CH.21: A Trip to Vacation Island (PT. 2)

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Shiro: Hey, guys! It's Shiro Hama and Sting Gorgon! Welcome to another "Chapter Recap" of The New B-Shot: Season Two!

Gorgon: Just to let you, the readers, know that is the second part and continuation of Chapter 20 with the same title.

Shiro: So what happened in Chapter 20 as a Short Recap? Well, a lot happened and it was most exciting for me and Kohana-san!

Shiro: With that excitement, myself and Kohana-san performed our first convergence spell! And none of the previous generations has performed a single convergence spell, so we were the first generation, the 9th Generation, to be performing a convergence spell!

Gorgon: And you better calm yourself down since you two still need to find the remaining Angel Goddesses, in order to write your entries within the book for your generation.

Shiro: I know, I know, I should be learning self-control over my emotions and everything else. But, I couldn't help myself! Anyways, continuing on, and Gorgon take it away!

Gorgon: After that, Aona Day invited Kohana to join her and the others, Kamon, Ken, and Greg, to Cronus Island which is the most popular and well-known vacation spot for any getaway that they could think of. But sadly, we couldn't come with her and the others because Shiro had to do some homework for school, isn't that right, Shiro?

Shiro: *sighs* Yeah... You're not wrong there, I do have two assignments from two different subjects that I need to finish by tomorrow or else, I would have to suffer a consequence of not doing my homework, at all...

Gorgon: Continuing on, Lilith and Hannibal decided to leave Shiro's Biological Father, Neptune Hama, to do his own things in private; making and experimenting on different potions that he would be making in his laboratory without any disturbances coming from the Darkalia Twins, who were both doing their own private training to become even stronger and learning new things that they can perform to their advantage against Kohana and Shiro.

Shiro: Afterwards, we get back to another segment in the chapter where we met the Twins together in Lilith's Bedroom and, surprisingly, Lilith finally learned how to control her telekinetic powers and abilities. Hannibal, her older twin brother, was shocked and happy when he saw his younger twin sister controlling her powers and taking advantage of their strength against me and Kohana-san.

Shiro: But we're not letting that get to the two of us! I'm going to be training harder than I ever did before, so I can protect my friends and family from the dangers that they are all facing!

Gorgon: Tone it down, Shiro. You still need to finish up some homework before tomorrow, remember?

Shiro: Oh, that's right... Thanks for reminding me of that, Gorgon.

Gorgon: You're welcome, Shiro. But anyways, let's get the readers to the start of your chapter, where it shows you doing your homework in your bedroom, in your Foster Family's House without Aiya bothering you.

Shiro: You got that right, Gorgon. Let's get to the final call to end the segment! B-Shots!

Gorgon: Ready! Aim!

Shiro: Fireblast! And Fantastic Action~! Welcome to Part 2 of the same Title~!!


~Location: Shiro's Bedroom, Kinoshita Foster House

.:Shiro's P.O.V:.

I was sitting in my swivel chair at the desk, writing some stuff down on my notebooks and answering some of the questions in the book, which was on the other side of the desk so I don't have difficulty with reading the things in my book and answering them in my notebook. I'm literally working on my first assignment, and after that I will be working on my second assignment. Without Aiya disturbing me, who was also working on a big project at her school, I can finally concentrate on my assignments well and get a good score on these two assignments. Aside from that, I can have Sting Gorgon out on my desk, without anyone knowing and taking him away from me, expect for Rokuro-san since he's know that I have a B-Daman partner and bringing him around in secret.

"I'm glad that only Rokuro-san knows about me, Shiro." Gorgon states in a calmed tone.

I curled up a smile on my face, "I know, but you need to stay quiet so that Aiya and Akane-san doesn't hear you or hear us talking to each other." I state quietly. "Besides that point, I need to finish this first assignment early and I can work on the second assignment afterwards, so I can have time with Akira-chan and Asahi-kun too." I added another statement.

"I know, I know. You keep repeating me that same thing every time you take me out in your room and have a conversation between the two of us, without your Foster Mother and Sister knowing at all." Gorgon replies to my second statement. I wrote down the rest of my answers onto my notebook, along with flipping through the pages of my book to find the answers I need for the first assignment, and was speed writing through everything, despite my hand hurting a bit from writing so much on the paper with pen in hand.

While writing my answers in my notebook, my phone starts moving away from my notebook with the screen lit up, showing a notification of receiving a new message. "Huh..." I put my pen down on the notebook and picked my phone up, resting within my hand. I read the message, which came from Kohana-san and states in the message:

Kohana: Hey there, Shiro-chan. I hope you're doing well with you and your homework. Me, Aona-san, and the others are currently riding on a cruise to Cronus Island right now. I'll be sending some photos to you, so are you okay with that?

