Chapter 9: His First Time...

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++ Change POV

--- Small Timeskip

"Naruto, please come back!"

"Hell no!" Naruto crossed his arms in a childish manner. "I ain't comin back for shit!"

Rias has been at it for a good two hours now, pleading and begging Naruto to come back to the peerage. Why oh why did he have to be so stubborn?

"You know, maybe you should just leave him." Erza said. "I'm sure he would like us more than you."

Rias clenched her fists in anger and nearly went ballistic. It was only because of her training in diplomacy and negotiations that kept her anger in check. Still, she thought of ways to kill the stupid red head. Who did she think she was, taking Naruto from her-err, them.

"It's over...NINE THOUSAND!!" Naruto screamed as he watched a show on the TV. It was called Dragon Ball Z and believe me when I say it got Naruto hooked. "KAAAH...MAEEEE...HAAAA-"

"Be quiet Naruto!" Erza chided before looking back at Rias. "Why don't we ask Naruto himself?" She suggested.

Rias looked towards Naruto. "Naruto, pick!" She commanded. "Which one would you go with!"

Naruto looked at her and stared. The tension was real, giving off a thick, drum sound that came out of nowhere. He studied the two girls before making his choice...

"I'm hungry!"

"Uh...okay, but choose!"

"I want gummy bears and ramen!" He stood up and ran away, his cloak billowing in the air. "To the Ichiraku's I go!"


Rias watched as Naruto inhaled the bowls in a few seconds before moving on to others. The crowd of watching onlookers cheered him on as he confidently destroyed each noodle. "They must really love him here..."

"They do...."

Rias looked to her right and saw the same black, duck butt style hair guy watching Naruto shove each bowl into his face. "After all, he did save them and this world from destruction."

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"The Great War-"

"Is not real!" Rias interrupted. "It's just a myth, a story to inspire children. The golden hero is nothing but a fake!" She blushed as everyone turned from Naruto to stare at her. Whispers grew as they stared at her with cold eyes.

"It is very real." Sasuke said. "In fact, that golden hero is Naruto himself."


"It's true, miss." A buff man with blonde hair and a lightning scar over his eye walked up to her. "Naruto, is the person who saved you, us, and everyone in this world." Suddenly, lightning began to sparkle around him, killing intent sent at her direction. "And if you ever hurt my best friend, Naruto, then I will not hesitate to kill you!"

"Huh, what do you mean YOUR best friend? He is My best friend!" Sasuke yelled, wind beginning to spin around him.

"Pshh! You? His best friend?! Don't try and fool me!"

Suddenly a booming voice came roaring from the skies. "You mortals are fools compared to us Bijuu! I, the great Kyuubi, is his best friend!"

Killing intent was spread around the city as Rias stared wide eyed at the three monsters who looked as if they would be ready to destroy the world. Suddenly, a massive purple samurai warrior appeared behind her, destroying the ramen stand. Killing intent like no other that she had experienced hit her like brick.

"HA! YOU ARE ALL FOOLS!" Naruto's voice roared as the samurai unsheathed a sword and a shield. "NO ONE BUT RAMEN IS MY FRIEND! YOU HAVE INTERRUPTED MY TIME WITH THE HOLY FOOD AND NOW YOU SHALL PAY FOR IT!"

Naruto grinned as blood seeped from his mouth. Sure this may be the first time he used this in actual combat, but would that stop him from bringing out the punishment? No! He roared as he quickly took out Kurama with his seal, taking his power and putting him back into his mindscape. He activated the Tailed beast fusion as the other bijuu willingly gave him his power. He infused his chakra into the Susanoo, creating a golden chakra fox encased in purple samurai armor.

The pressure sent Rias flying to the floor and sent many others to unconsciousness. Naruto grinned as Laxus activated his lightning drive and Sasuke activated his Susanoo which was...the exact same thing as Naruto's Susanoo.

"Heh" Sasuke chuckled. "It's been a long time since we sparred Naruto!"

"Get out amateur!" Laxus roared. "This is between me and Naruto, not with some tiny, loser, scrub, runt!"

The three warriors got ready to unleash their respective moves as Obito, Kakashi, Minato, Jiraiya, and Kushina watched them fight.

"Stupid kid." Jiraiya muttered, facepalming.

"Guess we will have to stop them, huh?" Kakashi muttered. It was unneeded though, as Naruto soon fell forward, his Susanoo and Bijuu combination breaking and disappearing. This raised a commotion among the remaining villagers who were able to stay conscious under the massive amounts of pressure.

Sasuke and Laxus released their forms and rushed to Naruto worriedly. Rin appeared, his face contorted with worry. "Damn it Naruto, I told you that you shouldn't have used that!". Rin was surprisingly chosen as the advisor in the village instead of the Nara's because of his realistic view and his split second decision making skills. He knew what was happening and always knew what to do. "It was your first time using the Susanoo and the first time using the Bijuu's chakra in more than eighty years! Not only that, but your body was used to only having jonin level chakra reserves. Your chakra coils need to adjust slowly as you train with the Susanoo and the Bijuu mode. What were you thinking!"

