CH.30: The Flower Fields & Darkness - PT. 1

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With the Dream World turning into Nightmares, there's something at hand for the Angel Goddesses of Fire and Water, filling them with emotions of fear and terror. But these girls had to figure out of what was going on with the Dream World and what's happening to them, along with finding out why their Dreams are suddenly transforming into Nightmares... Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the rest of the day after what happened in the Dream World...

Is it a sign for Darkness to come back even stronger that the Angel Goddesses couldn't stop, or are they just going to slowly grow weaker?

Welcome to Chapter 30: The Flower Fields & Darkness


Melody: Hey there, Ranger Squad! This is Director Melody Crystal of the Shining Crystal Studio! I hope you guys will enjoy this Chapter and I still can't believe that this second season is coming through with flying colors and reaching 30 Chapters for the Season that fast!

Melody: I still can't believe that this season is really progressing so much than the first season, where I stopped and had nothing else but to stop until I decided to continue and actually finish the first season, then continuing the series I have created within this account has made me think that I've came so far as to the author writing this series!

Melody: Again, I want to thank all of you, the Ranger Squad, for reading and supporting and giving this story some votes on every single chapter that the author has worked and put in effort in writing! This really helped the author's way of writing stories and improving her way of writing, along with learning different on making her writing even better for all of you to read and understand the lesson behind this story! And don't worry!

Melody: The author is not done yet with writing this series, just yet! This is only the second season and there are three more seasons to go and I'm going to be updating you guys on what the author has so far, along with more stories coming out!

Melody: First and foremost, the author would be writing a brand new story and it, obviously, came from one of her favorite anime and manga series of all time at the moment and loves it so very much, Demon Slayer!

Melody: I know, the author just started watching the anime episodes and manga chapters and immediately got herself into a trance of loving the anime and manga series. But she was also surprised that she noticed that the animation studio that worked on Demon Slayer was the same animation studio that created the anime opening and cut scenes for her favorite video game, God Eater. The name of the Japanese animation studio is Ufotable.

Melody: The author was surprised to notice that Demon Slayer was by the same studio that created the opening and cut scenes for the God Eater franchise, and God Eater would be for another working in progress story that the author is trying to get by and work on it again...

Ominous: *off screen* Melody...! Getting off topic there...!

Melody: That's right...! Anyway, as I was saying... The author is already working on another story to this account and hopefully, you'll enjoy reading the story once it is out!

Melody: If you want more updates to everything that's been happening with the author's status and how she is doing, she would be posting more on the Book of Randomness, which will soon to renamed to something else! Leave them in the comments of a perfect name to change Book of Randomness to a good title!

Melody: With that out of the way, it's time to begin Chapter 30: The Flower Fields & Darkness! B-Shots! Ready, Aim! Fireblast and Action!

Ominous: *off screen* And cut~!! That's a wrap, everyone!

Melody: *sighs* Thank you so much, my mouth can't take it anymore...! My lips feel so dry! Does anyone have water?! *walks off the set*

Ominous: *through the megaphone* Someone get the Director a bottle of water, please~!

The staff members quickly performed "pass the baton" with a bottle filled with water and gives it over to Melody.

Melody: *opens the bottle* Thank you guys so much... *drinks the water*

Misty: *approaches Melody* Melody-neesan~! How are you feeling? Do you feel better now?

Melody: *lets down the bottle* Yeah... I feel refreshed already, Misty. Thanks for worrying about me, *pets Misty's head* but I'm fine, you know. I'm your big sister after all.

Misty: You're welcome, Melody-neesan!

Ominous: Nice work out there, Melody~ A little bit of flaw during that performance, but that was close enough without messing up.

Melody: Thanks, Ominous. If I'm being honest, you were supposed to take that role instead of me, you know. I mean, we're both directors of this studio that the author has created for us.

Ominous: Well~ I wanna give it a try at what it feels to be the lead director and not just a co-director, helping you and assisting Co-Director Eodo in this entire studio. Besides, I remember that we had a bet that I'm going to be taking the role of lead director for this part in particular.

Melody: Yes, I remember... Don't remind me of that ever again, Ominous...

Ominous: *lightly chuckles*

Misty: *joins in, laughing*


~Location: Kohana's Bedroom, Hachiro Mai's House

~3rd P.O.V~

Kohana was standing in front of her mirror, styling her hair in a neat hairstyle as she gets herself ready for her date with Samuru. She puts her comb on top of her bedside table and activated her powers of the Ruby of Flames. She snaps her right fingers and the magic starts happening, the comb that's on top of her bedside table levitates in the air and combs continues combing her hair. Some of her hair gets gathered together and forming braids on both sides of her head. While styling, Kohana pulls the drawer out of her bedside table and takes a small velvet colored box from inside, then opens it up and reveals a pair of gold earrings with red pearls.

"What do you think Aries? Do you think these earrings suit me with my look?" Kohana curiously asks her B-Daman partner, showing the open box with the red pearl earrings inside.