I quickly typed in my reply and quickly sent it over to Kohana-san.

Shiro: Of course, Kohana-san! I can't wait to see some fantastic pictures over there!

And with that, I waited for Kohana-san's next message to response to my replied message. After a few seconds later, she sent her reply.

Kohana: That's good to hear, Shiro-chan. Anyways, I know that you're still working on your homework right now so I'll leave you to that.

I turned my phone off and put it down, then finished off five more numbers on the first assignment and flipping through the pages of my book to find the answers I need to write down. "So they finally took off to that Vacation Island?" Gorgon curiously asks.

"Yeah, she did. Kohana-san was asking if she's going to be sending some photos to me and, obviously, I said yes and told her to make them fantastic." I said in reply and placed another notebook for my next assignment, which was my English Assignment since we're learning that language. I took out my English textbook and placed it right next to me, then opened up to the page that was stated in the homework to be answered. "I knew that you were going to say your favorite word, Fantastic, to Kohana for the pictures." Gorgon states in reply.

"I couldn't help myself, that word stuck with me since I was still within the orphanage with Akira-chan, so she knows I loved saying that word all the time, you know." I replied to his statement, smirking on my face and wrote down the first three answers onto my notebook while reading through the book to find the corresponding answers I need. "Touche..." Gorgon mumbles under his breath and I let out a light chuckle as I continued writing down the remaining numbers on my notebook.

"Thank you Gorgon." I replied and read through the stuff in my textbook, then wrote down the answers onto my notebook and continued our conversation about some other stuff.

I just hope that Kohana-san can take care of herself and the Twins, and my Father, wouldn't be disturbing her time with the others on a different island... I thought to myself in worry, but I shook my head and concentrated on my assignment without thinking anything negative that would happen to Kohana-san and the others. "At least, Kohana-san is going to be having some time off with training on my abilities and powers, Gorgon. She deserves an outing with them." I state in a calm tone.

"Correct. Besides, you have your own training that you need to do, afterwards, since you haven't been working on your combat training after all." Gorgon replies and I nod in agreement.


~Location: At the Ship Dock, Cronus Island

.:Kohana's P.O.V:.

All of the people on the ship were walking down the bridge and making it over to the ship dock with their belongings and relatives that they were with together. Me, Aona-san, Kamon-kun, Greg-san and Ken were walking down the bridge, then setting foot onto the ship dock with Aona-san getting ahead of herself and stretching her hands into the air.

"We made it! Cronus Island, the famous resort destination!" Aona-san exclaims out loud, stretching her arms in the air to get her body moving again. "Ah~! The sun's so bright, smell that fresh air!" She turns around with her hands on her hips, then she watches me approaching her at a fast pace, with my hand holding onto my backpack strap and stopped myself in front of her, afterwards. "Thanks for letting me come with you guys, Aona-san. I really needed a break from everything that's been going on with my time, and Shiro-chan's as well." I thank Aona-san in a happy tone.

"You're welcome, Kohana-chan. I want you to take your time, after the past few incidents that's been happening in the area, so you really need to have a day off as the Angel Goddess of Fire." She says in reply, then looks over my shoulder to see the other guys, and I turned my back around to look at them.

Also, I had a completely different look before leaving the house to be with everyone else. I had a different hairstyle and a new but different appearance to go with the hair, too.

Aona-san asks Kamon-kun, Greg-san, and Ken, "So guys, are you having fun yet," in a curious tone. The three of them stopped themselves since they were the only ones carrying everything that Aona-san needs for making food later on, through the day.

Greg-san was slightly panting from the heavy stuff on his back, "Oh, yeah... Time of my life, really, only--" he states in a tired tone.

"Why do we have to carry all this stuff?" Kamon cuts him off and questions Aona-san, his own older sister. I lightly chuckled.

"Because," Aona-san throws her fists in the air and drops them down, in the position of, like, flexing her muscles, "you have to healthy if you want to get stronger." She states in reply.

"Come on, veggies aren't that heavy." She adds and lightly bursts a giggle under my breath after looking at Kamon-kun's concerned expression on his face as he looked at the vegetables that are in his giant backpack. "She's right, Kamon-kun. You need to, at least, carry those until you get hungry and then, Aona-san would be making something delicious for dinner." I commented as I point at the vegetables in his bag.

