CH.32: Battle for the East B-Master!

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Kohana: After a week or two from the author taking a break from this story, I'm finally back! Hey there, fellow readers! This is your girl at the beginning of every chapter, Kohana Amaririsu Mai! And I'm here with my B-Daman Partner-- *holds out Ember Aries in front of the camera*

Aries: Ember Aries! It's good to see all of you again!

Kohana: And I would like to welcome all of you to The New B-Shot: Season 2, Chapter Recap! We're back in business, everyone!

*clapping in the background*

Kohana: Thank you very much for the applause of the return to this segment after the author took her break from writing this story.

Aries: But now! She is back in business and started working on The New B-Shot: Season Two, finishing it once and for all! I hope you guys are really excited for the 3rd Season to be coming out real soon, but the author is still working on the third season and working on this season as well!

Kohana: All right, Aries! We don't want anyone to get spoiled by mentioning the 3rd season of The New B-Shot! We don't want them to know about that, just yet!

Aries: Oops! Sorry about that, Kohana...! Guess I got a little bit carried away from all of the excitement that's building up in my systems and we're finally back...!

Kohana: Yeah, I know... Same here! Anyways, I wanna make some big announcements that's coming to the author and into the world of The New B-Shot!

Kohana: As you may know, or may not know, in "Bloopers: Cut 2!", Melody and the rest of the Shining Crystal Studios has introduced me, Samuru-kun, Shiro-chan, and the other cast members of the series, to two new characters that will be having their own stories to take part in! Should we bring them in here, Aries?

Aries: We should, Kohana! Fellow Readers, please welcome the author's two new characters that are coming into the Shining Crystal Studios; Yukime Fujisato and Atsumi Kuromika!

*Yukime & Atsumi enters the Segment Studio*
*clapping in the background*

Yukime: Hello to all of you, fellow readers!! It's good to see you!

Atsumi: Hello, everyone. *waves hand casually*

Kohana: Welcome, Yukime-san and Atsumi-san, to The New B-Shot Studio!

Yukime: Thank you for having us on set for this chapter's segment, Kohana-chan! *smiles*

Aries: You don't need to thank her, Yukime. You can actually thank the both of us and the rest of the people in here! You both are welcome here!

Atsumi: Again, thank you for having us to be in chapter's segment of The New B-Shot: Season 2.

Kohana: Anyways! Let's get straight to the point! So these two characters are going to be having their own stories and being the main characters of that story!

Yukime: My story is in relation with the anime and manga series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!

Atsumi: And my story is in relation with a crossover of two different anime and manga series, which are also video games as well, God Eater and My Hero Academia. Actually, the author was unsure if she should be writing my story since she simply couldn't decide on a personality for me in the story, but she's finally doing it and I'm good with that.

Kohana: That's good to hear, Atsumi-san. Back in the day, like three years ago, she didn't have no idea and didn't know that I would be a favorite character for her to write during that time and she was still back at writing, after all, but she improved a lot by extending the chapters to get a better read at the story line and letting the readers to enjoy it as well!

Aries: You got that right, Kohana! That's the goal of our faithful author!

Kohana: But that's right! Remember what I said about the Chapter Recap? Well, I tricked you guys, so I would be able to introduce these two girls into the studios of this series!

Kohana: I can't wait for your stories to be coming out and be read by our fellow readers, Yukime- san and Atsumi-san. Seriously, you guys are still new inside the Shining Crystal Studios, your stories are still in the working progress but there are chapters ready to be published, right?

Yukime: You got that right, Kohana-chan~! The author has been working on my story and at the moment, there are six chapters and she's currently working on chapter six with my story.

Kohana: Wow...! That's fast! And I mean really fast, Yukime-san!

Yukime: Well, you know the author... She just loves Demon Slayer and everything like that. She cries over everything that the manga of Demon Slayer gives her. Besides, I can't give out the spoilers since that would really upset everyone and all that jazz.

Kohana: Oh, I see... Well how about you, Atsumi-san?

Atsumi: The author decided to make the Introduction right now, so she is taking a break from writing Chapter Six of Yukime's story while also working on your story as well.

Kohana: Well that's good to hear! But still, I can't wait for your stories to come out!! Stay tuned for that and make sure you're following the author through this account of hers, fellow readers.

Aries: Hey Kohana, should we do the roll call to start?

Kohana: You bet it, Aries! B-Shots!

Aries: Ready!

