Are you going?

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Maya POV
"Wait so he came up to you?" Riley asked me while I put my science textbook in my locker.

"Yes." I say for the thirteenth time, and yes I've been counting.

"And what did he exactly say?" Missy asked, I groaned and put my binder in my backpack.

"For the fourteenth and counting time, he said 'You coming to the game Friday?'" I said and Riley nodded slowly, "Then I said 'No one wants a nerd like me there' and he said 'Your much more than a nerd my blonde beauty.' kissed my cheek and left." I explained.

"Don't forget that he walked backwards and said 'Friday, be there.'" Missy said.

"If you knew then why did you ask seven times?" I ask referring to how many times she asked me, meaning Riley asked the other seven.

"I just can't believe it happened, I mean with you out of all people." Missy says, I look at the ground.

"Gee thanks." I say, Riley sighs.

"You know she didn't mean it like that." Riley tells me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry...I meant-"

"I know what you I'm not even going." I say tightening my ponytail.

"Oh no, your going." Riley tells me, Missy nodding.

"What why?" I ask.

"Maybe this is your chance...just hope." Missy says.

"You know how I am with hope. You hope for things, and you get crushed. Hopes for suckers." I explain, Riley hugs me.

"Just hope this once, for us." Riley says, I sigh and nod.

"Yay." She says extending the 'y' in yay.

"I got to go...Rebel is coming today." I smile, Missy starts to jump around.

"Yay!" She screams, I blush of embarrass- ment as everyone stare at us."

"What who's Rebel?" Riley asks.


"Hey Maya." Farkle says with Billy right beside him.

"Hey guys." I smile, Billy kisses Missy.

"What did I miss?" Farkle asks wrapping his arm around Riley making her blush. I like this little thing they have going on.

"Well Lucas asked Maya to the football game Friday." Missy explains and Farkle and Billy have a shocked look on their face.

"Really, why?" Farkle asks making me roll my eyes.

"Wow." I say, no one even acts like it is natural. I mean I know it's not but their acting like I'm just this big worthless nerd.

"I know what your think and it's not true." Missy says, I sigh and shrug my shoulders. It then gets silent for a minute.

"On the bright side, REBEL IS COMING!" I shout but Missy is rubbing her neck.

I felt a familiar arm around my shoulder, "Who's Rebel?" I hear him ask me.

"Uh n-no one." I say, he raises his eyebrow.

"He's Maya's old crush/ best friend." Missy blurts out.

Riley's face brightens," Oh my gosh! For real? This is amazing when can I meet him?" Riley asks smiling.

"Anyway, have you thought about the game?" Lucas asks changing the subject.

"Uh yeah, I'll see you there." I smile.

"Great, and be looking for number 23." He says.

(A/N that's my volleyball number)

"Will do." I say, he kisses my cheek and winks. I blush and look down as he walks away.

"You weren't joking." Riley says, I nod my head.

"Anyway what about Rebel? When is he coming?" Missy asks.

I immediately smile, "He's suppose to come to my house sometime today, I'd love for you guys to come." I say. "Especially you." I tell Riley.

"Psssh like I'm going to miss Rebel." Missy says, I smile and rolls my eyes pulling out my back pack.

"Well come on." I say motioning everyone.

Alright, Maya is going to the football game. Missy and Riley didn't believe it. Maya still doesn't believe in hope. What about Rebel???? Hmmm... Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

~xoxo Kayley 💖💖✌️✌

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