5: Devil Fighting

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--- Small Timeskip

"Issei, I forbid you from ever going near the church again!"

The second Naruto heard those words, he knew that something was going on.

"To devils like us, the church is considered enemy territory. If someone like you or I were to step into the church, it would create a major incident that would cause the small moment of relative peace between angels and devils to become strained."

Naruto leaned on the wall outside of the room and listened to their conversations. He could see Rias with her hands on her desk and a stern look on her face.

Naruto smiled at the concern that Rias was expressing. Even if she did sound mad or even rage filled, she is always thinking about the safety of her servants, even Issei.

"And don't go near anyone who has a relationship with the church, especially the exorcists. They are some of the worst enemies our kind has. They have been blessed by god so they have the power to destroy a devil, especially a lower class one like you right now."

Naruto clenched his fist for a moment before slowly releasing it. Oh how he wished he wasn't weak anymore. At least give him his damn finisher move!

"If a devil were to be hit by their divine powers, they would be completely annihilated, with no hope of ever being reincarnated. This is very important! Do you understand!"

Issei kept quiet and Naruto could understand why. If Rias willed it, she could create some of the most intimidating stares of all time.

"Ara ara, what do we have here?"

Naruto turned around and stared at Akeno who looked at him curiously. "Just a wandering fox" He replied.

"You were listening in weren't you?"

Naruto shrugged. "Maybe"

Since the lecturing was done, Naruto decided to barge in with one of his greatest intros derived from the super perv, Jiraiya of the legendary sannin himself.

A smoke appeared in the room and as it disappeared, the faint outline of a spiky blonde haired boy was seen. The smoke cleared away and Naruto was revealed doing some strange dance with confetti raining around him. Oh yes, I might or might not have forgotten the door which was already kicked out of the window.

"Coming from Mt. Myoboku, the great Naruto Namikaze of the toads!"

"Hello Naruto" Rias said.

"Hello douchebag." Issei muttered.

"Aw common! Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human t-"

"Shut up!"


Naruto found himself standing among his fellow servants and Rias as they stood before what looked like a haunted mansion.

"Oh boy!" Naruto said excitedly. "I bet this place gets decked during Halloween!"

They were there on an "Order of suppression" by some duke guy. Somehow Rias was able to get Koneko off Naruto which annoyed her, which of course made Issei depressed that Naruto was getting all the attention. This of course made Kiba try to unsuccessfully cheer him up.

"Listen up you two." Rias said, getting the two newbies attention. "This will be important for you two to remember, as it's something that we will likely be called on to do again in the near future."

Naruto wore something that no one would even think off and yet it still seemed to fit him. He wore a grey shirt with collars that rose to his neck, black arm warmers, dark blue pants with a blue cloth hanging from halfway up his stomach to his knees along with black arm guards that covered his forearms and stretched up to reach his upper biceps. He also wore a purple rope belt around his waist, tied in a bow, in which he carries his sword on the back of his waist (Basically Sasuke's clothing in Part 2). The sword had a black hilt and sheath and had no handle guards. The blade was dark grey and was sharp as a razor, able to slice anything with a slight movement.

"Rogue devils are underling devils much like yourself, except they ended up betraying their master and went rogue. Most of them that strike out on their own act like nothing more than rabid dogs. Much like rabid dogs, they need to be put down. One of the laws of our kind is that if a rogue devil is found then they are to be destroyed with extreme prejudice."

Naruto understood this as it was similar to the elemental village's rogues and their way of dealing with them.

They walked into the house and nearly threw up. The scent of blood and rotting corpses was heavily strung into the air. It was only because of Naruto's experience in wars and battles that he didn't hurl. Unfortunately, this was not the case for several others. Koneko with her enhanced smelling was nearly knocked unconscious but Naruto gave her nose plugs which she accepted gratefully. Issei was turning many shades of green per second, each one darker than the last.

"Naruto, Issei. This will be a good chance for you to see how we devils battle." Rias said as they walked through the hallways. "I should probably take the time to explain how the servant system works and what traits you gain as one."

"Huh? Traits?" Issei scratched the back of his green head in confusion. So far he never felt anything different. What traits could there be?

The group searched the mansion as Rias explained the traits and how the peerage worked to the two devils. To Naruto it was basically another version of Shogi. To Issei...it was another way to get a harem. A big one. Apparently in a peerage, each devil was a chess piece, each with different traits that help them in battle.

They entered a room that was pitch black. "Ah, what a delicious scent..." A snakey voice wafted through the room.

