Back! Sorry Note! Rewrites?

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Hey guys! Its me!

I haven't been on here for such a long time and I haven't updated in forever!I was gone at first because of major family problems and school! Now that school is over and my problems have been resolved, I can finally update and maybe create more stories!I never thought I would be able to get this far to be honest, and just the fact that you guys are supporting me even when I was gone was very...awesome? (if you read my convo on my home, you will find out that I still have not found out the damn word)Anyways, I hope you can all forgive me for this behavior! I promise I will update, and if any problems arise, I will attempt to resolve them at once so I can continue making more stories for you guys to enjoy! Thanks a lot!
I've also been thinking about rewriting every chapter in the book and the sequel. At the same time, I might write another story and continue updating, but it will take some time.

So please, stick with me and stay patient...

I will be with you soon...

That was kinda cringy. It sounded like something out of a movie...

Anyways, I'll seeya...later? I guess?. Thanks so much!


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