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                       "Ok, Dean. Better than last time. Let's try again." Coulter said, offering me his hand. I'd been training for over a week now, and I wasn't making any progress. Feeling frustrated, I let him pull me up. I resumed the stance he had shown me, Katana held like it was an axe. It didn't feel quite right.

Coulter lifted his own axe and swung at me. I ducked under it and slammed the hilt into his gut. He stumbled back, and before I could even swing again, he swept my legs out from under me. Again. He put his boot on my chest and his axe to my forehead.

"Dead." He said and pulled me up again. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Lauren step into the room and lean against the wall.

"Again!" Coulter said, and I got back into position. Once again, I was on the ground within a few seconds. Coulter pulled me up to my feet again. An air of frustration sat heavy in the air.

"He's holding the katana wrong." Lauren piped in. Me and Coulter looked up. Shaking her head, she walked down onto the mat.

"He's holding it right. If it were a battleaxe. Katanas are made for speed and quick slicing. Axes are made for hacking the enemy down in one slice. Don't put so much force behind each swing. The katana picks up the speed necessary to match that axe by just swinging it. Here, let me show you." She said. I handed her my second katana. She held it with both hands, above her head.

"There's this," She said, and then lowered it below her waist, "And then there's this." She lifted it over her head like a roof, "Both do essentially the same thing, all it changes is the direction you swing. It just depends on your personal preference." She said. I nodded.

I tried both ways a couple of times before settling on overhead. She nodded.

I stood in front of Coulter, ready. He swung at me again, but instead of ducking I brought Berserker down to parry it. The axe swung away, and I slammed the hilt into his dominant shoulder. The axe fell from his hand, and I kicked him to the ground. I jumped down, putting the blade to his neck.

"Dead." I said as Lauren applauded in the background.

"THAT'S what I'm talkin about!" She whooped. Coulter gave me a devious grin.

"That I am. But you missed one important factor." He said and motioned to his wrist. I looked down and groaned. His wrist cuffs hidden blade sat just above my chest.

"Draw." He laughed, and I hauled him up, laughing as well. I wasn't even mad. I was just glad I didn't get the crap beaten out of me.

"I'm gonna have to get me one of those." I joked. Coulter frowned, seeming to actually consider it.

"In time, maybe. You have to beat me first." He said. I gave him a joking push and turned to thank Lauren. But she was gone.

"Let's go get dinner, kid. You've earned it." Coutler said and pulled me to the dinner hall.

. . .

Soulfire Bastion had a top-notch training program. For the past hundred years since its construction, it had won the award for the best program in the Nether. It was so hard to get into that if a hundred piglins applied, only ten would get in. And yet there were still over two hundred students currently. Coulter said roughly a month ago the entire bastion had been shut down and abandoned. He didn't elaborate further, piquing my curiosity.

Soulfire Hall, the mess hall, was split into five tables: Brutes, Archers, Swordsmen, Calvary, and faculty/guests. Me and Lauren were put with the faculty after being overwhelmed by pestering and questions from the other students.

"Why is a wither skeleton here?"

"Are you really the Last Pigman?"

"I heard you fought Erik. Is that true?"

"Are you a spy for the Warlord?" stuff like that. Coulter quickly shut down those rumors by telling them Lauren had been leaking them info for years, and our contact with the students was limited. Well, mine was. I had no idea what Lauren had been doing this past month.

Coulter stood, and the hall went quiet.

"I hear training is going better than ever. That's good. We need it in these... uncertain times. I wish I came to you with good news today, Soulfire. But I've talked to the Ivorytusk and Goldhall bastions, and we regret to tell you that the Nether has fallen into total war. The Chief claims the Nether Warlords regime is a threat to Argenti security and warned him if he didn't step down Arcent Flo would face the wrath of the entirety of the Argenti army upon his head. Of course, The Warlord refused, and declared total war on Argenta. He said all those who don't stand with him will fall, and those who do will be greatly rewarded. The magma cubes pledged undying support to Arcent Flo. The Ghasts haven't responded yet, but it's suspected that they'll declare neutrality and provide sanctuary to all who need it, as they did in the last war.

"I've spoken with fellow bastion chiefs here in the Northlands, and we've found that, as has been suspected for years, our Piglin Chief is indeed insane in the head. So Soulfire, Ivorytusk, Goldhall, Silvertooth, and Seaguard will form a new nation separated from Argenta known formerly as New Cardonia, or just Cardonia. Because of Seaguard we now have one of the most powerful Naval Fleets in all of the Nether. Our flagship is the Ivorytusk mobile Bastion, led by the finest captain the piglins have to offer: Bardick Galan-Borne, the previous chief of Soulfire and founder of Ivorytusk. Goldhall has the best cavalry units, voted so by the Argenta Times, ten seasons in a row. Our new Head Chief is Desmond Goldtusk the Great, and his heir is to be decided.

"At this moment my fellow Cardoni Chiefs are making similar announcements to their own Bastions about our succession. This message from Soulfire will also serve as the public announcement to the rest of the Nether.

"So as of NCY year 2026, I, Coulter Argos-Borne, Chief of Soulfire Bastion and assistant head of the Phoenix Revolution do cut all formal ties with the empire of Argenta and join New Cardonia in their quest to free our home from the tyrants of Arcent Flo and the coming dictatorship of Argenta. I say these things in the name of my father, Argos. Thank you."