Yukime & Atsumi: Aim!

All: Fireblast!!!!

Kohana: And Action to Chapter 32!


~The Next Day~

Location: Kohana's Bedroom, Hachiro

Kohana was sitting by the window of her bedroom, resting her face on her arms and looking out the scenery with her B-Daman Partner Aries, who was just sitting right next to her on the window.

Kohana let out a deep breath, "I still can't believe that Hannibal and Lilith Darkalia ruined our dates yesterday..." She says in a saddened tone.

"Don't worry, Kohana. I'm sure your next date will be better than with having the Darkalia Twins ruining your time together." Aries replied, hoping to make Kohana feel better.

"But Samuru-kun is still thinking it through of where should we have our next date be." She said, lifting her head from her arms. "I'm always curious of when's our next date coming up, but he never gives it away for our dates and it always leaves me surprise." She finished her statement.

"And Samuru is always finding ways to make your time with him perfect, Kohana." Aries replied. "Anything can happen between the two of you, and you are still being in this new relationship after all." Aries added

Kohana lets out s sigh and curled up a smile, "Yeah... I guess you're right, Aries..." She agreed in whisper. "And thanks for cheering me up a little bit though, Aries."

Aries chuckled with joy, "You're welcome, Kohana." He replied. Kohana picks him up from the window and looks down at him. Then, she starts humming and singing to some songs while looking out the window and feeling the breeze hitting her face to calm her down.

"I wonder what Kamon-kun and the others are doing... I hope Shiro-chan and Akira-chan are doing well at school too..." Kohana said in her thoughts, thinking about the others and how they are doing without her.

"Kohana, isn't Samuru going back to the WBMA with Yuki today?" Aries asked. Kohana was surprised and remembered.

"That's right," she spoke. "He left to go to the WBMA with Yuki. I wonder what they are doing over there... He might send me a text, though." She finished her statement.

"Do you think that they are talking about the situation here in Crestland or something?" Questioned Aries with concern and curiosity.

"It must be something different..." Kohana replied and leans back. Eventually, her phone's ringtone goes off. She takes it out from her right pocket and turns it on. "What is it, Kohana?" Asked Aries, curiously.

"It's a message from Samuru-kun..." Kohana replied and reads through the entire message. Then, she gasped in surprise after reading. "Kohana, you better tell me what it is! So tell me! Aries yelled at Atsumi with excitement and curiosity.

Kohana turns her phone off and holds Aries up, in front of her face. "Aries, Samuru-kun said that Riki and Sumi are coming to Crestland and on the way over here!" Kohana yelled with excitement.

"No way... You're being serious, aren't you?" Aries asked. "I'm not kidding at all, Aries! Riki and Sumi are both going to be here in Crestland with us!" Kohana cheered with excitement.

"Oh...! I can't wait to see them again... It's been a while now. I'm sure that Kamon-kun and Ken would be amazed to see Riki and Sumi again." She states in realization.

"Same here. I haven't seen Rabbit and Dracyan as well." Aries replied. "Hey Kohana, do you think Dracyan got upgraded with the Emblem Charge parts like me and Dravise?"

Kohana shrugged her shoulders, "We may never know until we see it, Aries." She said in reply. "Besides, Samuru-kun didn't mention about Dracyan's status if he was upgraded or not." She adds and got up on her feet now, taking Aries with her.

Kohana then stands in front of her mirror and fixes the braid around the back of her back. She puts Aries on top of her desk and activated her powers from the Ruby of Flames. With her telekinetic powers, she quickly unties the braids and picks it up with her telekinesis, then starts fixing the braid.

"I can feel your powers getting stronger than ever, Kohana." Aries noticed.

Kohana smiled, "Thanks, Aries. I just need to help Shiro-chan with her training on her powers and being able to get to her transformed form of herself." She said in reply while glancing down at Aries and fixing the finishing touches to her braids. After that, Kohana brings it around the back of her head and takes a hair tie with a flower holder on the hair tie, in the shape of a rose in the shade of bright red to bright orange. "Perfect!" She exclaimed with excitement and turns around just to see the flower holder on the back of her head. "That looks pretty good. How about you, Aries?" She asks her partner.

"I think that looks amazing, Kohana! And your father gave that hair tie to you, right?" Aries questions in reply. "Bingo!" She exclaimed, "You got that right, Aries."

