6: The New Aprentice

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--- Small Timeskip

"Excuse me Bouchou?"

The group had begun to leave the mansion after Rias had stopped the torturing and killed Vizor. They had to wait of course, for Naruto to finish his 100 ramen bowl spree. None of them even knew how the hell he got 100 bowls and none of them wanted to take them away from him. If they did, then Naruto would spout out some threats that seemed legit. Rias didn't want Naruto to torture Kiba with electrified turkeys.

And she definitely did not want to know what he would do with a gallon of piss, Mickey Mouse, and Bill Nye The Science Guy.

"Hmm?" Rias turned to look at Issei. "What is it?"

"What is my role?" Issei asked. "You never really explained it to me."

"Yes" Naruto agreed. "the pervert is right. What is my role?"

"Thats right! I forgot to tell you two." Rias said, looking at them. "Issei, your role is..."

Issei rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He was sure he was going to get some awesome piece like a rook or a knight! That was how he would start his harem, as Issei the Princely Knight or Issei the Great Rook!

"...a pawn."

Issei started to cry as Naruto snickered. "Y-You mean to tell me, that I am the lowest rank there is?!"

"Hehe, don't worry Issei! All you need to do is sit back and I will gather the harem for you!"

Suddenly light shone in Issei's eyes as hope filled him. He looked at Naruto with excitement. "Y-you will?!"

"Yeah!" Naruto said cheerfully. "I'll even keep them for myself so you don't have to do anything!"

Waterfalls started to pour from Issei's eyes as he rolled on the floor, crying to himself.

Naruto turned to Rias, still snickering. "Rias, what is my rank?" He asked. He was fine as a pawn or anything else. It wouldn't really matter as long as the traits didn't get in the way of his training.

"You?" Rias smiled. "You are a rook!"

Issei might have died right there.


Or maybe not.


Naruto stood in the forests which he called, "Training Field 44". It reminded him of home because it was a...well...forest. Konohagakure had forests all around it and Magnolia had their forests as well. At least they did until they were destroyed by some stupid company.

"HAAAAAAAAAA!" He roared as he punched a tree which broke off from its roots and was sent flying. He looked at his hand in amazement. "Dayummmm...I AM THE NEW GODZILLA! COME AT ME BITCH!"

After having some more fun destroying trees, he decided to start his chakra control training. He walked up to another tree and stood on it, doing various exercises like sparring with an invisible opponent. He has gotten better and better at chakra control and his chakra reserves were...well...nowhere close to what they were before, but hey, it was still progress!


Naruto looked up from his pushups and saw Rin walking over to him.

"299...can't you see I'm busy...300!" Naruto quickly flipped on to his back and started to do situps.

"Yeah, but I need you to train me! I need to get back to my world so I can-"

"Sorry buddy! But...19...you probably can't get back...20... anyways. Not only that, but I'm...21... no where close to the state I was before!"

Rin's eyes widened. "But, how do you know that I can't get back! I need to!"

Naruto stopped and looked at Rin. "Look buddy. I know that you want to, but face it. Without someone strong enough, you can't get back. I was able to create portals from different universes and that's how I met Masashi Kishimoto-"


"Someone" Naruto said quickly. "Anyways, I knew how to, but it was insanely difficult. The structure and complexity of the Jutsu was so hard to create that even I had to stop and concentrate immensely. Don't even talk about the amount of chakra I need for it!"

"I need to get back! Don't you know how I can! Please help me!"

Naruto sighed. "Look, I probably can make the portal..."

Rin's eyes shined with hope.

"....but you would have to wait for ten years or more."

"What!" Rin shouted. "Ten years or more?!"

Naruto looked up with an irk mark. "Look smarty shit! Its real hard to get god like chakra capacities and jutsus that can vaporize the moon! You wanna get back? Then your gonna have to wait!"

Rin slumped down in defeat. "Then...what do I do now?"

"...30...Learn stuff, science and shit...31...or just be a slob and slack off."

"Help me! Teach me how to fight!"

"Hell no bitch! I've had my fair share of crusty kids trying to get me to train their useless asses off!"

"Arrgghh!!" Rin charged at him and attempted to punch him but Naruto easily caught it with his hand while doing his situps.

"Oh come on!" Naruto taunted. "I thought you were stronger than that!"

Rin gritted his teeth and lashed out with his other arm. Naruto rolled away and bent his knees. "Come on chicken!" Naruto smirked.

Rin ran at him but was suddenly kneed in the gut by Naruto who somehow seemed to flicker from one place to another.

"Just because I'm rusty, doesn't mean I'm not all that bad! My taijutsu is still enough to kick some serious bad guy booty!"

Rin glared at him before taking his sword out. "Die!" He launched himself at the now serious blonde. He swung his sword as hard as he could, but was surprised when it was blocked by a sword that was held by Naruto himself!

Naruto smirked as he gathered some chakra into the sword. He raced towards Rin where they engaged in an intense but short sword fight, with Rin using his flames and Naruto using what was left of his chakra. Now sure, Naruto did have more chakra when he was three, but even then, he had chakra reserves that wasn't normal for a three year old to have. They were about mid-genin level reserves and now that Naruto had been training for most of his time, even neglecting Koneko, the reserves were now high genin level.

Naruto made a mental note to give Koneko a hell ton of head petting because if she hadn't let him go, then he would have never had the chakra reserves he did now.

"Satan Slash!" A wave of blue energy flew from Rin's sword and missed Naruto by a hair. He then stabbed Kurikara(Rin's sword) into the ground. "Satan Bomb!"

A multitude of explosions appeared as Naruto's eyes widened in shock. He quickly ran over boulders and tree roots and was flung into a tree which smashed apart. Luckily, he escaped with some minor burns thanks to the rook's traits and was up and back again.

"Sword Lightning Style!" Naruto channeled lightning chakra to his sword which lit up with blue lightning.

The two demons ran at each other, each one of them holding their swords out in a slash of blue energy. Their blades clashed against each other and a huge explosion was set off from the exertion of energy. Smoke and debris was sent flying everywhere and the explosion was heard thousands of miles away. As the smoke fizzled out, a crater the size of the explosion was seen. The two devils laid there, panting from exhaustion and finally Naruto grinned.

"Nice fight! Oh man, I haven't got this beat up in years! Well...besides the time I was nearly killed with a lightspear, but that doesn't count!"

"Heh, it was....a good fight. Seems like...you won this though..." Rin closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

Naruto took notice of the burns and cuts on Rin that slowly disappeared and looked at his own that disappeared. He then looked up at the sky.

"Oooh baby am I rusty...looks like I have a new student now..."

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