Naruto chuckled, tiredly. "Heh...Always knew the damn...thing was cool anyways...It was...totally worth it...."

Naruto closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness as it took him from the outside world.


Rias stared at Naruto's beat up and burned body in shock and admiration. He was most likely stronger than her entire peerage and maybe even Riser's peerage!

Speaking of Riser, he was beginning to become impatient with the delays. Riser is the third son of the Phenex clan and has a very powerful peerage. Recently, he had just been engaged with Rias (Rias was forced onto it) and Rias has been delaying it as much as possible. So far it seems that the only way to get out of this, is through a rating game. The rating game is used to measure a Devil's peerage strength through battles with each other. Before it seemed nearly hopeless against Riser, but if Naruto came back JUST for this one time...just maybe...maybe she will get out of this.

She watched, fascinated, as a blonde haired woman with a noticeably large bust began to heal him with her hands, She had never seen anything like it. Usually, a devil needed as much skin contact as possible to heal and it was usually...awkward, but here it seemed as if it was a second nature to the ones in charge of the hospital.

The blonde woman stood up, finally finished from the healing and walked away, probably to write down the results or whatever doctors did.

"So you like him, eh?"

She abruptly turned around in surprise as she was unable to sense the person behind her. It was almost like...Naruto's ability.

She was met face to face with a long, white haired man in a red vest and a large scroll on his back. She immediately blushed when she realized the question that she had just been asked.

The man laughed. "Well then. You're going to have a lot of competition...but maybe with that body...." He began to make sounds similar to Issei...this wasn't looking good for Rias.

"She indeed will have a lot of competition."

The two looked to see a pink haired boy with...horns and wings?

"You!" The boy pointed to Jiraiya. "I recognize you as Jiraiya of the Sannin, Naruto's mentor. Lead me to him!"

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes, his battle senses kicking in. "Why do you need him?"

"Because I'm part of Fairy Tail!"

Jiraiya nearly burst out in laughter. "Ha! If you really are part of Fairy Tail then prove it!"

The boy rolled up his sleeve and showed the guild mark tattoo on his bicep.

"Fine. Maybe you are part of Fairy Tail, but you do know that I didn't have to lead you at all. After all, Naruto is right here." He pointed to the sleeping blonde on the bed as Natsu's eyes nearly bulged out.



"So you're a demon?"


"And your Zeref's brother?"

"Uh huh!"

"And your immortal?"


Natsu fired an imaginary gun at Naruto. Naruto rubbed his palms against his forehead in frustration.

"I don't get it! So Zeref is emo and you an immortal demon? Is that why you have wings and stuff? Is that why I couldn't revive you?!"

"That is JUAN hundred percent correct! Do you want a cookie now?"

"No. I'd rather not have a cookie. I'd rather have a good sleep after that information overload. Maybe later I'll take that cookie."

"Nope! Only a one time chance!"

"Your a fuckin bitch Natsu, you know that?"

"Hey, I just found something out!" Natsu's face brightened up as Naruto looked in curiousity. "I'm now stronger than you! You don't have your original Six Path senjutsu and only the Dojutsu WHICH you haven't finished mastering yet! Ha! I'm stronger than you!"

Naruto groaned for what seemed like the millionth time. If only he had his powers back, he could set this fool right back into his place....

Natsu laughed as if he were the most evil person in the world and ran out. Naruto stared at the spot where he once was and then the empty chair. Rias and Jiraiya had left, as Rias asked for a tour. Jiraiya of course said yes.

"Goddamn perv..."


Also if you guys can go check out my new story "A Shinobi's Will: A Naruto Fanfic" on my home page, that would be pretty friggin awesome!


"A shinobi's will, will never die if he fights for what he believes in."

"Really father?"

"Yes. He will fight to the end. Remember this forever Naruto".


Two hooded figures walked through the ruins of the castle, walking over any rubble that happened to be in their way.

"This is the mission wary however. It seems sketchy here..."

"Heh... Sensei, you didn't need to point out the obvious. Besides, you're here with me. What can go wrong?"

The "sensei" took his hood off, revealing his toned face. He had golden, spiky hair and blue eyes that seemed to shine along with whisker tattoos that adorned his cheeks. He had a gravely, but kind voice that spread warmth everywhere.

"The point of this mission was for you to learn to not be so dependent on others. What if you are left all alone, with no one to depend on Natsu?"

"Natsu" took his hood off as well, revealing his own features. He had a toned face as well with sharp, angled eyes, spiky pink hair, and black eyes. He had a hardened voice that was cool and rough, spreading heat everywhere...but in a different way.

"Come on Sensei Naruto, we both know I am capable of defending myself!"

"Pfft!" Naruto laughed. "Like that time when you got beat up by Gildarts?"

"I was going easy on him!"

The two quickly turned their attention to the massive doors that blocked them from getting to their mission.

"Let's go in now."

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