He hummed while thinking about it, "I don't know..." He answered. "There are two options: You can match the color of the Ruby of Flames or match the color of the dress that you're going to be wearing during the date, Kohana." He explained out his reason. Kohana brings the box back in front of her and looks at the earrings, carefully taking them out of the velvet box and getting a closer look at the pearl's colors. "How would you think about me, changing the colors of these pearls or stick with the original color?" Kohana questions her B-Daman partner again.

"I have no idea. Like I said earlier, you can match the red color with the Ruby of Flames or change the color to match the color of the dress that you'll be wearing." Aries repeats his statement again. Kohana sighed, not knowing of what to do, but then an idea popped into her head. "I got it!" She spoke out, catching Aries by surprise.

"Oh! What is it?" He asked.

"Since I can't choose between the red or the other color, how about this instead?" She questions Aries before snapping her left fingers. A few moments later, the colors of the pearls have change; from being red pearls to becoming purple colored pearls on the gold earrings. "How about that?" She shows the purple pearls to Aries, questioning him again for the third time around. The comb and other gadgets were back in their original places, meaning that her hair is done and styled.

"Those look beautiful right there, Kohana! Great idea!" Aries shouts in agreement and Kohana smiled before looking back at the mirror, catching her by surprise of her own reflection as she looked at herself with her newly styled hair that was done earlier. There were two braids in front of my shoulders and rest of my hair flows behind my back.

"Wow..." She was left in awe but quickly snaps out of it and gently puts the earrings onto her ears, then looks at how they look in the mirror.

Kohana gasped, "You got that right, Aries. This was a great idea of mine to change the colors of the pearls in these earrings." She states in surprise. After doing her hair and putting on her earrings, she takes the dress out of her wardrobe and takes a good look at the dress that she'll be wearing. "This dress was given to me by Mom as a special gift..." She says to herself in her thoughts while looking at the dress.

It was a light blue dress with a neck strap and a second strap that looks like a choker which forms a cross on the back of her neck to connect the strap to the dress. Near the connected strap, there's a small flowers on the right and accompanied with off the shoulder sleeves of the dress. The skirt part of the dress reaches to her knees and around her waist is a golden yellow ribbon strip with a big flower and small flowers attached to the ribbon strip. The skirt is a two layered skirt with the first layer being a silk, see-through fabric layer while the second layer is also silk fabric but not see-through like the first layer of her skirt. At the bottom of the two-layered skirt, there's a floral pattern that goes around the bottom of the two skirt layers.

Kohana smiled while looking at the dress just floating right in front of her. "Time to get changed into this dress, don't want Samuru-kun to keep him waiting for me..." She states in whisper to herself and snapped her right fingers, then steps back from the mirror in front of her. All of a sudden, the dress went in flames and turned to ashes, then Kohana's clothes were caught in the same bright flames and raises both of her hands in the air. A few seconds later, the flames slowly die out and revealed that Kohana is now wearing the dress that burned in flames earlier.

She does a pirouette and the flames were finally out and gone on her dress, then stops spinning and faces herself in the mirror, now wearing her blue dress. "Oh, my goodness..." She squealed while looking at her reflection.

Then, Kohana turns to Aries, "What do you think, Aries?" She asked.

"It's beautiful and perfect on you, Kohana!" Aries replied. She smiled, "Thanks, Aries!"

"I wonder if Samuru-kun is getting ready now..." She says in her thoughts while fixing a bit of spots in her hair and her dress.

*Ringtone - Head In Her Heart Playing*

.:Author's Note: Kohana changes her ringtone every now and then. Most of the song titles I made mention are by Nico Collins and Chelsea Collins. Hope you like it and enjoy the rest of the story!!:.

Kohana turns around and used her powers to pick up her phone then brought it towards her. She catches the phone and answers the call, holding it up to her ear. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey there, Kohana-san! It's Shiro here." Shiro replies.

"Oh, hey there Shiro-chan. What's up?" Kohana questioned her.

"I just wanna ask you something and it's rather strange than being normal..." She states in reply on the other side of the line.

"Go ahead with your explanation, Shiro-chan." Kohana replied and holds the phone with her powers, instead of holding it with her shoulder. She picks up her lip gloss and applied some of that gloss to her lips.

Shiro sighed, "It just happened to me earlier... During my training with Akira-chan and Asahi-kun, I suddenly passed out after finishing my training and entered the Dream World, but standing within the Snow Lands of the Dream World. And with that, I saw a person in the distance and told me that she was my Great Grandmother, but I didn't believe her at all... I didn't want to believe in her that she was my Great Grandmother, but believed her that she was the Angel Goddess of Water in the 5th Generation." She starts her explanation. Kohana froze for a second.

"Wait... Meri finally met Shiro-chan...?" She questions in her thoughts.

"And then... Something happened. The snow started to melt back into water and I looked behind my back, noticing that Meri, the name of the woman I met, disappeared and a giant Darkalia growing and approaching towards me. It was scary, I know, and had to run for my life away from the Darkalia, but then the ground starts disappearing and the snow melting away faster. After feeling myself that I couldn't run anymore, I trip and fell and dropped down into the dark, empty void instead of the infinite galaxy of the Dream World." She ends her explanation and Kohana was shocked.

"Now my question to you Kohana-san is, did the same thing happen to you in the Dream World?" Shiro states her question and Kohana slowly puts the lip gloss down on the bedside table.