Aona-san turns around and started walking ahead, "Come on you guys, keep up!" She reminds them as she continued walking ahead and I let out a low sigh, then the guys approached me.

"She's trying to make us feel better about losing Crossfire." Greg-san states lowly.

"You could say that again, Greg-san. But, come on, give her some credit; she is trying to make you guys feel better and make you forget about everything that's been going on in Crestland." I replied to his statement. With that, Greg-san and Ken walked past me and Kamon-kun, leaving us both behind their backs as they were catching up to her.

"So Aona's going through this much trouble to cheer us up?" Kamon-kun questions himself and I looked at him with a calm expression on my face. "Okay, let's just forget about Bakuga and have fun on this trip." He states to himself and started walking forward.

"Works for me!" Garuburn shouts in reply to Kamon-kun's statement. "Right behind you, Kamon-kun." I walked right next to him with my hands behind my back.

"I know that you have been through a lot, with the situation of Crossfire and the West Area B-Master, Bakuga Shira, but don't forget about me; I have been through most of the well-known incidents that's been taking up on every news article in the scene, Kamon-kun." I explained myself to him, in hopes to start a conversation while we're walking to our beach house on the island.

"You think so?" Kamon-kun asks and I nod my head in reply. "How about this Kohana? Do you really think I'm the one to be blamed for losing Crossfire to Bakuga?" He asked another question in a curious tone.

I flinched in surprise and slightly gasped. "No way, Kamon-kun. You're not the one to be blamed for everything that's been going on with letting Crossfire taken away." I answered in reply, waving my hands to emphasize my answer. Eventually, the Ruby of Flames emits a bright glow and a bright beam of glowing light out of the stone. The beam forms into a small orb and materializes into Ember Aries, dropping down into the palm of my hand.

"Don't worry Kohana, I was listening to everything you two were talking about." Aries states to himself to the both of us. "And almost forgot that you were still inside the Ruby of Flames, Aries." I state myself to him.

"Come on, don't be acting all negative like that, you know!" Aries complains at me in an angered tone.

I looked at Kamon-kun and we both let out a light chuckle after Aries complained at me. "Don't be acting like that too, you know. I'm sorry that I almost forgot about you inside the Ruby of Flames, Aries." I apologized to him in sympathy, but Aries was acting like spoiled kid and slightly accepted my apology, which was reasonable for him.

"Anyways, let's forget that I brought up the topic of Crossfire and Bakuga Shira." I state in a calm tone, resting my hand on his shoulder. "Don't feel so tense and enjoy this trip." I add.

Kamon-kun curls up a smile on his face while looking at me, "Thanks Kohana. I'm glad that you're here with us, and you deserve the break from defeating those Darkalias." He says in reply.

"Of course I do, Kamon-kun." I replied to his statement and caught up with the other guys, who were all waiting for us. "Come on, let's catch up with them! Race ya!" I slapped his shoulder and ran off. "H-hey, come back here Kohana!" He yelled out loud. I looked over my shoulder and stick out my tongue while Aries shouts "Catch up to us then, Kamon" out loud.

"Oh, you get back here!" Kamon-kun catches up to me, with an irritated expression on his face. I turned back and stopped in front of Aona-san and the other two. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting for us." I apologized.

"No worries," Greg-san replies. "I know you're just trying to make Kamon feel a little bit better to make his day good and well." He continues, I nod my head in agreement.

This is going to be good trip here, on Cronus Island! I don't even know what to expect! I exclaimed excitedly in my thoughts. I looked at Aries with a big smile on my face.


~At the Beach House

We finally made it to our beach house and got settled in for the rest of the hour. I placed my backpack down with the others, I turned around and the Day Siblings got out onto the shore and played around in the water. I let out a light chuckle and joined them, on the shore.

"Hey guys, don't forget about me!" I shout and struggling to take off my shoes, then placed them right next to Garuburn and Wolg, and placed Aries right next to Garuburn. "Hurry up Kohana, the water is really nice!" Kamon-kun called out to me.

"You got that right!" I ran towards the end of the shore and took a big stomp in the water, causing both of them to get a bit wet from it. I let out a chuckle and then, the two fought back and threw some handfuls of water at me, but I was easily dodging them from left to right along with getting back. "This would've been so much fun if Shiro was with us!" Aona-san states.

"Yeah, it would've been fun with Shiro-chan around, but sadly, she couldn't due to school ane everything. Come to think of it, have you guys attended school?" I asked, curiously.

"I was homeschooled and Aona had to take care of me." Kamon-kun answers in reply.

"Same here, but I did attend my last year of high school before Kamon was even born into the family." Aona follows her own answer in reply. "How about you?" She then asks me.