"And besides, this would be the first time that Samuru-kun would even notice the flower holder on the back of my head." She added and picks up Aries from the desk before stepping out of her room, and quickly went downstairs. "Where are we going, Kohana?" Asked Aries to Kohana. "We're going to meet up with Samuru-kun and the other guys once they arrive here and then, meet up with Kamon-kun and his friends." Kohana replied and jumps off the second to the last step on the stairs.

Kohana's father, Hachiro, was sitting at the couch in the living room with his laptop on his lap, working on his business documents and work. "Hey Dad, still working right there?" Kohana approached her father. He stops typing on his laptop and looked over his shoulder, then sighed.

"Yup... Still working on the documents that the company is asking from me. But don't worry Sweet Pea, I'll be taking a break after this." Hachiro answered in reply and Kohana rests her arms onto the top of the couch. "Seriously Dad, you've been working like, six hours a day on your work. You should ask for a vacation day to get yourself relaxed and all that." Kohana suggests, but Hachiro pats his daughter's head.

"Don't worry Kohana, I'll be fine and I can take care of myself. But if I feel under the weather, then it's up to you and Samuru to watch over me if that happens." Hachiro replied. Kohana smiled, "Of course Dad, me and Samuru-kun will always help you get better!" She exclaimed with joy and rests her arms around his shoulders. "And I can easily my powers on you to make you feel better Dad, don't you think Aries?" Kohana asks.

"You bet, Kohana! Your powers are growing stronger by the second, even without using it!" Aries exclaimed in reply and Hachiro laughs. "You two are really one in the same. Guess I picked out the right partner for you, Sweet Pea." Hachiro states and Kohana smiles again. "You really did, Dad." Kohana replied.

*Ringtone Playing*

Kohana pulls away from her father and took out her phone in her hands. "What is it, Kohana?" Hachiro asks.

"It's a text message from Samuru-kun," Kohana answered in reply and checked the message. After reading through the message, she gasped in surprise. "Samuru-kun and Yuki are almost here with Riki and Sumi!" Kohana exclaimed with joy and excitement. "I should get over to the helipad off the coast of the city and meet them there!"

"That would be a good idea Kohana!" Aries agreed in reply. "Just be careful out there Sweet Pea, I don't want you getting hurt." Hachiro reminds Kohana in a slight serious tone.