"Um... Kohana?" Aries calls out to her.

"If you are having the same phenomenon of your dreams turning into nightmares, then that happened to me as well but mine was different than yours." Kohana states in reply.

"Really? What was your side of the dream turning into nightmares?" Shiro asked, "I was with Emberly-san in the infinite galaxy, talking about the spell that I have used to learn and practice from the 1st Generation Angel Goddess of Fire within the book." She starts, "Emberly-san told me that previous generations, including herself, weren't able to learn and master the spells of the 1st and 2nd Generations within the book. She told me about something else and it was about us; our powers have limits and if we go beyond that, we'll become Dark Versions of ourselves. " She explains her side of the story.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

Kohana jumps in surprise and looked at the door. "Kohana! Are you almost done?" It's Hachiro.

"Wait for a minute," Kohana covers up the speaker of her phone. "Yeah, Dad! I'm almost done getting ready, give me a minute!" She replied and brings the phone back. "What's going on?" Shiro asked.

"It's my Dad, don't worry. I'm going on a date with Samuru-kun, so I won't be able to talk to you as much during our date." She states in reply.

"Really?! You and Samuru-san are going on a date?" Shiro yells in question and a light tint of pink appears on her cheeks.

"Yeah... We haven't had a date since two months ago. We're both so busy, we couldn't find enough time to hang out together or even go on dates." She replied, using her powers to bring her purse with her and putting the strap onto her shoulder, then puts on a pair of white ballet shoes with purple bows on top.

"Seriously... You two should get some time together. Are Aries and Dravise coming with you?" Shiro asks.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be staying inside the Gemstone Realm of the Ruby of Flames during our date, so that they won't be messing up on the date. Unlike last time..." She glances at Aries, over her shoulder.

"Come on! That wasn't so bad!!" Aries whines.

Kohana rolls her eyes, "Just like that..." She states. Shiro chuckles, "Well, I hope you have fun on your date, Kohana-san! Remember, if you need any help, you can call me!" She states and Kohana smiled.

"Thanks Shiro-chan. Call you back." She replied and ends the call afterward, then puts the phone inside her purse. "All right Aries," she turns around. "It's time to get inside the Gemstone Realm now." Kohana holds the Ruby of Flames in the palm of her hand.

"All right then! Lift me up into the air!" Kohana rolls her eyes and snaps her fingers, then picks up Aries in the air with her powers. Eventually, Aries lets out a glow and turns into a glowing beam, shooting through the room and hitting the Ruby of Flames, entering the Gemstone Realm. "Now then, time to meet up with Samuru-kun and put Dravise inside the Gemstone Realm with Aries." Kohana states to herself and opens the room, stepping outside of her room.

"Oh... I hope I look okay..." She says in her thoughts and closing the door afterward. She approached the railing and looked down, catching her eyes to see Samuru sitting at the couch, all dressed up, with Hachiro. They were both watching on the television. A light tint of pink appeared on Kohana's cheeks and smiled, then makes her way down the steps to meet up with the two of them. "My goodness... Samuru-kun is so well dressed..." She states in her thoughts and moving some hair strands away from her face. "I hope he likes it, but I'm sure everything's going to be fine..." She states in her thoughts and smiled, and stepping off the last step of the stairs behind her.

"Hey there, Dad. Samuru-kun." She calls both of them. They both turned towards Kohana and a tint of red appears on Samuru's cheeks. "Kohana, Sweet Pea! Just look at you!" Hachiro got up from the couch and approaches Kohana.

"You look so beautiful and that dress..." He approaches and stops in front of her. "That's the dress that your Mother gave you as a gift. You look absolutely beautiful, Kohana." Hachiro compliments Kohana.

"Thanks Dad... I just thought that I haven't worn this dress yet and just thought that this would be the perfect dress to wear for our date." Kohana says in reply, smiling at her father. "Can I meet up with Samuru-kun?" She curiously asks.

"Well, he has been waiting for you while you were getting ready for the past 20 minutes." Hachiro replied and stepped to the side. Kohana approached Samuru, who quickly looked away from her and watching the graphics on the television. "Hey there, Samuru-kun. Are you ready to go?" Kohana asks, sitting right next to him. He wasn't looking at her again. "I don't even know how I'll even look at you..." Samuru whispers in reply.

Kohana smiled and places her hand on top of his, "It's okay, Samuru-kun. I know we haven't went on a date for a while now, so we can just use this time and opportunity to do this date." She calmly says to Samuru.

"I know you can handle it, Samuru, and you promised me to make my daughter happy in her entire life." Hachiro approaches from behind the couch. Eventually, he lets out a sigh and gives in, then turns around to face Kohana, now with a calmed expression on his face and smiled.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asks. "Yeah... I am now." He calmly state in reply. "Great!" Kohana stood up and went over to the big space of the living room. "I can't wait for the surprise that you have for this date, Samuru-kun!" She cheers with excitement in her tone and putting her hands behind her back.

Samuru gets up and picks up Dravise on top of the table, "Yeah, and I think you're going to love the surprise I have in store for this date." He approached Kohana and standing in front of her. "Here's Dravise, you can put him inside the Ruby of Flames with Aries." He states, holding his B-Daman Partner out.