The hall was quiet for a few moments, no one knowing how to react. Then one young piglin Brute stood cheering and applauding. Slowly Soulfire stood, chanting the same mantra: "Cardonia forever! Cardonia forever!" Coulter smiled.

"I can't believe this!" One voice said, and everyone turned to them. It was one of the swordsmen piglins who had the decency to at least look embarrassed, but he kept going.

"We're really gonna desert our Chief in wartime!? Over what? A rumor? I won't stand by this. Who else is with me?" He said, and a few of his buddys stood up in support of his movement. Coulter sighed.

"Nothing is stopping you from leaving and going back to Argenta. You're not prisoners here. We'll provide enough gold and silver to help you cross. But other than that, you'd be on your own. Understand?" Coulter said. They nodded nervously. A couple of guards swiftly moved forwards to provide the money. The deserters quickly left, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

After a few silent moments, Lauren cleared her throat. The hall looked at her.

"I, for one, was promised food. And I think a celebration is in order. Chief Man?" She said. Coulter smiled, relieved.

"She's right. Bring the feast forward! We dine tonight in celebration! However, tomorrow, your classes are canceled. Tomorrow, we build up our defenses and begin turning our bastion into a fortress and city ro be reckoned with. Soulfire Village no longer exists. It's now known as Soulfire City, the capital of New Cardonia. Within a few weeks, Ivorytusk and her fleet will arrive and help us in our endeavors. For now, we're two steps ahead of the rest of the Nether. But soon, Argenta will bring their wrath down on us. They have advantages in numbers, weaponry, and training. But that doesn't mean all is lost. We too have advantages. We have a navy twice as strong as theirs. We're inside walls, and surrounded by the nethers tallest, coldest mountain range that crossing an army is impossible, even in summer. They'll have no other choice but to attack from the sea. They relied on Ivorytusk's fleet as their strongest fleet, highly regarded as unbeatable. And now they'll have to fight them. But that's tomorrow. Tonight, we feast!" Coulter yelled and was met with cheers.

The chefs burst in, pushing carts piling mountains of steaks, rolls, beers, and other delicious smelling foods. Every meal here was hardy, but this was a full-blown banquet.

They piled the food in front of us all. Under impulse, I lifted my goblet of wine in toast: "To Cardonia!" I yelled. The entire hall responded likewise. Coulter patted my back, beaming. I had a feeling that something truly great would come from this new nation.

. . .

The next three weeks passed in a blur of training, workouts, and chores to build Soulfire Cities defenses. I felt myself growing stronger than I ever thought I could.

During that time, Argenta was completely silent. Arcent Flo, however, was very loud in telling us to stand with them. However, Desmond had me make a public appearance to declare that Cardonia will never side with the Warlord or Argenta. The Blazes sent incognito weaponry and tools to us, as not to risk their political position.

The blur was snapped when three Argenti ships rolled into our harbor.

. . .

I woke to the alarm bells blasting and Lauren shaking me.

"Dean! Get up! The Argenti are here!" She yelled. I snapped awake instantly. I quickly threw on an undershirt, armor, and katanas and followed her out the door. Coulter stood there, fully armored, with Bardick Galan-Borne (the guy who trained him) and Desmond (Desmond apparently trained Bardick). The trio looked tense.

"The Argenti chief is standing on the dock with his Elite Guard. He wants to negotiate with us, and Dean, we need you with us. You too, Lauren." Coulter said. I nodded, nervous. They jogged off without warning, and I had to run to keep up. All I knew was, whatever the Chief wanted, if he didn't get it it would be an all-out Civil War between the piglins.

. . .

Three hulking ships sat in the harbor. A group of five Argenti, including their chief, stood on the dock with two massive banners flapping in the wind. The Chief stood with his arms crossed, looking furious. We strode to them confidently.

"Hello, rebels. We come to discuss the return of 'Cardonia' into Argenta. Return now, and I'll forget about this little... incident. I'll make sure it's erased from history books. All members of this little parade will be pardoned and forgiven. However, if you don't, you will feel the full force of Argenta and the gods. Do you accept these terms?" The Chief said, seeming to barely hold back his anger. Desmond rubbed his stub, frowning. He nodded to Coulter and Bardick.

"In regard of the Chiefs of Cardonia, I would like to formally say: take your terms and conditions and shove it up your rear end. If that brings a Civil War to the Northlands, then so it is. Heads will roll. And that head will be yours. Now get off our dock before we make you." Coulter said. The Chief glared pure death and nodded to the guard next to him. The guard lifted a crossbow above his head and launched a firework into the air. Black sparks exploded, and the other guards drew axes. I popped my katana's seal.

"Your mistake." The Chief said, lifting his netherite axe above his head.

Glow Missiles launched from the Argenti ships, aimed at the city. Bardick lifted a hoglin tusk to his lips and blew. It emitted a deep, guttural sound that rang across the bay. The Ivorytusk Bastion lifted anchor and returned fire on the Argenti ships. Smaller, hovering ships launched from the sides of the Argenti fleet and sailed towards the mainland.

"Dean, Lauren, get back to the city. Help the guard fight. We'll take care of these idiots." Coulter said. I nodded and ran off with Lauren to begin the Battle of Soulfire Valley. 

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