"I'll be careful Dad, and I better get going now! See you later Dad!" Said Kohana to her father and ran up to the front door, then stepped out of the house and leaving her father inside, and quickly went back to his working documents and files on his laptop. "That sweet pea of mine is growing up so fast, alongside with Samuru and her other friends..." Hachiro said in his thoughts, smiling at that thought in his head while typing down the things needed on his document files.

~~~Meanwhile with Shiro at Crystal River Middle School~~~

It was now morning break time. Some of my classmates were walking out of the classroom, probably to hang out with their friends from the other room. With me, I was sitting at my desk in the classroom and writing some notes in my personal notebook and diary.

I wonder what Kohana-san and the others are doing at the moment... I'm really curious as to what they're literally up to without me... I questioned that thought in my head while writing down the notes in my notebook. A few minutes later, I finished writing my notes and close my notebook afterwards. I kept it away inside my bag, along with all of the other stuff that I have on my desk.

"Shiro-chan!" I heard Akira-chan calling out to me, in the distance and from outside the classroom. I lift my head up and saw my best friend entering the classroom, approaching towards me with a cheerful expression on her face. "Hey there Akira-chan, what's up?" I asked.

She sat down in the chair next to my desk and sighed, "Man... I never would've thought that Math would be the death of me... It was much more difficult than what we have before." She complained in slight annoyance and sighed again.

"Same here," I agreed, "Mathematics is literally difficult and get confuse with all of the formulas that were needed to solve the numbers to get the right answer..." I replied in a brief explanation.

Akira-chan groans and I chuckled, "At least our next subject is going to be relaxing..." She states.

"Yeah... At least Akira-chan." I said in reply.

"Anyways, Shiro-chan. I heard that there's going to be a Crossfire Competition of who can become the next B-Master in the East Area of Crestland. I'm sure that Kamon-san and the others are going to join, how about you?" Akira-chan asks.

"A Crossfire Tournament to become the next Eastern B-Master, huh..." I said that thought. "I could join it and I know that Asahi-kun is definitely going to join that too, Akira-chan. But you're coming with me and watch, got that?" I questioned.

"You can count that as a yes, Shiro-chan." Akira-chan replied, holding her right hand to the side of her forehead. I smiled, "Thanks Akira-chan."

*Bell Ringing*

"That's the bell. You should head back to your classroom now Akira-chan." I said and she got up the classroom chair. "Yeah. See you later during lunch?" She asks.

"You know it!" I exclaimed in reply. "Perfect!" Akira-chan exclaimed and I laughed. She walked out of the room and my classmates stepped back inside the room.

I wanna join the Tournament today... I can definitely show my true potential to everyone... I thought to myself and clenched my right hand to be filled with determination, later on.

Kohana-san... Samuru-san... Asahi-kun... Be prepared because I, Shiro Hama, will be there to take you all down! She yells in her thoughts with determination.


~3rd P.O.V (Kohana)~

Kohana quickly flies over the city as Blazing Ruby and reaches the shipyard with all of the ship containers. Upon arriving, she saw the WBMA helicopter making a landing on top of the helipad. "There they are!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's head down there and meet up with them!" Aries replied and Ruby dives down, then planted her feet and on the ground, right in front of the helicopter.

Samuru, Yuki, Riki, and Sumi were now stepping out of the helicopter. Ruby transforms back to her true identity and approached the four of them. "Riki! Sumi! Yuki! Samuru-kun!" She called out their names.

They all turned to Kohana and saw her. "Kohana! Good to see you again!" Riki greeted in surprise. "Likewise Riki." She replied and looks down at Riki's hands, noticing the new and improved Dracyan.

"Whoa!" Exclaimed Kohana with excitement. "Is that you Dracyan?" She asks in surprise.

"Correct Kohana. I got a new look from here on out." Replied Dracyan to Kohana. Then she smiled at him and holds Aries in front of Riki's B-Daman. "You're looking awesome there buddy!" Aries praises Dracyan. "Thank you there Aries. You too as well." Dracyan replied and their partners chuckled.

Kohana slowly turns to Samuru and walked up to him. "Hello and welcome back Samuru-kun." She states her greeting. "Thanks for coming all the way over here." Samuru states in reply, "No worries. Besides, you sent me a text message that Riki and Sumi are coming to Crestland." Kohana said.

"Then how about Shiro and her other two friends?" Yuki asks, approaching the both of them.

"Shiro-chan and Akira-chan are currently at school and I have no idea what's up with Asahi at the moment, Yuki." Kohana answered back.

"I see..."

All of a sudden, everyone's phones started going off with Kohana's ringtone being one of her favorite songs. They all brought out their phones and noticed the screens were different. "It's the Grand B-Master..." Kohana whispered.