"Sure thing, Samuru-kun." She picks up the Ruby of Flames in her hand. All of a sudden, a white glow comes out of Dravise and transforms into a glowing beam, going around Samuru and then Kohana before diving straight into the gemstone. "There you go, Aries didn't want to stay inside the stone, but I think it was okay for him and Dravise can easily keep him company." Kohana states to Samuru and lets her hand down to the side. "You got that right. Now come on, let's head out to the cafe to get something to eat before I'll show you the surprise." He replied and gently took her hand into his.

But before they leave, Hachiro approached the two of them. "Remember, you need to be back home before six o'clock. Make sure nothing happens to you two, got that?" He asked.

"Yes, Dad. We know, we'll be on our best behavior." Kohana states in reply, "You have my word, Hachiro-san." Samuru followed. "Don't break that promise that we made each other, Samuru." He states and Samuru nodded.

Then, they both stepped out of the house and Kohana waving her hand at her Father goodbye, while Hachiro was waving back as well.

"You sure your Dad is okay with this?" Samuru asked Kohana.

She lets her hand down and looks at Samuru, "Don't worry about it, Samuru-kun. My Dad trusts you and we've been best friends since we were little."

"Yeah... I guess you could say that..." Samuru whispers and Kohana chuckles, leaning against his shoulder. "I wonder how Kamon-kun and the others are doing today." She states.

"I'm sure they're doing just fine." Samuru replied, "You sure about that?" She questioned and he just nods.


~Location: Training Grounds, Dark Crystal Caves

Hannibal and Lilith were doing their daily routine of training together; Hannibal was swinging his blades around and hitting the rocky walls while Lilith was running across the walls so she goes even faster than normal, along with increasing the strength of her dark magic by using her dark spells and hitting the target dummies that were set up by her twin brother.

While running across the rocky walls, Lilith puts her hands together and slowly pulls them away, creating a giant orb of dark magic that's sandwiched in between her hands. She looks down and spots the next target, so she jumps off the wall and holds the orb above her head. "Chaos Surge!" She shouts the spell and throws the orb at the target, letting out a giant cloud of dust and dirt into the air. Lilith quickly backs away, landing on the ground and jumping back up, planting her feet on the rocky walls and continue to do her running laps.

Hannibal jumps away from the rocky walls and gets his blades engulfed in his dark magic. His left eye emits a bright neon glow and charges himself towards the rocky wall. He leaps and turns around, planting his feet on the wall and bending his knees together. He quickly jumped off the wall and glide towards his target. "Demons of Destruction Slash!" He holds his blades in front of him and moved them down to the side, hitting his target and was immediately cut in half, along with a giant explosion coming out afterward. He plants his feet back on the ground and gets up, looked up and watched his twin sister continuing her final lap.

"Hey Lilith, we should take a five-minute break before we get back to training again!" Hannibal shouts at Lilith.

"Sure thing, Hannibal~! I'm up for a five-minute break~!" Lilith shouts in reply, agreeing to his statement. Hannibal smiled and ran out of the training grounds to get some snacks and drinks for himself and Lilith.

While the twins were training and are now going to have their break from training, Neptune was still locked up in his own laboratory and making even more potions than he could ever make before. There were more than twenty bottles, filled with different potions and have different effects, but most of the potions he was making were key ingredients into making a better potion than the previous ones he was creating.

"All right, and with this next potion and mix in with this other potion..." He picks up two bottles containing different potions, opening them up and pouring them together into a bowl. He grabs a few more ingredients from his cabinets and putting them into the bowl, then mixes them up together and pouring it all into the brewing stands. "That should do it... With these potions, I finally made the perfect concoction in strengthening our defenses and defeat the Angel Goddesses of Fire and Water once and for all..." He whispers to himself in a mischievous tone and lightly chuckles.

All of a sudden, his dark brown eyes were letting out a dim glow and quickly noticed. He removed his glasses and looked at himself in the mirror, "My god... I can't believe it... I'm just a normal human being and my eyes are glowing like this?" He questions his glowing eyes, but the glow suddenly fades away afterward.

"I don't want Mifuyu to see me like this when I see her..." Neptune says to himself and turns around, then leaned against the counter and let out a sigh. "I made a deal with the Master of Darkalias, in order to keep my family safe... But now that my daughter is the Angel Goddess of Water, I don't think she'll forgive me that easily for the actions I have done..." He whispers to himself, feeling guilty about the path he chose to protect his life and his family.

"I just want to get this over with and not let the Twins know about this..." He gets off the counter and went back to making potions again.

Back with Hannibal and Lilith, Hannibal returns with some snacks and Lilith jumps off the rocky walls, after finishing her final lap, and approached her brother to get a drink of water.

"You're definitely growing stronger by the second, Lilith. I'm impressed," Hannibal praises his Sister.

"Aww~ thank you very much, Hannibal~ I would say the same for you, as well~" Lilith replied with her praise for Hannibal.

"Thanks." Hannibal replied. Lilith sat next to him and took a piece of candy, throwing it into her mouth. "You know, Hannibal~ I wanna ask you something~" Lilith states.