"Same goes to Kamon-kun, I was homeschooled as well. But I'm always going to ancient ruins with my Mom and her team, so I can learn a lot of different things about the ruins and their origin stories behind it all." I replied in a short explanation. "They were always so cool to see and I'm always going on them with Samuru-kun and his Father, Gennosuke-san." I added.

"So that's how you two met each other, huh..." Aona-san says cheekily.

A light tint of pink appears onto my cheeks, "I mean you could say it's "Love at First Sight", I guess..." I replied, curling a lock of hair around my finger. "He was the one who fell for me first and I soon fell for him, afterwards..." I state myself truthfully.

"I'm just so happy for the two of you!" Aona-san yells in excitement.

"Thanks, Aona-san. I appreciate your support for me and Samuru-kun." I replied and smiled casually. "Anyways, Aona-san..."

"What?" She questions.

"Think fast!" I put my hands into the water and threw them in the air, bringing the water with me and getting them wet. "Oh, you'll pay for that! Take this!" Kamon-kun shouts with determination and starts throwing water at me and Aona-san.

Meanwhile with Greg-san and Ken, they were both sitting on a little boat, fishing up some fish to be cooked later on for dinner. Everything was just perfect and I even took some photos with Kamon-kun and Aona-san in the water, so I can send to Shiro-chan and post it on media, too. Eventually, I got out of my water and dry off my feet before my shoes back on, then snap some photos to be posted.


"Done!" I let my arm down and look through all of the photos that I've took. I deleted some of the bad-looking ones and kept the good-looking ones on my phone, so I don't take up a lot of space with a lot of pictures. After that, I put my phone away and, suddenly, the Ruby of Flames starts glowing.

"What the heck?" I questioned myself and picked up the stone in the palm of my hand, watching its glow becoming brighter. "Why is it glowing at this time?" I asked myself in a confused tone.

I picked up Aries and asked "Do you know anything about the stone glowing like this, Aries?"

"Sorry, Kohana. I don't even know the reason behind it, however, I do a presence around here that seemed so familiar..." Aries replies. I didn't know what he was talking about until I activated my powers and gasped in surprise. "Do you sense it too?" Aries asks.

"Yeah... I do sense the same presence that you're sensing, Aries..." I replied, surprising myself for that matter. "This feels so familiar..."

"I know, right? It's frustrating to know that you got it, right at the tip of your tongue!" Aries yells in annoyance and lets out a sigh of defeat. "Don't worry Aries, we'll figure out where this presence is coming from." I replied with confidence.

"You were always free-spirited and adventurous when it comes to these kinds of things," Aries says. "Thank you for understanding my point," I replied and smiled.

"Whatever you have to say, Kohana Amaririsu Mai." He adds another reply. I nod in agreement and looks out to the ocean waters as the light from the sun reflects itself into the water.

"Hey, Kohana-chan! Help us out with preparing for dinner!" Aona-san called. I turned around and nod in reply, "Okay, Aona-san! Be right there!" I replied and ran towards the beach house to help her out, along with Greg-san and Ken.


~Location: Training Grounds, Dark Crystal Caves

.:3rd P.O.V:.

Loud noises and breaking walls were being heard from the training grounds in the Dark Crystal Caves. Hannibal was jumping and sprinting from one side of the rocky walls to the other, and swinging down his swords at a sandbag. Both of the blades impaled through the giant bag and he quickly puts his hands together, but not so close that his fingertips were touching one another. All of a sudden, electrical current was going through all of his fingertips. "Time to try this out..." He whispers to himself.

Out of the blue, he quickly jumps off the wall and rubs his hands together to create a powerful electric current through the palms of his hands. "Fearing Bolt!" He lets his hands out front and bolts of electricity were coming out of his hands, channeling through the air and connecting with the handles of his blades. The sandbag was soon electrocuted and a few seconds later, explodes into contact with his hands onto the handles of both swords, then quickly evades the explosion before it happened with both swords in his hands.

He was left in awe and had no words to escape from his open mouth. He looked down and noticed the electrical current, flowing through the blades in his hands. "This is way too perfect to even do this kind of thing..." He whispers in a sinister tone and letting out a light chuckle.

His younger twin sister, Lilith, on the other hand, was in the same area and reading through the spell book in her left hand and practicing each spell with her right hand. "Surge of Demons~!" She shouts out the spell name and dark energy engulfed her entire arm, making her notice and caught her by surprise. Eventually, the dark energy starts moving to the palm of her hand and a powerful beam shot out, going through the wall in front of her and three other walls, on the other side of the training grounds.