"Calling all Crestland B-Shots, this is an important message." The Grand B-Master states in his audio recording. "The position of East Area B-Master has been empty for way too long. We can't hope to have order in the city unless we find someone with the skills to take on the role. At this critical time, it is only fitting to decide with the tournament, calling it "B-Master Battle". The winner will be named the East Area's New B-Master." He finishes his message at the end and stops right there.

"This is suspicious, don't you think?" Asked Kohana to the others.

"I mean, it's the Grand B-Master we're talking about here. I can't even trust that for a second." Yuki replied. All of a sudden, Kohana's ringtone went off again and she looks down. "What is it this time?" Samuru asks.

"It's a message from the Grand B-Master." Kohana said in reply and reads through the message with her eyes. "He said that I'm going to be performing during the Semi-Finals of the Crossfire Tournament." She states the message.

"Are you sure about this?" Samuru asked, taking her hand into his hand. "I'll be fine Samuru-kun. We're not gonna know what are the true intentions that the Grand B-Master is having within this competition." Kohana said in reply.

"Besides, I'm never going down without a singing performance. Haven't done that in a long time now." Kohana added.

"Ooh...! I can't wait to see that, Kohana...!" Sumi squealed with excitement. "What outfit are you going to be wearing during your performance?" She asks.

Kohana chuckled, "Calm down Sumi, I still need to think of a cool outfit during my performance, you know. It is crucial for any talent show performance to always have an outfit to impress everyone and look your best." She states in a brief explanation. "And how are you going to do that if you're joining the tournament?" Sumi asks again.

"I can think of the perfect outfit to wear during the Preliminary Rounds of the Tournament." Kohana replied and winks her right eye.

"Oh... I knew you always have a sense of having the best kinds of outfits!" Sumi exclaimed in amazement and her eyes sparked up and Kohana chuckled at the look on her face. "Oh Sumi..." Riki chuckled too.

"Now then, shall we head over to the venue of this Crossfire Tournament?" She questioned the four of them with curiosity for the enthusiasm. They all nodded in reply and the Ruby of Flames suddenly lights up. "All right then! Race all of you to the venue!" Kohana turns around.

"Ruby of Flames, Here my Call! Metamorphose!" She yells her transformation call and her entire body was engulfed in bright flames, and then she was now Blazing Ruby. Ruby puts Aries inside the Ruby of Flames and unfolds her wings to the sides, showing the bright vibrant colors of the burning fire on her wings. She turns around and casts the flight spell onto her friends, creating the capes from their necks as scarfs and going down their backs as it was burning to show the capes in front of Ruby.

Sumi was feeling excited when she saw the cape being created around her neck and down her back. "Amazing, I haven't felt this flight spell in a long time!" Sumi exclaims with excitement and Ruby lightly chuckles at Sumi. "Oh, Sumi..." She mumbles underneath her breath.

After that, Blazing Ruby quickly snaps her right fingers as the capes were finished, with the bottom part of the cape burning in the fire. "Now, we're ready for the race that we are taking into the skies, everyone!" Ruby yells with excitement and confidence, flapping her wings forward and taking her feet off the ground as she did. Once her feet were hovering over the ground, she approached Samuru and taking his hands into hers then slowly lifts him off the ground to get him used to floating and hovering in the air again. "You feeling okay, Samuru-kun?" Asked Ruby to Samuru, curiously.

"I'm fine... Again, I'm going to get used to this." Samuru replied calmly and Ruby gently pulls her hands away from his grasp. "There. You're on your own now, Samuru-kun." Ruby states and slowly floats back and away from Samuru. Evenutally, he quickly gets the hang of floating in the air and went up a bit higher from the ground. "All right, it's time for the three of you to get up from the ground and float like the two of us!" Ruby exclaims with motivation for Yuki, Sumi and Riki.

"You sure they can do it, after a while of being able to fly again?" Samuru asks the Angel Goddess of Fire in a slightly cold tone in his voice.

Ruby crosses her arms in front of her chest, "Don't worry. They'll be fine and have experienced this, so they'll figure it out eventually." She said in reply. "Then why did you help me out earlier?" Samuru questions her again.

"I just want to help, that's all. Don't ask anymore questions now, Samuru-kun." Ruby states in reply.

After a few minutes, Yuki, Sumi and Riki were able to lift their feet off the ground, just like Ruby and Samuru. "Perfect! You got your balancing and control game with all four of you, it's time to head to the venue!" Ruby shouts with confidence and determination in her voice. She turns around and flies off first, then shouts "Race you there," at the four of them.