"Yeah?" He crushes the water bottle. "What is it?" He asked.

"I just don't get it why I'm going to be the heir to the throne even though, I'm the youngest twin~ So, why did Father picked me? Besides the fact that I have his powers~ but I need another reason as to why he chose me to become the next heir to the throne~" Lilith explained and let out a sigh.

Hannibal hums, "Maybe it's because the heir to the throne was always a male and Father wanted to change the tradition up by having a Queen of Darkalias." He states his opinion.

Again, Lilith sighed and drank the rest of her water out of the bottle before burning it away into ashes, then blows it out of her hand. "I don't see the point of me, becoming Queen~" She states.

"Well, you're going to try and become the first Angel Goddess of Darkness that no Angel Goddess can see within your potential." Hannibal replied. "You're the only female child that has ever been born into the family and Father wanted to make sure that you know what you are doing, so that you become the Angel Goddess of Darkness, once we have the needed requirements to do it." Hannibal briefly explain exactly about Lilith.

He placed his hand onto her bare shoulder, "We'll find a way and give you the right amount of dark energy and power to become the Angel Goddess of Darkness..."

Then, a smile came onto her face. Lilith looked at her brother, "You got something special for me that I may know of, Hannibal~" She says and giggled lightly.

"At your service, Future Queen of Darkalias." Hannibal replied.


~Location: Southern Crestland

~Kohana's P.O.V~

"Hey Kohana, let's stop at this cafe to get something to eat." Samuru-kun says, pointing at the cafe in the distance.

I looked over and noticed the cafe that he was pointing at, which brought me back memories again. "Oh, my gosh! I remember this place..." I state in surprise.

"Really? You've been here before?" Samuru-kun asks. I nod, "You bet! My Dad and I always come here to hang out, and then my Mom joined us and we're all together! You're going to love the treats that they have at this cafe, Samuru-kun!" I state in reply and slowly dragged him toward the cafe. "Calm down, Kohana... I'm coming..." Samuru-kun says and walks properly with me, I smiled and lightly chuckled.

We entered the cafe and sat down at a table, then placed in our orders by the waitress. After that, we both waited for our orders to come in. While waiting, me and Samuru-kun are having our usual conversation, like always, and I was often laughing at some statements he was making during our conversation.

I was then greeted by some of the customers who are now stepping inside the cafe since they were some of the same people that visit the cafe to spend their time and having their food and drinks. I'm glad to be taking down my trip to memory lane in Crestland with visiting the cafe again, and I'm visiting this place with my boyfriend, this time around, and not my Dad because of his busy work as a businessman after all.

By that time, a few more customers were stepping inside the cafe and it was now running back to busy business. Good thing we came here before it's jam-packed in here... I state in relief in my thoughts and looked out the glass window next to us.

"Ms. Mai, here are your orders." I looked away from the window as the waitress, putting down our orders onto our tables. "Thank you so much, Miss." I thanked her in a happy tone.

She smiled, "You're welcome, Ms. Mai," she replied. "You're our favorite customer back then." She adds another statement. "Well, you serve the most amazing cakes and delicious tea ever, and you guys are my favorite people to have in my entire life." I state in reply, putting both of my hands onto my chest.

"We're really thankful for loving our treats and service here at the cafe, Ms. Mai. I hope you can come back and visit us again." She says in a cheerful tone and I nod in agreement, "I know, I'll visit the cafe whenever I find the time, I have been busy lately; doing practices with my guitar and hanging out with my boyfriend and friends." I replied. "Great! Well, enjoy your meals, Ms. Mai." She ends the conversation and walks away to tend another customer to take their orders.

"Wow..." Samuru-kun spoke. I looked at him, confused. "Just wow..." He looked at me with a calm smile on his face, "I never knew you were that close with the staff members and the customers in here, Kohana... I'm kind of surprise." He states in a surprised tone. I chuckled at his statement. "What's so funny this time?" He questioned in an annoyed tone at me. I stopped, "Oh... I don't know, maybe you were just so cute whenever you state something with a smile on your face and gets me every single time since you rarely smile at anyone and only smile at me." I briefly explained and lightly chuckled again.

He sighed and smiled, "If you say so, then go ahead." He replied and starts eating his cheesecake. I picked up my slice of cake, which was their best selling strawberry shortcake, and start eating small pieces of my shortcake, and taking a few sips of my breakfast tea, which was so good and I loved it so so much!

I'm so happy that we got to stop here to have a little snack before Samuru-kun shows me the surprise for our date... I state in my thoughts while eating the slice of cake and glancing at Samuru-kun a few times.

"Oh! Samuru! Kohana!" A familiar voice called out to us. My eyes widened in surprise while Samuru-kun almost spit out the water from his closed mouth. He looked over his shoulder and leaned to the side, noticing that Yuki walked inside the cafe with someone else that was familiar to the two of us, approaching towards us. "Hey there, Yuki," I greeted him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, you know me, I'm here to help our a popular food blog and want to try out the snacks and tea in this cafe." Yuki states in reply. "And also, I have someone familiar that you two must meet." He adds another statement and we're both let confused. Eventually, the mysterious person behind his back slowly leaned out of his hiding spot, showing himself to us and my eyes widened... It was Simon Sumiya, he's here in Crestland!