Of course, Hannibal was surprised and his jaw dropped, feeling awestruck and everything. Lilith slightly pants in surprise and looked at the palm of her hand. And then, a small smile curls up on her face and begins laughing a bit. "This is amazing~! Thank you, Father, for giving this book to me~!" Lilith shouts out loud and echoes through the caves, and through the holes that she created with her powerful spell from the book. Hannibal quickly approached her while putting his blades back in their sheaths, then gently placed his hand onto her shoulder.

"Great job at controlling your powers, Lilith. I'm so proud of you." He praises Lilith, for a job well done.

"Thank you~ But it's not over yet~," she says in reply and looks down at the spell book. "There are some spells that needed to be learned and controlled~ Father has put trust and faith in me to learn the spells from this book, and I want to make him proud too~!" She exclaims with confidence in her voice. "I know you will Lilith, just take your time and don't overdo your training on those spells." He states a reminder.

Lilith rolls her eyes, "Don't worry about me~ I can take care of myself, you know~ But if I can't, then I can always trust you to take care of me~" Lilith replies, flashing a sweet smile.

"I know you can, Lilith and Father would be so proud of you, Future Queen of Darkalias." Hannibal formally states in royalty as he got down on his knees and bowing down before his own younger twin sister, in spite of not being the Queen of Darkalias just yet.

Eventually, she lets out a light chuckle and activates her telekinetic abilities, lifting Hannibal off the ground and losing a bit of control of his balance. "Calm down, Big Brother~," she says calmly, "I just picked you up from the grounds with my controlled powers of telekinesis." She adds.

A few moments later, Neptune suddenly walks in front of the entrance to the training grounds and seeing the Darkalia Twins together. "Glad that you two are getting along well as twins, Prince Hannibal, and Princess Lilith." He formally greets the twins, making them both turn to him and Lilith dropping Hannibal, on accident, as she deactivates her powers. "Hama-san, are you okay~?" Lilith asks, approaching him in a worried state.

"Don't worry about me, Princess Lilith. I'm doing fine and have been sleeping properly." Neptune replies.

Lilith lets out a relieved sigh and took a step back, away from him, and Hannibal approached her side with arms crossed in front. "What is it this time, Hama-san? Got something new and interesting for us?" He asks, slightly angry but also curious, at the same time.

"Take patience as your number one emotion right now, Prince Hannibal." Neptune calmly states, smirking. Hannibal was slightly ticked off and was about to assault him, but Lilith quickly stopped him from getting too close to Neptune. "Thank you for stopping your brother, Princess Lilith." He adds.

Lilith replies with "You're welcome" and lets down both of her arms, which were right in front of Hannibal. "Speak up, Hama-san. This better is good to hear." Hannibal says in a serious tone.

"With pleasure," he then takes out a potion bottle into his right hand and moving the liquid inside the bottle around as it was changing and fading to different colors, making Lilith mesmerized by the sight of the liquid while Hannibal wasn't that amazed. "This potion is my latest creation and this has been mixed with three different kinds of potions from the books itself. This one is an original creation of my own." Neptune briefly explains the potion in his hand and letting out a light chuckle, and his brown eyes emitting a faint glow that could be hardly seen, not even the Twins can easily see.

"And how does the potion work is the real question~?" Lilith asks in a curious tone, placing her hand onto her hip. "This doesn't seem plausible when it comes to your own potion creations~" she adds.

"Oh, it'll work this time around, Princess Lilith and Prince Hannibal. This potion can make any entity even powerful and bringing its defenses a lot higher than normal." Neptune corrects her statement in a convincing tone in his voice while looking at them. They both looked at each other for a few moments, then looked back at Neptune. "Wanna plan the attack right here and now?" Hannibal asks.

"We can still wait until the day we can easily strike Blazing Ruby and my only daughter against our attack and defense forces," Neptune states in reply, making the twins feeling a little skeptical about the expectations from his created potion. "Don't be waiting on the expectations within the two of you and this potion is almost done to perfection, so just you wait." He adds before turning around and walking away from the entrance to head back to his laboratory to finish up the potion. "Do you think we still have our trust issues on that guy, Hannibal~?" Lilith asks.

He sighed, "I don't even know what to expect from him anymore..." He replied. "Come on, let's get back to our training."

Lilith nods in reply and they both turned around and went back to their training on their powers and other abilities that they need to improve before their next meeting with the Angel Goddesses, once again.

"We won't let you down, Father~!/We won't let you down, Father!" They both yelled the same sentence, at the same time, in their thoughts.