"Hey! No fair, a false head start!" Sumi yells at Ruby and immediately chases after the Angel Goddess of Fire herself. Riki, Samuru and Yuki followed Sumi and Ruby of where they were headed to. While being in the air, Ruby decided to do some flips in the air and creating some creative flare with her fire powers from the Ruby of Flames. "Sumi, check this out!" Ruby shouts at Sumi and clasped her hands together activating her fire powers, then unclasps as she slowly pulls both of her hands away from the center slowly and carefully. Within the center, she was creating a glowing fire orb with the burning bright colors of the flames that is surrounding the glowing orb.

After she has created the glowing orb in the center, Ruby stops moving and floats in the air as she throws the glowing fire orb into the air. Sumi and the three guys behind her back spots the rising glowing fire orb. Ruby flies forward then quickly rose up to the glowing fire orb and creates the handgun within the grasp of her right hand.

"Flare on!" Ruby quickly draws her handgun at the fire orb and shoots it, then the orb explodes with ribbons of bright fire shooting everywhere in the air. "Wow! That was amazing!" Sumi cheered with amazement.

Ruby smiled and turns around then quickly flies away. "Chase me if you can, Sumi!" She yelled.

"Again! False start, Blazing Ruby!" Sumi yells and immediately chases after her. Samuru, Riki and Yuki were staying a bit behind from the girls, and Samuru just watches his girlfriend enjoying herself in the air as Blazing Ruby.

"So how are things with you and Kohana lately, Samuru?" Riki casually asks the cold boy.

He went silent for a few moments and just said "We're good," in reply, and didn't say anything else after that. They just went silent for the rest of their flight.


They all arrived at the venue for the Crossfire Tournament. Ruby and the others landed from plain sight from other people in the area, near the front entrance of the venue. Ruby transforms back to her original identity and the capes around their necks disappeared afterwards. "Aries, come on out!" Kohana shouts and a glowing beam came out of the ruby, then forms the figure of her B-Daman.

Kohana takes Aries out of the air and looks at him. "How are you doing there, Aries?" Kohana asks her B-Daman partner.

"All good to go, Kohana!" Aries shouts with determination. Kohana chuckled, "What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing in particular to be entertaining for me, Aries." She said in reply and smiled.

"If you say so..." Aries mumbled.

"Anyways, should we meet up with the other players?" Yuki asks.

Kohana and everyone else nod in agreement and stepped out of their hiding spot to meet up with the other B-Shots. On their way there, Kohana spots someone familiar to her eyes.

They were both wearing the school uniform from Crystal River Middle School and one of them, that Kohana notices, had familiar short hair in the color of pink. "Shiro-chan... Is that even you?" Kohana questioned in thought and decided to silently approach her.

"What are you doing...?" Questioned Aries.

"I'm trying to surprise Shiro-chan from behind... She may not even notice me..." She whispered in reply. Once she was close enough to Shiro, Kohana raises her hand in the air and slowly placed it onto her shoulder.

"Boo!" She exclaimed.

Shiro jumped from being startled and so did her best friend Akira too. Akira yelped "Oh my goodness gracious," out loud while Shiro just screamed. Kohana pulls her hand away and starts chuckling about giving Shiro and Akira a good scream. Aries was laughing too and receiving small chuckles from the others.

"What the heck, Kohana-san?!" Shiro yells in question. "You scared the living day lights out of me, you know!" She exclaimed in anger.

Kohana slowly stops laughing, "Sorry about that... I had to do it since you weren't looking in my direction of where I was actually approaching you." She apologizes to Shiro and Akira.

"Besides, I haven't seen Kohana scared someone that good before!" Aries exclaims his statement to the Shiro and Akira, which they just noticed him when he spoke out his statement out loud.

Shiro sighed, "We just got off from school early today since the principal noticed that there were a few students from our school that were also B-Shots." She states.

"Yeah, and the principal wanted all of the B-Shots to represent themselves for Crystal River Middle School and all that jazz." Akira added.

"Really now? Is Asahi here with the rest of you?" Kohana asks with her arms crossed. Shiro nods, "You bet it, Kohana-san. Asahi-kun said he's coming over here as quick as he can go." She said in reply.

Akira looks to the left and hits Shiro with her elbow, "Speak of the running devil," Akira spoke, pointing her finger. Shiro looks in the direction of Akira pointing her finger and noticed a figure in the distance. "What in the world...?" Shiro gasped in shock and surprise.

"What is it, Shiro?" Gorgon asks.

"That's Asahi-kun running, and he's running real fast towards all of us." Shiro replied in shock and surprise in her voice.

In the distance, Asahi was really running at a fast pace like a cheetah would run and go. Shiro and Akira were freaking out, whether or not Asahi would crash into the two of them and the rest of the group with them. Kohana sighed and rolls her eyes, "That guy is being reckless when it comes to running, considering that his B-Daman is a Cheetah Type B-Daman after all..." She mumbled to herself. Asahi got even closer to the group and once he was right in front of them, Kohana steps in front of Shiro and Akira and holds her right hand out, hopefully to stop Asahi from running into her and the others behind her. "You better stop yourself, Asahi Yamada." Kohana and Aries states at the same time.