"Simon...!" I quietly yelled in shock, so no one will look at us. "What are you doing here...?!" I asked in confusion.

"Sha...! Sha...! You ask me of why you're doing here...!" Simon quietly yells in reply and moving his right fist in the air at me, almost as if he's trying to hit me because he is still scared of girls, but he suddenly gotten used to me and tried his best to get over his fear of girls. "Uh huh... Okay then..." I replied and finished off the last bit of the cake, then drank the rest of my tea.

"I'm just here with Samuru-kun because he's taking me to a surprise location for our date, Yuki and Simon." I answered in reply to Simon's question, then glanced at him as my eyes changed it's color from blue to neon purple. Good thing that everyone is busy and don't notice my eyes changing it's colors...  I state to myself in my thoughts and glaring directly at Simon.

"Sha, sha...!" Simon quickly hides himself behind Yuki and he lightly chuckles in a nervous tone. "Sorry about Simon again, Kohana. He still has that fear around girls, but he's slightly getting used to your company..." Yuki quietly whispered to me. "I see..." I whispered in reply and my eyes changed back to it's original color again. "Still, it's time we better get going now, Yuki and Simon." I got up from the chair, stretching my arms out a little bit to get my arms moving again. "Come on, Samuru-kun. I seriously can't wait anymore for the surprise that you have for this date~!" I cheered with excitement.

"Give me a second, I'm going to finish up my water before we go," he replied and quickly drank the rest of the water, then got up on his feet again, "Okay then. Let's go now. See you later you two." Samuru-kun states in his cold tone, then grabs my arm and gently dragged me out of the cafe, while I was saying goodbye to Yuki and Simon and to the staff of the cafe. Samuru-kun approached the cash register and paid for our orders, which caught me by surprise, and then we greeted them goodbye and I waved at them.

We stepped out of the cafe and then, Samuru-kun lets go of my hand afterward. "Okay Samuru-kun, now's the exciting part that I have been waiting for the entire time on this date, you know." I say with an excited tone in my voice, "So tell me first, what's the surprise place you've been planning for this date?" I curiously asked him and moved my hands behind my back.

Then, Samuru-kun looked at me with a casual smile on his face, which made me blush a bit of pink on my cheeks. "I'll give you hints as to where are we going for your surprise, Kohana," he replied, cupping my cheek into his hand. "Your first hint would be a phrase and it would be: Beauty through the fields." He states the first hint. At first, I was confused from the first hint he gave me, but I think I'll get it before we even get to the place.

"Okay, Beauty through the fields?" I questioned his first hint, "This is seriously the first hint and you're confusing me because there are a lot of places that I know has beauty in its fields." I replied while looking at him. "Don't worry, Kohana. I'm sure you'll get it," said Samuru-kun before he took my hand into his and walked down the sidewalk.

Seriously... Beauty through the fields... What does that even mean...? I was beyond confused in my thoughts. I let my head down while thinking of the answer while Samuru-kun was dragging me along the road.


~Location: Throne Room, Dark Crystal Caves

~3rd P.O.V~

"My, my~ The Angel Goddess of Fire is going on a date with her cold and wonderful boyfriend~ Yuck~!" Lilith states in disgust while watching from the crystal ball on top of the table. "Feel the disgust within yourself, Lilith," Hannibal looks over at his twin sister, "They disgust me as well, and I don't even want to see this anymore..." He says in an irritated tone in his tone. He hovers his hand and swings it to the side, then the image within the crystal ball disappear afterward.

"We need to continue our training before we go out there and plan our attack on the two of them and the Angel Goddess of Water." Hannibal states in a serious tone and turns around, stepping out of the throne room, leaving Lilith inside the throne room and quickly followed him out of the room afterward. "Wait, Brother~!" Lilith tries to stop him, then he turns around to look at her. "What is it, Lilith?" He asked.

"How about Hama-san~? He has the potions created for the attack that we're going to be performing on them~ Should we go to his laboratory~?" She curiously asked her twin brother with a serious expression on her face. "We shouldn't bother that man, he's just failing every single potion whenever we have an attack on the Angel Goddesses and their allies," Hannibal replied in a serious and angered tone, catching Lilith by surprise. "That man is nothing but a coward and making potions that don't work against the Angel Goddesses, we're going to face them with our Darkalia and our own powers against them and defeating them, once and for all." He turns around and walked away from Lilith.

"Hannibal~!" She tried to stop him, but it didn't work. She sighed and quickly caught up to him. "I think you're being a stubborn older brother and twin, Hannibal..." Lilith says to herself in her thoughts as she was walking beside him and glancing up at her brother. "But still, I'm always following what you say and trying to stop the Angel Goddesses immediately and make me become the Angel Goddess of Darkness of this generation, but I can still wait patiently for that~" She states to herself in her thoughts.

Meanwhile inside the Hama Laboratory, most of the created potions as main ingredients were stored away, neat and clean, and Neptune continued his brewing sessions of mixing more potions to create the most powerful potion that he could ever create. He adds a single drop from one of the created potions into the brewing stand and starts boiling up into the potion bottles within the stand.