The sun was about to set soon. Kohana was standing in front of the window, watching the sun going down and resting the bottom of her chin in the palm of her hands. She had Aries with her, sitting on the window and watching the sunset. "Isn't the sun really beautiful to look at, Aries?" Kohana asks her B-Daman partner, curiously.

"Yeah... It is really relaxing to see the sunset... Make you think back of what just happened earlier, when the skies were still clear blue." Aries replies. She nods in agreement. Then, she turns around and saw Greg doing some stuff, near the counters, like preparing the things for dinner while Aona and Ken were prepping the vegetables and meat for dinner, as well. "I'm glad I got to be on this trip with them..." Kohana whispers underneath her breath and picks up Aries from the window.

"You're doing great!" Aona exclaims with confidence, drawing Kohana to her attention with Ken, at the table. She looks at Aona and Ken, and Aona-san just had a beautiful smile on her face. "Most people have a bit of trouble at first, but you're like a cooking ninja!" She praises Ken, confidently.

"I pretend the onion is my enemy." Ken replies, looking away from Aona-san and takes another bulb, "No fear..." He whispers that Aona would hear what he has to say.

"Rule Number 11 of the Lone Wolf Code: A wolf hunts alone, but always repays the kindness." He states one of the rules of his Lone Wolf Code and starts chopping the onion into slices. "That's a really good rule," Aona-san states, smiling.

"Those two are just so cute together, don't you think?" Kohana asks.

"You bet it, Kohana." He says in reply. "But there is one other person, who is not in the house," she then turns around and looked out the window, "that needs to think of what happened and still kept on trying and fails." She states in a concerned tone while looking out the window; while looking at Kamon with Garuburn in his hands.

He was holding Garuburn out and aiming at a target that's barely buried within the sand. "Ready to try Garuburn?" Kamon asks his partner.

"Yeah!" He replies loudly and eventually, the emblems on his arms emits a dim, glowing light, hoping to activate an Emblem Charge, this time around. But, after a few seconds, the glowing light fades away and nothing happened after that, leaving Kamon concerned and so did Aries too. Kamon bends down and falls back onto the side with his arms out to the sides, with Aries in his left hand.

"Ugh... Still can't do it...!" He says in defeat and let out a light sigh, looking up at the orange-colored skies. "Kamon..." Garuburn concerns for his partner. Kohana had a concerned expression on her face and let out a sigh, then, out of nowhere, Aona approached the window right next to her and shouts:

"So you're goofing off while we make dinner?"

Kamon quickly got up from the sandy grounds and looking at his sister and Kohana. "Uh... Nope!" He replies hesitantly.

"Seeing as you're not busy at the moment, I've got a little errand I want you to go run for me in town!" Aona raises her hand, holding a piece of paper in her grasp. Aona turns to Kohana and says "I want you to go with Kamon to run my little errand for me."

Kohana nods her head, "Sure thing, Aona-san." She replies and takes the paper from Aona's hand, then walked out of the beach house, where Kamon was already there waiting for me, so we both walk into town.


They both walked into town and noticed all of the people were wearing different kinds of cloaks, hats, and masks. "Why is everyone dressed like that?" Kamon questions in confusion.

"Looks like the people on this island are in the middle of a festival." Garuburn answers.

"I've been to this island multiple times before and the people here are looking wonderful with their masks and costumes on, and I love this kind of day," Kohana states, waving at the masked people passing by on the streets with Kamon.

"Everyone here's still enjoying the time of their lives during the Mask Festival," Aries replies.

All of a sudden, Kamon stops walking and Kohana passed by him, but comes to a halt and turns around. "Kamon-kun, is there something going on?" She asks.

"Over there. Check it out." Kamon points his finger at something and Kohana takes a look, noticing something at what he was pointing at.

A marble quickly knocks out the first target on the stage, then it was still spinning around on the stage like a drive shot and slid to the other side, knocking out the four remaining targets.

"That was awesome!" A guy with a maroon-colored mask praises the other guy with blue hair and wearing a different kind of mask that covered his entire face. The guy with blue hair turns to him and says "Mystery... Thanks for the match," before putting something away within his cloak, which was his B-Daman and walks away from the scene, making Kohana and Kamon look at the masked person.

"A B-Shot...!" Kamon whispers loudly, looking at the person walking away.

All of a sudden, the Ruby of Flames on Kohana's necklace emits a bright glow and changes her eye color to purple, and they were emitting a neon glow as well. "Kohana...!" Aries takes notice.