"Its coming..." Rias muttered as she looked around the room. Naruto slowly drew his blade and got into a fighting stance.

"But it's also mixed with something foul..."

"I think thats you you're smelling!" Naruto called out, causing some of his fellow devils to giggle with laughter.

"Rogue devil Visor, we are here to destroy you!" Rias called out into the darkness. Suddenly thuds started to sound in the dark as it came closer and closer. Suddenly a corpse flew out at the tense devils and Issei began to panic once he noticed what it was.

"A-a corpse?!" The brown haired boy turned green again as Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"What a nice scent. It smells so detectable that I just want to eat you up. Perhaps when I do, I will see if your blood is just as red as your hair."

Naruto looked up at the person who had spoken. It was an attractive lady with no clothes and red hair. Well, she was attractive until you look at her lower half which was nothing close to her top. The lower part looked like it was a combination between a spider, a burrito, a lion, and a bunch of other things that didn't look really nice. Yeah, it kinda ruined her looks.

"Oppai!" Issei shrieked. "Naked Oppai!"

Of course that was the first thing that Issei would say. Naruto should have seen it coming.

"What an unsightly appearance" Rias crossed her arms. "It suits you well."

"What a pretentious little girl!" Vizor gripped her two bloody spears in her hands. "I'm going to enjoy staining your corpse with fresh blood as dark as your hair!"

Rias smirked. "Hmph. I guess it is true about what they say that small dogs having a loud bark."

"Y-you bitch!" Vizor shrieked. Rearing her arm back, she prepared to throw the javelin straight at Rias, but she never got the chance.



Kiba ran forward with speeds that Naruto never knew he had. Two swords appeared in his hands as he reached Vizor who was focusing on him now.

"As you can see, Kiba is a knight, which focuses on speed" Kiba blurred around Vizor, chopping her arms off with sprays of blood splattering on the walls.

"Die insect!" Vizor roared as her foot lifted to smash Kiba. Suddenly Koneko jumped in with her hands outstretched in front of her.

"Koneko!" Issei yelled in panic as Naruto watched in shock, preparing to jump in to save her.

"Don't worry Issei, Naruto" Rias said calmly. "Koneko is a rook and a rook's trait is insane strength and defense."

Vizor's leg slammed down onto Koneko and attempted to squash her, but Koneko caught it. She then threw it away as if it were a toy, making Vizor stumble away.

Vizor's whip like tail, slammed into Koneko however, sending her flying into the wall. The force of the attack was so great that it cracked the wall.

"Don't worry" Rias said smiling, reassuring Naruto and Issei. "That level of attack won't work on her."

Soon the smoke cleared and as Rias said, Koneko emerged out seemingly undamaged. Not even her clothes were ripped.

"Time for you to be blown away..." Koneko jumped up from the air and crashed straight into Vizor's stomach.

With the power that was granted upon the small white haired devil, she sent the larger devil flying off her feet and smashed her straight through a wall.

She dusted herself off with a monotone look on her face. "So weak..."

Naruto watched on in fascination. The peerage seemed to work in a team just like the genin teams back in the Elemental Nations. Of course, that was gone but still...it brought back some happy memories.

"Ugh...how can you...be so strong?" Vizor moaned as she laid on the ground with splinters of wood around her.

"And now you'll get to see the last member of my peerage after you two. Akeno?"

"Of course Bouchou." Akeno walked up to the wounded devil with a smile that seemed sadistic. "Now, how should I do this?"

"Akeno is my queen" Rias said, continuing her explanation for the traits.

"Y-You bitch..."

"Ara ara, your so energetic it seems. I guess that means you can withstand more punishment!"

A flash appeared in the room as Akeno smiled even wider.

"Then how about I try something like this!"

Akeno raised her hands and sparks of yellow lighting seemed to flow from her fingertips to the helpless Vizor.


"As my queen, Akeno has all the abilities of a pawn, a knight, a bishop, and a rook. She's the invincible Vice President of our club." Rias said. She looked towards Issei who had an awed look on his face that also spoke of fear. She then stared at Naruto who was....cooking ramen on the floor with a microwave that he somehow pulled from somewhere.

"Come on already! Cook faster you damn slow microwave pieca shit!"

Rias sweatdropped before looking back to Akeno having her sadistic way with Vizor. If Naruto wanted to eat Ramen on the floor while torturing was going on right next to him, she wouldn't stop him. Of course, Rias was sure no one can stop him when tempted with ramen. It was like Issei with porn. They were inseparable.

Don't even ask where he got the microwave.

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