Eventually, Asahi's figure was finally clear and immediately stops himself right in front of Kohana. Kohana had a calm and serious expression on her face while holding her hand to stop the running Asahi Yamada. "Thank you for stopping him, Kohana!" Claw Cheetah shouts at Kohana, thanking the Angel Goddess of Fire.

"You're welcome, Claw Cheetah. No wonder your partner is trying to be reckless when he was literally running into Shiro-chan and Akira-chan." Kohana replies in a serious tone while looking at Asahi with a serious look on her face.

Asahi clicks his tongue, "Seriously, I wasn't going to run into Meri-chan and Akira-chan behind you, Kohana!" He exclaims in slight anger at Kohana. "Asahi! Control yourself!" Cheetah quickly scolded him, "You were literally being too loud there, Asahi Yamada!"

"So what?! You don't control my life, I'm the one in control here!" Asahi yells at his B-Daman.

"All right, shut up you two!" Kohana stops the two from arguing at each other. "You two are like little kids who are always bullying each other and yelling all the time." Kohana states in a serious tone. That left everyone surprise with priceless expressions on both Shiro and Akira's faces.

"You seriously called me a little kid, Kohana Mai?" Asahi questioned in slight anger.

"And you don't have to get so angry with me, Asahi Yamada. Just because you look tall and know it all, it doesn't mean you can be superior." Kohana ends the argument and stepped away from him in silence.

"Hey guys! Are you ready to rock?" Everyone turned their heads to the side and saw B-Shot Ryu going up the platform he was on, then onto the stage. "First off, let's go through the rules of today's B-Master Battle!" B-Shot Ryu states and starts going through the rules and location of the 1st round of the Battle.

"Interesting... This looks like a place to be my favorite kind of treat..." Kohana thought to herself.

"Normal Targets are worth 1 Point while the Gold Targets are worth 5 Points! The six B-Shots who can get the most points will be moving on into the next round of tournament!" B-Shot Ryu ends his statement.

Everyone cheered with confidence, excitement, and determination. All of a sudden, the building behind B-Shot Ryu starts changing its appearance, catching everyone by surprise and amazement.

"That looks amazing...!" Shiro exclaimed in whisper.

"You can say that again, Shiro-chan." Akira said in reply.

"A castle, huh... This should be interesting." Kohana states. "Yeah... Let's take this place on and move to the next round!" Aries shouts with determination.

"Wait a sec," Kohana turns to Akira. "Akira-chan, aren't you supposed to be with the other people who don't have a B-Daman yet?" She asks.

"Yeah, you're right..." Replied Akira. "But I want to go with Shiro-chan and help her out."

"You sure about that, Akira-chan?" Asked Kohana.

"She'll be fine with it, Kohana-san! She has my back and I have her back too!" Shiro exclaims in reply. "If you say so." She shrugs her shoulders.

"All right, let's get this show started!" B-Shot Ryu shouts with excitement. "B-Shots! Ready! Aim... Fireblast!" He shouts the starting call and all of the B-Shots were running inside the castle, Kohana and the rest of the group joining in with the other players.

They all made it into the central area of the castle, looking around to find the targets that they're supposed to take down with their B-Daman. Kohana was going up to the second level of the castle and going through a long hallway in front of her while the others were going their separate ways in finding their targets.

"Hey Aries, can you sense some targets in this area?" Kohana asks her B-Daman partner.

"I can the targets and they're coming! In front of you!" Aries shouts.

Kohana looks up and saw the part of the wall moving and turning itself around, revealing one of the targets which was an skeleton knight. "There's the target, Kohana! I can see a glowing red target for you to hit!" Aries exclaims.

She smirks and aims at the target, "You got that right, Aries!" Kohana immediately pulls the trigger multiple times and marbles were flying through the air, all going for the same spot and hitting the target, changing it's color and the skeleton knight was knocked to the ground.

"Okay! Got the first point down, and more to go from here on out..." She whispers to herself and takes a turn to the right, where she was met with more skeleton knights in front of her.

"Targets in front of you, Partner!" Aries shouts out loud. Kohana stops running and slides her right foot backwards, holding Aries in front of her and aiming at the targets. "Not on my watch, let's go!" She launches multiple marbles from her B-Daman and hitting away the targets, and earning points to her scoreboard and the knights dropped to the ground, Kohana runs past them to find other targets she can take or steal away from other players.

"This is way easier than I thought it would like!" Kohana shouts in her thoughts. She continues her strategy of going down the same hall and encountering more targets in that area, but she easily took them out and earning more points to her scoreboard.

"Take that!" Kohana gasped in surprise and stops in the center of three other passages on the same hallway. She stood properly and looks at Aries, "Did you hear that?" She asks.