Kamon looks at Kohana with glowing purple eyes as she looked at the masked person, walking away until he nowhere to be seen within the street. "This energy... It's so strong and coming from his B-Daman..." She whispers to herself.

"Come on Kamon-kun, let's go after him and see where he's going to be taking us." She states in a determined tone. Kamon nods in agreement and they both followed the masked person before they're going to be losing him, but luckily Kohana was around and is able to sense the presence of the person's B-Daman's energy.


The masked person with blue hair was walking up the stone stairs, which was outside of the town on the island and going to the very top of the hill. On the other hand, Kamon and Kohana were right behind his back and quickly hid behind a giant rock, so they won't get spotted that easily.

"Did you get a look at that B-Daman?" Kamon asks his partner.

"I've never seen one like it before..." Garuburn replies.

With Kohana and Aries, they both looked at each other, then looked back at Kamon. "This presence and that voice from earlier... It couldn't be..." Kohana whispers under her breath.

"I think it is him, Kohana... I wonder if he's with someone else on this island, too..." Aries responds and Kohana nods in agreement.

"Mystery!" The same voice of the blue-haired guy shouts, drawing both of their attention. They immediately ran up the remaining steps of the stone stairs and made it to the very top of the hill, meeting with them some fog and an abandoned yet historic place.

"Where'd he go?" Kamon questions in confusion.

Kohana's eyes were glowing even brighter, which means that the energy was already strong enough within the area. "I can feel the presence of that person's B-Daman, but nowhere to be found..." She states in Kamon in a whisper.

They walked around the area for a little while, taking a close look at the ruins before them until they were greeted by "Looking for me" in question, making Kamon and Kohana look over to where they heard his voice, calling out to them. All of a sudden, something came flying at Kamon and he quickly dodges it, but the object goes around the back of his head and landed in the center of the surface, then all of the levers were pushed out afterward. "What's that?" Kamon approaches the circular surface in front of him while Kohana looked at the mysterious item, resting within the center.

"That looks like something for a B-Daman Battle, don't you think Aries?" Kohana says in question.

"You got that right, but how would anyone get their hands on that too?" Aries replies with another question. "We'll just have to find and see for ourselves..." Kohana whispers in reply to his question.

Eventually, the masked figure slides and fires a marble, from his B-Daman, at the object in the middle, hitting the lever and sending the marble flying into the air, catching Kamon by surprise.

"It's called Break Ball." The masked person states. "You shoot the levers and send the marbles flying," he states the objectives of the game to them. But, then the masked person was suddenly looking at Kohana, catching her by surprise but knew that it was him behind the mask. "Wanna give it a try?" He asks Kamon, curiously.

Kamon quickly got annoyed a bit and replied: "If you challenge me to a Road Fight then, no way!"

"What's a Road Fight?" He asks in confusion as he titled his head to the side and raising a finger in front of his mask.

"Huh? Oh yeah, they don't that outside of Crestland." Garuburn states in realization.

"So we don't have to play by those crazy rules," Kamon adds his statement in reply while Kohana approached him on the left side, where he was standing at. "I hope you know what you're doing here, or else Aona-san would get really mad at you for not doing her errand earlier," Kohana states, slightly serious and annoyed.

"Don't worry about it Kohana, we'll get to my sister's errand after I deal with this guy in a match with this Break Ball thing right here," Kamon replies.

Kohana then sighed and whispers, "If you say so then, don't blame me for not even trying..."

"I'll take blue and you can be red," they both turned to the masked person who was currently setting up the game and putting in the empty slot with another marble. He then turns to them while holding three fingers up, "The first one to release all of the marbles wins."

"Huh..." Kamon lets out a light chuckle and Kohana looked at him, then smiled afterward. "So, are we doing this?" Garuburn asks his partner.

"You know we are," Kamon replies. "First things first..."

"Get in the zone!" Garuburn's arms were immediately removed and replaced them with the Blast Arm piece onto him. "Drive Garuburn!" Kamon and his B-Daman partner shout at the same time, then Kamon aims Garuburn at the target in the center.

"This one's going to get interesting and the question is: Who will win at the end of this little match?" Kohana asks herself with her arms crossed and holding Aries in her right hand.

"We'll just have to wait and see for ourselves, Kohana. What can we expect from him right now?" Aries replies.

"True." Kohana agrees.

"B-Shots! Ready Aim! Fireblast!" They all chant the starting call and Kamon takes the first move by firing a single marble at the target, but ended up missing ones of the levers and ended up spinning really fast. "I missed it!" Kamon exclaims.

"And now it's spinning like a tornado target!" Garuburn follows after.

