know that you will have to use it, right?"

Naruto nodded sadly as Kurama looked on in curiosity. "What jutsu?" He asked.

"This jutsu will most likely break my heart, or rather, break it even more" Naruto said. "See...this jutsu...it will..."


Kurama stared in silence and shock. Not only would it break his heart even more from the merging, but maybe even drive him insane. All of his friends, his family, they would be gone like the wind. He could never see them anymore. The friendships that he had forged, the bonds that he had created, would be no more.

"B-but there must be some way that you can get back to them right?" He asked.

"No. At least I don't think so" Ashura said. Suddenly, Naruto looked at him in curiosity and a bit of hope.

"So there might be a way to get back?" He asked.

Ahura shrugged. "Hopefully, but knowing me, or you, we would probably never stop. Besides..." He said, before grinning and putting a thumbs up. "Believe it!"

Naruto stared at his hand before grinning in the same manner and putting a thumbs up as well. "Believe it!"

Kurama snorted. "You two are too much alike. I've heard enough of those phrases from both of you. You two need to shut up"

Naruto and Ashura went to the corner as depression lines fell over their faces.

"B-but Kurama" Naruto sobbed. "I thought you liked me!"

"Not even close, brat"

"Why Kurama?" Ashura sobbed.

"How could have you abandoned me?!" They both yelled as Kurama sweatdropped at them. "Drama queens" He muttered.

They recovered and got back to business like nothing happened, much to Kurama's annoyance.

"One of my clones was patrolling the dragon's 'camp' if that's what you can call it" Naruto said. "It was dispelled and I have the information. There are a max of 1239 dragons and a few more monsters species that I have never seen before. One of them looks as if it was a sea serpent. The others called them the 'Sea Kings'" Naruto quickly transferred the memory of the large serpent to Ashura. "There was another, the 'Dracanae'. They have an entire army of them and they seem to be somewhat serpentine also. They act in a Greek fashion, much like the Spartans from Greece" He transferred the memories once again. "Finally, the 'Hydra'. It seems like a distant relative to the dragons and the 'Sea Kings'. They have multiple heads and can spit out dangerous acids from their mouths"

"Hmm, we will most likely have to gather up our forces from all of the elemental nations along with Fairy Tail and the allying guilds" Ashura said. "Hopefully you can somehow convince the Kage's stubborn asses"

Naruto chuckled. "Oh don't worry. When I send my memories over to them, they will beg for an alliance"

Ashura chuckled. "But of course, you can always rely on Kurama if that doesn't work"

They laughed as Kurama sweatdropped. Again. Like he does, nearly half the time he was near the two.

"Author, why did you make him my friend?" He asked despairingly.

I laughed manaically. "TO TORTURE YOUR DUMBASS!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Author, shut up" Naruto said.

"Awh, but Naruto, don't you love me?" I asked with my puppy eyes.

"Not a bit" He said coldly.

I fell down into the corner as depression lines fell across my face.

"You should probably get back and save Fairy Tail. My chakra is fading out and I'll be gone soon" Ashura said.

"Eh, they are strong. I believe in them. I'll just get my team and then get to the elemental villages" Naruto said.

Ashura nodded before waving. "Seeya reincarnation!"

"Seeya, unreincarnation!"

This was most likely the five hundredth time that Kurama had sweatdropped.


Naruto walked out of the portal with Sasuke and Nami trailing after him. He flashed with them to the hokage's office as all the ANBU who slumped over, unconscious as they attempted to attack Naruto.

"Oi! I need a meeting with all the other kages!" Naruto yelled, slamming his palms on Minato's desk.

Minato sighed. "You know how hard this is?"

"Just do it!" Naruto growled.

"Fine, but I'll need something back" Minato said, grinning. "I'm gonna need you to call me...Papa"

Naruto stared at him before laughing. "Ha! I think my ears are clogged up a bit. You wanna say that louder for me?"

"I said, I'm gonna need you to call me...Papa"

Naruto glared at him as Sasuke and Nami desperately tried to hold him back from killing Minato. "I'm gonna kick you bitch ass so hard..." Naruto growled.

"Ahem" Minato said, obviously enjoying the irritation and anger Naruto sent at him. "I'm waiting"

"ARGH! Fine...Papa"

"Huh? I don't think I heard you quite correctly. You see, my ears were a bit clogged up an-"


Minato laughed before nodding. "Yeah yeah, I got it. Just sit tight for a couple of days"

Naruto stomped out of the tower. "Stupid! Stupid!" He fumed.

"Well at least he got the meeting" Nami said.

Naruto continued grumbling and stomped over to the hokage faces. "Stupid, stupid!" He slammed his ass down onto the head of his father's head and started to meditate while Nami and Sasuke started to train.

'Goku, you sense that?' He thought.

'Yeah, the army is coming closer. Your gonna have to get the alliance quick before they reach Fiore and the Elemental Nations' The Tailed Beast responded.

'Heh, don't worry big guy!' Naruto thought. 'Besides, I am the awesome, MLG Naruto right?'

'Absolutely not'

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates! I don't really have much to say, so... Question!

Question: What do you think of school? 

Oh yeah, also. If your a Naruhina fan, watch the AMV that I posted up above.

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