He starts laughing out loud, luckily his laughs weren't heard through the cave's walls or the iron wall, "This is way too perfect!" He states out loud and walks around his laboratory in complete determination and confidence within himself. "This is way too perfect and I got them all within the books that I have been finding within the abandoned library!" He confidently states to himself and leans against the wall, letting out a long yawn from his mouth. "I haven't slept at all..." The bags underneath his eyes were getting bigger because of the lack of sleep he had and was literally busy making more and more potions to create the strongest one that he could ever make for their attack on the Angel Goddesses with a more powerful Darkalia.

"But still... I really want to see you so bad, Mifuyu... We have our differences and we really need to meet up with each other..." He whispers to himself and looked at the counter in front of him, with the picture frame that contains the picture of himself and Mifuyu, along with their baby girl, Shiro, in Mifuyu's arms. He sighed, "We were still so close until everything crashed down for the both of us and had to leave Shiro on her own like that, now staying with another family that is not related by blood at all..." He whispers again. Out of the blue, Neptune raises his right hand at the picture frame and all of a sudden, the frame was surrounded



~3rd P.O.V~

Kohana and Samuru were now walking through the grassy hills that's outside the city area of Crestland. "Come on, Samuru-kun...! You gotta tell me what's this surprise location...!" Kohana whines out loud and felt her feet in pain from walking so much. She quickly activates her powers from the Ruby of Flames and once her wings were out to the side, she starts flapping them and lifts her feet off the ground, so her feet can rest and let the pain go away from walking so much.

"Calm down, Kohana. We're almost there and I know you're going to love it so much." Samuru says in reply, calmly. She groaned out loud and continued flapping her wings, so her feet were hovering over the ground. "You're really to kill my feet off before we even get there, Samuru-kun...!" She whines out loud.

"Just a little bit more and I know you're using your powers to take the pain away from your feet, so you'll be fine once we get there." Samuru-kun states back in reply, coldly. "Okay, that hurt with your cold tone." Commented Kohana and he lightly chuckles, then Kohana giggles afterward. "I guess I'm not the only one to be making funny statements like that." He comments.

"Oh, shut up...!" She shouts, embarrassed. Samuru laughed.

After a few more minutes of walking up to the very top of the grass hills, Samuru stops walking and Kohana gently places her feet back on the ground. "Kohana, I want you to closer your eyes." Samuru states. "Great... And fine..." She replied and closed her eyes, along with deactivating her powers and her wings disappeared into ashes. "All right, tell me the two hints I gave you before we got here, Kohana." Samuru states.

"All right then... The first hint you gave me was Beauty through the fields and the second hint was Flowing wind is refreshing with a wonderful scent..." Kohana states the two hints with her eyes close. "Okay, so do you have your answer of where we are?" He questioned her with a curious tone.

"If I thought this through with those two hints that you have given me, I think we're in some sort of giant field with a bunch of flowers?" Kohana states her answer in a questioned tone in her voice, unsure of the answer she gave to her boyfriend. Samuru looked at her and gently lets go of her hand, and then rests both of his hands onto Kohana's shoulders.

"Samuru-kun, what are you doing?" Kohana asks. "You can open your eyes now, Kohana," he replied. After that, she slowly opens her eyes again and looked at Samuru's dark blue eyes. He suddenly plants a kiss onto Kohana's lips, catching her by surprise, then he slowly pulls away and plants another kiss on her forehead. "Kohana Amaririsu Mai, I would like to welcome you..." He steps to the side and held his hand out. " the Flower Fields." Kohana looks in front of her and her eyes widened in surprise, and letting out a gasp in surprise.

She sees the giant field filled with a lot of flowers of different kinds, right before her eyes and Samuru's. "Oh, my gosh... This is so beautiful..." Kohana's eyes glowed with happiness, then looks back at Samuru, still with a shocked expression on her face.

"Well, what do you think, Kohana?" Samuru asked Kohana, for the last time. "Are you kidding me, Samuru-kun?" She questioned her back.

"I love it so much!" She throws her arms around his neck, embracing him, and Samuru wrapped his arms around his waist while spinning around with Kohana in his arms. "This is the best date ever! Thank you so much for taking me here, Samuru-kun!" Kohana says with joy and happiness, tears were slowly forming in her eyes from being so happy and shocked of what she just saw with her own eyes. "I'm glad you love my surprise for this date, Kohana." Samuru says in reply, planting the bottom half of his face into her shoulder and Kohana pets the top of her head. He stops spinning around and Kohana continues to pet his head.

Samuru lifts his face away from Kohana's shoulder and Kohana gently cups his cheek. "This is really beautiful and I thank you for that, Samuru-kun." She thanks Samuru, one more time. "You're welcome, Kohana," he said in reply. They have another kiss and the breeze blows through, lifting Kohana's hair. They slowly pulled away and looked at each other. After that, they both chuckled and smiled at one another and Kohana steps away from Samuru, then runs down the hill first, leaving him behind. "Hey, come back here!" Samuru runs after her and Kohana quickly ran as fast as she can, so she doesn't get caught by her boyfriend.

