4: Who is he?

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++ Change POV

--- Small Timeskip

"So you're a Hyuuga, huh?"


The lavender eyed girl stared at the blonde boy who was gazing at her with a curious expression. He lifted his hand and scratched his head.

"I wonder how the Hyuuga survived" He said, wondering how the respected clan was still alive and well.

"I'm not sure" She said. "But if you want, you can meet the clan elders to discuss matters with them Naruto-sama"

"For the five billionth time in my life, I AM NOT NARUTO-SAMA! I'm not even sure if five billionth is a word! Screw this! Screw you author!"

She looked at him with a quizzical expression on her face. "Who is this author you speak of?"

"Please for the love of Shrek, do not ask"


The Namikaze and Hyuuga walked along a bridge as the sun went down, displaying beautiful, vibrant colors across the water below them.

"What's your name?" Naruto asked. "I haven't learned it yet"

"Miyoko Hyuuga"

"Okay, nice!"

"Thank you Naruto-sama"

"Oh, for fuc-" He took a few breaths to compose himself. "I...don't...want...TITLES!"


"FUK DIS SHIT!" Naruto shrieked. "I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ANYMORE! SCREW DIS!" With that, Naruto jumped off the bridge and took off swimming.


++ *Rin Okumura 1st POV* (BET U WASN'T EXPECTING THAT M8!)

"Rin!" Bon yelled over the sounds of the battle rebounding around the school. "Get out of here!"

I stared, frozen in shock as a sword suddenly pierced his chest, killing him.



I looked over to my right and saw Konekomaru falling down to the floor, a bullet hole in his head.

"Rin! Leave!"

Pink hair flashed in the corner of my eyesight as Shima ran towards the Vatican's soldiers with a staff in his hands, ready to hit anyone in his path.

The Vatican decided me to be too much of a threat. I was the one who was able to stand up against Satan. I was his son, the one with blue flames which marks me as his kin. They knew of this and one day, they decided to eradicate me and the school, all because I was the son of someone I never wanted to be as my father.

Shima ran forward, but was stopped in his tracks as bullet holes started to appear, leading from his chest to his head.

I slid down to my knees in despair.

"W-why won't they just kill me already?" I whispered. "Why can't they leave my friends out of this!"

"Rin!" Shiemi grabbed my arm. "You have to go!"

"No!" I roared, adrenaline suddenly pumping into my veins. I will kill them, each and every last one of the Vatican!

"I am sorry Rin"

Something hit the back of my head and the last thing I saw was my brother Yukio, looking at me sadly as he threw me into the portal before everything went black.

++ *Naruto 3rd POV*

Naruto stood on the side of the tree, concentrating chakra to his feet. A drop of sweat fell to the soft ground as he strained to stay on the tree. He finally fell, landing on his head.

"Ow" He whined. "This hurts" He touched his head and felt the bump on his head slowly disappear. That was one of pros of the merging along with being immortal. Well, that's not really a pro. It's more of a con as it will constantly drive him to the brink of insanity when his friends die.

Sadly, his chakra wasn't the level it used to be and he was forced to do exercises he did when he was four. Stupid training.

Suddenly, a portal opened up above him and a teenager tumbled out of it, landing on his already bruised head.

"Hey!" Naruto yelled. "Watc-holly crap!"

He quickly grabbed the teenager and ran as fast as he could to his apartment where he laid the bleeding teen on the bed.

"Uh! Uh! Chakra! Come on...Concentrate! Concentrate!" Naruto concentrated as hard as he could and forced all his chakra onto the palm of his hand and slowly healed the navy blue haired boy to the best of his abilities.

He finally finished and plopped down onto the chair nearby, sighing in exhaustion. "I...need...RAMEN!"

He then noticed the sword in the boy's grip. It had energy in it, dark and evil but at the same time gentle and warm. Somewhat like Naruto's before he and Kurama became buddies. While the boy was unconscious Naruto slowly slipped the blade out of its sheath. Without warning, blue flames burst from the unconscious teen. Naruto observed closely, noting that the fire didn't burn the teen. He then noticed the tail that sprung out of his hip.

"What the hell is goin on here?" he asked himself.


Naruto sat on the chair as he watched the boy move around in his sleep. It had been hours since Naruto discovered his flames and sheathed the sword. Now he had no patience left.


Rin sprang up like a spring board and yelled in surprise. "Ahh! What the hell Yukio! What the he..." He trailed off as he noticed that It wasn't his brother who woke him up. Then the memories of the battle came in. His friends died because of him. Bon...Konekomaru...Shima. Now maybe even Shura, Yukio, and Shiemi died.

"Who the hell are you?"

The rough voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked at the blonde boy in front of him.

"The hell do you want" Rin muttered. "Just kill me if you want to. I don't care anymore"

The look in Naruto's eyes softened. The boy's eyes...they were someone who knew of pain, of war, and of death.

"You lost someone didn't you?" Naruto asked softly.

"How did you know?"

Naruto chuckled. "They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. I simply went through the gates."

Rin looked down at his sword in sadness. "Yeah...I did."

Naruto sighed. "Don't worry, they are fine"

Rin's head snapped up angrily. "What do you mean they are fine!" He roared. "They are dead! THEY ARE DEAD!!"

"Have you ever thought about hell?"

"Huh?" Rin stopped in confusion.

"This world is the real hell. The sins of our kind have plagued and destroyed what we live on. Your friends are no longer in this hell but in a better place. Now, all you can do is hope that they pass God's judgment and are accepted into heaven where they will be purified." Naruto chuckled. "Its funny how I am talking about all this and yet I am a devil. I can never be accepted into heaven"

"What do you mean?" Rin asked. "How are you a devil?!"

"I was reincarnated from a human to a devil. That's all you need to know" Naruto smiled as he walked out of the room to his kitchen. "Now then, are you hungry for some ramen?"

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