"We got this!" The opposing side fires a single marble and stops the target from spinning around, then the marble bounces back and rolls back to hit a lever, sending a point flying onto him. "Look at the drive shot!" Kamon exclaims in surprise.

"He doesn't wanna mess around!" Garuburn shouts afterward.

Kohana was, surprisingly, amazed. "He has improved a lot since that day and I didn't know he would be that good..." Kohana whispers.

"Same here. They have been training, is what I'm guessing." Aries replies. Eventually, her eyes were still glowing, and the glow would often fade down and brighten back up again. "His power levels are still the same, but why do I think that he's getting stronger?" Kohana thought to herself in question.

"Kohana..." Aries looks at her.

"Then I'll even up the score!" Kamon takes another shot and pushes the lever in, sending the marble flying and earning him a point.

"Huh? You're good!" The masked person praises Kamon.

"Haha! You're not so bad yourself, this is the kind of match that gets me fired up!" Kamon states in reply and a glowing red aura surrounds him.

"Kamon's aura!" Kohana turns to Kamon.

"It's been activated!" Aries shouts.

"So that means Garuburn's--!"

Kamon cuts her off by shouting "Emblem Charge!"

He pushed the emblems in, on both sides, a d charging up for the next shot. "Exploding Overdrive!" Garuburn chants his Special Move.

"Light the Blaze, Drive Garuburn!" Kamon aims his B-Daman out and pulls the trigger, firing the shot and sending the Fire Eagle B-Animal to fly out towards the target, along with bringing gusts of wind in the area.

"Impressive shot!" The B-Daman partner of the masker figure praises out loud. After a few moments, both the mask and cloak flies off from him, showing his true appearance and identity to Kamon and Kohana.

"We'll have to get serious." The masked person, revealing to the one and only Riki Ryugasaki, states in a serious tone with Thunder Dracyan in his hands.

"Stormy Dragon Blast!" Dracyan chants his Special Move.

"All right! Let's go, Thunder Dracyan!" He pulls the trigger and takes the shot, letting the Blue Dragon B-Animal manifests through the air and flying towards the target to earn their points.

Both of their marbles hit the second point, then spins around and hitting the third and last levers, letting the two marbles to go into the air and fireworks goes up into the dark skies.

"Mystery..." Riki whispers, looking at the fireworks in the sky.

"They're all so beautiful..." Kohana states in a mutter, underneath her breath, and approached Kamon to his side. "Oh, wow!"

"What a good way to celebrate the return of our Emblem Charge." Garuburn states with confidence in his tone. Kohana lets out a sigh of relief, making Kamon turn to her.

"I'm glad that you finally got your Emblem Charge again, you two." Kohana praises them.

Kamon smiles, "Thanks, Kohana!" He exclaims in reply.

"Great match!" Riki praises Kamon, making him and Kohana turn towards him in surprise. "Hey, great to meet ya! The name's Riki Ryugasaki!" He introduces himself.

"And I'm Thunder Dracyan. Nice moves back there!" His B-Daman partner, Thunder Dracyan, introduces himself and praises Kamon and Garuburn on their moves and skills earlier.

"Dracyan...?" "And Riki...?" Kamon and Garuburn were left in confusion while Kohana shows a smile on her face while looking at her best friend.

"Hey there, Kohana and Aries. Good to see you two again!" Riki greets and wave his hand at her.

"Same to you, Riki and Dracyan!" She greets back in reply and her powers deactivate itself, making her eyes change back to her natural colors and stopped glowing afterward.

"I'm glad that we finally see each other again because I want to show you something very interesting to you..." Kohana thought to herself in her mind.



Melody: Hey, Ranger Squad Readers & Members! I just wanna let you know that this second part's not going to be the last part of this mini-series, there's going to be another and final part, the third part, of the same title is going to be coming out after this chapter, but I will be working a Special Chapter after this chapter before starting the third part of the same title of the chapter as the continuation with the series.

Melody: With that being said, the second season of The New B-Shot: Season Two is going at a fast pace with publishing the chapter, after two or four days with a new chapter coming out afterward that time span.

Melody: And I hope you guys would understand the slow progress of Chapter 21 and the rest of the chapters. The school year has started since last week, and I would be focusing on my studies and getting ready for the topics and everything else. I hope you're going to be patient with me and this story, and don't worry! I have plans for the three remaining seasons of the series; yes, season five of The New B-Shot is going to be the finishing season of the series

Melody: Anyways, time to get to work with the Special Chapter! As for now, I'm heading out to my mission! Signing off!

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