"Let's go, Dracyan!" The same voice echoes through the halls. Kohana's eyes went wide in surprise and looks back down at Aries.

"You have my predictions right there." Aries states in reply and Kohana nods in agreement.

So Kohana quickly took a turn to the right of the hall and running as fast as she could to find the source of the voice she heard. As she was running, more targets were popping out on both sides and Kohana quickly takes them out, shooting one marble and hitting directly at the targets on them. "I think I can meet up with Riki and Dracyan at the end of this hall..." Kohana said in her thoughts and taking down more targets in front of her. "I can't miss Dracyan's Emblem Charge...!" She exclaims in whisper through her thoughts and curls a smile excitedly.


Kohana reaches the end of hall and made it into a big area of the castle, where there weren't a lot of people to see at the bottom. "Whoa... This place is amazing..." Kohana whispers in awe.

"Don't get all too amazed with your surroundings, Kohana. You gotta keep your head in the game and find more targets to take out!" Aries exclaims with determination and confidence in his voice. Kohana looks at him with her brow raised and giggles lightly, "You speak way too much, just like Lightning Dravise before he got upgraded into Sonic Dravise." Kohana states truthfully at Aries,

"Hey! Don't compare me with the previous Dravise, Kohana!" Aries shouts in annoyance. She giggles again, "Sorry about that, Aries." She lets her arms and all of a sudden...

*Rustling Noises*

She looks up and saw a bunch of robotic bats in the air with their one eyes acting as the glowing targets to be destroyed. "Ah, finally! Some good aerial targets for me..." Kohana smirks and aims Aries at the flying robot bats and makes her aim precise. "Time to go!" She fires multiple marbles at the robot bats and hitting their eyes, disappearing into thin air and earning more points to her board.

"All right, I'm all fired up! This is getting even better!"

"Sh-sha! What are you even doing here!? This is my territory!"

Voices of a small argument was being heard. Kohana approaches the balcony area in front of her, still holding Aries in the air, and looks down where she was met with Kamon and Simon in the same area as her. "Kamon-kun! Simon! A pleasant surprise!" Kohana shouts her greetings to Kamon and Simon. They both looked up and saw her, then she went back to firing more marbles at the robot bats and earning more points from there. "Hey! Don't go stealing my points like that!" Simon yells in anger.

"Make me, Simon! Come up here and make me, face-to-face!" Kohana yells in reply.

"Sh-sh-sha!! No way!!" Simon yells back in a panicked tone. Kohana laughs it off and continues firing marbles at the robot bats. "Looks like you got him back good, Kohana." Aries praises Kohana.

"Thanks Aries, I wanted to get that guy back so good for the longest time." Kohana said in reply.


Shiro and Akira were both together, Shiro taking down a bunch of targets in the area while Akira was giving off the signals if she spots any of the targets. "Shiro-chan, a target to the left!" Akira shouts.

"Got it!" Shiro quickly moves to the left, aiming Gorgon at the target and pulls the trigger. The marble hits the target and the skeleton dropped to the ground after getting hit by the target. "Nice work there." Shiro praises Akira.

"Ehehe... Thanks, Shiro-chan." Akira said in reply. "Come on, we need to catch up to the others!" Shiro turns around and runs down the hall, Akira following right behind her.


~Location: Dark Crystal Caves

Kohana and the other B-Shots were being watched through the crystal ball from the Dark Crystal Caves within the Throne Room. Lilith, Princess of Darkalias, was watching and observing Kohana and the others.

"Oh wow~ they are playing Crossfire over there again~ Bringing some flashbacks of when this crap happened~" Lilith states, not amused of what she was watching.

"Lilith, are you in here?" Hannibal, the Prince of Darkalias, asks behind the curtain of the Throne Room. "Yeah, I'm here, dear Brother~" Lilith answers back.

Hannibal lifts the curtains and set foot inside the Throne Room. "Spying on the Angel Goddesses there, Little Sis?" Hannibal asks, standing in front of the crystal ball with crossed arms in front of his chest.

"That's right, Brother~ I need to get stronger and take those stupid Angel Goddesses down~!" Lilith exclaims in anger.

"Now calm down, Little Sis. We both know that it's Father's goal to take them down in the first place and we're his children, trying to finish what he started and wants it to be perfect." Hannibal states calmly to Lilith. "Right now, we need a good and viable strategy to take those two down, then taking their powers away will make it even easier for us to become stronger." He adds another brief explanation.

Lilith swipes her two fingers at the crystal ball to the side, then the image disappears. "I had enough observation from those two~ That might be the perfect time to attack those guys and the Angel Goddesses~" Lilith states.

"By the way, where the hell is Neptune-san~?" Lilith asks.

"Same as always; working on some potions in his lab and all that stuff." Hannibal replies.

"We need to get everything ready to fight back against the Angel Goddesses, Hannibal~"


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