"Catch me if you can, Samuru-kun!" Kohana shouts back and quickly activates her powers again, then picks herself up from the ground by flying above the flower fields and giggles playfully. Samuru ran through the fields and jumping to reach for Kohana's feet or hand. "Come back here, Kohana! You know I can't run faster than you, you know!" Samuru shouts at Kohana and she just giggles until... Samuru reached for her right hand.

Kohana was caught by surprise. "Got'cha!" Samuru pulls Kohana towards him, yelping in surprise, and they both hit the ground but soften their landing with the flowers on the ground.

After getting caught, Kohana picks herself off the ground and looks down at Samuru, laying down on the ground. He gently moves a lock of hair behind Kohana's ear and she giggled, then they both sat up with the flowers around them. They both started laughing and talking to another one. Samuru smiled and he grabbed a few flowers around him and started making something.

Kohana was looking at the other side of the flower fields and grabbed a dandelion in front of her. She blows out the dandelion seeds from it's stem, and flowing away into the wind. "Everything is so beautiful to look at..." Kohana whispers to herself.

"Hey, Kohana. Look at me." Samuru spoke. She turns to look at him and Samuru puts a flower crown on top of her head. "Oh?" Kohana notices the flower crown. "You look beautiful with that flowe crown on your head, Kohana," complimented Samuru. She smiled and had an idea, she used her powers to pluck some of the flowers from the ground and starts making a flower crown, but for Samuru.

A few moments later, Kohana finishes the flower crown and puts it on top of Samuru's head, Kohana smiled. "Oh, my goodness! You look so good with that flower crown, Samuru-kun!" She states. Samuru blushes and smiled, "Thanks, Kohana." He spoke.

"Oh! I almost forgot! We gotta take a picture to remember this moment ever!" Kohana states and quickly takes her phone out of her purse. She holds the phone up in front of them, but Samuru plants his lips on Kohana's forehead and she snaps the picture on her phone. She brings the phone down and looked at the picture, then smiled. "This is so perfect! I love it! This is definitely going to be staying there forever and ever!" Kohana states with excitement. Samuru just smiled.

(Artwork by @TalianaBishop - F.Venish on Twitter)

"Hey Samuru-kun," Kohana stands back up on her feet and looks down at Samuru. "Why not we go for a stroll within the flower fields?" She asked, curiously.

Samuru stands up and takes her hand into his, "Let's do that." He replied and Kohana smiled. So they both went on their stroll through the flower fields and looking at the different flowers that the fields contained, and Kohana was so happy to see so many flowers in one place.

Well, little do they know, two other people were not invited to the young couple's date. Those two other people were Hannibal and Lilith Darkalia. The twins were floating in the air, watching Kohana and Samuru having their stroll through the flower fields.

"Just look at them, Hannibal~ They are just being so cute and adorable, and I'm over here with a disgusted expression on my face~ Gross~!" Lilith complains, irritated.

"You got a point there, Lilith." Hannibal replied and smirked, "But we both can easily stop their little outing together as a couple with our attack on them." He looked at Hannibal with a serious look.

Lilith looks at him back and starts laughing, "You got it, Brother~! Time to begin the attack~!" She yells with excitement and snaps her right fingers, then a dark magic circle appeared beneath her feet.

"Powers of Darkness and Somber, Show your True Form before me and Rid the World in Despair and Chaos~!" Lilith shouts and held both arms out to the sides. The energy within the magic circle starts becoming stronger, but it wasn't a problem for Lilith because of her training.

After that, she holds both of her hands out in front of her and a giant glowing dark orb starts manifesting in front of the Princess of Darkalias and the Prince of Darkalias as well.

"Bring Forth the Creature of Darkness; Darkalia~!" She shouts the final chant and raises the dark orb above her head, then forcefully throws the dark orb down and hit the ground. "Perfect, Lilith!" Hannibal cheered with determination.

"Rise, Darkalia~!! Rise~!" Lilith shouts and started laughing even louder than her yells and shouts.

Back with Kohana and Samuru, she suddenly froze in place and the Ruby of Flames starts glowing, out of control. "Kohana? Are you okay?" Samuru looked at Kohana with a concerned look on his face. She looked down at the Ruby of Flames and picked up the stone in the palm of her hand. "The Ruby of Flames is glowing out of control," she states and her eyes changed from blue to purple.

"Something's not right..." She whispered in a serious tone. Then, she gasped and turned around, then her eyes went wide, "Samuru-kun...! Turn around...!" She yells in whisper at Samuru.

At first, he was confused. But when he turned around, he knew that something was up with the Ruby of Flames and Kohana's change of expression on her face. "I knew that there was something up... The Darkalia Twins are here with us, Samuru-kun..." She whispered to Samuru. "You could say that again." He replied.

They were both standing right in front of the fully formed Darkalia with the Darkalia Twins standing on top of the Darkalia's shoulders, looking down. "Hello there, lovebirds~!!" Lilith greets Kohana and Samuru while waving her fingers at them. "How was your little date~? Well, we're sorry for crashing your time together~!" She yelled and commands the Darkalia to her orders.


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